3 years ago
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import random # Generate a list filled with random numbers def get_random_list(_list_size, _number_scale): randomlist = [] for i in range(0,_list_size): randomlist.append(random.randint(1,_number_scale)) return randomlist def insertion_sort(_list): print("Begin the insertion sort:") for j in range(2,len(_list)): key=_list[j] # Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1,...,j-1] i = j-1 # Use while-loop taking the key to loop over the prior sorted subarray, # To see whether the key has room to swap to the ordered subarray. # # _list[i]>key: Any elements in the sorted subarray should be larger than the key. while i>0 and _list[i]>key: # If that is the case, move that element to the right, and insert the key to the place. _list[i+1]=_list[i] i = i-1 _list[i+1]=key print(_list) print("Insertion sort completed") return _list obj = get_random_list(10,20) print("Before insertion sort") print(obj) obj2 = insertion_sort(obj) print(obj2)