3 years ago
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/* Samarth Kamble 21142 (F1-Batch) Date of start: 21/03/2022 Date of completion: Problem statement: Consider telephone book database of N clients. Make use of a hash table implementation to quickly look up client‘s telephone number. Make use of two collision handling techniques and compare them using number of comparisons required to find a set of telephone numbers (use linear probing with replacement and without replacement) */ #include <iostream> #define SIZE 123 using namespace std; class HashEntry { long int phoneNumber; string name; public: HashEntry() { this->name = ""; this->phoneNumber = -1; } long int getPhoneNumber() { return phoneNumber; } string getName() { return name; } void setPhoneNumber(long int number) { this->phoneNumber = number; } void setName(string name) { this->name = name; } }; class HashTable { HashEntry arr[SIZE]; int entryCount; public: static int multiplyDigits(long int num) { int ans = 1; while (num) { int temp = ((num % 10)); ans *= temp; num /= 10; } return ans % SIZE; } static int hash(long int key) { int hashCode = multiplyDigits(key); return hashCode; } HashTable() { entryCount = 0; } void makeEntry(); void insertWithoutReplacement(long, string); void insertionWithReplacement(long, string); void display() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { if (arr[i].getPhoneNumber() != -1) cout << "At " << "index " << i << ": " << "Phone number- " << arr[i].getPhoneNumber() << " Name- " << arr[i].getName() << endl; } } void search(long int number) { int comparisons = 0; int hashValue = hash(number); int initial = hashValue - 1; while (arr[hashValue].getPhoneNumber() != number) { comparisons++; hashValue = (hashValue + 1) % SIZE; if (hashValue == initial && arr[hashValue].getPhoneNumber() == -1) { cout << "\nNot found\n"; cout << "The comparisons required were " << comparisons << endl; return; } } cout << "\nFOUND " << arr[hashValue].getPhoneNumber() << " at index " << hashValue << endl; cout << "The comparisons required were " << comparisons << endl; } } *HT = NULL; void HashTable::makeEntry() { long int num; string name; cout << "\nEnter contact number: "; cin >> num; cout << "\nEnter your name: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, name); if (entryCount >= SIZE) { cout << "\nHashTable is full\n"; return; } int ch; cout << "\nEnter 1 to enter without replacement\nEnter 2 to enter with replacement\nEnter: "; cin >> ch; if (ch == 1) insertionWithReplacement(num, name); else insertionWithReplacement(num, name); entryCount++; } void HashTable::insertWithoutReplacement(long num, string name) { int hashValue = hash(num); int position = hashValue; while ((arr[position]).getPhoneNumber() != -1) { position = (position + 1) % SIZE; } arr[position].setPhoneNumber(num); arr[position].setName(name); } void HashTable::insertionWithReplacement(long num, string name) { int hashValue = hash(num); int position = hashValue; if (arr[hashValue].getPhoneNumber() == -1) { arr[hashValue].setPhoneNumber(num); arr[hashValue].setName(name); } else { int thisHashValue = hash(arr[position].getPhoneNumber()); if (thisHashValue == position) { while ((arr[position]).getPhoneNumber() != -1) { position = (position + 1) % SIZE; } arr[position].setPhoneNumber(num); arr[position].setName(name); } else { long replacementNum = arr[position].getPhoneNumber(); string replacementName = arr[position].getName(); arr[position].setName(name); arr[position].setPhoneNumber(num); position = (position + 1) % SIZE; while ((arr[position]).getPhoneNumber() != -1) { position = (position + 1) % SIZE; } arr[position].setPhoneNumber(replacementNum); arr[position].setName(replacementName); } } } int main() { HT = new HashTable(); bool menu = 1; int ch; while (menu) { cout << "\n1.Make an entry\n2.Remove an entry\n3.Display\n4.Search\n"; cout << "Enter choice: "; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: HT->makeEntry(); break; case 2: break; case 3: HT->display(); break; case 4: long int num; cout << "\nENter: "; cin >> num; HT->search(num); break; case -1: menu = 0; break; default: break; } } return 0; }
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