-- Drop queries to remove existing tables (if they exist) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS request_withdrawal_history; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS credit_card; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS check_in_history; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_feedback; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS item_inventory; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS notification; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS transfer_credit_history; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS order_plan_detail; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS transfer; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `transaction`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gymer_booking; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS shift; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department_plans; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department_amenities; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_plan; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mst_kbn; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department_services; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department_schedule; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department_albums; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department_amenities; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department_features; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS features; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS gym_department; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS brand_albums; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS brand_amenities; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS brand; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_role; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS role; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wallet; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_detail; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS become_a_partner_request_history; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_detail ( user_detail_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE, phone_number VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(255), date_of_birth DATE NOT NULL, gender VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, securityId varchar(12) null, image_url TEXT NULL ); -- User table to store user information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user` ( user_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_account VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, user_password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, user_detail_id INT, user_create_time VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, user_deleted TINYINT NOT NULL, created_by INT NULL, first_time boolean default 1, in_department_id INT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_detail_id) REFERENCES user_detail(user_detail_id), CONSTRAINT user_FK FOREIGN KEY (created_by) REFERENCES `user`(user_id) ); -- User Wallet table to store user wallet information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wallet ( wallet_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, balance DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT 0.0, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user(user_id) ); -- Role table to store user roles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS role ( role_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, role_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ); -- User Role table to store the relationship between users and roles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_role ( user_role_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, role_id INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES `user` (user_id), FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES role (role_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS brand ( brand_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT, name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, logo_url VARCHAR(255), wallpaper_url VARCHAR(255), thumbnail_url VARCHAR(255), description text, rating DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT 0, contact_number VARCHAR(20), contact_email VARCHAR(50), brand_status_key INT NOT NULL, money_percent INT DEFAULT 0 , first_time boolean default 1, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES `user`(user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS brand_amenities ( amenitie_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, brand_id INT NOT NULL, photo_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, amenitie_name VARCHAR(50), description text, amenitie_status INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (brand_id) REFERENCES brand(brand_id) ); -- Gym Department table to store gym department information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gym_department ( gym_department_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, gym_department_status_key INT NOT NULL, brand_id INT NOT NULL, user_id INT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(255), contact_number VARCHAR(20), logo_url VARCHAR(255), wallpaper_url VARCHAR(255), thumbnail_url VARCHAR(255), description text, latitude DECIMAL(10,8), longitude DECIMAL(11,8), rating DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT 0, capacity INT, area DECIMAL(10, 2), city VARCHAR(255), first_time boolean default 0, FOREIGN KEY (brand_id) REFERENCES brand(brand_id), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES `user`(user_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gym_department_albums ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, gym_department_id INT NOT NULL, photo_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(gym_department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gym_department_schedule ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, gym_department_id INT NOT NULL, day VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, open_time VARCHAR(255), close_time VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (gym_department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS features ( feature_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, feature_icon varchar(150), feature_name VARCHAR(50), feature_status INT NOT NULL ); -- table name mst_kbn to store type,status of all tables CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mst_kbn ( mst_kbn_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, mst_kbn_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, mst_kbn_key INT NOT NULL, mst_kbn_value VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL ); -- Gym Plan table to store gym plan information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gym_plan ( plan_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, brand_id INT NOT NULL, gym_plan_key INT, gym_plan_status_key INT NOT NULL, gym_plan_type_key INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description text, price DECIMAL(10, 2) , price_per_hours DECIMAL(10, 2) , plan_sold INT, duration INT , plan_before_active_validity INT NOT NULL, plan_after_active_validity INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (brand_id) REFERENCES brand(brand_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gym_department_plans ( gym_department_id INT NOT NULL, plan_id INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (gym_department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id), FOREIGN KEY (plan_id) REFERENCES gym_plan(plan_id), PRIMARY KEY (gym_department_id, plan_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gym_department_amenities ( gym_department_id INT NOT NULL, amenitie_id INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (gym_department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id), FOREIGN KEY (amenitie_id) REFERENCES brand_amenities(amenitie_id), PRIMARY KEY (gym_department_id, amenitie_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gym_department_features ( gym_department_feature_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, feature_id INT, gym_department_id INT NOT NULL, feature_status INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (feature_id) REFERENCES features(feature_id), FOREIGN KEY (gym_department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id) ); -- Shift table to store shift information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS shift ( shift_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, gym_department_id INT NOT NULL, start_time TIME NOT NULL, end_time TIME NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (gym_department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id) ); -- Transaction table to do the function with transactions between credit and real money CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `transaction` ( transaction_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, wallet_id INT NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, amount DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, transaction_date DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (wallet_id) REFERENCES wallet(wallet_id) ); -- Order table to store order information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `order` ( order_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, order_create_time DATETIME NOT NULL, order_status_key INT NOT NULL, discount INT NOT NULL, order_total_money DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, order_note VARCHAR(500), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES `user`(user_id) ); -- Order Plan Detail table to store order plan details CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS order_plan_detail ( order_detail_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, order_id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, quantity INT NOT NULL, price_per_hours DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, price DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, duration INT NOT NULL, plan_before_active_validity INT NOT NULL, plan_after_active_validity INT NOT NULL, gym_department_id INT NOT NULL, `plan_active_time` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `item_status_key` INT NOT NULL, `plan_expired_time` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, `description` TEXT, use_status VARCHAR(100), FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES `order`(order_id), FOREIGN KEY (gym_department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id) ); -- Transfer table to do the function related to transferring credit history CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transfer_credit_history ( transfer_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, sender_id INT NOT NULL, receiver_id INT NOT NULL, amount DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL, order_detail_id INT NOT NULL, transfer_date DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (order_detail_id) REFERENCES order_plan_detail (order_detail_id), FOREIGN KEY (sender_id) REFERENCES `user`(user_id), FOREIGN KEY (receiver_id) REFERENCES `user`(user_id) ); -- User Inventory table to store user inventory information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS item_inventory ( inventory_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, plan_id INT NOT NULL, plan_active_time DATETIME NOT NULL, item_status_key INT NOT NULL, plan_expired_time DATETIME NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES `user`(user_id), FOREIGN KEY (plan_id) REFERENCES gym_plan(plan_id) ); -- User Feedback table to store user feedback information CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_feedback ( feedback_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, gym_plan_id INT, department_id INT NOT NULL, rating INT NOT NULL, comments TEXT, feedback_time DATETIME NOT NULL, feedback_status INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES `user`(user_id), FOREIGN KEY (gym_plan_id) REFERENCES `gym_plan`(plan_id), FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES gym_department(gym_department_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notification ( notification_id INT auto_increment NOT NULL, user_id_send INT NOT NULL, user_id_receive INT NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL, time_send DATETIME NOT NULL, department_id INT NOT NULL, order_detail_id INT NOT NULL, message_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, status INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT Notification_pk PRIMARY KEY (notification_id), CONSTRAINT Notification_FK FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES fitpass.gym_department(gym_department_id), CONSTRAINT Notification_FK_1 FOREIGN KEY (user_id_send) REFERENCES fitpass.`user`(user_id), CONSTRAINT Notification_FK_2 FOREIGN KEY (user_id_receive) REFERENCES fitpass.`user`(user_id), CONSTRAINT Notification_FK_3 FOREIGN KEY (order_detail_id) REFERENCES fitpass.order_plan_detail(order_detail_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS check_in_history ( check_in_history_id INT auto_increment NOT NULL, order_detail_id INT NOT NULL, status_key INT NOT NULL, `check_in_time` DATETIME NOT NULL, check_out_time DATETIME NULL, total_credit DECIMAL(10,2) NULL, emp_checkin_id INT NOT NULL, feedback_id INT NULL, CONSTRAINT check_in_history_pk PRIMARY KEY (check_in_history_id), CONSTRAINT check_in_history_FK FOREIGN KEY (order_detail_id) REFERENCES fitpass.order_plan_detail(order_detail_id), CONSTRAINT check_in_history_FK_1 FOREIGN KEY (emp_checkin_id) REFERENCES fitpass.`user`(user_id), CONSTRAINT check_in_history_FK_2 FOREIGN KEY (feedback_id) REFERENCES fitpass.user_feedback(feedback_id) ); -- bảng credit card CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS credit_card ( credit_card_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, card_owner_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, card_number varchar(25) NOT NULL, status VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, bank_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user(user_id) ); -- Bảng lịch sử rút tiền CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS request_withdrawal_history ( request_withdrawal_history_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, credit_card_id INT not null, withdrawal_code VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, withdrawal_time timestamp, amount_credit INT NOT NULL, actual_money INT NOT NULL, money_percent INT DEFAULT 0 , status VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (credit_card_id) REFERENCES credit_card(credit_card_id) ); -- Bảng become a partner CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS become_a_partner_request_history ( become_a_partner_request_history_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, brand_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, brand_owner_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, contact_number VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, web_url VARCHAR(250) , contact_email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, send_request_time timestamp, -- thời gian gửi đơn start_handle_request_time timestamp, -- thời gian bắt đầu xử lý cancel_request_time timestamp,-- thời gian hủy yêu cầu approve_request_time timestamp,-- thời gian xác nhận yêu cầu thành công cancel_reason VARCHAR(350) , status VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ); DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER update_gym_rating_avg AFTER INSERT ON user_feedback FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE dept_id INT; DECLARE total DECIMAL(10,2); DECLARE count DECIMAL(10,2); SET dept_id = NEW.department_id; SELECT IFNULL(SUM(CAST(rating AS DECIMAL(10,2))), 0), COUNT(*) INTO total, count FROM user_feedback WHERE department_id = dept_id; SET count = CAST(count AS DECIMAL(10,2)); SET total = CAST(total AS DECIMAL(10,2)); UPDATE gym_department SET rating = total / count WHERE gym_department_id = dept_id; END$$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER update_brand_rating AFTER UPDATE ON gym_department FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE avg_rating DECIMAL(10,2); SELECT AVG(rating) INTO avg_rating FROM gym_department WHERE brand_id = NEW.brand_id; UPDATE brand SET rating = avg_rating WHERE brand_id = NEW.brand_id; END$$ DELIMITER ;
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