
mail@pastecode.io avatar
21 days ago
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def find_fraudulent_merchants_with_disputes(non_fraud_codes, fraud_codes, mcc_thresholds, merchant_mcc_map, min_charges, charges):
    # Convert fraud codes and non-fraud codes into sets
    non_fraud_codes = set(non_fraud_codes.split(','))
    fraud_codes = set(fraud_codes.split(','))
    # Parse the mcc_thresholds into a dictionary with percentages
    mcc_dict = {}
    for mcc in mcc_thresholds:
        code, threshold = mcc.split(',')
        mcc_dict[code] = float(threshold)
    # Parse the merchant_mcc_map into a dictionary
    merchant_dict = {}
    for merchant in merchant_mcc_map:
        account, mcc = merchant.split(',')
        merchant_dict[account] = mcc
    # Initialize counters for the number of transactions and fraudulent transactions per merchant
    transaction_count = {}
    fraudulent_count = {}
    charge_map = {}  # Keep track of charges to apply disputes later
    # Parse charges and count transactions and fraudulent ones
    for charge in charges:
        parts = charge.split(',')
        if parts[0] == 'DISPUTE':
            charge_id = parts[1]
            charge_map[charge_id]['disputed'] = True  # Mark the transaction as disputed
            charge_type, charge_id, account_id, amount, code = parts
            if account_id not in transaction_count:
                transaction_count[account_id] = 0
                fraudulent_count[account_id] = 0
            transaction_count[account_id] += 1
            is_fraudulent = code in fraud_codes
            charge_map[charge_id] = {'account_id': account_id, 'is_fraudulent': is_fraudulent, 'disputed': False}
            if is_fraudulent:
                fraudulent_count[account_id] += 1
    # Convert min_charges from string to int
    min_charges = int(min_charges)
    # Apply disputes: recalculate fraudulent counts for any disputed transactions
    for charge_id, charge_info in charge_map.items():
        if charge_info['disputed'] and charge_info['is_fraudulent']:
            account_id = charge_info['account_id']
            fraudulent_count[account_id] -= 1
    # Determine which merchants are fraudulent based on percentage thresholds
    fraudulent_merchants = []
    for account_id in merchant_dict:
        if transaction_count[account_id] >= min_charges:
            mcc = merchant_dict[account_id]
            threshold = mcc_dict.get(mcc, 1.0)  # Get fraud threshold for the merchant's MCC (as a fraction)
            fraud_percentage = fraudulent_count[account_id] / transaction_count[account_id]  # Calculate fraud percentage
            # Mark merchant if fraud percentage is equal to or greater than threshold
            if fraud_percentage >= threshold:
    # Return the result as a lexicographically sorted comma-separated string
    return ','.join(sorted(fraudulent_merchants))
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