5 days ago
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Indian Railway is facing issue in Manually categorigizing and prioriatizating complains so we have came up the AI based solution for Automatic comapliant extaraction from image, audio, video and textual complains. Our propsed soln operates in three parts Feature Extaraction from Complains , Categriozation and prioritaization and Assignment of of complains to there respective department and if the complain is assigned to incorrect depertment the complain can be reassign to the correct dept.User Sentimants can be analysed by Sentimental analysis using Genrative AI(GEN Ai) with the help of Feedback received.Animated tutorial guide for admin to use the railmadad Admin Dashboard . 1.Feature Extraction : Our Omnidirectional feature extraction model will extract features from filed complains. From audio we will be going to use ASR Advance Speech Recogination Algorithm which will generate the transcribtion from the audio. For textual data we will use advance NLP based FastText and DistilBERT for extracting keywords from the complinats description. For Images and Videos we will using Deep Learning CNN and RNN based feature extraction model and for documents we will be using advance OCR model Google Vision. The extracted features will consist of various keywords based on which categorization and prioritization will occur. 2.Categorsation and Prioritation : 3. 4.
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