10 months ago
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Data and packages {r} #| message: false library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(readr) library(tidyverse) {r} vdem <- `V-Dem-CY-Full+Others-v11` <- readRDS("~/Documents/SOCIAL SCIENCES UC3M/States, Regimes and Institutions/ASSIGNMENT 1/Country_Year_V-Dem_Full+others_R_v11/V-Dem-CY-Full+Others-v11.rds") {r} exercise1 <- subset(vdem, year >= 1919 & year <= 1939 & e_regiongeo %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4)) exercise1_stableautocracies <- exercise1 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% filter(all(e_boix_regime == 0)) countriesstableautocracies <- exercise1_stableautocracies %>% distinct(country_name) countries__stableautocracies <- unique(exercise1_stableautocracies$country_name) print(countries__stableautocracies) countries__stableautocracies {r} exercise1_stabledemocracies <- exercise1 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% filter(all(e_boix_regime == 1)) countriesstabledemocracies <- exercise1_stabledemocracies %>% distinct(country_name) countries__stabledemocracies <- unique(countriesstabledemocracies$country_name) print(countries__stabledemocracies) {r} demotoautocracy <- exercise1 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% filter(any(e_boix_regime == 1) & any(e_boix_regime == 0)) countries__demotoautocracy <- unique(demotoautocracy$country_name) print(countries__demotoautocracy) {r} exercise1 <- exercise1 %>% mutate(new_variable = ifelse(country_name %in% c("Russia","Albania", "Bulgaria", "Romania", "Hungary"), 0, ifelse(country_name %in% c("Sweden", "Switzerland", "France", "Netherlands", "Iceland", "Finland", "Belgium", "United Kingdom", "Belgium", "Czech Republic", "Luxembourg", "Norway"), 1, ifelse(country_name %in% c("Lithuania", "Poland", "Serbia", "Latvia", "Ireland", "Germany", "Spain", "Portugal", "Italy", "Estonia", "Austria", "Greece"), 2, NA)))) {r} exercise1 <- exercise1 %>% mutate(new_variable = case_when( new_variable == 0 ~ "Stable Autocracy", new_variable == 1 ~ "Stable Democracy", new_variable == 2 ~ "Transicions", TRUE ~ "NA" )) exercise1 <- exercise1 %>% mutate(new_variable = case_when( new_variable == 0 ~ "Stable", new_variable == 1 ~ "Stable Democracy", new_variable == 2 ~ "Transiciones", TRUE ~ "NA" )) {r} groups012 <- exercise1 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% summarise( democracies = ifelse( any(e_boix_regime == 0) && any(e_boix_regime == 1), "Democracy that collapsed", ifelse(all(e_boix_regime == 1), "Stable Democracy", "Stable Autocracy")) ) table_groups012 <- groups012 %>% select(country_name, democracies) print(table_groups012, n = Inf) {r} exercise1_demo <- exercise1 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% summarise( years_democratic = sum(e_boix_regime == 1) ) exercise1_demo_table <- exercise1_demo %>% select(country_name, years_democratic) print(exercise1_demo_table) {r} yearofbreakdown <- exercise1 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% summarise( yearofbreakdown = ifelse(any(diff(e_boix_regime) == -1), min(year[diff(e_boix_regime) == -1]), NA) ) summary(yearofbreakdown) tableyearofbreakdown <- yearofbreakdown %>% filter(!is.na(yearofbreakdown)) %>% select(country_name, yearofbreakdown) print(tableyearofbreakdown, n = Inf) {r} exercise1_2 <- subset(vdem, year >= 1860 & year <= 1913 & e_regiongeo %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4)) yearsofdemocracy <- exercise1_2 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% summarise( yearsofdemocracy = sum(!is.na(e_boix_regime) & e_boix_regime == 1) ) tables18601913 <- yearsofdemocracy %>% select(country_name, yearsofdemocracy) print(tables18601913, n = Inf) {r} poly_1900_1913 <- exercise1_2 %>% group_by(country_name) %>% summarise( mean_poly = mean(v2x_polyarchy) ) tablepoly_1900_1913 <- poly_1900_1913 %>% select(country_name, mean_poly) print(tablepoly_1900_1913, n = Inf) {r} finaltable <- full_join( groups012, exercise1_demo_table, by = "country_name" ) %>% full_join( tableyearofbreakdown, by = "country_name" ) %>% full_join( tables18601913, by = "country_name" ) %>% full_join( tablepoly_1900_1913, by = "country_name" ) finaltable