import sys
import toolutils
outputitem = None
inputindex = -1
inputitem = None
outputindex = -1
num_args = 1
h_extra_args = ''
pane = toolutils.activePane(kwargs)
if not isinstance(pane, hou.NetworkEditor):
pane = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor)
if pane is None:
'Cannot create node: cannot find any network pane')
else: # We're creating this tool from the TAB menu inside a network editor
pane_node = pane.pwd()
if "outputnodename" in kwargs and "inputindex" in kwargs:
outputitem = pane_node.item(kwargs["outputnodename"])
inputindex = kwargs["inputindex"]
h_extra_args += 'set arg4 = "' + kwargs["outputnodename"] + '"\n'
h_extra_args += 'set arg5 = "' + str(inputindex) + '"\n'
num_args = 6
if "inputnodename" in kwargs and "outputindex" in kwargs:
inputitem = pane_node.item(kwargs["inputnodename"])
outputindex = kwargs["outputindex"]
h_extra_args += 'set arg6 = "' + kwargs["inputnodename"] + '"\n'
h_extra_args += 'set arg9 = "' + str(outputindex) + '"\n'
num_args = 9
if "autoplace" in kwargs:
autoplace = kwargs["autoplace"]
autoplace = False
# If shift-clicked we want to auto append to the current
# node
if "shiftclick" in kwargs and kwargs["shiftclick"]:
if inputitem is None:
inputitem = pane.currentNode()
outputindex = 0
if "nodepositionx" in kwargs and "nodepositiony" in kwargs:
pos = [ float( kwargs["nodepositionx"] ),
float( kwargs["nodepositiony"] )]
pos = None
pos = None
if not autoplace and not pane.listMode():
if pos is not None:
elif outputitem is None:
pos = pane.selectPosition(inputitem, outputindex, None, -1)
pos = pane.selectPosition(inputitem, outputindex,
outputitem, inputindex)
if pos is not None:
if "node_bbox" in kwargs:
size = kwargs["node_bbox"]
pos[0] -= size[0] / 2
pos[1] -= size[1] / 2
pos[0] -= 0.573625
pos[1] -= 0.220625
h_extra_args += 'set arg2 = "' + str(pos[0]) + '"\n'
h_extra_args += 'set arg3 = "' + str(pos[1]) + '"\n'
h_extra_args += 'set argc = "' + str(num_args) + '"\n'
pane_node = pane.pwd()
child_type = pane_node.childTypeCategory().nodeTypes()
if 'geo' not in child_type:
'Cannot create node: incompatible pane network type')
# First clear the node selection
pane_node.setSelected(False, True)
h_path = pane_node.path()
h_preamble = 'set arg1 = "' + h_path + '"\n'
h_cmd = r'''
if ($argc < 2 || "$arg2" == "") then
set arg2 = 0
if ($argc < 3 || "$arg3" == "") then
set arg3 = 0
# Automatically generated script
# $arg1 - the path to add this node
# $arg2 - x position of the tile
# $arg3 - y position of the tile
# $arg4 - input node to wire to
# $arg5 - which input to wire to
# $arg6 - output node to wire to
# $arg7 - the type of this node
# $arg8 - the node is an indirect input
# $arg9 - index of output from $arg6
\set noalias = 1
set saved_path = `execute("oppwf")`
opcf $arg1
# Node $_obj_geo2 (Object/geo)
set _obj_geo2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geo geo2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0` -y `$arg3 + 0` $_obj_geo2
opspareds ' group { name "stdswitcher4" label "Transform" parm { name "xOrd" baseparm label "Transform Order" joinnext export none } parm { name "rOrd" baseparm label "Rotate Order" nolabel export none } parm { name "t" baseparm label "Translate" export all } parm { name "r" baseparm label "Rotate" export all } parm { name "s" baseparm label "Scale" export none } parm { name "p" baseparm label "Pivot Translate" export none } parm { name "pr" baseparm label "Pivot Rotate" export none } parm { name "scale" baseparm label "Uniform Scale" export none } parm { name "pre_xform" baseparm label "Modify Pre-Transform" export none } parm { name "keeppos" baseparm label "Keep Position When Parenting" export none } parm { name "childcomp" baseparm label "Child Compensation" export none } parm { name "constraints_on" baseparm label "Enable Constraints" export none } parm { name "constraints_path" baseparm label "Constraints" export none } parm { name "lookatpath" baseparm label "Look At" invisible export none } parm { name "lookupobjpath" baseparm label "Look Up Object" invisible export none } parm { name "lookup" baseparm label "Look At Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "pathobjpath" baseparm label "Path Object" invisible export none } parm { name "roll" baseparm label "Roll" invisible export none } parm { name "pos" baseparm label "Position" invisible export none } parm { name "uparmtype" baseparm label "Parameterization" invisible export none } parm { name "pathorient" baseparm label "Orient Along Path" invisible export none } parm { name "up" baseparm label "Orient Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "bank" baseparm label "Auto-Bank factor" invisible export none } } group { name "stdswitcher4_1" label "Render" parm { name "shop_materialpath" baseparm label "Material" export none } parm { name "shop_materialopts" baseparm label "Options" invisible export none } parm { name "tdisplay" baseparm label "Display" joinnext export none } parm { name "display" baseparm label "Display" export none } parm { name "viewportlod" label "Display As" type ordinal default { "full" } help "Choose how the object\'s geometry should be rendered in the viewport" menu { "full" "Full Geometry" "points" "Point Cloud" "box" "Bounding Box" "centroid" "Centroid" "hidden" "Hidden" "subd" "Subdivision Surface / Curves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendervisibility" label "Render Visibility" type string default { "*" } menureplace { "*" "Visible to all" "primary" "Visible only to primary rays" "primary|shadow" "Visible only to primary and shadow rays" "-primary" "Invisible to primary rays (Phantom)" "-diffuse" "Invisible to diffuse rays" "-diffuse&-reflect&-refract" "Invisible to secondary rays" "" "Invisible (Unrenderable)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendervisibility" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubd" label "Render Polygons As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubd" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdstyle" label "Subdivision Style" type string default { "mantra_catclark" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" menu { "mantra_catclark" "Mantra Catmull-Clark" "osd_catclark" "OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdstyle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdgroup" label "Subdivision Group" type string default { "" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdgroup" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_quality" label "Open Subdiv Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_quality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_vtxinterp" label "OSD Vtx Interp" type integer default { "2" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "No vertex interpolation" "1" "Edges only" "2" "Edges and Corners" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_vtxinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_fvarinterp" label "OSD FVar Interp" type integer default { "4" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "Smooth everywhere" "1" "Sharpen corners only" "2" "Sharpen edges and corners" "3" "Sharpen edges and propagated corners" "4" "Sharpen all boundaries" "5" "Bilinear interpolation" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_fvarinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } group { name "folder0" label "Shading" parm { name "categories" label "Categories" type string default { "" } help "A list of tags which can be used to select the object" parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "reflectmask" label "Reflection Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be reflected on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "refractmask" label "Refraction Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be refracted on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightmask" label "Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Lights that illuminate this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightcategories" label "Light Selection" type string default { "*" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_lpetag" label "LPE Tag" type string default { "" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "lpetag" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilter" label "Volume Filter" type string default { "box" } menu { "box" "Box Filter" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "bartlett" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning" "Hanning" "blackman" "Blackman" "sinc" "Sinc (sharpening)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilterwidth" label "Volume Filter Width" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 5 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filterwidth" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_matte" label "Matte shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "matte" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_rayshade" label "Raytrace Shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rayshade" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" parm { name "geo_velocityblur" label "Geometry Velocity Blur" type ordinal default { "off" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" menu { "off" "No Velocity Blur" "on" "Velocity Blur" "accelblur" "Acceleration Blur" } } parm { name "geo_accelattribute" label "Acceleration Attribute" type string default { "accel" } hidewhen "{ geo_velocityblur != accelblur }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Dicing" parm { name "vm_shadingquality" label "Shading Quality" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "shadingquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_flatness" label "Dicing Flatness" type float default { "0.05" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "flatness" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_raypredice" label "Ray Predicing" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Disable Predicing" "1" "Full Predicing" "2" "Precompute Bounds" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raypredice" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_curvesurface" label "Shade Curves As Surfaces" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "curvesurface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Geometry" parm { name "vm_rmbackface" label "Backface Removal" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rmbackface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "shop_geometrypath" label "Procedural Shader" type oppath default { "" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_forcegeometry" label "Force Procedural Geometry Output" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubdcurves" label "Render Polygon Curves As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubdcurves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpoints" label "Render As Points (Mantra)" type integer default { "2" } menu { "0" "No Point Rendering" "1" "Render Only Points" "2" "Render Unconnected Points" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpointsas" label "Render Points As (Mantra)" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" menu { "0" "Spheres" "1" "Circles" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpointsas" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_usenforpoints" label "Use N For Point Rendering" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "usenforpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pointscale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pointscale" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pscalediameter" label "Treat Point Scale as Diameter Instead of Radius" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pscalediameter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_metavolume" label "Metaballs as Volume" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "metavolume" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_coving" label "Coving" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Disable Coving" "1" "Coving for displacement/sub-d" "2" "Coving for all primitives" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "coving" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_materialoverride" label "Material Override" type string default { "compact" } menu { "none" "Disabled" "full" "Evaluate for Each Primitve/Point" "compact" "Evaluate Once" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_overridedetail" label "Ignore Geometry Attribute Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "overridedetail" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_procuseroottransform" label "Proc Use Root Transform" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "procuseroottransform" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher4_2" label "Misc" parm { name "use_dcolor" baseparm label "Set Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "dcolor" baseparm label "Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "picking" baseparm label "Viewport Selecting Enabled" export none } parm { name "pickscript" baseparm label "Select Script" export none } parm { name "caching" baseparm label "Cache Object Transform" export none } parm { name "vport_shadeopen" baseparm label "Shade Open Curves In Viewport" export none } parm { name "vport_displayassubdiv" baseparm label "Display as Subdivision in Viewport" invisible export none } parm { name "vport_onionskin" baseparm label "Onion Skinning" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher4_3" label "Redshift OBJ" group { name "RS_objprop_switcher" label "Settings" parm { name "RS_objpro_first" label "RS_objpro_first" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } } group { name "RS_campropshapes_switcher" label "Render" parm { name "RS_objprop_ID" label "Object ID" type integer default { "0" } range { 0! 100 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_CryptoID" label "Cryptomatte ID" type string default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_CryptoMatID_AllMat" label "Create Cryptomatte Material IDs From Not Available Materials" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep00" label "RS_objpro_sep00" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_ngons_enable" label "Tessellate NGons" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_ngons_tessMode" label "Tessellation Mode" type ordinal default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_ngons_enable == 0 }" menu { "0" "To Quads" "1" "To Triangles" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_ngons_avoidDegen" label "Remove NGons degenerated polygons" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_ngons_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_normals_normalize" label "Normalize Transformed Normal Maps" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep0a" label "RS_objpro_sep0a" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_renderAsHair" label "Render Polygons as Hair" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_defaultHairWidth" label "Default Hair Width" type float default { "0.01" } range { 0! 1 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_hairHalfThickness" label "Match Houdini/Mantra Hair Thickness" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep0b" label "RS_objpro_sep0b" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_trans" label "Enable Transformations Motion Blur" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_def" label "Enable Mesh Deformations Motion Blur" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_points" label "Enable Instances/Particles Motion Blur" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_def_use_v" label "Mesh Deformations Blur From Velocity Attribute" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_v_attr" label "Velocity Point Attribute" type string default { "v" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_deformSteps" label "Deform./Particles Steps" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "-1" "Auto" "2" "2 steps" "3" "3 steps" "5" "5 steps" "9" "9 steps" "17" "17 steps" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_fd_scale" label "Frame Duration Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_mb_offset" label "Shutter Center Offset" type float default { "0" } range { -1 1 } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep0c" label "RS_objpro_sep0c" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_renderSOPsubnets" label "Render the OBJ nodes inside OBJ/SOP subnets" type toggle default { "1" } } } group { name "RS_campropshapes_switcher_1" label "Primitive Tessellation" parm { name "RS_objprop_tess_enable" label "Tessellate primitives" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_tess_u" label "U subdivisions" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_tess_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 16! } } parm { name "RS_objprop_tess_v" label "V subdivisions" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_tess_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 16! } } parm { name "RS_objprop_tess_trim" label "Trimming subdivisions" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_tess_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 16! } } } group { name "RS_campropshapes_switcher_2" label "Instancing" parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_mode" label "Instancing Using" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "insInstances" "Redshift Instances" "insPointClouds" "Redshift Point Clouds" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_mb" label "Instances/Particles Motion Blur" type ordinal default { "1" } menu { "insMBVectors" "Compute sub-frame geometry (deformation)" "insMBFull" "Use point velocity attribute" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_lightShader" label "Lights Instancing" type ordinal default { "1" } menu { "insLightsNotShared" "Attributes support using individual shaders" "insLightsShared" "Using a common shared shader" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_universalIF" label "\'instancefile\' Mode" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Instance Redshift Proxy Objects" "1" "Instance Houdini Compatible Objects" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_ignorePivot" label "Ignore Pivot Point Attribute" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_fileOverride" label "Override \'instancefile\' Proxy Materials From Scene Materials" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_packed" label "Process \'instance\' and \'instancefile\' Attrs. Inside Packed Primitives" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_PackedPrimInstancing" label "Instance SOP Level Packed Primitives" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_inst_subnetInstancing" label "Instance Subnets" type toggle default { "0" } } } group { name "RS_campropshapes_switcher_3" label "Attributes" parm { name "RS_objprop_attr_auto" label "Enable Automatic Attributes Extraction" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_attr_vertex" label "Vertex Attributes" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_attr_auto == 1 }" menutoggle { [ "result = [] " ] [ "geo = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry() " ] [ "for attr in geo.vertexAttribs(): " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ "return result " ] language python } } parm { name "RS_objprop_attr_points" label "Point Attributes" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_attr_auto == 1 }" menutoggle { [ "result = [] " ] [ "geo = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry() " ] [ "for attr in geo.pointAttribs(): " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ "return result " ] language python } } parm { name "RS_objprop_attr_primitives" label "Strand Attributes" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_attr_auto == 1 }" menutoggle { [ "result = [] " ] [ "geo = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry() " ] [ "for attr in geo.primAttribs(): " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ "return result " ] language python } } parm { name "RS_objprop_attr_detail" label "Object Attributes" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_attr_auto == 1 }" menutoggle { [ "result = [] " ] [ "geo = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry() " ] [ "for attr in geo.globalAttribs(): " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ "return result " ] language python } } parm { name "RS_objprop_attr_detail_sep" label "RS_objprop_attr_detail_sep" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_pckattr_promotion" label "Enable Packed Geo Point Attributes Promotion" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_pckattr_replace" label "Replace Attributes" type string default { "Cd" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_pckattr_promotion == 0 }" menutoggle { [ "result = [] " ] [ "geo = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry() " ] [ "for attr in geo.pointAttribs(): " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ "return result " ] language python } } parm { name "RS_objprop_pckattr_mult" label "Mult. Attributes" type string default { "scale pscale" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_pckattr_promotion == 0 }" menutoggle { [ "result = [] " ] [ "geo = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry() " ] [ "for attr in geo.pointAttribs(): " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ "return result " ] language python } } parm { name "RS_objprop_pckattr_add" label "Add Attributes" type string default { "v" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_pckattr_promotion == 0 }" menutoggle { [ "result = [] " ] [ "geo = hou.pwd().renderNode().geometry() " ] [ "for attr in geo.pointAttribs(): " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ " result.append( " ] [ "return result " ] language python } } } group { name "RS_campropshapes_switcher_4" label "Tracesets" parm { name "RS_objprop_tracesets_enabled" label "Enable Tracesets" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_tracesets_reflection" label "Reflections Enabled For" type oplist default { "*" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_tracesets_enabled == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_tracesets_refraction" label "Refractions Enabled For" type oplist default { "*" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_tracesets_enabled == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_tracesets_sss" label "SSS Enabled For" type oplist invisible default { "*" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_tracesets_enabled == 0 }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } } group { name "RS_campropshapes_switcher_5" label "IPR" parm { name "RS_objprop_ipr_forceMeshUpdate" label "IPR force the mesh updating of OBJ nodes inside subnets" type toggle default { "0" } } } } group { name "RS_objprop_switcher_1" label "Proxy" parm { name "RS_objpro_label5" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_enable" label "Enable Proxy File" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "script_callback" "nodes = hou.pwd().children() \\nfor child in nodes: \\n if child.type().name() == \'redshift_proxySOP\': \\n child.cook(True) \\n" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_file" label "Proxy Filename" type file default { "$HIP/filename.$" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 }" parmtag { "script_callback" "nodes = hou.pwd().children() \\nfor child in nodes: \\n if child.type().name() == \'redshift_proxySOP\': \\n child.cook(True) \\n" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep5a" label "RS_objpro_sep5a" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_preview" label "Display Mode" type ordinal default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 }" menu { "proxyPrevNone" "None" "proxyPrevBB" "Bounding Box" "proxyPrevSolid" "Mesh" "proxyPrevPoints" "Points" } parmtag { "script_callback" "nodes = hou.pwd().children() \\nfor child in nodes: \\n if child.type().name() == \'redshift_proxySOP\': \\n child.cook(True) \\n" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_prevPercent" label "Display Percentage" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_proxy_preview == proxyPrevNone } { RS_objprop_proxy_preview == proxyPrevBB }" range { 0! 1! } parmtag { "script_callback" "nodes = hou.pwd().children() \\nfor child in nodes: \\n if child.type().name() == \'redshift_proxySOP\': \\n child.cook(True) \\n" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_prevLines" label "Display Lines" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_proxy_preview == proxyPrevNone } { RS_objprop_proxy_preview == proxyPrevBB }" parmtag { "script_callback" "nodes = hou.pwd().children() \\nfor child in nodes: \\n if child.type().name() == \'redshift_proxySOP\': \\n child.cook(True) \\n" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_prevAnimated" label "Animated Preview" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_proxy_preview == proxyPrevNone }" parmtag { "script_callback" "nodes = hou.pwd().children() \\nfor child in nodes: \\n if child.type().name() == \'redshift_proxySOP\': \\n child.cook(True) \\n" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep5b" label "RS_objpro_sep5b" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_materials" label "Proxy Materials" type ordinal default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 }" menu { "proxyMatProxy" "From Proxy" "proxyMatObject" "From OBJ Node" "proxyMatOverride" "Full Override" "proxyMatOvrList" "List Override" "proxyMatOvrScene" "From Scene Materials" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_override" label "Full Override Material" type oppath default { "" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_proxy_materials != proxyMatOverride }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!VOP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } multiparm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_overrideList" label "Material Override List" parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_overrideListFrom_#" label "Replace Material" type string joinnext default { "" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_proxy_materials != proxyMatOvrList }" menureplace { [ "set directory = `run(\\"pwd\\")` " ] [ "set command = `\\"Redshift_getProxyMaterials -n $directory \\"` " ] [ "set materials = `run($command)` " ] [ "echo $materials " ] } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_overrideListTo_#" label "With" type oppath default { "" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_proxy_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_proxy_materials != proxyMatOvrList }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!VOP!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep5c" label "RS_objpro_sep5c" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_elements_mesh" label "Exclude Meshes" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "set directory = `run(\\"pwd\\")` " ] [ "set command = `\\"Redshift_getProxyElements -n $directory -t mesh\\"` " ] [ "set elements = `run($command)` " ] [ "echo $elements " ] } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_elements_volume" label "Exclude Volumes" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "set directory = `run(\\"pwd\\")` " ] [ "set command = `\\"Redshift_getProxyElements -n $directory -t volume\\"` " ] [ "set elements = `run($command)` " ] [ "echo $elements " ] } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_elements_light" label "Exclude Lights" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "set directory = `run(\\"pwd\\")` " ] [ "set command = `\\"Redshift_getProxyElements -n $directory -t light\\"` " ] [ "set elements = `run($command)` " ] [ "echo $elements " ] } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_elements_proxy" label "Exclude Proxies" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "set directory = `run(\\"pwd\\")` " ] [ "set command = `\\"Redshift_getProxyElements -n $directory -t proxy\\"` " ] [ "set elements = `run($command)` " ] [ "echo $elements " ] } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep5d" label "RS_objpro_sep5d" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_ovrID" label "Override Object ID" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_ovrVis" label "Override Visibility & Matte" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_ovrTess" label "Override Tessellation & Displacement" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_ovrTraceS" label "Override Tracesets" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_proxy_ovrUserData" label "Override User Data" type toggle default { "0" } } } group { name "RS_objprop_switcher_2" label "Visibility" parm { name "RS_objpro_label1o" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_PRIMARYRAYVISIBLE" label "Primary Ray Visible" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE" label "Seconday Ray Visible" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep1a" label "RS_objpro_sep1a" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_SHADOWCASTER" label "Casts Shadows" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_SHADOWRECEIVER" label "Receives Shadows" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_NOSELFSHADOW" label "Self-Shadows" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_AOCASTER" label "Cast AO" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep1b" label "RS_objpro_sep1b" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_REFLECTIONVISIBLE" label "Visible in Reflections" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "MESHFLAG_REFRACTIONVISIBLE" label "Visible in Refractions" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "MESHFLAG_REFLECTIONCASTER" label "Casts Reflections" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "MESHFLAG_REFRACTIONCASTER" label "Casts Refractions" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep1c" label "RS_objpro_sep1c" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_FGVISIBLE" label "Visible to GI" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "MESHFLAG_GIVISIBLE" label "Visible to GI Photons" type toggle invisible default { "1" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_CAUSTICVISIBLE" label "Visible to Caustics Photons" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep1d" label "RS_objpro_sep1d" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_FGCASTER" label "Receives GI" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "MESHFLAG_FORCEBRUTEFORCEGI" label "Force Brute-Force GI" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ MESHFLAG_SECONDARYRAYVISIBLE == 0 }" } parm { name "MESHFLAG_GICASTER" label "Casts GI Photons" type toggle invisible default { "1" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_CAUSTICCASTER" label "Casts Caustics Photons" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "MESHFLAG_CAUSTICSRECEIVER" label "Receives Caustics Photons" type toggle default { "1" } } } group { name "RS_objprop_switcher_3" label "Tessellation / Displacement" parm { name "RS_objpro_label2" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_enable" label "Enable Tessellation" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_rule" label "Subdivision Rule" type ordinal default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" menu { "ccLoop" "Catmull-Clark + Loop" "ccOnly" "Catmull-Clark Only" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_ssadaptive" label "Screen Space Adaptive" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_smoothsub" label "Smooth subdivision" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_triQuads" label "Triangulate Quads" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_melenght" label "Minimum Edge Length" type float default { "4" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 32 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_maxsubd" label "Maximum Subdivisions" type integer default { "6" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 16 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_ooftf" label "Out of Frustum Tessellation Factor" type float default { "4" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 32 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_looft" label "Limit Out of Frust. Tessellation" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_looftSubd" label "Max Out of Frust. Subdivs" type integer default { "6" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_rstess_looft == 0 }" range { 0! 16 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_smooth" label "Disable UV\'s Smoothing " type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_rstess_smoothBound" label "Smooth UV Boundaries" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_rstess_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objpro_sepTessellationDisplacement" label "RS_objpro_sepTessellationDisplacement" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objpro_label3" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_displace_enable" label "Enable Displacement" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_displace_max" label "Maximum Displacement" type log default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_displace_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 1000 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_displace_scale" label "Displacement Scale" type log default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_displace_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 1000 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_displace_autob" label "Enable Auto Bump Mapping" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_displace_enable == 0 }" } } group { name "RS_objprop_switcher_4" label "Matte" parm { name "RS_objpro_label4" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_enable" label "Matte Enable" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_showbackg" label "Show Background" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_applysec" label "Apply to Second Rays" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_abyml" label "Affected By Matte Lights" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_includePM" label "Include In Puzzle-Mattes" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_alpha" label "Alpha" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_reflscale" label "Reflection Scale" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_refrscale" label "Refraction Scale" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_diffscale" label "Diffuse Scale" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "RS_objpro_sep4b" label "RS_objpro_sep4b" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_shadowenable" label "Shadow Enable" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_shadowsFromM" label "Receive Shadows From Mattes" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_matte_shadowenable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_shadowalpha" label "Affect Alpha" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_matte_shadowenable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_shadowcolor" label "Color" type color size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_matte_shadowenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_matte_shadowtrans" label "Transparency" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_matte_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_matte_shadowenable == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } } } group { name "RS_objprop_switcher_5" label "Strands" parm { name "RS_objpro_label6" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_strands_enable" label "Render Object as Strands" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_strands_type" label "Strand Type" type ordinal default { "4" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_strands_enable == 0 }" menu { "RS_STRAND_SHAPE_BOX" "Box" "RS_STRAND_SHAPE_CYLINDER" "Cylinder" "RS_STRAND_SHAPE_CAPSULE" "Capsule" "RS_STRAND_SHAPE_CONE" "Cone" "RS_STRAND_SHAPE_STRIP" "Strip" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_strands_maxSubd" label "Max. Tessellation Subdivisions" type integer default { "8" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_strands_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 16 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_strands_scale" label "Default Scale" type float default { "0.01" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_strands_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 2 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_strands_scaleMult" label "Global Scale Multiplier" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_strands_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_strands_ignorePScale" label "Ignore the \'pscale\' Attribute" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_strands_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_strands_useCamera" label "Screen-space Adaptive Tesselaltion" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_strands_enable == 0 }" } } group { name "RS_objprop_switcher_6" label "Particles" parm { name "RS_objpro_label10" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_particles_enable" label "Render Object as Particles" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_particles_ignoreScale" label "Ignore Scale Attributes" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_particles_enable == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_particles_scale" label "Default Scale" type float default { "0.01" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_particles_enable == 0 } { RS_objprop_particles_ignoreScale == 0 }" range { 0! 2 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_particles_scaleMult" label "Global Scale Multiplier" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_particles_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } } } group { name "RS_objprop_switcher_7" label "Volume" parm { name "RS_objpro_label7" label " " type label default { "" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_enable" label "Volume Enable" type toggle invisible default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_type" label "Volume Type" type ordinal invisible default { "0" } menu { "vOpenVDB" "OpenVDB File" "vHoudiniVolume" "Volume/VDB Houdini Primitive" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_filterN" label "Filter Negative Voxels" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_filterDeg" label "Filter Degenerate Voxels" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_filterDegThr" label "Degenerate Voxels Threshold" type float default { "10" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_volume_filterDeg == 0 }" range { 1! 100 } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_cleanBackg" label "Color Channels Clean Background" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_v" label "Use Velocity Grids" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_vx" label "Velocity X Grid" type string default { "vel.x" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_volume_v == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_vy" label "Velocity Y Grid" type string default { "vel.y" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_volume_v == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_vz" label "Velocity Z Grid" type string default { "vel.z" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_volume_v == 0 }" } parm { name "RS_objprop_volume_vs" label "Velocity Grid Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ RS_objprop_volume_v == 0 }" range { 0! 1 } } parm { name "RS_objpro_last" label "RS_objpro_last" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } } } } ' $_obj_geo2
opparm $_obj_geo2 RS_objprop_proxy_overrideList ( 0 )
opset -S on $_obj_geo2
chautoscope $_obj_geo2 +tx +ty +tz +rx +ry +rz +sx +sy +sz
opset -d on -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -x off $_obj_geo2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2
opcf $_obj_geo2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation (Sop/attribvop)
set _obj_geo2_deformation = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribvop deformation")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -5.4815664234910262` -y `$arg3 + 1.0813404262678459` $_obj_geo2_deformation
opspareds ' parm { name "bindgroup" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector uvselect "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 bindgrouptype 0 } parm { name "bindgrouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "bindclass" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Vex Setup" parm { name "vexsrc" baseparm label "Vex Source" export all } parm { name "shoppath" baseparm label "Shop Path" export all } parm { name "script" baseparm label "Script" export all } parm { name "clear" baseparm label "Re-load VEX Functions" export all } parm { name "vexsnippet" baseparm label "Snippet" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } parm { name "vex_exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vop_compiler" baseparm label "Compiler" export none } parm { name "vop_forcecompile" baseparm label "Force Compile" export none } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_multithread" baseparm label "Enable Multithreading" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Attribute Bindings" parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "ptnum" label "Point Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "vtxnum" label "Vertex Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "primnum" label "Primitive Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "id" label "Id" type integer invisible default { "-1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numpt" label "Number of Points" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numvtx" label "Number of Vertices" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numprim" label "Number of Prims" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Time" label "Time" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "TimeInc" label "Time Inc" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Frame" label "Frame" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "life" label "Life" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "age" label "Age" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput2" label "Second Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput3" label "Third Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput4" label "Fourth Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput1" label "First Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "uv" label "UV" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "P" label "P" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "v" label "Velocity" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "force" label "Force" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Cd" label "Cd" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "N" label "N" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "ramp" label "ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "ramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "ramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "ramp_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "offset" label "offset" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "scale" label "scale" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "scale_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "scale_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "scale_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } ' $_obj_geo2_deformation
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 ) ramp ( 3 ) scale ( 3 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation ramp ( 3 ) ramp1pos ( 0.17931035161018372 ) ramp1interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp2pos ( 0.5 ) ramp2value ( 1.0299999713897705 ) ramp2interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp3pos ( 0.84137928485870361 ) ramp3interp ( catmull-rom ) scale ( 3 ) scale1interp ( catmull-rom ) scale2pos ( 0.4781704843044281 ) scale2value ( 1 ) scale2interp ( catmull-rom ) scale3pos ( 1 ) scale3interp ( catmull-rom )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_deformation
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation
opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopglobal::2.0 geometryvopglobal1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -10.7523` -y `$arg3 + 2.27752` $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopoutput1 (Vop/geometryvopoutput)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopoutput1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopoutput geometryvopoutput1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 37.011899999999997` -y `$arg3 + 0.43974099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopoutput1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopoutput1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopoutput1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopoutput1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_sine1 (Vop/sine)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_sine1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v sine sine1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 13.348599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_sine1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_sine1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_sine1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_sine1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_fit1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 16.4377` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1 srcmin ( -1 ) destmin ( 1 ) destmax ( 0 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1 (Vop/vecgetcompon)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v vecgetcompon vecgetcompon1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 1.0949599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1 part ( 2 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1 (Vop/relbbox)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v relbbox relbbox1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -2.9976400000000001` -y `$arg3 + -1.6085700000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_add1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 7.49634` -y `$arg3 + -1.1653100000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind1 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_bind1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 7.2399199999999997` -y `$arg3 + -7.7901499999999997` $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind1 parmname ( foo ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1 (Vop/mulconst)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v mulconst mulconst1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -2.4546199999999998` -y `$arg3 + 0.90876000000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1 mulconst ( 0.01 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -0.089180499999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1 ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_parm1 (Vop/parameter)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_parm1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v parameter parm1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.35130699999999998` -y `$arg3 + -9.3492499999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation_parm1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_parm1 parmname ( offset ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_parm1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_parm1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_parm1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 10.095000000000001` -y `$arg3 + 0.020819500000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_const1 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_const1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 4.9557099999999998` -y `$arg3 + 1.8851199999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_const1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_const1 floatdef ( 2.75 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_const1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_const1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_const1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_negate1 (Vop/negate)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_negate1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v negate negate1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 3.55979` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_deformation_negate1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_negate1 signature ( f )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b on -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_negate1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_negate1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_negate1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_add2 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_add2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 32.834400000000002` -y `$arg3 + 4.0525200000000003` $_obj_geo2_deformation_add2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_add2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_add2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_add2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_floattovec1 (Vop/floattovec)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_floattovec1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v floattovec floattovec1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 30.586200000000002` -y `$arg3 + 2.8306399999999998` $_obj_geo2_deformation_floattovec1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_floattovec1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_floattovec1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_floattovec1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_const2 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_const2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 24.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.4590399999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_const2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_const2 floatdef ( 0.068000000000000005 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_const2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_const2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_const2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply2 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_multiply2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 27.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.2690399999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind2 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_bind2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 32.185099999999998` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind2 parmname ( thickness ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -2.8302999999999998` $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2 parmname ( scale ) ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit2 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_fit2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 26.406199999999998` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit2
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit2 destmin ( 0.75 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind3 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_bind3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 28.173400000000001` -y `$arg3 + -0.089180499999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind3
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind3 parmname ( activate ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind3
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind4 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_bind4 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind4")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.35130699999999998` -y `$arg3 + -3.7377899999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind4
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind4 parmname ( curveu ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind4
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind4
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind4
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1 (Vop/importdetail)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v importdetail importdetail1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -7.8896699999999997` -y `$arg3 + -2.5994299999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1 signature ( i ) attribute ( iteration )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_random1 (Vop/random)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_random1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v random random1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -5.7709000000000001` -y `$arg3 + -4.5677899999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation_random1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_random1 signature ( i )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_random1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_random1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_random1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit3 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_fit3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -3.3571800000000001` -y `$arg3 + -4.5677899999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit3
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit3 destmin ( 0.5 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit3
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply3 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation_multiply3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 1.38483` -y `$arg3 + 0.33242899999999997` $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply3
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply3
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1 (Sop/vellumsolver)
set _obj_geo2_vellumsolver1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v vellumsolver vellumsolver1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.746606423491027` -y `$arg3 + -8.5192595737321533` $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1
opparm -V 1 $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1 folder0_1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 ) substeps ( 5 ) niter ( 200 ) smoothiter ( 20 ) useground ( on ) collisionsiter ( 20 ) layershock ( 6 ) veldamping ( 0.11700000000000001 ) guide_showthickness ( on ) guide_showfailedself ( on ) guide_showfailedexternal ( on )
chautoscope $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1 +veldamping
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '1' $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1
# Node $_obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1 (Sop/vellumconstraints)
set _obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v vellumconstraints vellumconstraints1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.746606423491027` -y `$arg3 + -5.7428595737321535` $_obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1
opparm -V 2 $_obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1 constrainttype ( hair ) mass ( 0.01 ) dothickness ( calcuniform ) thickness ( 0.040000000000000001 ) thicknessscale ( 0.91000000000000003 ) scalethicknessmode ( attrib ) vizthickness ( on ) computeorient ( off ) stretchstiffness ( 0.10000000000000001 ) stretchstiffnessexp ( -1 ) stretchstiffnessattrib ( activate ) stretchdampingratio ( 0.066000000000000003 ) bendstiffnessexp ( 10 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '2' $_obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1
# Node $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1 (Sop/groupexpression)
set _obj_geo2_groupexpression1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v groupexpression groupexpression1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.0444364234910264` -y `$arg3 + -0.96109957373215416` $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1
opparm $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1 expressions ( 1 )
opparm $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1 grouptype ( point ) groupname1 ( lead ) snippet1 ( '@curveu==1' )
opset -d off -r off -h on -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1 (Sop/attribvop)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribvop pointvop1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.1593364234910268` -y `$arg3 + 3.8176404262678458` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1
opspareds ' parm { name "bindgroup" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector uvselect "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 bindgrouptype 0 } parm { name "bindgrouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "bindclass" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Vex Setup" parm { name "vexsrc" baseparm label "Vex Source" export all } parm { name "shoppath" baseparm label "Shop Path" export all } parm { name "script" baseparm label "Script" export all } parm { name "clear" baseparm label "Re-load VEX Functions" export all } parm { name "vexsnippet" baseparm label "Snippet" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } parm { name "vex_exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vop_compiler" baseparm label "Compiler" export none } parm { name "vop_forcecompile" baseparm label "Force Compile" export none } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_multithread" baseparm label "Enable Multithreading" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Attribute Bindings" parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "ptnum" label "Point Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "vtxnum" label "Vertex Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "primnum" label "Primitive Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "id" label "Id" type integer invisible default { "-1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numpt" label "Number of Points" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numvtx" label "Number of Vertices" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numprim" label "Number of Prims" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Time" label "Time" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "TimeInc" label "Time Inc" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Frame" label "Frame" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "life" label "Life" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "age" label "Age" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput2" label "Second Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput3" label "Third Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput4" label "Fourth Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput1" label "First Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "uv" label "UV" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "P" label "P" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "v" label "Velocity" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "force" label "Force" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Cd" label "Cd" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "N" label "N" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "u" label "u" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "u_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "u_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "u_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "invertu" label "invertu" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "invertu_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "invertu_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "invertu_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } ' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop1 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 ) u ( 3 ) invertu ( 4 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pointvop1 u ( 3 ) u2pos ( 0.81609195470809937 ) u3pos ( 1 ) u3value ( 1 ) invertu ( 4 ) invertu2pos ( 0.10344827920198441 ) invertu2value ( 1 ) invertu3pos ( 0.89655172824859619 ) invertu3value ( 1 ) invertu4pos ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b on $_obj_geo2_pointvop1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1
opcf $_obj_geo2_pointvop1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopglobal1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopglobal::2.0 geometryvopglobal1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -2.09057` -y `$arg3 + 1.6597200000000001` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopglobal1
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopglobal1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopglobal1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopglobal1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopoutput1 (Vop/geometryvopoutput)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopoutput1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopoutput geometryvopoutput1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 21.221599999999999` -y `$arg3 + 0.83728199999999997` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopoutput1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopoutput1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopoutput1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_geometryvopoutput1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_sine1 (Vop/sine)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_sine1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v sine sine1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 3.2085900000000001` -y `$arg3 + 0.047713199999999997` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_sine1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_sine1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_sine1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_sine1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_fit1 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_fit1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 6.3513000000000002` -y `$arg3 + 0.047713199999999997` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_fit1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_fit1 srcmin ( -1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_fit1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_fit1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_fit1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_mulconst1 (Vop/mulconst)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_mulconst1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v mulconst mulconst1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.087954900000000003` -y `$arg3 + 0.047713199999999997` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_mulconst1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_mulconst1 mulconst ( 0.125 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_mulconst1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_mulconst1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_mulconst1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_multiply1 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_multiply1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 9.8191199999999998` -y `$arg3 + 0.68728199999999995` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_multiply1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_multiply1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_multiply1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_multiply1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind1 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 3.60006` -y `$arg3 + 3.4113699999999998` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind1 parmname ( curveu ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 6.60006` -y `$arg3 + 3.5405000000000002` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1 parmname ( u ) ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind2 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 18.129100000000001` -y `$arg3 + 0.53728200000000004` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind2 parmname ( activate ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_bind2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_complement1 (Vop/complement)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_complement1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v complement complement1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 13.5738` -y `$arg3 + -2.8267699999999998` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_complement1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_complement1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_complement1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_complement1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 10.7516` -y `$arg3 + -2.4517699999999998` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2 parmname ( invertu ) ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_ramp2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_max1 (Vop/max)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_max1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v max max1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 15.7295` -y `$arg3 + 0.42769600000000002` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_max1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_max1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_max1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_max1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_add1 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop1_add1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 14.131` -y `$arg3 + 1.7295700000000001` $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_add1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_add1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_add1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop1_add1
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1 (Sop/attribvop)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribvop deformation1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -14.177776423491027` -y `$arg3 + -0.3599895737321539` $_obj_geo2_deformation1
opspareds ' parm { name "bindgroup" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector uvselect "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 bindgrouptype 0 } parm { name "bindgrouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "bindclass" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Vex Setup" parm { name "vexsrc" baseparm label "Vex Source" export all } parm { name "shoppath" baseparm label "Shop Path" export all } parm { name "script" baseparm label "Script" export all } parm { name "clear" baseparm label "Re-load VEX Functions" export all } parm { name "vexsnippet" baseparm label "Snippet" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } parm { name "vex_exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vop_compiler" baseparm label "Compiler" export none } parm { name "vop_forcecompile" baseparm label "Force Compile" export none } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_multithread" baseparm label "Enable Multithreading" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Attribute Bindings" parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "ptnum" label "Point Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "vtxnum" label "Vertex Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "primnum" label "Primitive Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "id" label "Id" type integer invisible default { "-1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numpt" label "Number of Points" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numvtx" label "Number of Vertices" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numprim" label "Number of Prims" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Time" label "Time" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "TimeInc" label "Time Inc" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Frame" label "Frame" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "life" label "Life" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "age" label "Age" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput2" label "Second Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput3" label "Third Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput4" label "Fourth Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput1" label "First Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "uv" label "UV" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "P" label "P" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "v" label "Velocity" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "force" label "Force" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Cd" label "Cd" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "N" label "N" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "ramp" label "ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "ramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "ramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "ramp_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "offset" label "offset" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "scale" label "scale" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "scale_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "scale_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "scale_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } ' $_obj_geo2_deformation1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 ) ramp ( 5 ) scale ( 3 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1 ramp ( 5 ) ramp1pos ( 0.043659046292304993 ) ramp1value ( 0.12999999523162842 ) ramp1interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp2pos ( 0.18918919563293457 ) ramp2value ( 0.24033333361148834 ) ramp2interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp3pos ( 0.5 ) ramp3value ( 1.0299999713897705 ) ramp3interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp4pos ( 0.75883573293685913 ) ramp4value ( 0.3776666522026062 ) ramp4interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp5pos ( 0.98128890991210938 ) ramp5value ( 0.12999999523162842 ) ramp5interp ( catmull-rom ) scale ( 3 ) scale1pos ( 0.191268190741539 ) scale1interp ( catmull-rom ) scale2pos ( 0.4781704843044281 ) scale2value ( 1 ) scale2interp ( catmull-rom ) scale3pos ( 0.74636173248291016 ) scale3interp ( catmull-rom )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_deformation1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1
opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopglobal1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopglobal::2.0 geometryvopglobal1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -4.3408899999999999` -y `$arg3 + 3.81582` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopglobal1
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopglobal1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopglobal1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopglobal1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopoutput1 (Vop/geometryvopoutput)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopoutput1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopoutput geometryvopoutput1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 37.011899999999997` -y `$arg3 + 0.43974099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopoutput1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopoutput1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopoutput1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_geometryvopoutput1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_sine1 (Vop/sine)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_sine1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v sine sine1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 13.348599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_sine1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_sine1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_sine1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_sine1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit1 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_fit1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 16.4377` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit1 srcmin ( -1 ) destmin ( 1 ) destmax ( 0 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_vecgetcompon1 (Vop/vecgetcompon)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_vecgetcompon1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v vecgetcompon vecgetcompon1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 1.0949599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_vecgetcompon1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1_vecgetcompon1 part ( 2 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_vecgetcompon1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_vecgetcompon1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_vecgetcompon1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_relbbox1 (Vop/relbbox)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_relbbox1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v relbbox relbbox1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.16567` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_relbbox1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_relbbox1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_relbbox1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_relbbox1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add1 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_add1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 7.49634` -y `$arg3 + -1.1653100000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind1 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_bind1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 6.4329299999999998` -y `$arg3 + -4.1725899999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind1 parmname ( foo ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_mulconst1 (Vop/mulconst)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_mulconst1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v mulconst mulconst1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.88778299999999999` -y `$arg3 + -0.0141805` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_mulconst1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1_mulconst1 mulconst ( 0.014999999999999999 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_mulconst1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_mulconst1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_mulconst1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -0.089180499999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1 ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_parm1 (Vop/parameter)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_parm1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v parameter parm1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 1.0949599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -4.1725899999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_parm1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1_parm1 parmname ( offset ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_parm1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_parm1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_parm1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply1 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 10.095000000000001` -y `$arg3 + 0.020819500000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const1 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_const1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 4.9557099999999998` -y `$arg3 + 1.8851199999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const1 floatdef ( 2.75 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_negate1 (Vop/negate)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_negate1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v negate negate1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 3.55979` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_negate1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1_negate1 signature ( f )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b on -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_negate1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_negate1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_negate1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add2 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_add2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 32.834400000000002` -y `$arg3 + 4.0525200000000003` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_add2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_floattovec1 (Vop/floattovec)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_floattovec1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v floattovec floattovec1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 30.5669` -y `$arg3 + 2.6180699999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_floattovec1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_floattovec1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_floattovec1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_floattovec1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const2 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_const2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 24.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.4590399999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const2 floatdef ( 0.068000000000000005 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_const2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply2 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 27.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.2690399999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_multiply2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind2 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_bind2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 33.103200000000001` -y `$arg3 + -2.7351299999999998` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind2 parmname ( pscale ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_bind2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -2.8302999999999998` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2 parmname ( scale ) ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_ramp2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit2 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation1_fit2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 26.406199999999998` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit2
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit2 destmin ( 1 ) destmax ( 1.5 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation1_fit2
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale (Sop/attribvop)
set _obj_geo2_pscale = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribvop pscale")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.7500564234910261` -y `$arg3 + -12.421759573732153` $_obj_geo2_pscale
opspareds ' parm { name "bindgroup" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector uvselect "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 bindgrouptype 0 } parm { name "bindgrouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "bindclass" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Vex Setup" parm { name "vexsrc" baseparm label "Vex Source" export all } parm { name "shoppath" baseparm label "Shop Path" export all } parm { name "script" baseparm label "Script" export all } parm { name "clear" baseparm label "Re-load VEX Functions" export all } parm { name "vexsnippet" baseparm label "Snippet" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } parm { name "vex_exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vop_compiler" baseparm label "Compiler" export none } parm { name "vop_forcecompile" baseparm label "Force Compile" export none } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_multithread" baseparm label "Enable Multithreading" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Attribute Bindings" parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "ptnum" label "Point Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "vtxnum" label "Vertex Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "primnum" label "Primitive Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "id" label "Id" type integer invisible default { "-1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numpt" label "Number of Points" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numvtx" label "Number of Vertices" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numprim" label "Number of Prims" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Time" label "Time" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "TimeInc" label "Time Inc" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Frame" label "Frame" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "life" label "Life" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "age" label "Age" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput2" label "Second Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput3" label "Third Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput4" label "Fourth Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput1" label "First Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "uv" label "UV" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "P" label "P" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "v" label "Velocity" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "force" label "Force" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Cd" label "Cd" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "N" label "N" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "ramp" label "ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "ramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "ramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "ramp_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "offset" label "offset" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "scale" label "scale" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "scale_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "scale_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "scale_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "u" label "u" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "u_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "u_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "u_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } ' $_obj_geo2_pscale
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 ) ramp ( 3 ) scale ( 3 ) u ( 3 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale ramp ( 3 ) ramp1pos ( 0.17931035161018372 ) ramp1interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp2pos ( 0.5 ) ramp2value ( 1.0299999713897705 ) ramp2interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp3pos ( 0.84137928485870361 ) ramp3interp ( catmull-rom ) scale ( 3 ) scale1pos ( 0.14942528307437897 ) scale1interp ( catmull-rom ) scale2pos ( 0.48218527436256409 ) scale2value ( 1 ) scale2interp ( catmull-rom ) scale3pos ( 0.80229884386062622 ) scale3interp ( catmull-rom ) u ( 3 ) u1pos ( 0.0047505940310657024 ) u1value ( 0.36666667461395264 ) u2pos ( 0.65320664644241333 ) u2value ( 1 ) u3pos ( 1 ) u3value ( 0.40000000596046448 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_pscale
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale
opcf $_obj_geo2_pscale
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopglobal1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopglobal::2.0 geometryvopglobal1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -5.8101700000000003` -y `$arg3 + 3.81582` $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopglobal1
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopglobal1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopglobal1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopglobal1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopoutput1 (Vop/geometryvopoutput)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopoutput1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopoutput geometryvopoutput1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 37.011899999999997` -y `$arg3 + 0.43974099999999999` $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopoutput1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopoutput1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopoutput1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_geometryvopoutput1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_sine1 (Vop/sine)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_sine1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v sine sine1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 13.348599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_pscale_sine1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_sine1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_sine1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_sine1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit1 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_fit1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 16.4377` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit1 srcmin ( -1 ) destmin ( 1 ) destmax ( 0 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_vecgetcompon1 (Vop/vecgetcompon)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_vecgetcompon1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v vecgetcompon vecgetcompon1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 1.0949599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_pscale_vecgetcompon1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_vecgetcompon1 part ( 2 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_vecgetcompon1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_vecgetcompon1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_vecgetcompon1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_relbbox1 (Vop/relbbox)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_relbbox1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v relbbox relbbox1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.16567` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_pscale_relbbox1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_relbbox1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_relbbox1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_relbbox1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_add1 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_add1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 7.49634` -y `$arg3 + -1.1653100000000001` $_obj_geo2_pscale_add1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_add1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_add1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_add1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind1 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_bind1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 6.4329299999999998` -y `$arg3 + -4.1725899999999996` $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind1 parmname ( foo ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_mulconst1 (Vop/mulconst)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_mulconst1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v mulconst mulconst1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.88778299999999999` -y `$arg3 + -0.0141805` $_obj_geo2_pscale_mulconst1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_mulconst1 mulconst ( 0.01 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_mulconst1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_mulconst1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_mulconst1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -0.089180499999999996` $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1 ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_parm1 (Vop/parameter)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_parm1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v parameter parm1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 1.0949599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -4.1725899999999996` $_obj_geo2_pscale_parm1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_parm1 parmname ( offset ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_parm1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_parm1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_parm1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply1 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_multiply1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 10.095000000000001` -y `$arg3 + 0.020819500000000001` $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_const1 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_const1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 4.9557099999999998` -y `$arg3 + 1.8851199999999999` $_obj_geo2_pscale_const1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_const1 floatdef ( 2.75 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_const1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_const1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_const1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_negate1 (Vop/negate)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_negate1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v negate negate1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 3.55979` -y `$arg3 + -1.75857` $_obj_geo2_pscale_negate1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_negate1 signature ( f )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b on -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_negate1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_negate1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_negate1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_add2 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_add2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 32.834400000000002` -y `$arg3 + 4.0525200000000003` $_obj_geo2_pscale_add2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_add2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_add2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_add2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_floattovec1 (Vop/floattovec)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_floattovec1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v floattovec floattovec1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 30.586200000000002` -y `$arg3 + 2.8306399999999998` $_obj_geo2_pscale_floattovec1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_floattovec1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_floattovec1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_floattovec1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_const2 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_const2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 24.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.4590399999999999` $_obj_geo2_pscale_const2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_const2 floatdef ( 0.068000000000000005 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_const2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_const2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_const2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply2 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_multiply2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 27.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.2690399999999999` $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind2 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_bind2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 33.586199999999998` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind2 parmname ( pscale ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -2.8302999999999998` $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2 parmname ( scale ) ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit2 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_fit2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 26.406199999999998` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit2
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit2 destmin ( 1.5 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pscale_fit2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind3 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_bind3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 28.173400000000001` -y `$arg3 + -0.089180499999999996` $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind3
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind3 parmname ( activate ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b on -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind3
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind4 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_bind4 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind4")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 25.4117` -y `$arg3 + -6.0079399999999996` $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind4
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind4 parmname ( curveu ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind4
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind4
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_bind4
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply3 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_multiply3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 30.586200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply3
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_multiply3
# Node $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 27.971499999999999` -y `$arg3 + -5.1686800000000002` $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3
opparm $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3 parmname ( u ) ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pscale_ramp3
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop2 (Sop/attribvop)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribvop pointvop2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -19.029406423491025` -y `$arg3 + -21.760159573732153` $_obj_geo2_pointvop2
opspareds ' parm { name "bindgroup" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector uvselect "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 bindgrouptype 0 } parm { name "bindgrouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "bindclass" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Vex Setup" parm { name "vexsrc" baseparm label "Vex Source" export all } parm { name "shoppath" baseparm label "Shop Path" export all } parm { name "script" baseparm label "Script" export all } parm { name "clear" baseparm label "Re-load VEX Functions" export all } parm { name "vexsnippet" baseparm label "Snippet" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } parm { name "vex_exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vop_compiler" baseparm label "Compiler" export none } parm { name "vop_forcecompile" baseparm label "Force Compile" export none } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_multithread" baseparm label "Enable Multithreading" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Attribute Bindings" parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "ptnum" label "Point Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "vtxnum" label "Vertex Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "primnum" label "Primitive Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "id" label "Id" type integer invisible default { "-1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numpt" label "Number of Points" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numvtx" label "Number of Vertices" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numprim" label "Number of Prims" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Time" label "Time" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "TimeInc" label "Time Inc" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Frame" label "Frame" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "life" label "Life" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "age" label "Age" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput2" label "Second Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput3" label "Third Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput4" label "Fourth Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput1" label "First Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "uv" label "UV" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "P" label "P" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "v" label "Velocity" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "force" label "Force" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Cd" label "Cd" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "N" label "N" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } ' $_obj_geo2_pointvop2
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop2 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_pointvop2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop2
opcf $_obj_geo2_pointvop2
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopglobal1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopglobal::2.0 geometryvopglobal1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.85005` -y `$arg3 + 2.3459099999999999` $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopglobal1
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopglobal1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopglobal1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopglobal1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopoutput1 (Vop/geometryvopoutput)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopoutput1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopoutput geometryvopoutput1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 8.6673399999999994` -y `$arg3 + 3.0045000000000002` $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopoutput1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopoutput1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopoutput1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_geometryvopoutput1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_turbnoise1 (Vop/turbnoise)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop2_turbnoise1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v turbnoise turbnoise1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 3.24491` -y `$arg3 + 0.46638099999999999` $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_turbnoise1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_turbnoise1 signature ( v ) freq ( 14.4 14.4 14.4 ) amp ( 0.052999999999999999 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_turbnoise1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_turbnoise1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_turbnoise1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_add1 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop2_add1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 6.1277799999999996` -y `$arg3 + 2.2349000000000001` $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_add1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_add1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_add1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_add1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_bind1 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop2_bind1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.22417` -y `$arg3 + 3.4217200000000001` $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_bind1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_bind1 parmname ( rest ) parmtype ( vector ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_bind1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_bind1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop2_bind1
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop3 (Sop/attribvop)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribvop pointvop3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.5888064234910253` -y `$arg3 + -22.470659573732153` $_obj_geo2_pointvop3
opspareds ' parm { name "bindgroup" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector uvselect "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 bindgrouptype 0 } parm { name "bindgrouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "bindclass" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Vex Setup" parm { name "vexsrc" baseparm label "Vex Source" export all } parm { name "shoppath" baseparm label "Shop Path" export all } parm { name "script" baseparm label "Script" export all } parm { name "clear" baseparm label "Re-load VEX Functions" export all } parm { name "vexsnippet" baseparm label "Snippet" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } parm { name "vex_exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vop_compiler" baseparm label "Compiler" export none } parm { name "vop_forcecompile" baseparm label "Force Compile" export none } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_multithread" baseparm label "Enable Multithreading" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Attribute Bindings" parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "ptnum" label "Point Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "vtxnum" label "Vertex Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "primnum" label "Primitive Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "id" label "Id" type integer invisible default { "-1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numpt" label "Number of Points" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numvtx" label "Number of Vertices" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numprim" label "Number of Prims" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Time" label "Time" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "TimeInc" label "Time Inc" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Frame" label "Frame" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "life" label "Life" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "age" label "Age" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput2" label "Second Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput3" label "Third Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput4" label "Fourth Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput1" label "First Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "uv" label "UV" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "P" label "P" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "v" label "Velocity" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "force" label "Force" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Cd" label "Cd" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "N" label "N" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } ' $_obj_geo2_pointvop3
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop3 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 )
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t on -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_pointvop3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop3
opcf $_obj_geo2_pointvop3
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopglobal1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopglobal::2.0 geometryvopglobal1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.85005` -y `$arg3 + 2.3459099999999999` $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopglobal1
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopglobal1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopglobal1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopglobal1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopoutput1 (Vop/geometryvopoutput)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopoutput1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopoutput geometryvopoutput1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 8.6673399999999994` -y `$arg3 + 3.0045000000000002` $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopoutput1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopoutput1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopoutput1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_geometryvopoutput1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_add1 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop3_add1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 6.1277799999999996` -y `$arg3 + 2.2349000000000001` $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_add1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_add1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_add1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_add1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_bind1 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop3_bind1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.0011129` -y `$arg3 + -2.8378800000000002` $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_bind1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_bind1 parmname ( rest ) parmtype ( vector ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_bind1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_bind1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_bind1
# Node $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_aanoise1 (Vop/aanoise)
set _obj_geo2_pointvop3_aanoise1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v aanoise aanoise1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 2.1436799999999998` -y `$arg3 + 0.59528400000000004` $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_aanoise1
opparm $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_aanoise1 signature ( vv ) freq ( 11 11 11 ) amp ( 0.014999999999999999 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_aanoise1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_aanoise1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_pointvop3_aanoise1
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2 (Sop/attribvop)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribvop deformation2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.1593364234910268` -y `$arg3 + 1.0813404262678459` $_obj_geo2_deformation2
opspareds ' parm { name "bindgroup" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector uvselect "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 bindgrouptype 0 } parm { name "bindgrouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "bindclass" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } group { name "stdswitcher3" label "Vex Setup" parm { name "vexsrc" baseparm label "Vex Source" export all } parm { name "shoppath" baseparm label "Shop Path" export all } parm { name "script" baseparm label "Script" export all } parm { name "clear" baseparm label "Re-load VEX Functions" export all } parm { name "vexsnippet" baseparm label "Snippet" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } parm { name "vex_exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vop_compiler" baseparm label "Compiler" export none } parm { name "vop_forcecompile" baseparm label "Force Compile" export none } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_multithread" baseparm label "Enable Multithreading" export none } } group { name "stdswitcher3_1" label "Attribute Bindings" parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "ptnum" label "Point Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "vtxnum" label "Vertex Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "primnum" label "Primitive Number" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "id" label "Id" type integer invisible default { "-1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numpt" label "Number of Points" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numvtx" label "Number of Vertices" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "numprim" label "Number of Prims" type integer invisible default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Time" label "Time" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "TimeInc" label "Time Inc" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Frame" label "Frame" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "life" label "Life" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "age" label "Age" type float invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput2" label "Second Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput3" label "Third Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput4" label "Fourth Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "OpInput1" label "First Input" type string invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "uv" label "UV" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "P" label "P" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "v" label "Velocity" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "force" label "Force" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "Cd" label "Cd" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "N" label "N" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "ramp" label "ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "ramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "ramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "ramp_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "offset" label "offset" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } parm { name "scale" label "scale" type ramp_flt default { "2" } range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "scale_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "scale_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "scale_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "cvex" } } ' $_obj_geo2_deformation2
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation2 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 ) ramp ( 3 ) scale ( 3 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2 ramp ( 3 ) ramp1pos ( 0.17931035161018372 ) ramp1interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp2pos ( 0.5 ) ramp2value ( 1.0299999713897705 ) ramp2interp ( catmull-rom ) ramp3pos ( 0.84137928485870361 ) ramp3interp ( catmull-rom ) scale ( 3 ) scale1interp ( catmull-rom ) scale2pos ( 0.4781704843044281 ) scale2value ( 1 ) scale2interp ( catmull-rom ) scale3pos ( 1 ) scale3interp ( catmull-rom )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_deformation2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2
opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopglobal::2.0 geometryvopglobal1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -10.7523` -y `$arg3 + 2.27752` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1
opset -d on -r on -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopoutput1 (Vop/geometryvopoutput)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopoutput1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v geometryvopoutput geometryvopoutput1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 37.011899999999997` -y `$arg3 + 0.43974099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopoutput1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopoutput1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopoutput1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopoutput1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_sine1 (Vop/sine)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_sine1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v sine sine1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 13.348599999999999` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_sine1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_sine1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_sine1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_sine1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 16.4377` -y `$arg3 + -0.12918099999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1 srcmin ( -1 ) destmin ( 1 ) destmax ( 0 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add1 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_add1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 7.49634` -y `$arg3 + -1.1653100000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind1 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_bind1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 12.236000000000001` -y `$arg3 + -9.76647` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind1 parmname ( foo ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1 (Vop/mulconst)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v mulconst mulconst1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -2.4546199999999998` -y `$arg3 + 0.90876000000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1 mulconst ( 0.01 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -0.089180499999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1 ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_parm1 (Vop/parameter)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_parm1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v parameter parm1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.202898` -y `$arg3 + -6.6175199999999998` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_parm1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_parm1 parmname ( offset ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_parm1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_parm1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_parm1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply1 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 10.095000000000001` -y `$arg3 + 0.020819500000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const1 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_const1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 4.9557099999999998` -y `$arg3 + 1.8851199999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const1 floatdef ( 2.75 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add2 (Vop/add)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_add2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v add add2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 32.834400000000002` -y `$arg3 + 4.0525200000000003` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_add2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_floattovec1 (Vop/floattovec)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_floattovec1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v floattovec floattovec1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 30.586200000000002` -y `$arg3 + 2.8306399999999998` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_floattovec1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_floattovec1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_floattovec1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_floattovec1
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const2 (Vop/constant)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_const2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v constant const2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 24.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.4590399999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const2 floatdef ( 0.068000000000000005 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_const2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply2 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 27.082999999999998` -y `$arg3 + 2.2690399999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind2 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_bind2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 32.185099999999998` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind2 parmname ( thickness ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2 (Vop/rampparm)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rampparm ramp2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 22.493200000000002` -y `$arg3 + -2.8302999999999998` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2 rampcolordefault ( 2 ) rampfloatdefault ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2 parmname ( scale ) ramptype ( flt ) rampcolordefault2pos ( 1 ) rampcolordefault2c ( 1 1 1 ) rampfloatdefault2pos ( 1 ) rampfloatdefault2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 26.406199999999998` -y `$arg3 + -2.9803000000000002` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2 destmin ( 0.75 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 28.173400000000001` -y `$arg3 + -0.089180499999999996` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3 parmname ( activate ) overridetype ( on ) useasparmdefiner ( on ) exportparm ( whenconnected ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind4 (Vop/bind)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_bind4 = `run("opadd -e -n -v bind bind4")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -0.13553499999999999` -y `$arg3 + -1.9797499999999999` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind4
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind4 parmname ( curveu ) exportcontext ( cvex )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind4
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind4
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind4
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply3 (Vop/multiply)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v multiply multiply3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 1.38483` -y `$arg3 + 0.33242899999999997` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply3
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply3
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3 (Vop/fit)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v fit fit3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + 0.202898` -y `$arg3 + -3.6093600000000001` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3
# Node $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1 (Vop/random)
set _obj_geo2_deformation2_random1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v random random1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -3.32504` -y `$arg3 + -4.2093600000000002` $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1
opparm $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1 signature ( i )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off -L off -M off -H on -E off $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1 (Sop/attribnoise::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_attribnoise1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribnoise::2.0 attribnoise1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3515664234910254` -y `$arg3 + 18.155840426267847` $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1 remapramp ( 2 )
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1 attribs ( P ) noiserange ( zcentered ) amplitudev ( 0.16 ) elementsize ( 0.72999999999999998 ) remapramp2pos ( 1 ) remapramp2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1
opcf ..
opcf $_obj_geo2
# Node $_obj_geo2_line1 (Sop/line)
set _obj_geo2_line1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v line line1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -17.721976423491025` -y `$arg3 + 11.155860426267846` $_obj_geo2_line1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_line1 dir ( 0 0 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_line1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_line1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_line1
# Node $_obj_geo2_resample1 (Sop/resample)
set _obj_geo2_resample1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v resample resample1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3515664234910254` -y `$arg3 + 6.9735904262678456` $_obj_geo2_resample1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_resample1 dolength ( off ) dosegs ( on ) segs ( 15 ) docurveuattr ( on )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_resample1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_resample1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_resample1
# Node $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1 (Sop/orientalongcurve)
set _obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v orientalongcurve orientalongcurve1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3515664234910254` -y `$arg3 + 5.8954404262678466` $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1 output_folder ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1
opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation
oporder -e geometryvopglobal1 geometryvopoutput1 sine1 fit1 vecgetcompon1 relbbox1 add1 bind1 mulconst1 ramp1 parm1 multiply1 const1 negate1 add2 floattovec1 const2 multiply2 bind2 ramp2 fit2 bind3 bind4 importdetail1 random1 fit3 multiply3
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_copytopoints1 (Sop/copytopoints::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_copytopoints1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v copytopoints::2.0 copytopoints1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -19.025956423491024` -y `$arg3 + -17.325259573732154` $_obj_geo2_copytopoints1
opparm $_obj_geo2_copytopoints1 targetattribs ( 3 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_copytopoints1 targetattribs ( 3 ) applyattribs1 ( *,^v,^Alpha,^N,^up,^pscale,^scale,^orient,^rot,^pivot,^trans,^transform ) applymethod2 ( mult ) applyattribs2 ( Alpha ) applymethod3 ( add ) applyattribs3 ( v )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_copytopoints1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_copytopoints1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_copytopoints1
# Node $_obj_geo2_sphere1 (Sop/sphere)
set _obj_geo2_sphere1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v sphere sphere1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -19.346536423491024` -y `$arg3 + -10.992659573732155` $_obj_geo2_sphere1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_sphere1 type ( poly ) rad ( 0.5 0.5 0.5 ) scale ( 0.089999999999999997 ) freq ( 7 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_sphere1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_sphere1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_sphere1
# Node $_obj_geo2_transform1 (Sop/xform)
set _obj_geo2_transform1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v xform transform1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3515664234910254` -y `$arg3 + 9.4301404262678457` $_obj_geo2_transform1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_transform1 t ( 0 0.17000000000000001 0 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_transform1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_transform1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_transform1
# Node $_obj_geo2_null1 (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_null1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v null null1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.9431564234910255` -y `$arg3 + -9.8857595737321553` $_obj_geo2_null1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_null1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_null1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_null1
opcf $_obj_geo2_pointvop1
oporder -e geometryvopglobal1 geometryvopoutput1 sine1 fit1 mulconst1 multiply1 bind1 ramp1 bind2 complement1 ramp2 max1 add1
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_null2 (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_null2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v null null2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.9431564234910255` -y `$arg3 + -3.6617995737321545` $_obj_geo2_null2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_null2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_null2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_null2
opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation1
oporder -e geometryvopglobal1 geometryvopoutput1 sine1 fit1 vecgetcompon1 relbbox1 add1 bind1 mulconst1 ramp1 parm1 multiply1 const1 negate1 add2 floattovec1 const2 multiply2 bind2 ramp2 fit2
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_polywire3 (Sop/polywire)
set _obj_geo2_polywire3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v polywire polywire3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -19.346536423491024` -y `$arg3 + -10.708459573732153` $_obj_geo2_polywire3
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_polywire3 segscale1
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '1.0 / $NSEG' $_obj_geo2_polywire3/segscale1
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_polywire3 segscale2
chkey -t 0 -v 1 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '1.0 - 1.0 / $NSEG' $_obj_geo2_polywire3/segscale2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_polywire3 radius ( 0.040000000000000001 ) div ( 10 ) dotexture ( off )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_polywire3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_polywire3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_polywire3
opcf $_obj_geo2_pscale
oporder -e geometryvopglobal1 geometryvopoutput1 sine1 fit1 vecgetcompon1 relbbox1 add1 bind1 mulconst1 ramp1 parm1 multiply1 const1 negate1 add2 floattovec1 const2 multiply2 bind2 ramp2 fit2 bind3 bind4 multiply3 ramp3
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve2 (Sop/orientalongcurve)
set _obj_geo2_orientalongcurve2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v orientalongcurve orientalongcurve2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.746606423491027` -y `$arg3 + -13.348959573732152` $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve2 output_folder ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve2
# Node $_obj_geo2_attribdelete2 (Sop/attribdelete)
set _obj_geo2_attribdelete2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribdelete attribdelete2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.9466064234910263` -y `$arg3 + -11.249759573732153` $_obj_geo2_attribdelete2
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribdelete2 ptdel ( Cd )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_attribdelete2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_attribdelete2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_attribdelete2
# Node $_obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1 (Sop/vdbfrompolygons)
set _obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v vdbfrompolygons vdbfrompolygons1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -18.893886423491026` -y `$arg3 + -23.073859573732154` $_obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1
opparm $_obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1 numattrib ( 0 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1 voxelsize ( 0.01 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_vdbfrompolygons1
# Node $_obj_geo2_rest1 (Sop/rest)
set _obj_geo2_rest1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rest rest1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -18.892636423491027` -y `$arg3 + -19.968859573732153` $_obj_geo2_rest1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_rest1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_rest1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_rest1
# Node $_obj_geo2_timeshift1 (Sop/timeshift)
set _obj_geo2_timeshift1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v timeshift timeshift1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -16.963286423491027` -y `$arg3 + -18.494159573732155` $_obj_geo2_timeshift1
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift1 time
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$T' $_obj_geo2_timeshift1/time
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift1 frange1
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$FSTART' $_obj_geo2_timeshift1/frange1
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift1 frange2
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$FEND' $_obj_geo2_timeshift1/frange2
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift1 trange1
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$TSTART' $_obj_geo2_timeshift1/trange1
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift1 trange2
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$TEND' $_obj_geo2_timeshift1/trange2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_timeshift1 frame ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_timeshift1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_timeshift1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_timeshift1
opcf $_obj_geo2_pointvop2
oporder -e geometryvopglobal1 geometryvopoutput1 turbnoise1 add1 bind1
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_attribute1 (Sop/attribute)
set _obj_geo2_attribute1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribute attribute1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.9466064234910263` -y `$arg3 + -4.7640695737321543` $_obj_geo2_attribute1
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribute1 ptrenames ( 5 ) vtxrenames ( 5 ) primrenames ( 5 ) detailrenames ( 5 ) rmanconversions ( 5 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_attribute1 frompt0 ( N ) topt0 ( direction )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_attribute1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_attribute1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_attribute1
# Node $_obj_geo2_merge1 (Sop/merge)
set _obj_geo2_merge1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v merge merge1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -15.710736423491026` -y `$arg3 + 9.539250426267845` $_obj_geo2_merge1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_merge1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_merge1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_merge1
# Node $_obj_geo2_line2 (Sop/line)
set _obj_geo2_line2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v line line2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -14.867366423491026` -y `$arg3 + 11.536860426267847` $_obj_geo2_line2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_line2 dir ( 0 0 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_line2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_line2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_line2
# Node $_obj_geo2_transform2 (Sop/xform)
set _obj_geo2_transform2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v xform transform2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -15.182066423491026` -y `$arg3 + 10.536860426267847` $_obj_geo2_transform2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_transform2 t ( 0.35180807113647461 0.16736956828804017 0.23126259446144104 ) r ( 0 -52.027824051468983 0 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_transform2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_transform2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_transform2
# Node $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1 (Sop/attribwrangle)
set _obj_geo2_attribwrangle1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribwrangle attribwrangle1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.7496064234910271` -y `$arg3 + -14.534259573732154` $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1
opspareds ' group { name "folder1" label "Code" parm { name "group" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector points "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 grouptype 0 } parm { name "grouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "class" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } parm { name "snippet" baseparm label "VEXpression" export all } parm { name "exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } } group { name "folder1_1" label "Bindings" parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } parm { name "vex_precision" baseparm label "VEX Precision" export none } } parm { name "scale" label "Scale" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } ' $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 )
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1 snippet ( '@pscale*=chf("scale");' ) scale ( 29.300000000000001 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b on $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle1
# Node $_obj_geo2_subdivide1 (Sop/subdivide)
set _obj_geo2_subdivide1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v subdivide subdivide1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.746606423491027` -y `$arg3 + -15.467659573732153` $_obj_geo2_subdivide1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_subdivide1 iterations ( 2 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_subdivide1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_subdivide1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_subdivide1
# Node $_obj_geo2_geo (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_geo = `run("opadd -e -n -v null geo")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -11.228206423491025` -y `$arg3 + -6.9425495737321539` $_obj_geo2_geo
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_geo
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_geo
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_geo
# Node $_obj_geo2_grid1 (Sop/grid)
set _obj_geo2_grid1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v grid grid1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -6.1528764234910263` -y `$arg3 + 24.435540426267846` $_obj_geo2_grid1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_grid1 size ( 0.80000000000000004 0.80000000000000004 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_grid1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_grid1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_grid1
# Node $_obj_geo2_scatter1 (Sop/scatter::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_scatter1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v scatter::2.0 scatter1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -6.1528764234910263` -y `$arg3 + 22.651640426267846` $_obj_geo2_scatter1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_scatter1 npts ( 16 ) relaxpoints ( off )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_scatter1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_scatter1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_scatter1
# Node $_obj_geo2_IN (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_IN = `run("opadd -e -n -v null IN")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3515664234910254` -y `$arg3 + 8.1719904262678469` $_obj_geo2_IN
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_IN
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_IN
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_IN
# Node $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2 (Sop/copytopoints::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_copytopoints2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v copytopoints::2.0 copytopoints2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -6.799796423491026` -y `$arg3 + 19.503740426267846` $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2
opparm $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2 targetattribs ( 3 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2 targetattribs ( 3 ) applyattribs1 ( *,^v,^Alpha,^N,^up,^pscale,^scale,^orient,^rot,^pivot,^trans,^transform ) applymethod2 ( mult ) applyattribs2 ( Alpha ) applymethod3 ( add ) applyattribs3 ( v )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2
# Node $_obj_geo2_line4 (Sop/line)
set _obj_geo2_line4 = `run("opadd -e -n -v line line4")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.5981164234910263` -y `$arg3 + 22.494940426267846` $_obj_geo2_line4
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_line4 dir ( 0 0 1 ) points ( 28 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_line4
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_line4
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_line4
# Node $_obj_geo2_attribrandomize1 (Sop/attribrandomize)
set _obj_geo2_attribrandomize1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribrandomize attribrandomize1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -6.1563264234910262` -y `$arg3 + 20.698140426267848` $_obj_geo2_attribrandomize1
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribrandomize1 ramp ( 3 ) values ( 4 )
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribrandomize1 name ( N ) min ( -0.59999999999999998 0 0 0 ) max ( 0.40000000000000002 0 0.90000000000000002 0.90000000000000002 ) seed ( 1248 ) ramp2pos ( 0.5 ) ramp2value ( 0.5 ) ramp3pos ( 1 ) ramp3value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_attribrandomize1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_attribrandomize1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_attribrandomize1
# Node $_obj_geo2_connectivity1 (Sop/connectivity)
set _obj_geo2_connectivity1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v connectivity connectivity1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.155886423491026` -y `$arg3 + 2.7627674262678461` $_obj_geo2_connectivity1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_connectivity1 connecttype ( prim )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_connectivity1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_connectivity1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_connectivity1
# Node $_obj_geo2_color1 (Sop/color)
set _obj_geo2_color1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v color color1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -20.714566423491029` -y `$arg3 + -19.295959573732151` $_obj_geo2_color1
opparm $_obj_geo2_color1 ramp ( 2 )
opparm $_obj_geo2_color1 class ( 1 ) colortype ( 4 ) rampattribute ( class ) ramp2pos ( 1 ) ramp2c ( 1 1 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_color1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_color1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_color1
opuserdata -n '___toolcount___' -v '2' $_obj_geo2_color1
opuserdata -n '___toolid___' -v 'sop_color' $_obj_geo2_color1
# Node $_obj_geo2_attribpromote1 (Sop/attribpromote)
set _obj_geo2_attribpromote1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribpromote attribpromote1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -16.688056423491027` -y `$arg3 + -16.056559573732152` $_obj_geo2_attribpromote1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_attribpromote1 inname ( class ) inclass ( primitive )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_attribpromote1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_attribpromote1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_attribpromote1
# Node $_obj_geo2_sweep1 (Sop/sweep::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_sweep1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v sweep::2.0 sweep1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.5853564234910262` -y `$arg3 + -17.687059573732153` $_obj_geo2_sweep1
opparm $_obj_geo2_sweep1 scaleramp ( 2 )
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_sweep1 surfaceshape ( tube ) cols ( 10 ) radius ( 0.029000000000000001 ) endcaptype ( grid ) scaleramp1value ( 1 ) scaleramp2pos ( 1 ) scaleramp2value ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_sweep1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_sweep1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_sweep1
# Node $_obj_geo2_rest2 (Sop/rest)
set _obj_geo2_rest2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rest rest2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.5853564234910262` -y `$arg3 + -21.075959573732153` $_obj_geo2_rest2
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_rest2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_rest2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_rest2
# Node $_obj_geo2_timeshift2 (Sop/timeshift)
set _obj_geo2_timeshift2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v timeshift timeshift2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -7.5717464234910263` -y `$arg3 + -19.404259573732155` $_obj_geo2_timeshift2
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift2 time
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$T' $_obj_geo2_timeshift2/time
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift2 frange1
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$FSTART' $_obj_geo2_timeshift2/frange1
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift2 frange2
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$FEND' $_obj_geo2_timeshift2/frange2
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift2 trange1
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$TSTART' $_obj_geo2_timeshift2/trange1
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_timeshift2 trange2
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$TEND' $_obj_geo2_timeshift2/trange2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_timeshift2 frame ( 1 )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_timeshift2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_timeshift2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_timeshift2
opcf $_obj_geo2_pointvop3
oporder -e geometryvopglobal1 geometryvopoutput1 add1 bind1 aanoise1
opcf ..
opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation2
oporder -e geometryvopglobal1 geometryvopoutput1 sine1 fit1 add1 bind1 mulconst1 ramp1 parm1 multiply1 const1 add2 floattovec1 const2 multiply2 bind2 ramp2 fit2 bind3 bind4 multiply3 fit3 random1
opcf ..
# Node $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1 (Sop/attribwrangle)
set _obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribwrangle primitivewrangle1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3545664234910255` -y `$arg3 + 4.8555404262678454` $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1
opparm $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 )
opparm $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1 class ( primitive ) snippet ( '@id = @primnum;' )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1
# Node $_obj_geo2_blast1 (Sop/blast)
set _obj_geo2_blast1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v blast blast1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -12.727718423491027` -y `$arg3 + -9.3276595737321557` $_obj_geo2_blast1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_blast1 group ( 12 ) grouptype ( prims ) negate ( on )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_blast1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_blast1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_blast1
# Node $_obj_geo2_rest3 (Sop/rest)
set _obj_geo2_rest3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v rest rest3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3515664234910254` -y `$arg3 + 14.995640426267848` $_obj_geo2_rest3
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_rest3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_rest3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_rest3
# Node $_obj_geo2_detangle2 (Sop/detangle)
set _obj_geo2_detangle2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v detangle detangle2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.6470364234910271` -y `$arg3 + 12.447160426267846` $_obj_geo2_detangle2
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_detangle2 prevpos ( rest ) resolveall ( on )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_detangle2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_detangle2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_detangle2
# Node $_obj_geo2_wire1 (Sop/wire)
set _obj_geo2_wire1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v wire wire1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -12.012851423491027` -y `$arg3 + 9.917200426267847` $_obj_geo2_wire1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_wire1 radius ( 0.050000000000000003 ) caps ( on )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_wire1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_wire1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_wire1
# Node $_obj_geo2_repeat_end1 (Sop/block_end)
set _obj_geo2_repeat_end1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v block_end repeat_end1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3499664234910256` -y `$arg3 + 11.400760426267848` $_obj_geo2_repeat_end1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_repeat_end1 itermethod ( count ) iterations ( 1 ) blockpath ( ../repeat_begin1 )
opcolor -c 0.75 0.40000000596046448 0 $_obj_geo2_repeat_end1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F off -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_repeat_end1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_repeat_end1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_repeat_end1
# Node $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1 (Sop/block_begin)
set _obj_geo2_repeat_begin1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v block_begin repeat_begin1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.3499664234910256` -y `$arg3 + 13.487140426267846` $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1 blockpath ( ../repeat_end1 )
opcolor -c 0.75 0.40000000596046448 0 $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F off -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1
# Node $_obj_geo2_con (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_con = `run("opadd -e -n -v null con")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -8.746606423491027` -y `$arg3 + -7.0917595737321539` $_obj_geo2_con
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_con
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_con
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_con
# Node $_obj_geo2_explodedview1 (Sop/explodedview::2.0)
set _obj_geo2_explodedview1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v explodedview::2.0 explodedview1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -9.0444364234910264` -y `$arg3 + -2.0781995737321539` $_obj_geo2_explodedview1
chadd -t 0 1 $_obj_geo2_explodedview1 scale
chkey -t 0 -v 2.8599999999999999 -m 0 -a 0.33333333333333331 -A 0.33333333333333331 -T a -o mM -F 'bezier()' $_obj_geo2_explodedview1/scale
chkey -t 1 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0.33333333333333331 -A 0.33333333333333331 -T a -o mM -F 'bezier()' $_obj_geo2_explodedview1/scale
chautoscope $_obj_geo2_explodedview1 +scale
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b on $_obj_geo2_explodedview1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_explodedview1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_explodedview1
# Node $_obj_geo2_emitter (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_emitter = `run("opadd -e -n -v null emitter")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.2197364234910264` -y `$arg3 + 16.605140426267845` $_obj_geo2_emitter
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_emitter
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_emitter
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_emitter
# Node $_obj_geo2_delete1 (Sop/delete)
set _obj_geo2_delete1 = `run("opadd -e -n -v delete delete1")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.2197364234910264` -y `$arg3 + 19.958240426267846` $_obj_geo2_delete1
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_delete1 filter
chkey -t 0 -v 1 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '@ptnum!=$F-1' $_obj_geo2_delete1/filter
chadd -t 0 0 $_obj_geo2_delete1 rangeend
chkey -t 0 -v 0 -m 0 -a 0 -A 0 -T a -F '$N' $_obj_geo2_delete1/rangeend
opparm -V 19.0.383 $_obj_geo2_delete1 entity ( point ) groupop ( filter ) filter ( filter )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_delete1
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_delete1
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_delete1
# Node $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2 (Sop/attribwrangle)
set _obj_geo2_attribwrangle2 = `run("opadd -e -n -v attribwrangle attribwrangle2")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -1.2227364234910265` -y `$arg3 + 18.745740426267847` $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2 bindings ( 0 ) groupbindings ( 0 )
opparm $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2 snippet ( 'if (rint(@Frame != @Frame)) removepoint(0,@ptnum);\n' )
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '' $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2
# Node $_obj_geo2_null3 (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_null3 = `run("opadd -e -n -v null null3")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -12.557393423491026` -y `$arg3 + -7.9163595737321542` $_obj_geo2_null3
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_null3
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_null3
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_null3
# Node $_obj_geo2_null4 (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_null4 = `run("opadd -e -n -v null null4")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -6.6069864234910263` -y `$arg3 + -7.6975595737321543` $_obj_geo2_null4
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_null4
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_null4
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_null4
# Node $_obj_geo2_null5 (Sop/null)
set _obj_geo2_null5 = `run("opadd -e -n -v null null5")`
oplocate -x `$arg2 + -5.3705564234910259` -y `$arg3 + 17.205440426267845` $_obj_geo2_null5
opset -d off -r off -h off -f off -y off -t off -l off -s off -u off -F on -c on -e on -b off $_obj_geo2_null5
opexprlanguage -s hscript $_obj_geo2_null5
opuserdata -n '___Version___' -v '19.0.383' $_obj_geo2_null5
oporder -e line1 resample1 orientalongcurve1 deformation copytopoints1 sphere1 vellumsolver1 vellumconstraints1 transform1 null1 groupexpression1 pointvop1 null2 deformation1 polywire3 pscale orientalongcurve2 attribdelete2 vdbfrompolygons1 rest1 timeshift1 pointvop2 attribute1 merge1 line2 transform2 attribwrangle1 subdivide1 geo grid1 scatter1 IN copytopoints2 line4 attribrandomize1 connectivity1 color1 attribpromote1 sweep1 rest2 timeshift2 pointvop3 deformation2 primitivewrangle1 blast1 rest3 detangle2 wire1 attribnoise1 repeat_end1 repeat_begin1 con explodedview1 emitter delete1 attribwrangle2 null3 null4 null5
opcf ..
opset -p on $_obj_geo2
opcf $arg1
opcf $_obj_geo2
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_IN -0 $_obj_geo2_resample1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_resample1 -0 $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1
opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind3 -3 $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopoutput1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_sine1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_sine1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_vecgetcompon1
opwire -n -o 18 $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1 -2 $_obj_geo2_deformation_relbbox1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_bind4 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply3 -1 $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_parm1 -2 $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_importdetail1 -3 $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1
opwire -n -o 11 $_obj_geo2_deformation_geometryvopglobal1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_mulconst1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_fit1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_ramp1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation_add1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation_multiply1
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opcf ..
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opcf ..
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opcf ..
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opcf ..
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opcf ..
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opcf $_obj_geo2_deformation2
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opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp2 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit2
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation2_ramp1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_bind3
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation2_mulconst1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_multiply3
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3
opwire -n -o 16 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1 -4 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_fit3
opwire -n -o 13 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_geometryvopglobal1 -0 $_obj_geo2_deformation2_random1
opcf ..
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_orientalongcurve1 -0 $_obj_geo2_primitivewrangle1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_vellumsolver1 -0 $_obj_geo2_blast1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1 -0 $_obj_geo2_rest3
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1 -0 $_obj_geo2_detangle2
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opwire -n $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2 -0 $_obj_geo2_attribnoise1
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opwire -n $_obj_geo2_rest3 -0 $_obj_geo2_repeat_begin1
opwire -n -o 1 $_obj_geo2_vellumconstraints1 -0 $_obj_geo2_con
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_groupexpression1 -0 $_obj_geo2_explodedview1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2 -0 $_obj_geo2_emitter
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_scatter1 -0 $_obj_geo2_delete1
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_delete1 -0 $_obj_geo2_attribwrangle2
opwire -n $_obj_geo2_copytopoints2 -0 $_obj_geo2_null5
opcf ..
set oidx = 0
if ($argc >= 9 && "$arg9" != "") then
set oidx = $arg9
if ($argc >= 5 && "$arg4" != "") then
set output = $_obj_geo2
opwire -n $output -$arg5 $arg4
if ($argc >= 6 && "$arg6" != "") then
set input = $_obj_geo2
if ($arg8) then
opwire -n -i $arg6 -0 $input
opwire -n -o $oidx $arg6 -0 $input
opcf $saved_path
hou.hscript(h_preamble + h_extra_args + h_cmd)