24 days ago
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--[[ Basic response setup config time boys - Triggers: The key words that will trigger this response, make sure it's specific as if that term matches in the query then that response will be picked. Add a ~ to have it check if that term is matching within the sentance, and not just "specific" - Responses: A list of responses that the AI will randomly pick from when responding to a query (As long as it's not overwritten by the customAction return). - customCheck: A custom check of whether a player can *actually* run that query. Return true if you want a player to be able to run it, false if not. - customAction: You can have the bot run a customAction if you want. Return false to have the bot pick a random response from the Responses setting, return a string to have that overwrite the response with one of your own. ]]-- ASBaseAI.Responses = { { triggers = { "Hello", "~Hi" }, responses = { "Welcome back", }, customCheck = function(ply,txt) return true end, customAction = function(ply,txt) return false end, canSee = function(ply,txt,activator) return true end, }, { triggers = { "System Call, Toggle Main Base Gate", "System Call, Toggle Main Gate", }, responses = { "Confirmed %n, now toggling Main Gate", "Understood, Main Gate now toggling...", }, customCheck = function(ply,txt) return ply:HasAccessNumber(3) or ply:InVehicle() end, customAction = function(ply,txt) local gate = ents.GetMapCreatedEntity(3251) local button = ents.GetMapCreatedEntity(3214) if IsDoorOpen(gate) then gate:Fire("Close") button.ButtonToggled = false return "&7Toggled &f - Main Gate closing..." else gate:Fire("Open") button.ButtonToggled = true return "&7Toggled &f - Main Gate opening..." end return false end, canSee = function(ply,text,activator) return ply == activator end, }, }
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