17 days ago
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exports.uploadProductsFromExcel = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => { const file = req.file; if (!file) { return next(new AppError('Please upload a xcel file', 400)); } try { const workbook = xlsx.readFile(file.path) //xlsx.read(req.file.buffer, { type: 'buffer' }); const sheetName = workbook.SheetNames[0]; const sheet = workbook.Sheets[sheetName]; const products = xlsx.utils.sheet_to_json(sheet); TestQantityAndPrices(products,next) await AddQantityAndPrices(products); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Success' }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); res.status(500).json({ error: 'Failed to process the uploaded file' }); } }); const AddQantityAndPrices = async (batch) => { for (const productData of batch) { const { sku, quantity, initialPrice, firstPrice, secondPrice, thirdPrice, publicPrice } = productData; console.log("data : ",productData) const skuStr = String(sku); const currentProduct = await Product.findOne({ sku: skuStr }); if (!currentProduct) { continue } let filter = {}; if (quantity) { filter.quantity = quantity; } if (initialPrice || publicPrice || firstPrice || secondPrice || thirdPrice) { filter.pricing = currentProduct.pricing || {}; if (initialPrice) { filter.pricing.initialPrice = initialPrice; } if (publicPrice) { filter.pricing.publicPrice = publicPrice; } const discountPrices = currentProduct.pricing?.discountPrices || []; if (firstPrice) { discountPrices[0] = firstPrice; } if (secondPrice) { discountPrices[1] = secondPrice; } if (thirdPrice) { discountPrices[2] = thirdPrice; } filter.pricing.discountPrices = discountPrices; } await Product.updateOne( { sku: skuStr }, { $set: filter } ); } } const TestQantityAndPrices = async (batch,next) => { for (const productData of batch) { const { sku, quantity, initialPrice, firstPrice, secondPrice, thirdPrice, publicPrice } = productData; const skuStr = String(sku); if(!sku ){ return next(new AppError('sku is require', 400)); } if(quantity){ if(quantity < 0){ return next(new AppError('quantity of product wwith sku '+sku+' is negative', 400)); } } if(initialPrice){ if(initialPrice < 0){ return next(new AppError('initialPrice of product wwith sku '+sku+' is negative', 400)); } } if(firstPrice){ if(firstPrice < 0){ return next(new AppError('firstPrice of product wwith sku '+sku+' is negative', 400)); } } if(secondPrice){ if(secondPrice < 0){ return next(new AppError('secondPrice of product wwith sku '+sku+' is negative', 400)); } } if(thirdPrice){ if(thirdPrice < 0){ return next(new AppError('thirdPrice of product wwith sku '+thirdPrice+' is negative', 400)); } } if(publicPrice){ if(publicPrice < 0){ return next(new AppError('publicPrice of product wwith sku '+publicPrice+' is negative', 400)); } } } };
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