a month ago
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# api/request_processor.py import asyncio import json import logging import re import uuid from typing import Callable import websockets from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async from django.conf import settings from django.utils import timezone from api.models import DataRequest from api.utils.remote_api import ( initiate_copy_async, initiate_crop_async, initiate_zip_async, initiate_delete_async, initiate_stop_async, pull_file_with_progress, RemoteAPIError, get_remote_ws_url ) from api.services.redis_events import publish_request_update from api.utils.enums import ProcessingAction logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def sanitize_path(path: str) -> str: """ Converts an arbitrary string into a safe folder name by replacing invalid characters with underscores. """ return re.sub(r'[\\\/:*?"<>| ]+', '_', path) class RequestProcessor: """ Processes a single DataRequest in stages. 0: Waiting 1: Copying to Cache 2: On Cache 3: Making Crops 4: Zipping 5: Zip Completed 6: Downloading Zip to Local 7: On Local (Ready) """ def __init__(self, req: DataRequest): self.req = req self.attempts_per_stage = {} # Default zip source directory will be updated as needed. self.zip_source_dir = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{self.req.id}" self.current_op_id = None self.download_task = None async def get_data_from_request(self, *attrs) -> dict: await sync_to_async(self.req.refresh_from_db)() return {attr: getattr(self.req, attr) for attr in attrs} def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, RequestProcessor): return NotImplemented self_uncached = self.req.stage_int < 2 other_uncached = other.req.stage_int < 2 if self_uncached != other_uncached: return self_uncached if self.req.priority != other.req.priority: return self.req.priority < other.req.priority return self.req.created_at < other.req.created_at async def process_current_stage(self): data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped", "stage_int", "id") if data["is_stopped"]: logger.info(f"Request ID={data['id']} is stopped. Aborting current stage.") return stage = data["stage_int"] req_id = data["id"] logger.info(f"Processing stage {stage} for request ID={req_id}") try: if stage == 0: await self.advance_stage(1, "Starting copy to cache (In Progress)") elif stage == 1: await self.process_copy_to_cache() elif stage == 2: # Decide whether to do cropping based on requested data types. data_types = self.req.data_types or [] if 1 in data_types: await self.advance_stage(3, "Initiating cropping operation (Making Crops)") else: await self.advance_stage(4, "Skipping cropping. Initiating zipping operation.") elif stage == 3: await self.process_making_crops() elif stage == 4: await self.process_zipping() elif stage == 5: await self.advance_stage(6, "Initiating ZIP file download (Downloading Zip to Local)") elif stage == 6: await self.process_downloading() elif stage >= 7: # Before logging completion, check if stopped. data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: logger.info(f"Request ID={req_id} is stopped; not marking complete.") return logger.info(f"Request ID={req_id} is complete.") else: logger.warning(f"Unknown stage {stage} for request ID={req_id}") except RemoteAPIError as e: await self.handle_stage_error(stage, str(e)) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Unexpected error in stage {stage} for request ID={req_id}: {e}") await self.handle_stage_error(stage, str(e)) async def process_copy_to_cache(self): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id", "source", "is_stopped", "start_date_time", "end_date_time") req_id = data["id"] if data["is_stopped"]: return source = data["source"] data_types = self.req.data_types or [] mod_time_range = await self._build_mod_time_filter() # If snapshots (0) or crops (1) are requested, copy snapshots. if (0 in data_types) or (1 in data_types): copy_dest_snapshots = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}/snapshots" op_id, ws_task = await self._start_operation(stage=1, source=source) self.current_op_id = op_id await initiate_copy_async( source=source, source_dir=settings.REMOTE_SNAPSHOTS_PATH, dest_dir=copy_dest_snapshots, mod_time_range=mod_time_range, operation_id=op_id, recursive=False ) await ws_task # Check if stopped after copying snapshots. data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: return # Process each custom path. custom_paths = self.req.custom_paths or [] for custom_path in custom_paths: dest_custom = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}/extra_data/{sanitize_path(custom_path)}" op_id, ws_task = await self._start_operation(stage=1, source=source) self.current_op_id = op_id await initiate_copy_async( source=source, source_dir=custom_path, dest_dir=dest_custom, mod_time_range=None, operation_id=op_id, recursive=True ) await ws_task data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: return await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STAGE_CHANGE, status="Copy operations complete. Data is now on cache.", new_stage=1 ) # Set the default zip source directory to the entire request folder. self.zip_source_dir = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}" await self.advance_stage(2, "Copy complete. Data is now on cache.") async def process_making_crops(self): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id", "source", "is_stopped") req_id = data["id"] if data["is_stopped"]: return source = data["source"] snapshots_dir = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}/snapshots" crop_output_dir = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}/crops" await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STAGE_CHANGE, status="Initiating cropping operation (Making Crops)", new_stage=3 ) op_id, ws_task = await self._start_operation(stage=3, source=source) self.current_op_id = op_id await initiate_crop_async( source=source, snapshots_dir=snapshots_dir, output_dir=crop_output_dir, operation_id=op_id ) await ws_task data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: return # Determine the zip source directory. # If the only requested data type is crops ([1] only), then zip only the crops folder. data_types = self.req.data_types or [] if set(data_types) == {1}: self.zip_source_dir = crop_output_dir else: self.zip_source_dir = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}" await self.advance_stage(4, "Cropping complete. Ready to zip.") async def process_zipping(self): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id", "source", "is_stopped") req_id = data["id"] if data["is_stopped"]: return source = data["source"] zip_path = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}.zip" await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STAGE_CHANGE, status="Initiating zipping operation (Zipping)", new_stage=4 ) op_id, ws_task = await self._start_operation(stage=4, source=source) self.current_op_id = op_id await initiate_zip_async( source=source, source_dir=self.zip_source_dir, zip_path=zip_path, operation_id=op_id ) await ws_task data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: return await self.advance_stage(5, "Zipping complete. ZIP file ready.") async def process_downloading(self): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id", "source", "is_stopped") req_id = data["id"] if data["is_stopped"]: return source = data["source"] remote_zip = f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}.zip" local_zip_path = f"{settings.LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_TARGET_PATH}_{req_id}.zip" await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status="Downloading ZIP file..." ) self.download_task = asyncio.create_task( pull_file_with_progress( source=source, remote_path=remote_zip, local_path=local_zip_path, callback=self.generate_progress_callback(req_id, 6) ) ) try: await self.download_task except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.info(f"Download for request {req_id} was cancelled.") return finally: self.download_task = None op_id, _ = await self._start_operation(stage=6, source=source) self.current_op_id = op_id await initiate_delete_async( source=source, path=f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}", operation_id=op_id ) op_id, _ = await self._start_operation(stage=6, source=source) self.current_op_id = op_id await initiate_delete_async( source=source, path=f"{settings.REMOTE_CACHE_PATH}/{req_id}.zip", operation_id=op_id ) await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status="Initiated deletion from cache." ) data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: return await self.advance_stage(7, "Download complete. Files available locally.") # Before publishing complete, check again. data = await self.get_data_from_request("is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: return await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.PROCESS_COMPLETE, status="All done" ) async def _listen_ws(self, ws_url: str, stage: int, operation_id: str): await self.get_data_from_request("id") try: async with websockets.connect(ws_url) as websocket: logger.info(f"Connected to WS for operation_id={operation_id} at {ws_url}") while True: message_raw = await websocket.recv() message = json.loads(message_raw) status = message.get("status") msg = message.get("message", "") logger.debug(f"Received WS message for operation_id={operation_id}: {message}") if status == "progress": await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status=msg ) elif status == "complete": await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status=f"Operation (stage {stage}) completed: {msg}" ) break elif status == "stopped": await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status=f"Operation (stage {stage}) stopped: {msg}" ) break elif status == "error": await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.PROCESS_ERROR, status=f"Operation (stage {stage}) error: {msg}", error_message=msg, is_failed=True ) raise RemoteAPIError(f"Operation (stage {stage}) failed: {msg}") except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Error during WS communication for op_id={operation_id}: {e}") raise RemoteAPIError(f"WebSocket communication failed: {e}") def generate_progress_callback(self, req_id: int, stage: int) -> Callable[[int, int], None]: last_reported = [-1] async def callback(downloaded: int, total: int): await self.get_data_from_request("id") if total > 0: percent = (downloaded / total) * 100 current_milestone = (int(percent) // 5) * 5 if current_milestone > last_reported[0]: downloaded_mb = downloaded / (1024 * 1024) total_mb = total / (1024 * 1024) status_msg = f"Downloading ZIP: {current_milestone}% ({downloaded_mb:.1f}MB/{total_mb:.1f}MB)" await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status=status_msg ) last_reported[0] = current_milestone else: downloaded_mb = downloaded / (1024 * 1024) status_msg = f"Downloading ZIP: {downloaded_mb:.1f}MB downloaded" await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status=status_msg ) return callback async def handle_stage_error(self, stage: int, error_msg: str): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id") req_id = data["id"] attempts = self.attempts_per_stage.get(stage, 0) + 1 self.attempts_per_stage[stage] = attempts logger.warning(f"Stage {stage} for request ID={req_id} failed on attempt {attempts}: {error_msg}") await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status=f"Stage {stage} failed on attempt {attempts}: {error_msg}" ) if attempts < 3: logger.info(f"Retrying stage {stage} for request ID={req_id} in {settings.TIME_BETWEEN_RETRIES} seconds (Attempt {attempts + 1})") await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STATUS_UPDATE, status=f"Retrying stage {stage} for request ID={req_id} in {settings.TIME_BETWEEN_RETRIES} seconds (Attempt {attempts + 1})" ) await asyncio.sleep(settings.TIME_BETWEEN_RETRIES) try: await self.process_current_stage() self.attempts_per_stage[stage] = 0 except RemoteAPIError as e2: logger.error(f"Request ID={req_id} stage {stage} still failing after retry: {e2}") await self.mark_failed(stage, str(e2)) else: await self.mark_failed(stage, error_msg) async def mark_failed(self, stage: int, error_msg: str): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id") req_id = data["id"] logger.error(f"Request ID={req_id} marked as failed at stage {stage}: {error_msg}") self.req.is_failed = True await sync_to_async(self.req.save)() await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.PROCESS_ERROR, status=f"Stage {stage} failed after retries: {error_msg}", error_message=error_msg, is_failed=True ) async def advance_stage(self, new_stage: int, status_msg: str): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id", "is_stopped") if data["is_stopped"]: logger.info(f"Request ID={data['id']} is stopped; not advancing stage.") return req_id = data["id"] logger.info(f"Request ID={req_id} advancing to stage {new_stage}: {status_msg}") self.req.stage_int = new_stage await sync_to_async(self.req.save)() await publish_request_update( self.req, action=ProcessingAction.STAGE_CHANGE, status=status_msg, new_stage=new_stage ) async def _build_mod_time_filter(self) -> dict: data = await self.get_data_from_request("start_date_time", "end_date_time", "id") start_dt = timezone.localtime(data["start_date_time"]) end_dt = timezone.localtime(data["end_date_time"]) mod_time_start = int(start_dt.timestamp()) mod_time_end = int(end_dt.timestamp()) logger.debug(f"Request ID={data['id']} generated mod_time_range: {mod_time_start} to {mod_time_end}") return {"mod_time_start": mod_time_start, "mod_time_end": mod_time_end} async def _start_operation(self, stage: int, source: str): operation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) ws_url = get_remote_ws_url(source, operation_id) ws_task = asyncio.create_task(self._listen_ws(ws_url, stage, operation_id)) return operation_id, ws_task async def stop(self): data = await self.get_data_from_request("id", "source") req_id = data["id"] if self.download_task is not None and not self.download_task.done(): logger.info(f"Cancelling active download for request {req_id}") self.download_task.cancel() try: await self.download_task except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.info(f"Download for request {req_id} cancelled successfully.") self.download_task = None if self.current_op_id: try: await initiate_stop_async(source=data["source"], operation_id=self.current_op_id) logger.info(f"Sent stop command for remote operation {self.current_op_id} (Request ID={req_id})") except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Failed to stop remote operation {self.current_op_id} for request {req_id}: {e}") why if snapshots and cropps are ticked and creates nice folders for each like snapshots crops but if it's a combination like snapshots and a custom_path this doesnt work it's not creating for example a folder "crops" and "extra_data" i want to make those possible give me fully fixed working full code
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