7 months ago
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// ==UserScript== // @name bots4 Energy display // @version 1.4 // @description Displays the energy remaining of your opponent while battling. // @match http://bots4.net/fight* // @license MIT // @updateURL https://openuserjs.org/meta/Clay_Banger/bots4_Energy_display.meta.js // ==/UserScript== var i,j = 0,found; //define where each of the bot stats are stored. As Bot names are unique, we only need these two pieces of info. var BOT_NAME = 0; var BOT_ENERGY = 1; //decide which of the fighting pages we are on if(document.title == "fight list - bots4") { //on the fight list, need to get a list of all bots with energy var botRows = document.getElementsByClassName("botrow"); var bots = new Array(); //cycle through all of the bots listed on the page for(i=0;i<botRows.length;i++) { //check to see if the bot has energy, we dont care about it if it doesn't. var elements = botRows[i].getElementsByTagName("td"); if(elements[6].innerHTML != "") { //the bot has energy, so add him to an array of them all. var botStats = new Array(); botStats[BOT_NAME] = elements[2].innerHTML; botStats[BOT_ENERGY] = elements[6].innerHTML.replace(",","");//removes the comma from energy values. The comma messes with the save/load of the bots bots[j] = botStats; j++; } } //we have now grabbed all the info we need. Store it in the browser. //use HTML5 storage localStorage['botslist'] = bots.join("_"); } else if(document.title == "fight - bots4") { //we are fighting. //pull from HTML5 storage var bots = localStorage['botslist'].split("_"); for(var i=0;i<bots.length;i++) { bots[i] = bots[i].split(','); } //check to see if there is an array stored if(bots == "") { console.log("No botList stored in this browser."); return false; //exit } //get the current bot we are fighting. var opponentName = document.getElementById('battle-header'); //this name isn't stored as neatly as the bots in the fight list, we need to extract it from some HTML. var start = opponentName.innerHTML.indexOf("vs. ")+4; var end = opponentName.innerHTML.indexOf("</div>"); opponentName = opponentName.innerHTML.substring(start,end); //check to see if the bot we are fighting is in the list of stored bots/energy for(i=0;i<bots.length;i++) { if(bots[i][BOT_NAME] == opponentName) { //so we are fighting an energy bot, we now need to wait until the fight has finished to update the report. found = i; findFinish(); } } } function findFinish() { var battleSummary = document.getElementById("battle-summary"); if(battleSummary != null) { //the fight is over, we now need to calculate the energy left, display this, and update botList //pull the energy obtained from the battle log. var battleLog = document.getElementById("battle-log"); var subsubtext = battleLog.getElementsByClassName("subsubtext"); var energy = subsubtext[0].innerHTML; //we now know how much energy we have. Now figure out who won. var tds = battleSummary.getElementsByTagName("td"); var spans = tds[tds.length-1].getElementsByTagName("span"); var winner = spans[0].innerHTML; //make the changes to the amount of energy if(winner == opponentName) { //challenger lost, opponents energy will increase. bots[found][BOT_ENERGY] = parseInt(bots[found][BOT_ENERGY]) + parseInt(energy); } else { //challenger won bots[found][BOT_ENERGY] = bots[found][BOT_ENERGY] - energy; } //get the colour of the opponent var opponentDisplay = tds[5].innerHTML; //display the energy remaining battleLog.innerHTML = battleLog.innerHTML.replace("energy.", "energy. " + opponentDisplay + " has <span class=\"subsubtext\">" + numberWithCommas(parseInt(bots[found][BOT_ENERGY])) + "</span> energy remaining."); //if the user is using Emanuel's remove frames script (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/88060), the energy remaining may not correctly display. He uses another frame and copies the battle-log over to it. if(localStorage['hideFrames'] == "true") { //also update the "no frames" battle-log var fakeBattleLog = document.body.getElementsByTagName("div")[document.body.getElementsByTagName("div").length-1]; fakeBattleLog.innerHTML = fakeBattleLog.innerHTML.replace("energy.", "energy. " + opponentDisplay + " has <span class=\"subsubtext\">" + numberWithCommas(parseInt(bots[found][BOT_ENERGY])) + "</span> energy remaining."); } //update the botList with the changes we have made localStorage['botslist'] = bots.join("_"); } else { //fight has not ended yet, wait another 0.1 second for the fight to end. setTimeout(function(){findFinish();}, 100); } } //number format function. Only used to format the energy display. Credit for this function goes to mikez302 from StackOverflow. function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }
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