2 years ago
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def check_xyz_status(user_input): user_input_list = user_input.split(',', maxsplit=1) if len(user_input_list) != 2: return f"Input is incorrect! Please type your username (email address) followed by a comma (,) and password. Example: yourname@email.com,MyPa55word)" elif user_input_list[0] == "": return f"Input is incorrect! Please type your username (email address) followed by a comma (,) and password. Example: yourname@email.com,MyPa55word)" elif user_input_list[1] == "": return f"Input is incorrect! Please type your username (email address) followed by a comma (,) and password. Example: yourname@email.com,MyPa55word)" with sync_playwright() as p: browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=True,channel="chrome",executablePath='/app/vendor/chrome/bin/chrome') # print(browser) page = browser.new_page() page.goto('SITE_URL',timeout=300000) #,timeout=100000 page.fill('input#UserName',user_input_list[0].strip()) page.fill('input#Password',user_input_list[1].strip()) page.click('input[type=submit]') try: page.goto('SITE_URL/PAGE',timeout=300000) #,timeout=500000 page.is_visible('div.k-grid-content k-auto-scrollable') html = page.inner_html('#elmnt') except: return 'Incorrect username(email) or password.' soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser') tds = soup.find_all('td') status_list = [] for td in tds: status_list.append(td.text) if len(status_list) == 0: return 'Server is busy, try again later :)' else: return f'Your application\'s status is {status_list[3]}({status_list[5]} for {status_list[6]}), submitted on {status_list[4]}'