2 months ago
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from fpdf import FPDF # Create a PDF instance pdf = FPDF() pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) # Add a title pdf.set_font("Arial", style="B", size=16) pdf.cell(0, 10, "Class 3 Math Olympiad Questions", ln=True, align="C") pdf.ln(10) # Add questions pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) questions = [ "1. Place Value:\n What is the place value of 7 in the number 672?\n a) 700 b) 70 c) 7 d) 2\n", "2. Rounding Numbers:\n Round 835 to the nearest 10 and the nearest 100.\n Nearest 10: ______ Nearest 100: ______\n", "3. Fractions:\n A rectangle is divided into 5 equal parts. If 3 parts are shaded, what fraction of the rectangle is shaded? \n Draw a similar rectangle and shade the fraction.\n", "4. Addition and Subtraction with Money:\n A toy costs $245, and another toy costs $378. How much do they cost together?\n If you have $700, how much money will you have left after buying both toys?\n", "5. 3D Shapes:\n A cube has ______ faces, ______ edges, and ______ vertices.\n", "6. Tally Chart:\n The tally chart below shows the favorite fruits of a group of students:\n\n" "| Fruit | Tally | Frequency |\n" "|----------|----------------|-----------|\n" "| Apple | |||| | ______ |\n" "| Orange | |||| || | ______ |\n" "| Banana | |||| |||| | | ______ |\n" "| Grapes | |||| | ______ |\n\n" "a) How many students like Orange?\n" "b) Which fruit is the most popular?\n", "7. Multiplication and Division:\n a) What is 8 × 7?\n b) Divide 36 by 6.\n", "8. Fractions of Numbers:\n If there are 12 candies and you give away 1/3 of them, how many candies are left with you?\n", "9. Time:\n A movie starts at 3:45 PM and runs for 2 hours and 30 minutes. What time will it end?\n", "10. Measurement:\n a) A watermelon weighs 3 kg, and a pineapple weighs 2.5 kg. Which one is heavier, and by how much?\n b) Convert 2,500 mL to liters.\n", "11. Place Value:\n Write the expanded form of 946.\n", "12. Comparing Numbers:\n Which is greater: 452 or 458?\n", "13. Ordering Numbers:\n Arrange the numbers 238, 182, 307, 299 in ascending order.\n", "14. Rounding Numbers:\n Round 478 to the nearest 10 and the nearest 100.\n", "15. Multiplication:\n What is 9 × 12?\n", "16. Division:\n Divide 45 by 5.\n", "17. Fractions:\n Which is larger: 3/5 or 4/7?\n", "18. Time:\n If a train departs at 11:15 AM and the journey takes 2 hours 45 minutes, what time will it arrive?\n", "19. Measurement:\n Compare the capacity: Which is greater, 3 liters or 3,000 milliliters?\n", "20. Times Table:\n Write the multiples of 6 up to 60.\n", "21. Subtraction:\n Subtract 429 from 562.\n", "22. Fractions of Shapes:\n Draw a circle and shade 1/4 of it.\n" ] for question in questions: pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, question) pdf.ln(2) # Save the PDF file_path = "/mnt/data/Class_3_Math_Olympiad_Questions.pdf" pdf.output(file_path) file_pa th
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