3 months ago
4.5 kB
Hlines = zeros(4,3); Llines = zeros(3,3); Mlines = zeros(6,3); Circumference = zeros(3,3); curve = zeros(3,3); img = imread("Look-outCat.jpg"); imgOriginal = img; %Controlliamo che l'immagine sia in RGB, quindi la trasformiamo in scala di %grigi if size (img,3) == 3 grayimage = rgb2gray(img); end %miglioriamo il contrasto img = imadjust(grayimage); %rileviamo i bordi tramite l'algoritmo di canny img = edge(img,"canny",0.05); %identifico le linee rette tramite la trasformata di hough [H,teta,rho] = hough(img); numpeaks = 50; p = houghpeaks(H,numpeaks,"Threshold",ceil(0.1*max(H(:)))); lines = houghlines(img,teta,rho,p,"FillGap",5,"MinLength",7); figure; imshow(img); hold on; for k = 1:length(lines) xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2]; angle = abs(atan2d(xy(2,2)-xy(1,2),xy(2,1)-xy(1,1))); if angle <0 angle = angle +180; end if (angle < 30) || (angle > 120) plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'blue'); elseif (angle>=75 && angle <=105) plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'green'); else plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'red'); end end figure; imshow(imgOriginal); hold on; Hlines(1,:) = cross([321 592 1],[384 236 1]); Hlines(2,:) = cross([801 654 1],[778 317 1]); Hlines(3,:) = cross([1075 341 1],[1093 417 1]); Hlines(4,:) = cross([1316 384 1],[1419 665 1]); Llines(1,:) = cross([402 249 1],[673 282 1]); Llines(2,:) = cross([470 712 1],[1345 698 1]); Llines(3,:) = cross([454 775 1],[1166 749 1]); %[x, y]=getpts; %scatter(x,y,100,'filled'); Mlines(1,:) = cross([402 250 1],[464 456 1]); Mlines(2,:) = cross([776 296 1],[720 470 1]); Mlines(3,:) = cross([969 461 1],[1070 348 1]); Mlines(4,:) = cross([1165 482 1],[1300 388 1]); Mlines(5,:) = cross([305 716 1],[420 778 1]); Mlines(6,:) = cross([1441 697 1],[1175 753 1]); %Vanishing point finded by using l1 and l3 V1 = cross(Llines(1,:),Llines(3,:)); V1 = V1/V1(3); plot(V1(1),V1(2),'.b','MarkerSize',30); text(V1(1),V1(2), 'v1', 'FontSize', 18, 'Color', 'w'); %Vanishing point finded by using m1 and m4 V2 = cross(Mlines(1,:),Mlines(4,:)); V2 = V2/V2(3); plot(V2(1),V2(2),'.b','MarkerSize',30); text(V2(1),V2(2), 'v2', 'FontSize', 18, 'Color', 'w'); %Find the vanishing line vanishingLine = cross(V1,V2); plot([V1(1),V2(1)],[V1(2),V2(2)],'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'blue') vanishingLine = vanishingLine/norm(vanishingLine(1:2)); HR = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; vanishingLine]; %Trovo i 4 angoli alla base del mobile (matrice 4x3) corners = zeros(4,3); %angolo in basso a sinistra corners(1,:) = cross(Mlines(5,:),Llines(3,:)); %angolo in basso a destra corners(2,:) = cross(Mlines(6,:),Llines(3,:)); %angolo in alto a destra corners(3,:) = cross(Mlines(6,:),Llines(2,:)); %angolo in alto a sinistra corners(4,:) = cross(Mlines(5,:),Llines(2,:)); for i=1:4 corners(i,:) = corners(i,:)/corners(i,3); plot(corners(i,1),corners(i,2),'.b','MarkerSize',30); text(corners(i,1),corners(i,2),sprintf("A%d",i), 'FontSize', 18, 'Color', 'w'); end rectifiedPoints = zeros(size(corners)); for i=1:4 rectifiedPoint = HR * corners(i,:)'; rectifiedPoints(i,:) = (rectifiedPoint/rectifiedPoint(3))'; end %calcolo la profondità m widthDown = norm(rectifiedPoints(2,1:2)-rectifiedPoints(1,1:2)); widthUp = norm(rectifiedPoints(3,1:2)-rectifiedPoints(4,1:2)); depthLeft = norm(rectifiedPoints(4,1:2)-rectifiedPoints(1,1:2)); depthRight = norm(rectifiedPoints(3,1:2)-rectifiedPoints(2,1:2)); width = (widthUp+widthDown)/2; depth = (depthRight+depthLeft)/2; m = depth/width; disp(m); %Trovo la matrice K V3 = cross(Hlines(1,:),Hlines(4,:)); V3 = V3/V3(3); V1_n = V1/norm(V1); V2_n = V2/norm(V2); V3_n = V3/norm(V3); A = zeros(3,6); A(1,:) = [V1_n(1)*V2_n(1), V1_n(1)*V2_n(2)+V1_n(2)*V2_n(1), V1_n(2)*V2_n(2), ... V1_n(1)*V2_n(3)+V1_n(3)*V2_n(1), V1_n(2)*V2_n(3)+V1_n(3)*V2_n(2), V1_n(3)*V2_n(3)]; A(2,:) = [V1_n(1)*V3_n(1), V1_n(1)*V3_n(2)+V1_n(2)*V3_n(1), V1_n(2)*V3_n(2), ... V1_n(1)*V3_n(3)+V1_n(3)*V3_n(1), V1_n(2)*V3_n(3)+V1_n(3)*V3_n(2), V1_n(3)*V3_n(3)]; A(3,:) = [V2_n(1)*V3_n(1), V2_n(1)*V3_n(2)+V2_n(2)*V3_n(1), V2_n(2)*V3_n(2), ... V2_n(1)*V3_n(3)+V2_n(3)*V3_n(1), V2_n(2)*V3_n(3)+V2_n(3)*V3_n(2), V2_n(3)*V3_n(3)]; [~,~,V] = svd(A); omega_vec = V(:,end); omega = [omega_vec(1) omega_vec(2) omega_vec(4); omega_vec(2) omega_vec(3) omega_vec(5); omega_vec(4) omega_vec(5) omega_vec(6)]; [U,D,~] = svd(omega); K = inv(U*sqrt(D)); K = K/K(3,3); disp(K);
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