Linked in Onsite round 1 - Max Stack
3 years ago
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/** * A stacklike data structure that also allows stacklike access * to its elements by their value. * For example, given a stack of {1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5, 2} * peek() -> 2, peekMax() -> 5 * pop() -> 2; peek() -> 5, peekMax() -> 5 * pop() -> 5; peek() -> 4, peekMax() -> 5 * push(6); peek() -> 6, peekMax() -> 6 * popMax() -> 6; peek -> 4, peekMax() -> 5 * popMax() -> 5; peek -> 4, peekMax() -> 4 maxStack -> 1, 3, 3, 5 stack 1, 3, 2, 5 maxStack 1, popmax() -> 5 popmax() -> 3 popmax() -> 2 * Throw Exception when stack empty() Solution 1 - Max Heap + Stack (Linked List) push - O(Logn) peek - O(1) pop - O(Logn) peekMax - O(1) popMax - O(n) Solution 2 - Double Stack push - O(1) peek - O(1) pop - O(1) peekMax - O(1) popMax - O(n) * */ // 5,4,3,2,1 // main stack 5,4,3,2,1 // max stack 5,5,5,5,5 // popMax // 1,2,3,4 // 4,3,2,1 // 4,4,4,4 // 1,2,3,4 // 4 // Solution 3 - TreeMap , DoublyLinkedList // TreeMap -> <Val, List<Position>> // Doubly Linked List -> Integers public interface MaxStack<T extends Comparable<T>> { // The standard three Stack methods: /** Add an element to the stack. */ public void push(T toPush); /** Return the top value on the stack. */ public T peek(); /** Remove and return the top value from the stack. */ public T pop(); // Two special methods, so this isn't just 'implement a stack': /** Return the largest value in the stack. (Remember that T must implement Comparable.) */ public T peekMax(); /** Remove and return the largest value from the stack. */ public T popMax(); } public class MaxStackImpl implements MaxStack { Stack<Integer> maxStack; Stack<Integer> stack; public MaxStackImpl() { maxStack = new Stack<>(); stack = new Stack<>(); } // The standard three Stack methods: /** Add an element to the stack. */ public void push(int toPush) { int max = maxStack.isEmpty() ? toPush : maxStack.peek(); maxStack.push(max > toPush ? max : toPush); stack.add(toPush); } /** Return the top value on the stack. */ public int peek() { return stack.peek(); } /** Remove and return the top value from the stack. */ public int pop() { stack.pop(); return maxStack.pop(); } // Two special methods, so this isn't just 'implement a stack': /** Return the largest value in the stack. (Remember that T must implement Comparable.) */ public int peekMax() { return maxStack.peek(); } // main stack 1,3,2 // max stack 1,3,3 // newStack 2,3,1 // max = 5 // main stack 100,1,2,3 // max stack 100,100,100,100 /** Remove and return the largest value from the stack. */ public int popMax() { int max = peekMax(); Stack<Integer> newStack = new Stack<>(); while (stack.peek() != max) { int temp = pop(); newStack.push(temp); } pop(); while(!newStack.isEmpty()) { push(newStack.pop); } return max; } }