lba query
3 years ago
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drop table if exists proforma_lba_budget; create temporary table proforma_lba_budget as ( select load_month ,hire_date ,effective_date ,date_part('year', hire_date) as hire_year ,emp_id ,upper(full_name) as full_name ,mappings.business_line_code ,mappings.business_unit_code ,mappings.market_code ,mappings.function_code ,project_code ,dim_bl.axis_mapping ,dim_bl.business_line_name ,dim_func.function_name ,dim_proj.product_descr ,mappings.reimbursable from lba_mappings as mappings left join dim_business_line as dim_bl on dim_bl.business_line_code = mappings.business_line_code left join dim_function as dim_func on mappings.function_code = dim_func.function_code left join dim_project as dim_proj on dim_proj.project_id = mappings.project_code group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16); drop table if exists consol_lba; create temporary table consol_lba as ( select case when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'No Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.function_code = c.function_code then 'Project Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Function Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Market Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'BU Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code then 'Project and Function Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.function_code = c.function_code then 'Project and Market Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.function_code = c.function_code then 'Project and BU Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.function_code = c.function_code then 'Project and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Function and Market Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Function and BU Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Function and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Market and BU Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Market and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.market_code = c.market_code and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'BU and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code then 'Project, Function, and Market Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.market_code = c.market_code then 'Project, Function, and BU Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.market_code = c.market_code then 'Project, Function, and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Function, Market, and BU Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Function, Market, and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.function_code = c.function_code and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Market, BU, and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_line_code = c.business_line_code then 'Project, Function, Market, and BU Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.business_unit_code = c.business_unit_code then 'Project, Function, Market, and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id and o.project_code = c.project_code then 'Function, Market, BU, and BL Change' when o.emp_id = c.emp_id then 'Full GL String Change' when o.emp_id is null and c.hire_date >= '2022-01-01' then '2022 New Hire' when o.emp_id is null and c.hire_date < '2022-01-01' and c.effective_date < '2021-12-01' then 'Pre-Dec''21 Transfer not in Budget' when o.emp_id is null and c.hire_date < '2022-01-01' and c.effective_date between '2021-12-01' and '2021-12-31' then 'Dec''21 Transfer not in Budget' when o.emp_id is null and c.hire_date < '2022-01-01' and c.effective_date >= '2022-01-01' and c.function_code in ('4902', '4917', '4923', '4927') then 'New 2022 Transfer into Core Legacy Function' when o.emp_id is null and c.hire_date < '2022-01-01' and c.effective_date >= '2022-01-01' and c.function_code not in ('4902', '4917', '4923', '4927') then 'New 2022 Transfer into Core' when o.emp_id is not null and c.emp_id is null then 'Attrited Heads' else 'Other' end as status ,c.effective_date ,o.hire_date as original_hire_date ,c.hire_date as current_hire_date ,o.emp_id as original_emp_id ,c.emp_id as current_emp_id ,o.full_name as original_full_name ,c.full_name as current_full_name ,o.business_line_code as original_bl ,c.business_line_code as current_bl ,o.business_unit_code as original_bu ,c.business_unit_code as current_bu ,o.market_code as original_mkt ,c.market_code as current_mkt ,o.function_code as original_function ,c.function_code as current_function ,o.project_code as original_project ,c.project_code as current_project ,o.axis_mapping as original_axis ,c.axis_mapping as current_axis ,o.business_line_name as original_bl_name ,c.business_line_name as current_bl_name ,o.function_name as original_func_name ,c.function_name as current_func_name ,o.product_descr as original_product_desc ,c.product_descr as current_product_desc ,o.reimbursable as original_reimb ,c.reimbursable as current_reimb from original_lba_budget as o full join proforma_lba_budget as c on o.emp_id = c.emp_id where c.load_month = '2022-03-01' group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28); select status, count(*) as headcount from consol_lba group by 1 order by headcount desc /*LBA Summary*/ select consol_lba.*,lba_budget.month_beginning, dim_account.account_name, lba_budget.amount from consol_lba left join lba_budget on consol_lba.original_emp_id = lba_budget.emp_id left join lba_mappings on consol_lba.current_emp_id = lba_mappings.emp_id left join dim_account on dim_account.account_code = lba_budget.account_code where lba_budget.month_beginning = '2022-03-01'