a year ago
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from datetime import datetime from tqdm import tqdm import requests import re import time from collections import deque from urllib.parse import urljoin import os from urllib.robotparser import RobotFileParser def check_robots_txt(agent, url): reason = '' can_fetch = False robots_txt_url = url + '/robots.txt' try: response = requests.get(robots_txt_url) if response.status_code == 200: rules = response.text.split('\n') applicable_rules = [rule for rule in rules if 'User-agent:' in rule or 'Disallow:' in rule] agent_rules = [] record_for_agent = False for rule in applicable_rules: if 'User-agent:' in rule: user_agent = rule.split(': ')[1] record_for_agent = (user_agent == agent or user_agent == '*') if record_for_agent and 'Disallow:' in rule: disallowed_path = rule.split(': ')[1] if url.startswith(url + disallowed_path): reason = f"Disallowed by robots.txt under the path: {disallowed_path}" return False, reason can_fetch = True else: reason = 'Unable to fetch robots.txt' except Exception as e: reason = f'An error occurred: {str(e)}' return can_fetch, reason def create_directory(directory): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def write_links_to_txt(links, filename, mode='a'): with open(filename, mode, encoding='utf-8') as file: for link in links: file.write(link + '\n') def generate_seasons(start_year, end_year): seasons = [] for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1): season = f"{year}-{year + 1}" seasons.append(season) return seasons def generate_url(season, league_id=9): return f"https://fbref.com/en/comps/{league_id}/{season}/stats/{season}-Premier-League-Stats" def extract_premier_league_links(html_content): regex_pattern_player = r'<td class="left .*?data-append-csv=".*?" data-stat="player".*?><a href="(/en/players/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)">[^<]+</a></td>' player_urls = re.findall(regex_pattern_player, html_content) player_urls = [f"https://fbref.com{link}" for link in player_urls] return player_urls def crawler(start_season, end_season, output_directory='output'): if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, f"players_{int(time.time())}.txt") existing_links_file = os.path.join(output_directory, "existing_links.txt") # Initialize headers, queue, and visited set headers = {'User-Agent': 'WebScraper for University project: Mozilla/5.0'} queue = deque() visited = set() # Clear and load existing_links.txt with open(existing_links_file, "w") as f: f.write('') if os.path.exists(existing_links_file): with open(existing_links_file, "r") as f: visited = set(line.strip() for line in f.readlines()) with open(output_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('') total_links = 1 # Initialize with 1 for the starting season URL scraped = 0 # Counters and trackers scraped_for_current_season = 0 total_links_for_current_season = 0 current_season = None seasons = generate_seasons(start_season, end_season) season_urls = [generate_url(season) for season in generate_seasons(start_season, end_season)] queue.append(season_urls.pop(0)) # Start with the first season URL while queue or season_urls: # Continue until both queue and season_urls are empty if not queue and season_urls: # If queue is empty but there are more seasons queue.append(season_urls.pop(0)) url = queue.popleft() # Update current season new_season = next((s for s in seasons if s in url), None) if new_season and new_season != current_season: current_season = new_season scraped_for_current_season = 0 # Reset counter when the season changes if url in visited: continue can_fetch, reason = check_robots_txt("Mozilla/5.0", url) if not can_fetch: print(f"Cannot scrape {url}. Reason: {reason}") with open("unscrapable_links.txt", "a") as f: f.write(f"{url}\n") continue print(f"Scraping {url}") response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) html_content = response.text visited.add(url) if any(season in url for season in seasons): # This is a season page player_links = extract_premier_league_links(html_content) new_player_links = [link for link in player_links if link not in visited] queue.extend(new_player_links) total_links_for_current_season += len(new_player_links) print(f"Found {len(new_player_links)} new player links.") else: # This is a player page, so write the URL with open(existing_links_file, "a") as f: f.write(f"{url}\n") # Store HTML content if not any(season in url for season in seasons): with open(output_file, "a", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(html_content) f.write("\n===PAGE DELIMITER===\n") scraped_for_current_season += 1 # Only increment counter for player pages print(f"Scraped {scraped_for_current_season}/{total_links_for_current_season} from season {current_season}") time.sleep(6) print("Scraping completed.") if __name__ == "__main__": crawler(start_season=2022, end_season=datetime.now().year)