2 years ago
654 B
1) Write a program to Search an element in a array Example : Read n -> size of array Read array of size n Read k to search in array n = 4, array = [12,4,5,6], k = 5; Example : Element 5 found at index 2 2) Write a program to print multiplication table of n; Read n; Example n = 2; 2 x 1 = 2; 2 x 2 = 4 2 x 3 = 6 ... .. 3) Write a program to print even numbers up to N Read n Print even numbers up to N 4) Write a program to print factorial of a numer N Read N Print factororial of a number Example : 5 Output : 120 5) Write a program to check if number is a prime Example1 : 7 Output : 7 is prime Example2 : 5 Output : 4 is not prime