a year ago
144 kB
<?php namespace App\CentralLogics; use App\Models\User; use App\Models\Zone; use App\Models\AddOn; use App\Models\Order; use App\Models\Store; use App\Models\Module; use App\Models\Review; use App\Models\Expense; use App\Mail\PlaceOrder; use App\Models\Category; use App\Models\Currency; use App\Models\DMReview; use App\Models\DataSetting; use App\Models\Translation; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use PayPal\Api\Transaction; use App\Models\FlashSaleItem; use Illuminate\Support\Carbon; use App\Models\BusinessSetting; use App\CentralLogics\StoreLogic; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use App\Mail\OrderVerificationMail; use App\Models\NotificationMessage; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; use MatanYadaev\EloquentSpatial\Objects\Point; use Laravelpkg\Laravelchk\Http\Controllers\LaravelchkController; class Helpers { public static function error_processor($validator) { $err_keeper = []; foreach ($validator->errors()->getMessages() as $index => $error) { array_push($err_keeper, ['code' => $index, 'message' => $error[0]]); } return $err_keeper; } public static function schedule_order() { return (bool)BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'schedule_order'])->first()->value; } public static function combinations($arrays) { $result = [[]]; foreach ($arrays as $property => $property_values) { $tmp = []; foreach ($result as $result_item) { foreach ($property_values as $property_value) { $tmp[] = array_merge($result_item, [$property => $property_value]); } } $result = $tmp; } return $result; } public static function variation_price($product, $variation) { $match = json_decode($variation, true)[0]; $result = ['price' => 0, 'stock' => 0]; foreach (json_decode($product['variations'], true) as $property => $value) { if ($value['type'] == $match['type']) { $result = ['price' => $value['price'], 'stock' => $value['stock'] ?? 0]; } } return $result; } public static function address_data_formatting($data) { foreach ($data as $key=>$item) { $data[$key]['zone_ids'] = array_column(Zone::query()->whereContains('coordinates', new Point($item->latitude, $item->longitude, POINT_SRID))->latest()->get(['id'])->toArray(), 'id'); } return $data; } public static function cart_product_data_formatting($data, $selected_variation, $selected_addons, $selected_addon_quantity,$trans = false, $local = 'en') { $variations = []; $categories = []; $category_ids = gettype($data['category_ids']) == 'array' ? $data['category_ids'] : json_decode($data['category_ids'],true); foreach ($category_ids as $value) { $category_name = Category::where('id',$value['id'])->pluck('name'); $categories[] = ['id' => (string)$value['id'], 'position' => $value['position'], 'name'=>data_get($category_name,'0','NA')]; } $data['category_ids'] = $categories; $attributes = gettype($data['attributes']) == 'array' ? $data['attributes'] : json_decode($data['attributes'],true); $data['attributes'] = $attributes; $choice_options = gettype($data['choice_options']) == 'array' ? $data['choice_options'] : json_decode($data['choice_options'],true); $data['choice_options'] = $choice_options; $add_ons = gettype($data['add_ons']) == 'array' ? $data['add_ons'] : json_decode($data['add_ons'],true); $data_addons = self::addon_data_formatting(AddOn::whereIn('id', $add_ons)->active()->get(), true, $trans, $local); $selected_data = array_combine($selected_addons, $selected_addon_quantity); foreach ($data_addons as $addon) { $addon_id = $addon['id']; if (in_array($addon_id, $selected_addons)) { $addon['isChecked'] = true; $addon['quantity'] = $selected_data[$addon_id]; } else { $addon['isChecked'] = false; $addon['quantity'] = 0; } } $data['addons'] = $data_addons; $data_variations = gettype($data['variations']) == 'array' ? $data['variations'] : json_decode($data['variations'],true); foreach ($data_variations as $var) { array_push($variations, [ 'type' => $var['type'], 'price' => (float)$var['price'], 'stock' => (int)($var['stock'] ?? 0) ]); } if ($data->title) { $data['name'] = $data->title; unset($data['title']); } if ($data->start_time) { $data['available_time_starts'] = $data->start_time->format('H:i'); unset($data['start_time']); } if ($data->end_time) { $data['available_time_ends'] = $data->end_time->format('H:i'); unset($data['end_time']); } if ($data->start_date) { $data['available_date_starts'] = $data->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['start_date']); } if ($data->end_date) { $data['available_date_ends'] = $data->end_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['end_date']); } $data['variations'] = $variations; $data_variation = $data['food_variations']?(gettype($data['food_variations']) == 'array' ? $data['food_variations'] : json_decode($data['food_variations'],true)):[]; if($data->module->module_type == 'food'){ foreach ($selected_variation as $selected_item) { foreach ($data_variation as &$all_item) { if ($selected_item["name"] === $all_item["name"]) { foreach ($all_item["values"] as &$value) { if (in_array($value["label"], $selected_item["values"]["label"])) { $value["isSelected"] = true; }else{ $value["isSelected"] = false; } } } } } } $data['food_variations'] = $data_variation; $data['store_name'] = $data->store->name; $data['is_campaign'] = $data->store?->campaigns_count>0?1:0; $data['module_type'] = $data->module->module_type; $data['zone_id'] = $data->store->zone_id; $running_flash_sale = FlashSaleItem::Active()->whereHas('flashSale', function ($query) { $query->Active()->Running(); }) ->where(['item_id' => $data['id']])->first(); $data['flash_sale'] =(int) (($running_flash_sale) ? 1 :0); $data['stock'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->available_stock : $data['stock']; $data['discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount : $data['discount']; $data['discount_type'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount_type : $data['discount_type']; $data['store_discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? 0 : (self::get_store_discount($data->store) ? $data->store?->discount->discount : 0); $data['schedule_order'] = $data->store->schedule_order; $data['rating_count'] = (int)($data->rating ? array_sum(json_decode($data->rating, true)) : 0); $data['avg_rating'] = (float)($data->avg_rating ? $data->avg_rating : 0); $data['min_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$data->store->delivery_time)[0] ?? 0; $data['max_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$data->store->delivery_time)[1] ?? 0; $data['common_condition_id'] = (int) $data->pharmacy_item_details?->common_condition_id ?? 0; $data['is_basic'] = (int) $data->pharmacy_item_details?->is_basic ?? 0; unset($data['pharmacy_item_details']); unset($data['store']); unset($data['rating']); return $data; } public static function product_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false, $trans = false, $local = 'en' , $temp_product=false) { $storage = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $item) { $variations = []; if ($item->title) { $item['name'] = $item->title; unset($item['title']); } if ($item->start_time) { $item['available_time_starts'] = $item->start_time->format('H:i'); unset($item['start_time']); } if ($item->end_time) { $item['available_time_ends'] = $item->end_time->format('H:i'); unset($item['end_time']); } if ($item->start_date) { $item['available_date_starts'] = $item->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($item['start_date']); } if ($item->end_date) { $item['available_date_ends'] = $item->end_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($item['end_date']); } $item['recommended'] =(int) $item->recommended; $categories = []; foreach (json_decode($item['category_ids']) as $value) { $category_name = Category::where('id',$value->id)->pluck('name'); $categories[] = ['id' => (string)$value->id, 'position' => $value->position, 'name'=>data_get($category_name,'0','NA')]; } $item['category_ids'] = $categories; $item['attributes'] = json_decode($item['attributes']); $item['choice_options'] = json_decode($item['choice_options']); $item['add_ons'] = self::addon_data_formatting(AddOn::withoutGlobalScope('translate')->whereIn('id', json_decode($item['add_ons'], true))->active()->get(), true, $trans, $local); foreach (json_decode($item['variations'], true) as $var) { array_push($variations, [ 'type' => $var['type'], 'price' => (float)$var['price'], 'stock' => (int)($var['stock'] ?? 0) ]); } $item['variations'] = $variations; $item['food_variations'] = $item['food_variations']?json_decode($item['food_variations'], true):''; $item['module_type'] = $item->module->module_type; $item['store_name'] = $item->store?->name; $item['is_campaign'] = $item->store?->campaigns_count>0?1:0; $item['zone_id'] = $item->store?->zone_id; $running_flash_sale = FlashSaleItem::Active()->whereHas('flashSale', function ($query) { $query->Active()->Running(); }) ->where(['item_id' => $item['id']])->first(); $item['flash_sale'] =(int) ((($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? 1 :0)); $item['stock'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->available_stock : $item['stock']; $item['discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount : $item['discount']; $item['discount_type'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount_type : $item['discount_type']; $item['store_discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? 0 : (self::get_store_discount($item->store) ? $item->store?->discount->discount : 0); $item['schedule_order'] = $item->store?->schedule_order; $item['delivery_time'] = $item->store?->delivery_time; $item['free_delivery'] = $item->store?->free_delivery; $item['tax'] = $item->store?->tax; $item['unit'] = $item->unit; $item['rating_count'] = (int)($item->rating ? array_sum(json_decode($item->rating, true)) : 0); $item['avg_rating'] = (float)($item->avg_rating ? $item->avg_rating : 0); $item['recommended'] =(int) $item->recommended; $item['min_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$item->store?->delivery_time)[0] ?? 0; $item['max_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$item->store?->delivery_time)[1] ?? 0; $item['common_condition_id'] = (int) $item->pharmacy_item_details?->common_condition_id ?? 0; $item['is_basic'] = (int) $item->pharmacy_item_details?->is_basic ?? 0; unset($item['pharmacy_item_details']); unset($item['store']); unset($item['rating']); array_push($storage, $item); } $data = $storage; } else { $variations = []; $categories = []; foreach (json_decode($data['category_ids']) as $value) { $category_name = Category::where('id',$value->id)->pluck('name'); $categories[] = ['id' => (string)$value->id, 'position' => $value->position, 'name'=>data_get($category_name,'0','NA')]; } $data['category_ids'] = $categories; $data['attributes'] = json_decode($data['attributes']); $data['choice_options'] = json_decode($data['choice_options']); $data['add_ons'] = self::addon_data_formatting(AddOn::whereIn('id', json_decode($data['add_ons']))->active()->get(), true, $trans, $local); foreach (json_decode($data['variations'], true) as $var) { array_push($variations, [ 'type' => $var['type'], 'price' => (float)$var['price'], 'stock' => (int)($var['stock'] ?? 0) ]); } if ($data->title) { $data['name'] = $data->title; unset($data['title']); } if ($data->start_time) { $data['available_time_starts'] = $data->start_time->format('H:i'); unset($data['start_time']); } if ($data->end_time) { $data['available_time_ends'] = $data->end_time->format('H:i'); unset($data['end_time']); } if ($data->start_date) { $data['available_date_starts'] = $data->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['start_date']); } if ($data->end_date) { $data['available_date_ends'] = $data->end_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['end_date']); } $data['variations'] = $variations; $data['food_variations'] = $data['food_variations']?json_decode($data['food_variations'], true):''; $data['store_name'] = $data->store->name; $data['is_campaign'] = $data->store?->campaigns_count>0?1:0; $data['module_type'] = $data->module->module_type; $data['zone_id'] = $data->store->zone_id; $running_flash_sale = FlashSaleItem::Active()->whereHas('flashSale', function ($query) { $query->Active()->Running(); }) ->where(['item_id' => $data['id']])->first(); $data['flash_sale'] =(int) (($running_flash_sale) ? 1 :0); $data['stock'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->available_stock : $data['stock']; $data['discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount : $data['discount']; $data['discount_type'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount_type : $data['discount_type']; $data['store_discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? 0 : (self::get_store_discount($data->store) ? $data->store?->discount->discount : 0); $data['schedule_order'] = $data->store->schedule_order; $data['rating_count'] = (int)($data->rating ? array_sum(json_decode($data->rating, true)) : 0); $data['avg_rating'] = (float)($data->avg_rating ? $data->avg_rating : 0); $data['min_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$data->store->delivery_time)[0] ?? 0; $data['max_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$data->store->delivery_time)[1] ?? 0; $data['common_condition_id'] = (int) $data->pharmacy_item_details?->common_condition_id ?? 0; $data['is_basic'] = (int) $data->pharmacy_item_details?->is_basic ?? 0; if($temp_product == true){ $data['tags']=\App\Models\Tag::whereIn('id',json_decode($data?->tag_ids) )->get(['tag','id']); } unset($data['pharmacy_item_details']); unset($data['store']); unset($data['rating']); } return $data; } public static function product_data_formatting_translate($data, $multi_data = false, $trans = false, $local = 'en') { $storage = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $item) { $variations = []; if ($item->title) { $item['name'] = $item->title; unset($item['title']); } if ($item->start_time) { $item['available_time_starts'] = $item->start_time->format('H:i'); unset($item['start_time']); } if ($item->end_time) { $item['available_time_ends'] = $item->end_time->format('H:i'); unset($item['end_time']); } if ($item->start_date) { $item['available_date_starts'] = $item->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($item['start_date']); } if ($item->end_date) { $item['available_date_ends'] = $item->end_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($item['end_date']); } $item['recommended'] =(int) $item->recommended; $categories = []; foreach (json_decode($item['category_ids']) as $value) { $categories[] = ['id' => (string)$value->id, 'position' => $value->position]; } $item['category_ids'] = $categories; $item['attributes'] = json_decode($item['attributes']); $item['choice_options'] = json_decode($item['choice_options']); $item['add_ons'] = self::addon_data_formatting(AddOn::withoutGlobalScope('translate')->whereIn('id', json_decode($item['add_ons'], true))->active()->get(), true, $trans, $local); foreach (json_decode($item['variations'], true) as $var) { array_push($variations, [ 'type' => $var['type'], 'price' => (float)$var['price'], 'stock' => (int)($var['stock'] ?? 0) ]); } $item['variations'] = $variations; $item['food_variations'] = $item['food_variations']?json_decode($item['food_variations'], true):''; $item['module_type'] = $item->module->module_type; $item['store_name'] = $item->store->name; $item['zone_id'] = $item->store->zone_id; $running_flash_sale = FlashSaleItem::Active()->whereHas('flashSale', function ($query) { $query->Active()->Running(); }) ->where(['item_id' => $data['id']])->first(); $data['flash_sale'] =(int) (($running_flash_sale) ? 1 :0); $data['stock'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->available_stock : $data['stock']; $data['discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount : $data['discount']; $data['discount_type'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount_type : $data['discount_type']; $data['store_discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? 0 : (self::get_store_discount($data->store) ? $data->store?->discount->discount : 0); $item['schedule_order'] = $item->store->schedule_order; $item['tax'] = $item->store->tax; $item['rating_count'] = (int)($item->rating ? array_sum(json_decode($item->rating, true)) : 0); $item['avg_rating'] = (float)($item->avg_rating ? $item->avg_rating : 0); $item['recommended'] =(int) $item->recommended; if ($trans) { $item['translations'][] = [ 'translationable_type' => 'App\Models\Item', 'translationable_id' => $item->id, 'locale' => 'en', 'key' => 'name', 'value' => $item->name ]; $item['translations'][] = [ 'translationable_type' => 'App\Models\Item', 'translationable_id' => $item->id, 'locale' => 'en', 'key' => 'description', 'value' => $item->description ]; } if (count($item['translations']) > 0) { foreach ($item['translations'] as $translation) { if ($translation['locale'] == $local) { if ($translation['key'] == 'name') { $item['name'] = $translation['value']; } if ($translation['key'] == 'title') { $item['name'] = $translation['value']; } if ($translation['key'] == 'description') { $item['description'] = $translation['value']; } } } } if (!$trans) { unset($item['translations']); } unset($item['store']); unset($item['rating']); array_push($storage, $item); } $data = $storage; } else { $variations = []; $categories = []; foreach (json_decode($data['category_ids']) as $value) { $categories[] = ['id' => (string)$value->id, 'position' => $value->position]; } $data['category_ids'] = $categories; $data['attributes'] = json_decode($data['attributes']); $data['choice_options'] = json_decode($data['choice_options']); $data['add_ons'] = self::addon_data_formatting(AddOn::whereIn('id', json_decode($data['add_ons']))->active()->get(), true, $trans, $local); foreach (json_decode($data['variations'], true) as $var) { array_push($variations, [ 'type' => $var['type'], 'price' => (float)$var['price'], 'stock' => (int)($var['stock'] ?? 0) ]); } if ($data->title) { $data['name'] = $data->title; unset($data['title']); } if ($data->start_time) { $data['available_time_starts'] = $data->start_time->format('H:i'); unset($data['start_time']); } if ($data->end_time) { $data['available_time_ends'] = $data->end_time->format('H:i'); unset($data['end_time']); } if ($data->start_date) { $data['available_date_starts'] = $data->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['start_date']); } if ($data->end_date) { $data['available_date_ends'] = $data->end_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['end_date']); } $data['variations'] = $variations; $data['food_variations'] = $data['food_variations']?json_decode($data['food_variations'], true):''; $data['store_name'] = $data->store->name; $data['module_type'] = $data->module->module_type; $data['zone_id'] = $data->store->zone_id; $running_flash_sale = FlashSaleItem::Active()->whereHas('flashSale', function ($query) { $query->Active()->Running(); }) ->where(['item_id' => $data['id']])->first(); $data['flash_sale'] =(int) (($running_flash_sale) ? 1 :0); $data['stock'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->available_stock : $data['stock']; $data['discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount : $data['discount']; $data['discount_type'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? $running_flash_sale->discount_type : $data['discount_type']; $data['store_discount'] = ($running_flash_sale && ($running_flash_sale->available_stock > 0)) ? 0 : (self::get_store_discount($data->store) ? $data->store?->discount->discount : 0); $data['schedule_order'] = $data->store->schedule_order; $data['rating_count'] = (int)($data->rating ? array_sum(json_decode($data->rating, true)) : 0); $data['avg_rating'] = (float)($data->avg_rating ? $data->avg_rating : 0); if ($trans) { $data['translations'][] = [ 'translationable_type' => 'App\Models\Item', 'translationable_id' => $data->id, 'locale' => 'en', 'key' => 'name', 'value' => $data->name ]; $data['translations'][] = [ 'translationable_type' => 'App\Models\Item', 'translationable_id' => $data->id, 'locale' => 'en', 'key' => 'description', 'value' => $data->description ]; } if (count($data['translations']) > 0) { foreach ($data['translations'] as $translation) { if ($translation['locale'] == $local) { if ($translation['key'] == 'name') { $data['name'] = $translation['value']; } if ($translation['key'] == 'title') { $item['name'] = $translation['value']; } if ($translation['key'] == 'description') { $data['description'] = $translation['value']; } } } } if (!$trans) { unset($data['translations']); } unset($data['store']); unset($data['rating']); } return $data; } public static function addon_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false, $trans = false, $local = 'en') { $storage = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $item) { // if ($trans) { // $item['translations'][] = [ // 'translationable_type' => 'App\Models\AddOn', // 'translationable_id' => $item->id, // 'locale' => 'en', // 'key' => 'name', // 'value' => $item->name // ]; // } // if (count($item->translations) > 0) { // foreach ($item['translations'] as $translation) { // if ($translation['locale'] == $local && $translation['key'] == 'name') { // $item['name'] = $translation['value']; // } // } // } // if (!$trans) { // unset($item['translations']); // } $storage[] = $item; } $data = $storage; } else if (isset($data)) { // if ($trans) { // $data['translations'][] = [ // 'translationable_type' => 'App\Models\AddOn', // 'translationable_id' => $data->id, // 'locale' => 'en', // 'key' => 'name', // 'value' => $data->name // ]; // } // if (count($data->translations) > 0) { // foreach ($data['translations'] as $translation) { // if ($translation['locale'] == $local && $translation['key'] == 'name') { // $data['name'] = $translation['value']; // } // } // } // if (!$trans) { // unset($data['translations']); // } } return $data; } public static function category_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false, $trans = false) { $storage = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $item) { if (count($item->translations) > 0) { $item->name = $item->translations[0]['value']; } if (!$trans) { unset($item['translations']); } $storage[] = $item; } $data = $storage; } else if (isset($data)) { if (count($data->translations) > 0) { $data->name = $data->translations[0]['value']; } if (!$trans) { unset($data['translations']); } } return $data; } public static function parcel_category_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false) { $storage = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $item) { // if (count($item['translations']) > 0) { // $translate = array_column($item['translations']->toArray(), 'value', 'key'); // $item['name'] = $translate['name']; // $item['description'] = $translate['description']; // unset($item['translations']); // } array_push($storage, $item); } $data = $storage; } else { // if (count($data['translations']) > 0) { // $translate = array_column($data['translations']->toArray(), 'value', 'key'); // $data['title'] = $translate['title']; // $data['description'] = $translate['description']; // unset($data['translations']); // } } return $data; } public static function basic_campaign_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false) { $storage = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $item) { $variations = []; if ($item->start_date) { $item['available_date_starts'] = $item->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($item['start_date']); } if ($item->end_date) { $item['available_date_ends'] = $item->end_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($item['end_date']); } array_push($storage, $item); } $data = $storage; } else { if ($data->start_date) { $data['available_date_starts'] = $data->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['start_date']); } if ($data->end_date) { $data['available_date_ends'] = $data->end_date->format('Y-m-d'); unset($data['end_date']); } } return $data; } public static function store_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false) { $storage = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $item) { $item->load('Store_config'); $ratings = StoreLogic::calculate_store_rating($item['rating']); unset($item['rating']); $item['avg_rating'] = $ratings['rating']; $item['rating_count'] = $ratings['total']; $item['positive_rating'] = $ratings['positive_rating']; $item['total_items'] = $item['items']->count(); $item['total_campaigns'] = $item['campaigns']->count(); $item['is_recommended'] = false; if($item->Store_config && $item->Store_config->is_recommended_deleted == 0 ){ $item['is_recommended'] = $item->Store_config->is_recommended; } $item['total_campaigns'] = $item['campaigns']->count(); unset($item['Store_config']); unset($item['campaigns']); unset($item['pivot']); array_push($storage, $item); } $data = $storage; } else { $data->load('Store_config'); $data['is_recommended'] = false; if($data->Store_config && $data->Store_config->is_recommended_deleted == 0 ){ $data['is_recommended'] = $data->Store_config->is_recommended; } $ratings = StoreLogic::calculate_store_rating($data['rating']); unset($data['rating']); $data['avg_rating'] = $ratings['rating']; $data['rating_count'] = $ratings['total']; $data['positive_rating'] = $ratings['positive_rating']; $data['total_items'] = $data['items']->count(); $data['total_campaigns'] = $data['campaigns']->count(); unset($data['campaigns']); unset($data['Store_config']); unset($data['pivot']); } return $data; } public static function wishlist_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false) { $items = []; $stores = []; if ($multi_data == true) { foreach ($data as $temp) { if ($temp->item) { $items[] = self::product_data_formatting($temp->item, false, false, app()->getLocale()); } if ($temp->store) { $stores[] = self::store_data_formatting($temp->store); } } } else { if ($data->item) { $items[] = self::product_data_formatting($data->item, false, false, app()->getLocale()); } if ($data->store) { $stores[] = self::store_data_formatting($data->store); } } return ['item' => $items, 'store' => $stores]; } public static function order_data_formatting($data, $multi_data = false) { $storage = []; if ($multi_data) { foreach ($data as $item) { if (isset($item['store'])) { $item['store_name'] = $item['store']['name']; $item['store_address'] = $item['store']['address']; $item['store_phone'] = $item['store']['phone']; $item['store_lat'] = $item['store']['latitude']; $item['store_lng'] = $item['store']['longitude']; $item['store_logo'] = $item['store']['logo']; $item['min_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$item['store']['delivery_time'])[0] ?? 0; $item['max_delivery_time'] = (int) explode('-',$item['store']['delivery_time'])[1] ?? 0; unset($item['store']); } else { $item['store_name'] = null; $item['store_address'] = null; $item['store_phone'] = null; $item['store_lat'] = null; $item['store_lng'] = null; $item['store_logo'] = null; $item['min_delivery_time'] = null; $item['max_delivery_time'] = null; } $item['item_campaign'] = 0; foreach ($item->details as $d) { if ($d->item_campaign_id != null) { $item['item_campaign'] = 1; } } $item['delivery_address'] = $item->delivery_address ? json_decode($item->delivery_address, true) : null; $item['details_count'] = (int)$item->details->count(); $item['min_delivery_time'] = $item->store ? (int)explode('-',$item->store?->delivery_time)[0] ?? 0:0; $item['max_delivery_time'] = $item->store ? (int)explode('-',$item->store?->delivery_time)[1] ?? 0:0; // if($item['prescription_order'] && $item['order_attachment']){ // $item['order_attachment'] = json_decode($item['order_attachment'], true); // } unset($item['details']); array_push($storage, $item); } $data = $storage; } else { if (isset($data['store'])) { $data['store_name'] = $data['store']['name']; $data['store_address'] = $data['store']['address']; $data['store_phone'] = $data['store']['phone']; $data['store_lat'] = $data['store']['latitude']; $data['store_lng'] = $data['store']['longitude']; $data['store_logo'] = $data['store']['logo']; $data['min_delivery_time'] = $data['store']?(int) explode('-',$data['store']['delivery_time'])[0] ?? 0:0; $data['max_delivery_time'] = $data['store']?(int) explode('-',$data['store']['delivery_time'])[1] ?? 0:0; unset($data['store']); } else { $data['store_name'] = null; $data['store_address'] = null; $data['store_phone'] = null; $data['store_lat'] = null; $data['store_lng'] = null; $data['store_logo'] = null; $data['min_delivery_time'] = null; $data['max_delivery_time'] = null; } $data['item_campaign'] = 0; foreach ($data->details as $d) { if ($d->item_campaign_id != null) { $data['item_campaign'] = 1; } } $data['delivery_address'] = $data->delivery_address ? json_decode($data->delivery_address, true) : null; $data['details_count'] = (int)$data->details->count(); // if($data['prescription_order'] && $data['order_attachment']){ // $data['order_attachment'] = json_decode($data['order_attachment'], true); // } unset($data['details']); } return $data; } public static function order_details_data_formatting($data) { $storage = []; foreach ($data as $item) { $item['add_ons'] = json_decode($item['add_ons']); $item['variation'] = json_decode($item['variation'], true); $item['item_details'] = json_decode($item['item_details'], true); array_push($storage, $item); } $data = $storage; return $data; } public static function deliverymen_list_formatting($data) { $storage = []; foreach ($data as $item) { $storage[] = [ 'id' => $item['id'], 'name' => $item['f_name'] . ' ' . $item['l_name'], 'image' => $item['image'], 'assigned_order_count' => $item['assigned_order_count'], 'lat' => $item->last_location ? $item->last_location->latitude : false, 'lng' => $item->last_location ? $item->last_location->longitude : false, 'location' => $item->last_location ? $item->last_location->location : '', ]; } $data = $storage; return $data; } public static function deliverymen_data_formatting($data) { $storage = []; foreach ($data as $item) { $item['avg_rating'] = (float)(count($item->rating) ? (float)$item->rating[0]->average : 0); $item['rating_count'] = (int)(count($item->rating) ? $item->rating[0]->rating_count : 0); $item['lat'] = $item->last_location ? $item->last_location->latitude : null; $item['lng'] = $item->last_location ? $item->last_location->longitude : null; $item['location'] = $item->last_location ? $item->last_location->location : null; if ($item['rating']) { unset($item['rating']); } if ($item['last_location']) { unset($item['last_location']); } $storage[] = $item; } $data = $storage; return $data; } public static function get_business_settings($name) { $config = null; $paymentmethod = BusinessSetting::where('key', $name)->first(); if ($paymentmethod) { $config = json_decode($paymentmethod->value, true); } return $config; } public static function get_business_data($name) { $config = null; $paymentmethod = BusinessSetting::where('key', $name)->first(); if ($paymentmethod) { $config = $paymentmethod->value; } return $config; } public static function currency_code() { if(!request()->is('/api*') && !session()->has('currency_code')){ $currency = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'currency'])->first()->value; session()->put('currency_code',$currency); }else{ $currency = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'currency'])->first()->value; } if(!request()->is('/api*')){ $currency = session()->get('currency_code'); } return $currency; } // public static function currency_symbol() // { // $currency_symbol = Currency::where(['currency_code' => Helpers::currency_code()])->first()->currency_symbol; // return $currency_symbol; // } public static function currency_symbol() { if(!session()->has('currency_symbol')){ $currency_symbol = Currency::where(['currency_code' => Helpers::currency_code()])->first()->currency_symbol; session()->put('currency_symbol',$currency_symbol); } $currency_symbol = session()->get('currency_symbol'); return $currency_symbol; } // public static function format_currency($value) // { // $currency_symbol_position = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'currency_symbol_position'])->first()->value; // return $currency_symbol_position == 'right' ? number_format($value, config('round_up_to_digit')) . ' ' . self::currency_symbol() : self::currency_symbol() . ' ' . number_format($value, config('round_up_to_digit')); // } public static function format_currency($value) { if(!session()->has('currency_symbol_position')){ $currency_symbol_position = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'currency_symbol_position'])->first()->value; session()->put('currency_symbol_position',$currency_symbol_position); } $currency_symbol_position = session()->get('currency_symbol_position'); return $currency_symbol_position == 'right' ? number_format($value, config('round_up_to_digit')) . ' ' . self::currency_symbol() : self::currency_symbol() . ' ' . number_format($value, config('round_up_to_digit')); } public static function send_push_notif_to_device($fcm_token, $data, $web_push_link = null) { $key = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'push_notification_key'])->first()->value; $url = "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send"; $header = array( "authorization: key=" . $key . "", "content-type: application/json" ); if(isset($data['message'])){ $message = $data['message']; }else{ $message = ''; } if(isset($data['conversation_id'])){ $conversation_id = $data['conversation_id']; }else{ $conversation_id = ''; } if(isset($data['sender_type'])){ $sender_type = $data['sender_type']; }else{ $sender_type = ''; } if(isset($data['module_id'])){ $module_id = $data['module_id']; }else{ $module_id = ''; } if(isset($data['order_type'])){ $order_type = $data['order_type']; }else{ $order_type = ''; } $click_action = ""; if($web_push_link){ $click_action = ', "click_action": "'.$web_push_link.'"'; } $postdata = '{ "to" : "' . $fcm_token . '", "mutable_content": true, "data" : { "title":"' . $data['title'] . '", "body" : "' . $data['description'] . '", "image" : "' . $data['image'] . '", "order_id":"' . $data['order_id'] . '", "type":"' . $data['type'] . '", "conversation_id":"' . $conversation_id . '", "sender_type":"' . $sender_type . '", "module_id":"' . $module_id . '", "order_type":"' . $order_type . '", "is_read": 0 }, "notification" : { "title" :"' . $data['title'] . '", "body" : "' . $data['description'] . '", "image" : "' . $data['image'] . '", "order_id":"' . $data['order_id'] . '", "title_loc_key":"' . $data['order_id'] . '", "body_loc_key":"' . $data['type'] . '", "type":"' . $data['type'] . '", "is_read": 0, "icon" : "new", "sound": "notification.wav", "android_channel_id": "6ammart" '.$click_action.' } }'; $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 120; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); // Get URL content $result = curl_exec($ch); // close handle to release resources curl_close($ch); return $result; } public static function send_push_notif_to_topic($data, $topic, $type,$web_push_link = null) { // info([$data, $topic, $type, $web_push_link]); $key = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'push_notification_key'])->first()->value; $url = "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send"; $header = array( "authorization: key=" . $key . "", "content-type: application/json" ); if(isset($data['module_id'])){ $module_id = $data['module_id']; }else{ $module_id = ''; } if(isset($data['order_type'])){ $order_type = $data['order_type']; }else{ $order_type = ''; } if(isset($data['zone_id'])){ $zone_id = $data['zone_id']; }else{ $zone_id = ''; } $click_action = ""; if($web_push_link){ $click_action = ', "click_action": "'.$web_push_link.'"'; } if (isset($data['order_id'])) { $postdata = '{ "to" : "/topics/' . $topic . '", "mutable_content": true, "data" : { "title":"' . $data['title'] . '", "body" : "' . $data['description'] . '", "image" : "' . $data['image'] . '", "order_id":"' . $data['order_id'] . '", "module_id":"' . $module_id . '", "order_type":"' . $order_type . '", "zone_id":"' . $zone_id . '", "is_read": 0, "type":"' . $type . '" }, "notification" : { "title":"' . $data['title'] . '", "body" : "' . $data['description'] . '", "image" : "' . $data['image'] . '", "order_id":"' . $data['order_id'] . '", "title_loc_key":"' . $data['order_id'] . '", "body_loc_key":"' . $type . '", "type":"' . $type . '", "is_read": 0, "icon" : "new", "sound": "notification.wav", "android_channel_id": "6ammart" '.$click_action.' } }'; } else { $postdata = '{ "to" : "/topics/' . $topic . '", "mutable_content": true, "data" : { "title":"' . $data['title'] . '", "body" : "' . $data['description'] . '", "image" : "' . $data['image'] . '", "is_read": 0, "type":"' . $type . '" }, "notification" : { "title":"' . $data['title'] . '", "body" : "' . $data['description'] . '", "image" : "' . $data['image'] . '", "body_loc_key":"' . $type . '", "type":"' . $type . '", "is_read": 0, "icon" : "new", "sound": "notification.wav", "android_channel_id": "6ammart" '.$click_action.' } }'; } $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 120; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); // Get URL content $result = curl_exec($ch); // close handle to release resources curl_close($ch); return $result; } public static function rating_count($item_id, $rating) { return Review::where(['item_id' => $item_id, 'rating' => $rating])->count(); } public static function dm_rating_count($deliveryman_id, $rating) { return DMReview::where(['delivery_man_id' => $deliveryman_id, 'rating' => $rating])->count(); } public static function tax_calculate($item, $price) { if ($item['tax_type'] == 'percent') { $price_tax = ($price / 100) * $item['tax']; } else { $price_tax = $item['tax']; } return $price_tax; } public static function discount_calculate($product, $price) { if ($product['store_discount']) { $price_discount = ($price / 100) * $product['store_discount']; } else if ($product['discount_type'] == 'percent') { $price_discount = ($price / 100) * $product['discount']; } else { $price_discount = $product['discount']; } return $price_discount; } public static function get_product_discount($product) { $store_discount = self::get_store_discount($product->store); if ($store_discount) { $discount = $store_discount['discount'] . ' %'; } else if ($product['discount_type'] == 'percent') { $discount = $product['discount'] . ' %'; } else { $discount = self::format_currency($product['discount']); } return $discount; } public static function product_discount_calculate($product, $price, $store) { $running_flash_sale = FlashSaleItem::Active()->whereHas('flashSale', function ($query) { $query->Active()->Running(); }) ->where(['item_id' => $product->id])->first(); if($running_flash_sale){ if ($running_flash_sale['discount_type'] == 'percent') { $price_discount = ($price / 100) * $running_flash_sale['discount']; } else { $price_discount = $running_flash_sale['discount']; } return [ 'discount_type'=>'flash_sale', 'discount_amount'=> $price_discount, 'admin_discount_amount'=> ($price_discount*$running_flash_sale->flashSale->admin_discount_percentage)/100, 'vendor_discount_amount'=> ($price_discount*$running_flash_sale->flashSale->vendor_discount_percentage)/100, ]; } $store_discount = self::get_store_discount($store); if (isset($store_discount)) { $price_discount = ($price / 100) * $store_discount['discount']; } else if ($product['discount_type'] == 'percent') { $price_discount = ($price / 100) * $product['discount']; } else { $price_discount = $product['discount']; } return [ 'discount_type'=>isset($store_discount)?'store_discount':'product_discount', 'discount_amount'=> $price_discount ]; } public static function get_price_range($product, $discount = false) { $lowest_price = $product->price; $highest_price = $product->price; if ($product->variations && is_array(json_decode($product['variations'], true))) { foreach (json_decode($product->variations) as $key => $variation) { if ($lowest_price > $variation->price) { $lowest_price = round($variation->price, 2); } if ($highest_price < $variation->price) { $highest_price = round($variation->price, 2); } } } if ($discount) { $lowest_price -= self::product_discount_calculate($product, $lowest_price, $product->store)['discount_amount']; $highest_price -= self::product_discount_calculate($product, $highest_price, $product->store)['discount_amount']; } $lowest_price = self::format_currency($lowest_price); $highest_price = self::format_currency($highest_price); if ($lowest_price == $highest_price) { return $lowest_price; } return $lowest_price . ' - ' . $highest_price; } public static function get_food_price_range($product, $discount = false) { $lowest_price = $product->price; // $highest_price = $product->price; // if ($product->variations && is_array(json_decode($product['variations'], true))) { // foreach (json_decode($product->variations) as $key => $variation) { // if ($lowest_price > $variation->price) { // $lowest_price = round($variation->price, 2); // } // if ($highest_price < $variation->price) { // $highest_price = round($variation->price, 2); // } // } // } if ($discount) { $lowest_price -= self::product_discount_calculate($product, $lowest_price, $product->store)['discount_amount']; // $highest_price -= self::product_discount_calculate($product, $highest_price, $product->store); } $lowest_price = self::format_currency($lowest_price); // $highest_price = self::format_currency($highest_price); // if ($lowest_price == $highest_price) { // return $lowest_price; // } return $lowest_price; } public static function get_store_discount($store) { if ($store->discount) { if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($store->discount->start_date)) <= now()->format('Y-m-d') && date('Y-m-d', strtotime($store->discount->end_date)) >= now()->format('Y-m-d') && date('H:i', strtotime($store->discount->start_time)) <= now()->format('H:i') && date('H:i', strtotime($store->discount->end_time)) >= now()->format('H:i')) { return [ 'discount' => $store->discount->discount, 'min_purchase' => $store->discount->min_purchase, 'max_discount' => $store->discount->max_discount ]; } } return null; } public static function max_earning() { $data = Order::where(['order_status' => 'delivered'])->select('id', 'created_at', 'order_amount') ->get() ->groupBy(function ($date) { return Carbon::parse($date->created_at)->format('m'); }); $max = 0; foreach ($data as $month) { $count = 0; foreach ($month as $order) { $count += $order['order_amount']; } if ($count > $max) { $max = $count; } } return $max; } public static function max_orders() { $data = Order::select('id', 'created_at') ->get() ->groupBy(function ($date) { return Carbon::parse($date->created_at)->format('m'); }); $max = 0; foreach ($data as $month) { $count = 0; foreach ($month as $order) { $count += 1; } if ($count > $max) { $max = $count; } } return $max; } public static function order_status_update_message($status,$module_type, $lang='en') { if ($status == 'pending') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'order_pending_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'confirmed') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'order_confirmation_msg')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'processing') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'order_processing_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'picked_up') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'out_for_delivery_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'handover') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'order_handover_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'delivered') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'order_delivered_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'delivery_boy_delivered') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'delivery_boy_delivered_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'accepted') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'delivery_boy_assign_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'canceled') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'order_cancled_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'refunded') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'order_refunded_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'refund_request_canceled') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'refund_request_canceled')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'offline_verified') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'offline_order_accept_message')->first(); } elseif ($status == 'offline_denied') { $data = NotificationMessage::with(['translations'=>function($query)use($lang){ $query->where('locale', $lang); }])->where('module_type',$module_type)->where('key', 'offline_order_deny_message')->first(); } else { $data = ["status"=>"0","message"=>"",'translations'=>[]]; } if($data){ if ($data['status'] == 0) { return 0; } return count($data->translations) > 0 ? $data->translations[0]->value : $data['message']; }else{ return false; } } public static function send_order_notification($order) { try { if((in_array($order->payment_method, ['cash_on_delivery', 'offline_payment']) && $order->order_status == 'pending' )||(!in_array($order->payment_method, ['cash_on_delivery', 'offline_payment']) && $order->order_status == 'confirmed' )){ $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'image' => '', 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'zone_id' => $order->zone_id, 'type' => 'new_order', ]; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, 'admin_message', 'order_request', url('/').'/admin/order/list/all'); } $status = ($order->order_status == 'delivered' && $order->delivery_man) ? 'delivery_boy_delivered' : $order->order_status; if($order->is_guest){ $customer_details = json_decode($order['delivery_address'],true); $value = self::order_status_update_message($status,$order->module->module_type,'en'); $value = self::text_variable_data_format(value:$value,store_name:$order->store?->name,order_id:$order->id,user_name:"{$customer_details['contact_person_name']}",delivery_man_name:"{$order->delivery_man?->f_name} {$order->delivery_man?->l_name}"); $user_fcm = $order->guest->fcm_token; }else{ $value = self::order_status_update_message($status,$order->module->module_type,$order->customer? $order->customer->current_language_key:'en'); $value = self::text_variable_data_format(value:$value,store_name:$order->store?->name,order_id:$order->id,user_name:"{$order->customer?->f_name} {$order->customer?->l_name}",delivery_man_name:"{$order->delivery_man?->f_name} {$order->delivery_man?->l_name}"); $user_fcm = $order?->customer?->cm_firebase_token; } if ($value) { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => $value, 'order_id' => $order->id, 'image' => '', 'type' => 'order_status', ]; self::send_push_notif_to_device($user_fcm, $data); DB::table('user_notifications')->insert([ 'data' => json_encode($data), 'user_id' => $order->user_id, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now() ]); } if ($status == 'picked_up') { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => $value, 'order_id' => $order->id, 'image' => '', 'type' => 'order_status', ]; if($order->store && $order->store->vendor){ self::send_push_notif_to_device($order->store->vendor->firebase_token, $data); DB::table('user_notifications')->insert([ 'data' => json_encode($data), 'vendor_id' => $order->store->vendor_id, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now() ]); } } if ($order->order_type == 'delivery' && !$order->scheduled && $status == 'pending' && $order->payment_method == 'cash_on_delivery' && config('order_confirmation_model') == 'deliveryman') { if ($order->store->self_delivery_system) { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'image' => '', 'type' => 'new_order', ]; if($order->store && $order->store->vendor){ self::send_push_notif_to_device($order->store->vendor->firebase_token, $data); $web_push_link = url('/').'/store-panel/order/list/all'; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, "store_panel_{$order->store_id}_message", 'new_order', $web_push_link); DB::table('user_notifications')->insert([ 'data' => json_encode($data), 'vendor_id' => $order->store->vendor_id, // 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now() ]); } } else { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'image' => '', ]; if($order->zone){ if($order->dm_vehicle_id){ $topic = 'delivery_man_'.$order->zone_id.'_'.$order->dm_vehicle_id; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, $topic, 'order_request'); } self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, $order->zone->deliveryman_wise_topic, 'order_request'); } } // self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, 'admin_message', 'order_request', url('/').'/admin/order/list/all'); } if ($order->order_type == 'parcel' && in_array($order->order_status, ['pending', 'confirmed'])) { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => 'parcel_order', 'image' => '', ]; if($order->zone){ if($order->dm_vehicle_id){ $topic = 'delivery_man_'.$order->zone_id.'_'.$order->dm_vehicle_id; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, $topic, 'order_request'); } self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, $order->zone->deliveryman_wise_topic, 'order_request'); } // self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, 'admin_message', 'order_request'); } if ($order->order_type == 'delivery' && !$order->scheduled && $order->order_status == 'pending' && $order->payment_method == 'cash_on_delivery' && config('order_confirmation_model') == 'store') { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'image' => '', 'type' => 'new_order', ]; if($order->store && $order->store->vendor){ self::send_push_notif_to_device($order->store->vendor->firebase_token, $data); $web_push_link = url('/').'/store-panel/order/list/all'; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, "store_panel_{$order->store_id}_message", 'new_order', $web_push_link); // self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, 'admin_message', 'order_request'); DB::table('user_notifications')->insert([ 'data' => json_encode($data), 'vendor_id' => $order->store->vendor_id, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now() ]); } } if (!$order->scheduled && (($order->order_type == 'take_away' && $order->order_status == 'pending') || ($order->payment_method != 'cash_on_delivery' && $order->order_status == 'confirmed'))) { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'image' => '', 'type' => 'new_order', ]; if($order->store && $order->store->vendor){ self::send_push_notif_to_device($order->store->vendor->firebase_token, $data); $web_push_link = url('/').'/store-panel/order/list/all'; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, "store_panel_{$order->store_id}_message", 'new_order', $web_push_link); DB::table('user_notifications')->insert([ 'data' => json_encode($data), 'vendor_id' => $order->store->vendor_id, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now() ]); } } if ($order->order_status == 'confirmed' && $order->order_type != 'take_away' && config('order_confirmation_model') == 'deliveryman' && $order->payment_method == 'cash_on_delivery') { if ($order->store->self_delivery_system) { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'image' => '', ]; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, "restaurant_dm_" . $order->store_id, 'new_order'); } else { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'image' => '', 'type' => 'new_order', ]; if($order->store && $order->store->vendor){ self::send_push_notif_to_device($order->store->vendor->firebase_token, $data); $web_push_link = url('/').'/store-panel/order/list/all'; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, "store_panel_{$order->store_id}_message", 'new_order', $web_push_link); DB::table('user_notifications')->insert([ 'data' => json_encode($data), 'vendor_id' => $order->store->vendor_id, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now() ]); } } } if ($order->order_type == 'delivery' && !$order->scheduled && $order->order_status == 'confirmed' && ($order->payment_method != 'cash_on_delivery' || config('order_confirmation_model') == 'store')) { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => translate('messages.new_order_push_description'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'module_id' => $order->module_id, 'order_type' => $order->order_type, 'image' => '', ]; if ($order->store->self_delivery_system) { self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, "restaurant_dm_" . $order->store_id, 'order_request'); } else {if($order->zone){ if($order->dm_vehicle_id){ $topic = 'delivery_man_'.$order->zone_id.'_'.$order->dm_vehicle_id; self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, $topic, 'order_request'); } self::send_push_notif_to_topic($data, $order->zone->deliveryman_wise_topic, 'order_request'); } } } if (in_array($order->order_status, ['processing', 'handover']) && $order->delivery_man) { $data = [ 'title' => translate('messages.order_push_title'), 'description' => $order->order_status == 'processing' ? translate('messages.Proceed_for_cooking') : translate('messages.ready_for_delivery'), 'order_id' => $order->id, 'image' => '', 'type' => 'order_status' ]; self::send_push_notif_to_device($order->delivery_man->fcm_token, $data); DB::table('user_notifications')->insert([ 'data' => json_encode($data), 'delivery_man_id' => $order->delivery_man->id, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now() ]); } $mail_status = Helpers::get_mail_status('place_order_mail_status_user'); try { if ($order->order_status == 'confirmed' && $order->payment_method != 'cash_on_delivery' && config('mail.status') && $mail_status == '1' && $order->is_guest == 0) { Mail::to($order->customer->email)->send(new PlaceOrder($order->id)); } $order_verification_mail_status = Helpers::get_mail_status('order_verification_mail_status_user'); if ($order->order_status == 'pending' && config('order_delivery_verification') == 1 && $order_verification_mail_status == '1' && $order->is_guest == 0) { Mail::to($order->customer->email)->send(new OrderVerificationMail($order->otp,$order->customer->f_name)); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { info($ex->getMessage()); } return true; } catch (\Exception $e) { info($e->getMessage()); } return false; } public static function day_part() { $part = ""; $morning_start = date("h:i:s", strtotime("5:00:00")); $afternoon_start = date("h:i:s", strtotime("12:01:00")); $evening_start = date("h:i:s", strtotime("17:01:00")); $evening_end = date("h:i:s", strtotime("21:00:00")); if (time() >= $morning_start && time() < $afternoon_start) { $part = "morning"; } elseif (time() >= $afternoon_start && time() < $evening_start) { $part = "afternoon"; } elseif (time() >= $evening_start && time() <= $evening_end) { $part = "evening"; } else { $part = "night"; } return $part; } public static function env_update($key, $value) { $path = base_path('.env'); if (file_exists($path)) { file_put_contents($path, str_replace( $key . '=' . env($key), $key . '=' . $value, file_get_contents($path) )); } } public static function env_key_replace($key_from, $key_to, $value) { $path = base_path('.env'); if (file_exists($path)) { file_put_contents($path, str_replace( $key_from . '=' . env($key_from), $key_to . '=' . $value, file_get_contents($path) )); } } public static function remove_dir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir . "/" . $object) == "dir") Helpers::remove_dir($dir . "/" . $object); else unlink($dir . "/" . $object); } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } public static function get_store_id() { if (auth('vendor_employee')->check()) { return auth('vendor_employee')->user()->store->id; } return auth('vendor')->user()->stores[0]->id; } public static function get_vendor_id() { if (auth('vendor')->check()) { return auth('vendor')->id(); } else if (auth('vendor_employee')->check()) { return auth('vendor_employee')->user()->vendor_id; } return 0; } public static function get_vendor_data() { if (auth('vendor')->check()) { return auth('vendor')->user(); } else if (auth('vendor_employee')->check()) { return auth('vendor_employee')->user()->vendor; } return 0; } public static function get_loggedin_user() { if (auth('vendor')->check()) { return auth('vendor')->user(); } else if (auth('vendor_employee')->check()) { return auth('vendor_employee')->user(); } return 0; } public static function get_store_data() { if (auth('vendor_employee')->check()) { return auth('vendor_employee')->user()->store; } return auth('vendor')->user()->stores[0]; } public static function upload(string $dir, string $format, $image = null) { if ($image != null) { $imageName = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString() . "-" . uniqid() . "." . $format; if (!Storage::disk('public')->exists($dir)) { Storage::disk('public')->makeDirectory($dir); } Storage::disk('public')->putFileAs($dir, $image, $imageName); } else { $imageName = 'def.png'; } return $imageName; } public static function update(string $dir, $old_image, string $format, $image = null) { if ($image == null) { return $old_image; } if (Storage::disk('public')->exists($dir . $old_image)) { Storage::disk('public')->delete($dir . $old_image); } $imageName = Helpers::upload($dir, $format, $image); return $imageName; } public static function format_coordiantes($coordinates) { $data = []; foreach ($coordinates as $coord) { $data[] = (object)['lat' => $coord[1], 'lng' => $coord[0]]; } return $data; } public static function module_permission_check($mod_name) { if (!auth('admin')->user()->role) { return false; } if ($mod_name == 'zone' && auth('admin')->user()->zone_id) { return false; } $permission = auth('admin')->user()->role->modules; if (isset($permission) && in_array($mod_name, (array)json_decode($permission)) == true) { return true; } if (auth('admin')->user()->role_id == 1) { return true; } return false; } public static function employee_module_permission_check($mod_name) { if (auth('vendor')->check()) { if ($mod_name == 'reviews') { return auth('vendor')->user()->stores[0]->reviews_section; } else if ($mod_name == 'deliveryman') { return auth('vendor')->user()->stores[0]->self_delivery_system; } else if ($mod_name == 'pos') { return auth('vendor')->user()->stores[0]->pos_system; } else if ($mod_name == 'addon') { return config('module.' . auth('vendor')->user()->stores[0]->module->module_type)['add_on']; } return true; } else if (auth('vendor_employee')->check()) { $permission = auth('vendor_employee')->user()->role->modules; if (isset($permission) && in_array($mod_name, (array)json_decode($permission)) == true) { if ($mod_name == 'reviews') { return auth('vendor_employee')->user()->store->reviews_section; } else if ($mod_name == 'deliveryman') { return auth('vendor_employee')->user()->store->self_delivery_system; } else if ($mod_name == 'pos') { return auth('vendor_employee')->user()->store->pos_system; } else if ($mod_name == 'addon') { return config('module.' . auth('vendor_employee')->user()->store->module->module_type)['add_on']; } return true; } } return false; } public static function calculate_addon_price($addons, $add_on_qtys) { $add_ons_cost = 0; $data = []; if ($addons) { foreach ($addons as $key2 => $addon) { if ($add_on_qtys == null) { $add_on_qty = 1; } else { $add_on_qty = $add_on_qtys[$key2]; } $data[] = ['id' => $addon->id, 'name' => $addon->name, 'price' => $addon->price, 'quantity' => $add_on_qty]; $add_ons_cost += $addon['price'] * $add_on_qty; } return ['addons' => $data, 'total_add_on_price' => $add_ons_cost]; } return null; } public static function get_settings($name) { $config = null; $data = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => $name])->first(); if (isset($data)) { $config = json_decode($data['value'], true); if (is_null($config)) { $config = $data['value']; } } return $config; } public static function setEnvironmentValue($envKey, $envValue) { $envFile = app()->environmentFilePath(); $str = file_get_contents($envFile); $oldValue = env($envKey); if (strpos($str, $envKey) !== false) { $str = str_replace("{$envKey}={$oldValue}", "{$envKey}={$envValue}", $str); } else { $str .= "{$envKey}={$envValue}\n"; } $fp = fopen($envFile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $str); fclose($fp); return $envValue; } public static function requestSender() { $class = new LaravelchkController(); $response = $class->actch(); return json_decode($response->getContent(), true); } public static function insert_business_settings_key($key, $value = null) { $data = BusinessSetting::where('key', $key)->first(); if (!$data) { DB::table('business_settings')->updateOrInsert(['key' => $key], [ 'value' => $value, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now(), ]); } return true; } public static function insert_data_settings_key($key,$type, $value = null) { $data = DataSetting::where('key', $key)->where('type', $type)->first(); if (!$data) { DataSetting::updateOrCreate(['key' => $key,'type' => $type ], [ 'value' => $value, 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now(), ]); } return true; } public static function get_language_name($key) { $languages = array( "af" => "Afrikaans", "sq" => "Albanian - shqip", "am" => "Amharic - አማርኛ", "ar" => "Arabic - العربية", "an" => "Aragonese - aragonés", "hy" => "Armenian - հայերեն", "ast" => "Asturian - asturianu", "az" => "Azerbaijani - azərbaycan dili", "eu" => "Basque - euskara", "be" => "Belarusian - беларуская", "bn" => "Bengali - বাংলা", "bs" => "Bosnian - bosanski", "br" => "Breton - brezhoneg", "bg" => "Bulgarian - български", "ca" => "Catalan - català", "ckb" => "Central Kurdish - کوردی (دەستنوسی عەرەبی)", "zh" => "Chinese - 中文", "zh-HK" => "Chinese (Hong Kong) - 中文(香港)", "zh-CN" => "Chinese (Simplified) - 中文(简体)", "zh-TW" => "Chinese (Traditional) - 中文(繁體)", "co" => "Corsican", "hr" => "Croatian - hrvatski", "cs" => "Czech - čeština", "da" => "Danish - dansk", "nl" => "Dutch - Nederlands", "en" => "English", "en-AU" => "English (Australia)", "en-CA" => "English (Canada)", "en-IN" => "English (India)", "en-NZ" => "English (New Zealand)", "en-ZA" => "English (South Africa)", "en-GB" => "English (United Kingdom)", "en-US" => "English (United States)", "eo" => "Esperanto - esperanto", "et" => "Estonian - eesti", "fo" => "Faroese - føroyskt", "fil" => "Filipino", "fi" => "Finnish - suomi", "fr" => "French - français", "fr-CA" => "French (Canada) - français (Canada)", "fr-FR" => "French (France) - français (France)", "fr-CH" => "French (Switzerland) - français (Suisse)", "gl" => "Galician - galego", "ka" => "Georgian - ქართული", "de" => "German - Deutsch", "de-AT" => "German (Austria) - Deutsch (Österreich)", "de-DE" => "German (Germany) - Deutsch (Deutschland)", "de-LI" => "German (Liechtenstein) - Deutsch (Liechtenstein)", "de-CH" => "German (Switzerland) - Deutsch (Schweiz)", "el" => "Greek - Ελληνικά", "gn" => "Guarani", "gu" => "Gujarati - ગુજરાતી", "ha" => "Hausa", "haw" => "Hawaiian - ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi", "he" => "Hebrew - עברית", "hi" => "Hindi - हिन्दी", "hu" => "Hungarian - magyar", "is" => "Icelandic - íslenska", "id" => "Indonesian - Indonesia", "ia" => "Interlingua", "ga" => "Irish - Gaeilge", "it" => "Italian - italiano", "it-IT" => "Italian (Italy) - italiano (Italia)", "it-CH" => "Italian (Switzerland) - italiano (Svizzera)", "ja" => "Japanese - 日本語", "kn" => "Kannada - ಕನ್ನಡ", "kk" => "Kazakh - қазақ тілі", "km" => "Khmer - ខ្មែរ", "ko" => "Korean - 한국어", "ku" => "Kurdish - Kurdî", "ky" => "Kyrgyz - кыргызча", "lo" => "Lao - ລາວ", "la" => "Latin", "lv" => "Latvian - latviešu", "ln" => "Lingala - lingála", "lt" => "Lithuanian - lietuvių", "mk" => "Macedonian - македонски", "ms" => "Malay - Bahasa Melayu", "ml" => "Malayalam - മലയാളം", "mt" => "Maltese - Malti", "mr" => "Marathi - मराठी", "mn" => "Mongolian - монгол", "ne" => "Nepali - नेपाली", "no" => "Norwegian - norsk", "nb" => "Norwegian Bokmål - norsk bokmål", "nn" => "Norwegian Nynorsk - nynorsk", "oc" => "Occitan", "or" => "Oriya - ଓଡ଼ିଆ", "om" => "Oromo - Oromoo", "ps" => "Pashto - پښتو", "fa" => "Persian - فارسی", "pl" => "Polish - polski", "pt" => "Portuguese - português", "pt-BR" => "Portuguese (Brazil) - português (Brasil)", "pt-PT" => "Portuguese (Portugal) - português (Portugal)", "pa" => "Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ", "qu" => "Quechua", "ro" => "Romanian - română", "mo" => "Romanian (Moldova) - română (Moldova)", "rm" => "Romansh - rumantsch", "ru" => "Russian - русский", "gd" => "Scottish Gaelic", "sr" => "Serbian - српски", "sh" => "Serbo-Croatian - Srpskohrvatski", "sn" => "Shona - chiShona", "sd" => "Sindhi", "si" => "Sinhala - සිංහල", "sk" => "Slovak - slovenčina", "sl" => "Slovenian - slovenščina", "so" => "Somali - Soomaali", "st" => "Southern Sotho", "es" => "Spanish - español", "es-AR" => "Spanish (Argentina) - español (Argentina)", "es-419" => "Spanish (Latin America) - español (Latinoamérica)", "es-MX" => "Spanish (Mexico) - español (México)", "es-ES" => "Spanish (Spain) - español (España)", "es-US" => "Spanish (United States) - español (Estados Unidos)", "su" => "Sundanese", "sw" => "Swahili - Kiswahili", "sv" => "Swedish - svenska", "tg" => "Tajik - тоҷикӣ", "ta" => "Tamil - தமிழ்", "tt" => "Tatar", "te" => "Telugu - తెలుగు", "th" => "Thai - ไทย", "ti" => "Tigrinya - ትግርኛ", "to" => "Tongan - lea fakatonga", "tr" => "Turkish - Türkçe", "tk" => "Turkmen", "tw" => "Twi", "uk" => "Ukrainian - українська", "ur" => "Urdu - اردو", "ug" => "Uyghur", "uz" => "Uzbek - o‘zbek", "vi" => "Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt", "wa" => "Walloon - wa", "cy" => "Welsh - Cymraeg", "fy" => "Western Frisian", "xh" => "Xhosa", "yi" => "Yiddish", "yo" => "Yoruba - Èdè Yorùbá", "zu" => "Zulu - isiZulu", ); return array_key_exists($key, $languages) ? $languages[$key] : $key; } public static function get_view_keys() { $keys = BusinessSetting::whereIn('key', ['toggle_veg_non_veg', 'toggle_dm_registration', 'toggle_store_registration'])->get(); $data = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { $data[$key->key] = (bool)$key->value; } return $data; } public static function default_lang() { if (strpos(url()->current(), '/api')) { $lang = App::getLocale(); } elseif ( request()->is('admin*') && auth('admin')?->check() && session()->has('local')) { $lang = session('local'); }elseif (request()->is('store-panel/*') && (auth('vendor_employee')?->check() || auth('vendor')?->check()) && session()->has('vendor_local')) { $lang = session('vendor_local'); } elseif (session()->has('landing_local')) { $lang = session('landing_local'); } elseif (session()->has('local')) { $lang = session('local'); } else { $data = Helpers::get_business_settings('language'); $code = 'en'; $direction = 'ltr'; foreach ($data as $ln) { if (is_array($ln) && array_key_exists('default', $ln) && $ln['default']) { $code = $ln['code']; if (array_key_exists('direction', $ln)) { $direction = $ln['direction']; } } } session()->put('local', $code); $lang = $code; } return $lang; } public static function system_default_language() { $languages = json_decode(\App\Models\BusinessSetting::where('key', 'system_language')->first()?->value); $lang = 'en'; foreach ($languages as $key => $language) { if($language->default){ $lang = $language->code; } } return $lang; } public static function system_default_direction() { $languages = json_decode(\App\Models\BusinessSetting::where('key', 'system_language')->first()?->value); $lang = 'en'; foreach ($languages as $key => $language) { if($language->default){ $lang = $language->direction; } } return $lang; } //Mail Config Check public static function remove_invalid_charcaters($str) { return str_ireplace(['\'', '"', ',', ';', '<', '>', '?'], ' ', $str); } //Generate referer code public static function generate_referer_code() { $ref_code = strtoupper(Str::random(10)); if (self::referer_code_exists($ref_code)) { return self::generate_referer_code(); } return $ref_code; } public static function referer_code_exists($ref_code) { return User::where('ref_code', '=', $ref_code)->exists(); } public static function generate_reset_password_code() { $code = strtoupper(Str::random(15)); if (self::reset_password_code_exists($code)) { return self::generate_reset_password_code(); } return $code; } public static function reset_password_code_exists($code) { return DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', '=', $code)->exists(); } public static function number_format_short( $n ) { if ($n < 900) { // 0 - 900 $n = $n; $suffix = ''; } else if ($n < 900000) { // 0.9k-850k $n = $n / 1000; $suffix = 'K'; } else if ($n < 900000000) { // 0.9m-850m $n = $n / 1000000; $suffix = 'M'; } else if ($n < 900000000000) { // 0.9b-850b $n = $n / 1000000000; $suffix = 'B'; } else { // 0.9t+ $n = $n / 1000000000000; $suffix = 'T'; } if(!session()->has('currency_symbol_position')){ $currency_symbol_position = BusinessSetting::where(['key' => 'currency_symbol_position'])->first()->value; session()->put('currency_symbol_position',$currency_symbol_position); } $currency_symbol_position = session()->get('currency_symbol_position'); return $currency_symbol_position == 'right' ? number_format($n, config('round_up_to_digit')).$suffix . ' ' . self::currency_symbol() : self::currency_symbol() . ' ' . number_format($n, config('round_up_to_digit')).$suffix; } // public static function export_attributes($collection){ // $data = []; // foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ // $data[] = [ // 'SL'=>$key+1, // translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], // translate('messages.name') => $item['name'], // ]; // } // return $data; // } public static function export_store_withdraw($collection){ $data = []; $status = ['pending','approved','denied']; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.amount') => $item->amount, translate('messages.store') => isset($item->vendor) ? $item->vendor->stores[0]->name : '', translate('messages.request_time') => date('Y-m-d '.config('timeformat'),strtotime($item->created_at)), translate('messages.status') => isset($status[$item->approved])?translate("messages.".$status[$item->approved]):"", ]; } return $data; } public static function export_account_transaction($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.collect_from') => $item->store ? $item->store?->name : ($item->deliveryman ? $item->deliveryman->f_name . ' ' . $item->deliveryman->l_name : translate('messages.not_found')), translate('messages.type') => $item->from_type, translate('messages.received_at') => $item->created_at->format('Y-m-d '.config('timeformat')), translate('messages.amount') => $item->amount, translate('messages.reference') => $item->ref, ]; } return $data; } public static function export_dm_earning($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.name') => isset($item->delivery_man) ? $item->delivery_man->f_name.' '.$item->delivery_man->l_name : translate('messages.not_found'), translate('messages.received_at') => $item->created_at->format('Y-m-d '.config('timeformat')), translate('messages.amount') => $item->amount, translate('messages.method') => $item->method, translate('messages.reference') => $item->ref, ]; } return $data; } public static function export_items($foods,$module_type){ $storage = []; foreach($foods as $item) { $category_id = 0; $sub_category_id = 0; foreach(json_decode($item->category_ids, true) as $key=>$category) { if($key==0) { $category_id = $category['id']; } else if($key==1) { $sub_category_id = $category['id']; } } $storage[] = [ 'Id'=>$item->id, 'Name'=>$item->name, 'Description'=>$item->description, 'Image'=>$item->image, 'Images'=>$item->images, 'CategoryId'=>$category_id, 'SubCategoryId'=>$sub_category_id, 'UnitId'=>$item->unit_id, 'Stock'=>$item->stock, 'Price'=>$item->price, 'Discount'=>$item->discount, 'DiscountType'=>$item->discount_type, 'AvailableTimeStarts'=>$item->available_time_starts, 'AvailableTimeEnds'=>$item->available_time_ends, 'Variations'=>$module_type == 'food'?$item->food_variations:$item->variations, 'AddOns'=>str_replace(['"','[',']'],'',$item->add_ons), 'Attributes'=>str_replace(['"','[',']'],'',$item->attributes), 'StoreId'=>$item->store_id, 'ModuleId'=>$item->module_id, 'Status'=>$item->status == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive', 'Veg'=>$item->veg == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'Recommended'=>$item->recommended == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', ]; } return $storage; } public static function export_store_item($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], translate('messages.name') => $item['name'], translate('messages.type') => $item->category?$item->category->name:'', translate('messages.price') => $item['price'], translate('messages.status') => $item['status'], ]; } return $data; } public static function export_stores($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'id'=>$item->id, 'ownerId'=>$item->vendor->id, 'ownerFirstName'=>$item->vendor->f_name, 'ownerLastName'=>$item->vendor->l_name, 'storeName'=>$item->name, 'phone'=>$item->vendor->phone, 'email'=>$item->vendor->email, 'logo'=>$item->logo, 'CoverPhoto'=>$item->cover_photo, 'latitude'=>$item->latitude, 'longitude'=>$item->longitude, 'Address'=>$item->address ?? null, 'zone_id'=>$item->zone_id, 'module_id'=>$item->module_id, 'MinimumOrderAmount'=>$item->minimum_order, 'Comission'=>$item->comission ?? 0, 'Tax'=>$item->tax ?? 0, 'DeliveryTime'=>$item->delivery_time ?? '20-30', 'MinimumDeliveryFee'=>$item->minimum_shipping_charge ?? 0, 'PerKmDeliveryFee'=>$item->per_km_shipping_charge ?? 0, 'MaximumDeliveryFee'=>$item->maximum_shipping_charge ?? 0, 'ScheduleOrder'=> $item->schedule_order == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'Status'=> $item->status == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive', 'SelfDeliverySystem'=> $item->self_delivery_system == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive', 'Veg'=> $item->veg == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'NonVeg'=> $item->non_veg == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'FreeDelivery'=> $item->free_delivery == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'TakeAway'=> $item->take_away == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'Delivery'=> $item->delivery == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'ReviewsSection'=> $item->reviews_section == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive', 'PosSystem'=> $item->pos_system == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive', 'storeOpen'=> $item->active == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'FeaturedStore'=> $item->featured == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no', ]; } return $data; } public static function export_units($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], translate('messages.unit') => $item['unit'], ]; } return $data; } public static function export_customers($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], translate('messages.name') => $item->f_name.' '.$item->l_name, translate('messages.phone') => $item['phone'], translate('messages.email') => $item['email'], translate('messages.total_order') => $item['order_count'], translate('messages.status') => $item['status'], ]; } return $data; } public static function export_day_wise_report($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.order_id') => $item['order_id'], translate('messages.store')=>$item->order->store?$item->order->store->name:translate('messages.invalid'), translate('messages.customer_name')=>$item->order->customer?$item->order->customer['f_name'].' '.$item->order->customer['l_name']:translate('messages.invalid_customer_data'), translate('total_item_amount')=>\App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->order['order_amount'] - $item->order['dm_tips']-$item->order['delivery_charge'] - $item['tax'] + $item->order['coupon_discount_amount'] + $item->order['store_discount_amount']), translate('item_discount')=>\App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->order->details->sum('discount_on_item')), translate('coupon_discount')=>\App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->order['coupon_discount_amount']), translate('discounted_amount')=>\App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->order['coupon_discount_amount'] + $item->order['store_discount_amount']), translate('messages.tax')=>\App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->order['total_tax_amount']), translate('messages.delivery_charge')=>\App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item['delivery_charge']), translate('messages.total_order_amount') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item['order_amount']), translate('messages.admin_discount') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item['admin_expense']), translate('messages.store_discount') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->order['store_discount_amount']), translate('messages.admin_commission') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency(($item->admin_commission + $item->admin_expense) - $item->delivery_fee_comission), translate('Comission on delivery fee') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item['delivery_fee_comission']), translate('admin_net_income') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item['admin_commission']), translate('store_net_income') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item['store_amount'] - $item['tax']), translate('messages.amount_received_by') => $item['received_by'], translate('messages.payment_method')=>translate(str_replace('_', ' ', $item->order['payment_method'])), translate('messages.payment_status') => $item->status ? translate("messages.refunded") : translate("messages.completed"), ]; } return $data; } public static function export_expense_wise_report($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ if(isset($item->order->customer)){ $customer_name= $item->order->customer->f_name.' '.$item->order->customer->l_name; } $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.order_id') => $item['order_id'], translate('messages.expense_date') => $item['created_at'], // translate('messages.expense_date') => $item->created_at->format('Y-m-d '.config('timeformat')), translate('messages.type') => str::title( str_replace('_', ' ', $item['type'])), translate('messages.customer_name') => $customer_name, translate('messages.amount') => $item['amount'], ]; } return $data; } public static function export_item_wise_report($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], translate('messages.name') => $item['name'], translate('messages.module') =>$item->module ? $item->module->module_name : '', translate('messages.store') => $item->store ? $item->store?->name : '', translate('messages.order') => $item->orders_count, translate('messages.price') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->price), translate('messages.total_amount_sold') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->orders_sum_price), translate('messages.total_discount_given') => \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($item->orders_sum_discount_on_item), translate('messages.average_sale_value') => $item->orders_count>0? \App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency(($item->orders_sum_price-$item->orders_sum_discount_on_item)/$item->orders_count):0 , translate('messages.average_ratings') => round($item->avg_rating,1), ]; } return $data; } public static function export_stock_wise_report($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], translate('messages.name') => $item['name'], translate('messages.store') => $item->store?$item->store?->name : '', translate('messages.zone') => ($item->store && $item->store?->zone) ? $item->store?->zone->name:'', translate('messages.stock') => $item['stock'], ]; } return $data; } public static function export_delivery_men($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], translate('messages.name') => $item->f_name.' '.$item->l_name, translate('messages.phone') => $item['phone'], translate('messages.zone') => $item->zone?$item->zone->name:'', translate('messages.total_order') => $item['order_count'], translate('messages.currently_assigned_orders') => (int) $item['current_orders'], translate('messages.status') => $item['status'], ]; } return $data; } public static function hex_to_rbg($color){ list($r, $g, $b) = sscanf($color, "#%02x%02x%02x"); $output = "$r, $g, $b"; return $output; } public static function expenseCreate($amount,$type,$datetime,$created_by,$order_id=null,$store_id=null,$description='',$delivery_man_id=null,$user_id=null) { $expense = new Expense(); $expense->amount = $amount; $expense->type = $type; $expense->order_id = $order_id; $expense->created_by = $created_by; $expense->store_id = $store_id; $expense->delivery_man_id = $delivery_man_id; $expense->user_id = $user_id; $expense->description = $description; $expense->created_at = now(); $expense->updated_at = now(); return $expense->save(); } public static function get_varient(array $product_variations, $variations) { $result = []; $variation_price = 0; foreach($variations as $k=> $variation){ foreach($product_variations as $product_variation){ if( isset($variation['values']) && isset($product_variation['values']) && $product_variation['name'] == $variation['name'] ){ $result[$k] = $product_variation; $result[$k]['values'] = []; foreach($product_variation['values'] as $key=> $option){ if(in_array($option['label'], $variation['values']['label'])){ $result[$k]['values'][] = $option; $variation_price += $option['optionPrice']; } } } } } return ['price'=>$variation_price,'variations'=>$result]; } public static function food_variation_price($product, $variations) { // $match = json_decode($variations, true)[0]; $match = $variations; $result = 0; // foreach (json_decode($product['variations'], true) as $property => $value) { // if ($value['type'] == $match['type']) { // $result = $value['price']; // } // } foreach($product as $product_variation){ foreach($product_variation['values'] as $option){ foreach($match as $variation){ if($product_variation['name'] == $variation['name'] && isset($variation['values']) && in_array($option['label'], $variation['values']['label'])){ $result += $option['optionPrice']; } } } } return $result; } public static function gen_mpdf($view, $file_prefix, $file_postfix) { $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf(['tempDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../storage/tmp','default_font' => 'FreeSerif', 'mode' => 'utf-8', 'format' => [190, 250]]); /* $mpdf->AddPage('XL', '', '', '', '', 10, 10, 10, '10', '270', '');*/ $mpdf->autoScriptToLang = true; $mpdf->autoLangToFont = true; $mpdf_view = $view; $mpdf_view = $mpdf_view->render(); $mpdf->WriteHTML($mpdf_view); $mpdf->Output($file_prefix . $file_postfix . '.pdf', 'D'); } public static function auto_translator($q, $sl, $tl) { $res = file_get_contents("https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single?client=gtx&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&dt=bd&dt=ex&dt=ld&dt=md&dt=qca&dt=rw&dt=rm&dt=ss&dt=t&dt=at&sl=" . $sl . "&tl=" . $tl . "&hl=hl&q=" . urlencode($q), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/transes.html"); $res = json_decode($res); return str_replace('_',' ',$res[0][0][0]); } public static function getLanguageCode(string $country_code): string { $locales = array( 'en-English(default)', 'af-Afrikaans', 'sq-Albanian - shqip', 'am-Amharic - አማርኛ', 'ar-Arabic - العربية', 'an-Aragonese - aragonés', 'hy-Armenian - հայերեն', 'ast-Asturian - asturianu', 'az-Azerbaijani - azərbaycan dili', 'eu-Basque - euskara', 'be-Belarusian - беларуская', 'bn-Bengali - বাংলা', 'bs-Bosnian - bosanski', 'br-Breton - brezhoneg', 'bg-Bulgarian - български', 'ca-Catalan - català', 'ckb-Central Kurdish - کوردی (دەستنوسی عەرەبی)', 'zh-Chinese - 中文', 'zh-HK-Chinese (Hong Kong) - 中文(香港)', 'zh-CN-Chinese (Simplified) - 中文(简体)', 'zh-TW-Chinese (Traditional) - 中文(繁體)', 'co-Corsican', 'hr-Croatian - hrvatski', 'cs-Czech - čeština', 'da-Danish - dansk', 'nl-Dutch - Nederlands', 'en-AU-English (Australia)', 'en-CA-English (Canada)', 'en-IN-English (India)', 'en-NZ-English (New Zealand)', 'en-ZA-English (South Africa)', 'en-GB-English (United Kingdom)', 'en-US-English (United States)', 'eo-Esperanto - esperanto', 'et-Estonian - eesti', 'fo-Faroese - føroyskt', 'fil-Filipino', 'fi-Finnish - suomi', 'fr-French - français', 'fr-CA-French (Canada) - français (Canada)', 'fr-FR-French (France) - français (France)', 'fr-CH-French (Switzerland) - français (Suisse)', 'gl-Galician - galego', 'ka-Georgian - ქართული', 'de-German - Deutsch', 'de-AT-German (Austria) - Deutsch (Österreich)', 'de-DE-German (Germany) - Deutsch (Deutschland)', 'de-LI-German (Liechtenstein) - Deutsch (Liechtenstein) ', 'de-CH-German (Switzerland) - Deutsch (Schweiz)', 'el-Greek - Ελληνικά', 'gn-Guarani', 'gu-Gujarati - ગુજરાતી', 'ha-Hausa', 'haw-Hawaiian - ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi', 'he-Hebrew - עברית', 'hi-Hindi - हिन्दी', 'hu-Hungarian - magyar', 'is-Icelandic - íslenska', 'id-Indonesian - Indonesia', 'ia-Interlingua', 'ga-Irish - Gaeilge', 'it-Italian - italiano', 'it-IT-Italian (Italy) - italiano (Italia)', 'it-CH-Italian (Switzerland) - italiano (Svizzera)', 'ja-Japanese - 日本語', 'kn-Kannada - ಕನ್ನಡ', 'kk-Kazakh - қазақ тілі', 'km-Khmer - ខ្មែរ', 'ko-Korean - 한국어', 'ku-Kurdish - Kurdî', 'ky-Kyrgyz - кыргызча', 'lo-Lao - ລາວ', 'la-Latin', 'lv-Latvian - latviešu', 'ln-Lingala - lingála', 'lt-Lithuanian - lietuvių', 'mk-Macedonian - македонски', 'ms-Malay - Bahasa Melayu', 'ml-Malayalam - മലയാളം', 'mt-Maltese - Malti', 'mr-Marathi - मराठी', 'mn-Mongolian - монгол', 'ne-Nepali - नेपाली', 'no-Norwegian - norsk', 'nb-Norwegian Bokmål - norsk bokmål', 'nn-Norwegian Nynorsk - nynorsk', 'oc-Occitan', 'or-Oriya - ଓଡ଼ିଆ', 'om-Oromo - Oromoo', 'ps-Pashto - پښتو', 'fa-Persian - فارسی', 'pl-Polish - polski', 'pt-Portuguese - português', 'pt-BR-Portuguese (Brazil) - português (Brasil)', 'pt-PT-Portuguese (Portugal) - português (Portugal)', 'pa-Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ', 'qu-Quechua', 'ro-Romanian - română', 'mo-Romanian (Moldova) - română (Moldova)', 'rm-Romansh - rumantsch', 'ru-Russian - русский', 'gd-Scottish Gaelic', 'sr-Serbian - српски', 'sh-Serbo-Croatian - Srpskohrvatski', 'sn-Shona - chiShona', 'sd-Sindhi', 'si-Sinhala - සිංහල', 'sk-Slovak - slovenčina', 'sl-Slovenian - slovenščina', 'so-Somali - Soomaali', 'st-Southern Sotho', 'es-Spanish - español', 'es-AR-Spanish (Argentina) - español (Argentina)', 'es-419-Spanish (Latin America) - español (Latinoamérica) ', 'es-MX-Spanish (Mexico) - español (México)', 'es-ES-Spanish (Spain) - español (España)', 'es-US-Spanish (United States) - español (Estados Unidos) ', 'su-Sundanese', 'sw-Swahili - Kiswahili', 'sv-Swedish - svenska', 'tg-Tajik - тоҷикӣ', 'ta-Tamil - தமிழ்', 'tt-Tatar', 'te-Telugu - తెలుగు', 'th-Thai - ไทย', 'ti-Tigrinya - ትግርኛ', 'to-Tongan - lea fakatonga', 'tr-Turkish - Türkçe', 'tk-Turkmen', 'tw-Twi', 'uk-Ukrainian - українська', 'ur-Urdu - اردو', 'ug-Uyghur', 'uz-Uzbek - o‘zbek', 'vi-Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt', 'wa-Walloon - wa', 'cy-Welsh - Cymraeg', 'fy-Western Frisian', 'xh-Xhosa', 'yi-Yiddish', 'yo-Yoruba - Èdè Yorùbá', 'zu-Zulu - isiZulu', ); foreach ($locales as $locale) { $locale_region = explode('-',$locale); if ($country_code == $locale_region[0]) { return $locale_region[0]; } } return "en"; } // function getLanguageCode(string $country_code): string // { // $locales = array('af-ZA', // 'am-ET', // 'ar-AE', // 'ar-BH', // 'ar-DZ', // 'ar-EG', // 'ar-IQ', // 'ar-JO', // 'ar-KW', // 'ar-LB', // 'ar-LY', // 'ar-MA', // 'ar-OM', // 'ar-QA', // 'ar-SA', // 'ar-SY', // 'ar-TN', // 'ar-YE', // 'az-Cyrl-AZ', // 'az-Latn-AZ', // 'be-BY', // 'bg-BG', // 'bn-BD', // 'bs-Cyrl-BA', // 'bs-Latn-BA', // 'cs-CZ', // 'da-DK', // 'de-AT', // 'de-CH', // 'de-DE', // 'de-LI', // 'de-LU', // 'dv-MV', // 'el-GR', // 'en-AU', // 'en-BZ', // 'en-CA', // 'en-GB', // 'en-IE', // 'en-JM', // 'en-MY', // 'en-NZ', // 'en-SG', // 'en-TT', // 'en-US', // 'en-ZA', // 'en-ZW', // 'es-AR', // 'es-BO', // 'es-CL', // 'es-CO', // 'es-CR', // 'es-DO', // 'es-EC', // 'es-ES', // 'es-GT', // 'es-HN', // 'es-MX', // 'es-NI', // 'es-PA', // 'es-PE', // 'es-PR', // 'es-PY', // 'es-SV', // 'es-US', // 'es-UY', // 'es-VE', // 'et-EE', // 'fa-IR', // 'fi-FI', // 'fil-PH', // 'fo-FO', // 'fr-BE', // 'fr-CA', // 'fr-CH', // 'fr-FR', // 'fr-LU', // 'fr-MC', // 'he-IL', // 'hi-IN', // 'hr-BA', // 'hr-HR', // 'hu-HU', // 'hy-AM', // 'id-ID', // 'ig-NG', // 'is-IS', // 'it-CH', // 'it-IT', // 'ja-JP', // 'ka-GE', // 'kk-KZ', // 'kl-GL', // 'km-KH', // 'ko-KR', // 'ky-KG', // 'lb-LU', // 'lo-LA', // 'lt-LT', // 'lv-LV', // 'mi-NZ', // 'mk-MK', // 'mn-MN', // 'ms-BN', // 'ms-MY', // 'mt-MT', // 'nb-NO', // 'ne-NP', // 'nl-BE', // 'nl-NL', // 'pl-PL', // 'prs-AF', // 'ps-AF', // 'pt-BR', // 'pt-PT', // 'ro-RO', // 'ru-RU', // 'rw-RW', // 'sv-SE', // 'si-LK', // 'sk-SK', // 'sl-SI', // 'sq-AL', // 'sr-Cyrl-BA', // 'sr-Cyrl-CS', // 'sr-Cyrl-ME', // 'sr-Cyrl-RS', // 'sr-Latn-BA', // 'sr-Latn-CS', // 'sr-Latn-ME', // 'sr-Latn-RS', // 'sw-KE', // 'tg-Cyrl-TJ', // 'th-TH', // 'tk-TM', // 'tr-TR', // 'uk-UA', // 'ur-PK', // 'uz-Cyrl-UZ', // 'uz-Latn-UZ', // 'vi-VN', // 'wo-SN', // 'yo-NG', // 'zh-CN', // 'zh-HK', // 'zh-MO', // 'zh-SG', // 'zh-TW'); // foreach ($locales as $locale) { // $locale_region = explode('-',$locale); // if (strtoupper($country_code) == $locale_region[1]) { // return $locale_region[0]; // } // } // return "en"; // } public static function pagination_limit() { $pagination_limit = BusinessSetting::where('key', 'pagination_limit')->first(); if ($pagination_limit != null) { return $pagination_limit->value; } else { return 25; } } public static function language_load() { if (\session()->has('language_settings')) { $language = \session('language_settings'); } else { $language = BusinessSetting::where('key', 'system_language')->first(); \session()->put('language_settings', $language); } return $language; } public static function vendor_language_load() { if (\session()->has('vendor_language_settings')) { $language = \session('vendor_language_settings'); } else { $language = BusinessSetting::where('key', 'system_language')->first(); \session()->put('vendor_language_settings', $language); } return $language; } public static function landing_language_load() { if (\session()->has('landing_language_settings')) { $language = \session('landing_language_settings'); } else { $language = BusinessSetting::where('key', 'system_language')->first(); \session()->put('landing_language_settings', $language); } return $language; } public static function product_tax($price , $tax, $is_include=false){ $price_tax = ($price * $tax) / (100 + ($is_include?$tax:0)) ; return $price_tax; } public static function apple_client_secret(){ // Set up the necessary variables $keyId = 'U7KA7F82UM'; $teamId = '7WSYLQ8Y87'; $clientId = 'com.sixamtech.sixamMartApp'; $privateKey = file_get_contents('AuthKey_U7KA7F82UM.p8'); // Should be a string containing the contents of the private key file. // Create the JWT header $header = [ 'alg' => 'ES256', 'kid' => $keyId, ]; // Create the JWT payload $payload = [ 'iss' => $teamId, 'iat' => time(), 'exp' => time() + 86400 * 180, // 180 days in seconds 'aud' => 'https://appleid.apple.com', 'sub' => $clientId, ]; // Encode the JWT header and payload $base64Header = base64_encode(json_encode($header)); $base64Payload = base64_encode(json_encode($payload)); // Create the signature using the private key and the SHA-256 algorithm $dataToSign = $base64Header . '.' . $base64Payload; $signature = ''; openssl_sign($dataToSign, $signature, $privateKey, 'sha256'); // Encode the signature $base64Signature = base64_encode($signature); // Create the Apple Client Secret key $clientSecret = $base64Header . '.' . $base64Payload . '.' . $base64Signature; // Output the key return $clientSecret; } public static function error_formater($key, $mesage, $errors = []) { $errors[] = ['code' => $key, 'message' => $mesage]; return $errors; } public static function Export_generator($datas) { foreach ($datas as $data) { yield $data; } return true; } public static function export_addons($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'Id'=>$item->id, 'Name'=>$item->name, 'Price'=>$item->price, 'StoreId'=>$item->store_id, 'Status'=>$item->status == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive' ]; } return $data; } public static function export_categories($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'Id'=>$item->id, 'Name'=>$item->name, 'Image'=>$item->image, 'ParentId'=>$item->parent_id, 'Position'=>$item->position, 'Priority'=>$item->priority, 'Status'=>$item->status == 1 ? 'active' : 'inactive', ]; } return $data; } public static function get_mail_status($name) { $status = BusinessSetting::where('key', $name)->first()?->value ?? 0; return $status; } public static function text_variable_data_format($value,$user_name=null,$store_name=null,$delivery_man_name=null,$transaction_id=null,$order_id=null) { $data = $value; if ($value) { if($user_name){ $data = str_replace("{userName}", $user_name, $data); } if($store_name){ $data = str_replace("{storeName}", $store_name, $data); } if($delivery_man_name){ $data = str_replace("{deliveryManName}", $delivery_man_name, $data); } if($transaction_id){ $data = str_replace("{transactionId}", $transaction_id, $data); } if($order_id){ $data = str_replace("{orderId}", $order_id, $data); } } return $data; } public static function get_login_url($type){ $data=DataSetting::whereIn('key',['store_employee_login_url','store_login_url','admin_employee_login_url','admin_login_url' ])->pluck('key','value')->toArray(); return array_search($type,$data); } public static function react_activation_check($react_domain, $react_license_code){ return ($response->successful() && isset($response->json('content')['is_active']) && $response->json('content')['is_active']); } public static function activation_submit($purchase_key) { $post = [ 'purchase_key' => $purchase_key ]; $response_body = 'is_valid'; if ($response_body == 'is_valid') { $previous_active = json_decode(BusinessSetting::where('key', 'app_activation')->first()->value ?? '[]'); $found = 0; foreach ($previous_active as $key => $item) { if ($item->software_id == env('REACT_APP_KEY')) { $found = 1; } } if ($found) { $previous_active[] = [ 'software_id' => env('REACT_APP_KEY'), 'is_active' => 1 ]; DB::table('business_settings')->updateOrInsert(['key' => 'app_activation'], [ 'value' => json_encode($previous_active) ]); } return true; } return false; } public static function react_domain_status_check(){ $data = self::get_business_settings('react_setup'); if($data && isset($data['react_domain']) && isset($data['react_license_code'])){ if(isset($data['react_platform']) && $data['react_platform'] == 'codecanyon'){ $data['status'] = (int)self::activation_submit($data['react_license_code']); }elseif(!self::react_activation_check($data['react_domain'], $data['react_license_code'])){ $data['status']=0; }elseif($data['status'] != 1){ $data['status']=1; } DB::table('business_settings')->updateOrInsert(['key' => 'react_setup'], [ 'value' => json_encode($data) ]); } } public static function export_order_transaction_report($collection){ $data = []; foreach($collection as $key=>$item){ $data[] = [ 'SL'=>$key+1, translate('messages.id') => $item['id'], translate('messages.vendor_id') => $item['vendor_id'], translate('messages.delivery_man_id') => $item['delivery_man_id'], translate('messages.order_id') => $item['order_id'], translate('messages.order_amount') => $item['order_amount'], translate('messages.store_amount') => $item['store_amount']-$item['tax'], translate('messages.admin_commission') => $item['admin_commission'], translate('messages.received_by') => $item['received_by'], translate('messages.status') => $item['status'], translate('messages.created_at') => $item['created_at'], translate('messages.updated_at') => $item['updated_at'], translate('messages.delivery_charge') => $item['delivery_charge'], translate('messages.original_delivery_charge') => $item['original_delivery_charge'], translate('messages.tax') => $item['tax'], translate('messages.zone_id') => $item['zone_id'], translate('messages.module_id') => $item['module_id'], translate('messages.parcel_catgory_id') => $item['parcel_catgory_id'], translate('messages.dm_tips') => $item['dm_tips'], translate('messages.delivery_fee_comission') => $item['delivery_fee_comission'], translate('messages.admin_expense') => $item['admin_expense'], translate('messages.store_expense') => $item['store_expense'], translate('messages.discount_amount_by_store') => $item['discount_amount_by_store'], ]; } return $data; } public static function get_zones_name($zones){ if(is_array($zones)){ $data = Zone::whereIn('id',$zones)->pluck('name')->toArray(); }else{ $data = Zone::where('id',$zones)->pluck('name')->toArray(); } $data = implode(', ', $data); return $data; } public static function get_stores_name($stores){ if(is_array($stores)){ $data = Store::whereIn('id',$stores)->pluck('name')->toArray(); }else{ $data = Store::where('id',$stores)->pluck('name')->toArray(); } $data = implode(', ', $data); return $data; } public static function get_category_name($id){ $id=Json_decode($id,true); $id=data_get($id,'0.id','NA'); return Category::where('id',$id)->first()?->name; } public static function get_sub_category_name($id){ $id=Json_decode($id,true); $id=data_get($id,'1.id','NA'); return Category::where('id',$id)->first()?->name; } public static function get_attributes($choice_options){ try{ $data=[]; foreach((array)json_decode($choice_options) as $key => $choice){ $data[$choice->title] =$choice->options; } return str_ireplace(['\'', '"', '{','}', '[',']', ';', '<', '>', '?'], ' ',json_encode($data)); } catch (\Exception $ex) { info(["line___{$ex->getLine()}",$ex->getMessage()]); return 0; } } public static function get_module_name($id){ return Module::where('id',$id)->first()?->module_name; } public static function get_food_variations($variations){ try{ $data=[]; $data2=[]; foreach((array)json_decode($variations,true) as $key => $choice){ foreach($choice['values'] as $k => $v){ $data2[$k] = $v['label']; // if(!next($choice['values'] )) { // $data2[$k] = $v['label'].";"; // } } $data[$choice['name']] = $data2; } return str_ireplace(['\'', '"', '{','}', '[',']', '<', '>', '?'], ' ',json_encode($data)); } catch (\Exception $ex) { info(["line___{$ex->getLine()}",$ex->getMessage()]); return 0; } } public static function get_customer_name($id){ $user = User::where('id',$id)->first(); return $user->f_name.' '.$user->l_name; } public static function get_addon_data($id){ try{ $data=[]; $addon= AddOn::whereIn('id',json_decode($id, true))->get(['name','price'])->toArray(); foreach($addon as $key => $value){ $data[$key]= $value['name'] .' - ' .\App\CentralLogics\Helpers::format_currency($value['price']); } return str_ireplace(['\'', '"', '{','}', '[',']', '<', '>', '?'], ' ',json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); } catch (\Exception $ex) { info(["line___{$ex->getLine()}",$ex->getMessage()]); return 0; } } public static function add_or_update_translations($request, $key_data,$name_field ,$model_name, $data_id,$data_value ){ try{ $model = 'App\\Models\\'.$model_name; $default_lang = str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()); foreach ($request->lang as $index => $key) { if ($default_lang == $key && !($request->{$name_field}[$index])) { if ($key != 'default') { Translation::updateorcreate( [ 'translationable_type' => $model, 'translationable_id' => $data_id, 'locale' => $key, 'key' => $key_data ], ['value' => $data_value] ); } } else { if ($request->{$name_field}[$index] && $key != 'default') { Translation::updateorcreate( [ 'translationable_type' => $model, 'translationable_id' => $data_id, 'locale' => $key, 'key' => $key_data ], ['value' => $request->{$name_field}[$index]] ); } } } return true; } catch(\Exception $e){ info(["line___{$e->getLine()}",$e->getMessage()]); return false; } } public static function offline_payment_formater($user_data){ $userInputs = []; $user_inputes= json_decode($user_data->payment_info, true); $method_name= $user_inputes['method_name']; $method_id= $user_inputes['method_id']; foreach ($user_inputes as $key => $value) { if(!in_array($key,['method_name','method_id'])){ $userInput = [ 'user_input' => $key, 'user_data' => $value, ]; $userInputs[] = $userInput; } } $data = [ 'status' => $user_data->status, 'method_id' => $method_id, 'method_name' => $method_name, 'customer_note' => $user_data->customer_note, 'admin_note' => $user_data->note, ]; $result = [ 'input' => $userInputs, 'data' => $data, 'method_fields' =>json_decode($user_data->method_fields ,true), ]; return $result; } }