
mail@pastecode.io avatar
6 days ago
1.3 kB
from random import randint

print("Hello and welcome to 'Rock, paper and scissor'! Let's play by choose what you will use to fight against me (Rock/Paper/Scissor)" )

a = input()
b = randint(1,3)

print("You chooose:", a)
if (b == 1) :
    print("Computer choose: Rock")
elif (b == 2) :
    print("Computer choose: Paper")
elif (b == 3) :
    print("Computer choose: Scissor")
if (a == "Rock"):
    if (b == 1):
        print("It's a draw for you.")
    elif (b == 2):
        print("It's a lose for you. Better good luck next time, loser, haha.")
    elif (b == 3):
        print("It's a win for you. You just luckier than me this time. Congratulation!")
elif (a == "Paper"):
    if (b == 1):
        print("It's a win for you. You just luckier than me this time. Congratulation!")
    elif (b == 2):
        print("It's a draw for you.")
    elif (b == 3):
        print("It's a lose for you. Better good luck next time, loser, haha.")
elif (a == "Scissor"):
    if (b == 1):
        print("It's a lose for you. Better good luck next time, loser, haha.")
    elif (b == 2):
        print("It's a win for you. You just luckier than me this time. Congratulation!")
    elif (b == 3):
        print("It's a draw for you.")
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