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\chapter{Project Realization: Algorand in Nova DeFi}
And finally in the third chapter we’re going to present our contribution to the project along with explaining in detail the progress steps of integrating Algorand into Nova.
\section{Connect on Nova with Agorand}
\subsection{Connecting your Algorand account }
\subsubsection{Home Page}
On the home page you’ll find the  ‘CONNECT WALLET’ button which will allow the access to the ‘Algosigner’ wallet extension on your browser thanks to the Algosigner.connect() function.
\subsubsection{Wallet Selection}
Select the Algorand option in order to connect to the Algosigner wallet 

\subsubsection{Account Selection}
\paragraph{Grant Acces to Algosigner}

\paragraph{Choosing an account}

\paragraph{Chosesn account list}

\section{Using the Nova website app}
\subsection{Welcome page}
As we can see the second account on the wallet has been connected 
And connection type is displayed beside it 
In this case we are on the Testnet
When we click on the account’s address this window will display info related to the account 
Like \textbf{Wallet type} , \textbf{full account address} and \textbf{Balance}.
\subsection{Portfolio page}
On this Page we can start the portfolio creation process by clicking the ‘Create a Portfolio’ button 
\subsubsection{Creating new portfolio steps}
\paragraph{Adding an asset step}
Each portfolio must contain at least one asset 
We’re working with algorand so we chose two assets supported by the algorand blockchain 
\subparagraph{Add step}
On this page we can select an asset to add to the portfolio on asset at a time because we will need to choose a \textbf{Program} and a \textbf{yield strategy} for each asset

\subparagraph{Program step}
On this page we can choose three types of programs for our asset 

    \item Take Profit (TP):  This programmable asset regularly sells a percentage of an asset into USDC and places the profits into a yield strategy. It can be useful for building a good average exit price from a cryptocurrency that is experiencing consistent growth .
    \item Conditional Distribution (CD): These assets use triggers to determine an action. For example, if the price of the asset rises 30\% in one day, you can apply a trigger to swap a percentage of the asset into another.
    \item Reduced Volatility (RV): These assets allow a user to have exposure to an asset but reduce some of the volatility by allocating a percentage into a more stable asset like USDC.

For the rest of this demonstration we can use any type of program because we’re just testing  

\subparagraph{Percentage selection}
After choosing a program we have to select the asset percentage that will be sold into the other asset
\subparagraph{Yield strategy}
After choosing the strategy you’ll be reverted back to creation page
After that we have the option to add an other asset each with their own program and yield strategy

\subparagraph{Portfolio with one asset}
\subparagraph{Portfolio with 2 assets}
\paragraph{Information Page step}

On this page we provide important useful information for users visiting the portfolio 
Which are :
    \item The objective of the portfolio
    \item The conditions of the portfolio’s best performance 
    \item The risk of the portfolio
    \item How long the success of the portfolio is expected

All the fields will be field with ‘test’ for testing purposes 

\section{Creation on the blockchain}
\subsection{End result transactions}
These informations on the console are the result of the \textbf{createAlgorandPortfolio} function
Which calls the smart contract app to store the portfolio information on the blockchain.

\subsection{Smart contract application}
The smart contract used to store the portfolio’s information into the data account 
It is written in pyteal which will be converted into teal once debugged and deployed

The pyteal smart contract is split into two programs :
the approval program and the clear program

\subsubsection{Approval program}
The approval program contains  the main instructions of the smart program such as manipulating global or local state
\subsubsection{Clear state program}
Executions of the ClearStateProgram are more stringent, in order to ensure that applications may be closed out, but that applications also are assured a chance to clean up their internal state. At the beginning of the execution of a ClearStateProgram, the pooled budget available must be MaxAppProgramCost or higher. If it is not, the containing transaction group fails without clearing the app's state. During the execution of the ClearStateProgram, no more than MaxAppProgramCost may be drawn. If further execution is attempted, the ClearStateProgram fails, and the app's state is cleared.
\subsubsection{Smart contract deployment}
After the deployment of the smart contract two teal files will be created each with their own program along with the \textbf{app id} that will be used in the application call.


Creating the smart contract application 
After preparing the smart contract programs we will use them to create the application 
Also we need an algorand account to be the creator of this application in this case we’ll use the multisignature account. 
After executing the code we get a transaction id 
We can use that id to track the transaction in the Algorand Explorer in order to get details about the transaction.

\paragraph{Transaction overview}
Here, we can see:
    \item \textbf{Transaction ID}.
    \item \textbf{Timestamp}: full date and time of the transaction.
    \item \textbf{Block}: the number of the block which contains the information.
    \item \textbf{Transaction Type}: In this application, it is an \textbf{Application call}
\paragraph{Transaction details}
    \item \textbf{Sender}: the address of the sender of the transaction
    \item \textbf{Auth Address}: the address of the account that authorized the transaction
    \item \textbf{Signature}: the signature type
    \item \textbf{Multisig version}.
    \item \textbf{Multisig threshold}.
    \item \textbf{Subsignatures}: the adresses of the actual account that signed the transaction.
\paragraph{Approval and Clear state}

The Approval and Clear State programs responsible for this app creation 
Can be displayed in Base 64 or can be displayed in readable form 
\subsection{createAlgorandPortfolio function steps}

    \item  Get the portfolio information from the database stored in json format 
    \item Generate a Data Account  
Using the algorand SDK we can generate an algorand account that will serve as the data account
\item Send funds into the Data Account 
For this purpose a simple JS function is needed to send some testnet algos to the data account 
\item Rekey authority process 
Like we previously explained the rekey process is crucial for this operation so we dont have to save the generated account’s private key we can use sign every transaction with the multisig account’s signature
\item Prepare the Arguments for the smart contract application
\item Get the parameters for the transaction
\item Opt into to the asset 
\item Call the application NoOp \item Sign transactions with multisignature account 
\item Send transaction and wait for the confirmation


\subsection{Getting the portfolio information from the Algorand blockchain}
Using \textbf{algorand SDK} we can extract the contents of an account’s local state using using the \textbf{App-id} and the \textbf{account’s address}.


\subsection{Mint portfolio}
Mint is a necessary phase for creating a portfolio 
It's a step done by the creator of the portfolio when he swaps and deposit tokens into the portfolio 
Then the portfolio becomes public and can be invested in by any user 
\subsubsection{Mint portfolio interface}
\subsubsection{Choosing a token to deposit}
\subsubsection{Choosing the amount to deposit and USD conversion}
After inputting the desired amount it will be converted to its monetary value in USD using a web API that gets its price in real time using Binance
In case we re on the Mainnet ,if the user of the account doesn't have enough balance to deposit 
He can either Revert or Buy the desired amount in Sol 

In case we are on the testnet we can always dispense free tokens from the testnet dispenser

After Depositing 
The chosen amount will be split across your asset depending on the percentage.
\subsubsection{One token on the portfolio}

\subsubsection{Two tokens on the portfolio}

Once we click on the ‘join and Deposit’ button 
Two transactions happen 
\paragagraph{Asset Opt in}
\paragagraph{Asset transfer}
\subsubsection{Portfolio Created}
\subsection{Portfolio Result}
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