3 months ago
1.4 kB
void Grid::UpdateInterface() const { if (UI.InterfaceMode == MODE_DESIGN) { // 1- Draw cells with or without waterpits or dangerzone for (int i = NumVerticalCells-1; i >= 0 ; i--) // bottom up { for (int j = 0; j < NumHorizontalCells; j++) // left to right { CellList[i][j]->DrawCellOrWaterPitOrDangerZone(pOut); } } // 2- Draw other game objects(excluding waterpit and dangerzone) for (int i = NumVerticalCells-1; i >= 0 ; i--) // bottom up { for (int j = 0; j < NumHorizontalCells; j++) // left to right { CellList[i][j]->DrawGameObject(pOut); } } // 3- Draw players for (int i = 0; i < MaxPlayerCount; i++) { PlayerList[i]->Draw(pOut); } } else // In PLAY Mode { // 1- Print Player's Info string playersInfo = ""; for (int i = 0; i < MaxPlayerCount; i++) { PlayerList[i]->AppendPlayerInfo(playersInfo); // passed by reference if (i < MaxPlayerCount-1) // except the last player playersInfo += ", "; } playersInfo += " | Curr = " + to_string(currPlayerNumber); pOut->PrintPlayersInfo(playersInfo); // Note: UpdatePlayerCell() function --> already update drawing players in Play Mode // so we do NOT need draw all players again in UpdateInterface() of the Play mode // In addition, cgame objects do NOT change positions in Play Mode, so need to draw them here too } }
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