# playsphere - a minigame minecraft server with minigames such as skyblock, factions and kitpvp.
every 5 ticks:
loop all players:
wipe loop-players sidebar
set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&8&l----- &d&lPLAYSPHERE &8&l-----"
set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 9
set score "&d&lPLAYER" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
set score "&d&l» &f%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
set score "&d&l» &fRANK: &f%loop-player's prefix%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
set score "&f " in sidebar of loop-player to 5
set score "&d&lSERVER" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
set score "&d&l» &fPLAYERS: &f%{onlinePlayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
set score "&d&l» &fTPS: &f%tps%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
set score "&e " in sidebar of loop-player to 1
set score "&7play-sphere.com" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
on join:
add 1 to {onlinePlayers}
set join message to "&8[&a+&8] &f%player% &ajoined the game"
send "&8&l+-------------------------+"
send "&f "
send " &d&l✧ &5&lPLAYSPHERE &d&l✧"
send "&f "
send " &7Welcome, &d&n%player% &7to the server!"
send "&f "
send " &6&lSTORE store.play-sphere.com"
send " &9&lDISCORD discord.play-sphere.com"
send " &b&lWEBSITE play-sphere.com"
send "&f "
send " &5&l★ &dplay-sphere.com &5&l★"
send "&8&l+-------------------------+"
on quit:
remove 1 from {onlinePlayers}
command /simulateJoin:
permission: op
broadcast "&8[&a+&8] &f%player% &ajoined the game"
send "&8&l+-------------------------+"
send "&f "
send " &d&l✧ &5&lPLAYSPHERE &d&l✧"
send "&f "
send " &7Welcome, &d&n%player% &7to the server!"
send "&f "
send " &6&lSTORE store.play-sphere.com"
send " &9&lDISCORD discord.play-sphere.com"
send " &b&lWEBSITE play-sphere.com"
send "&f "
send " &5&l★ &dplay-sphere.com &5&l★"
send "&8&l+-------------------------+"