2 years ago
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#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Node{ public: int data; Node * link; // self refrential structures Node(int d){ data = d; link = NULL; } ~Node(){ } }; void print(Node * head){ while(head){ cout << head->data << ","; head = head->link; } cout << endl; } void insert(int data, Node * &head){ // starting node if(head == NULL){ head = new Node(data); return; } // 1-2-3 Node * temp = head; while(temp->link){ temp = temp->link; } temp->link = new Node(data); return; } Node * midpoint(Node * head){ if(!head) return NULL; Node * slow = head; if(head->link == NULL){ return slow; } Node * fast = head->link; while(fast!=NULL and fast->link!=NULL){ slow = slow->link; fast = fast->link->link; } return slow; } Node * merge(Node * a, Node * b){ if (a == NULL){ return b; } if (b == NULL){ return a; } Node * c; if(a->data < b->data){ c = a; c->link = merge(a->link, b); } else { c = b; c->link = merge(a, b->link); } return c; } Node * mergeSort(Node * head){ /// base case if (head == NULL or head->link == NULL){ return head; } // Steps of merge sort // 1. Mid point // 2. Sort individual partitions // 3. Merge // Step 1 Node * mid = midpoint(head); // Step 2 Node * a = head; Node * b = mid->link; mid->link = NULL; a = mergeSort(a); b = mergeSort(b); return merge(a, b); } void buildList(Node * &head){ int data; cin >> data; while(data != -1){ insert(data, head); cin >> data; } } int main() { // your code goes here Node * head = NULL; buildList(head); print(head); Node * mid = midpoint(head); cout << mid->data << endl; head = mergeSort(head); print(head); return 0; }