a year ago
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#include "lpoly.h" #include <cmath> lpoly::lpoly() { _head_ptr = new node(); } lpoly::lpoly(const lpoly & p){ _head_ptr = new node(); for (int i = 0; i <= p.degree();i++){ coeff_type copy = p[i]; if (copy!=0) set(i,copy); } } lpoly::lpoly(const coeff_type & c, size_type i){ _head_ptr = new node(); set(i,c); } lpoly::~lpoly(){ list_clear(_head_ptr); } //const members int lpoly::degree() const{ int max = -1; for (node * p = _head_ptr; p != nullptr; p = p->link()){ //std::cout << "current max is " << max; if (int((p ->data()).i) > max && p->data().c != coeff_type()){ max = (p -> data()).i; //std::cout << "new max is " << max << std::endl; } } return max; } lpoly::coeff_type lpoly::operator[](size_type i) const{ const node * p; for (p = _head_ptr; p != nullptr; p = p->link()) if ((p->data()).i == i) return p->data().c; return coeff_type(); } lpoly::coeff_type lpoly::operator()(const coeff_type & v) const{ coeff_type sum = coeff_type(); for (node * p = _head_ptr; p!= nullptr; p = p -> link()){ sum += pow(v,p->data().i)*p->data().c; } return sum; } lpoly lpoly::derivative() const{ lpoly res = lpoly(); for (node * p = _head_ptr -> link(); p != nullptr; p = p -> link()){ term curr = p -> data(); res.set(curr.i - 1,curr.c * curr.i); //std::cout << "(" << curr.c * curr.i<< ", " << curr.i-1 << ") has been set\n"; } return res; } lpoly lpoly::integral() const{ lpoly res = lpoly(); for (node * p = _head_ptr; p != nullptr; p = p -> link()){ if ((p->data().c)/(p->data().i+1) != 0) res.set(p->data().i + 1,(p->data().c)/(p->data().i+1)); } return res; } void lpoly::print() const{ for (const node *p = _head_ptr; p != nullptr; p = p->link()) if (p->data().c != 0) std::cout << (p->data()).c << "x^" << std::noshowpos << p-> data().i << " " << std::showpos; std::cout << std::noshowpos; } //modification mmm void lpoly::set(size_type i, const coeff_type & c){ node::value_type newterm =node::value_type(c,i); term secondnewterm; // why does term not need node:: if (i == 0){ _head_ptr->set_data(newterm); return; } node * n = _head_ptr -> link(); node::value_type current; for (node * previous = _head_ptr; previous!= nullptr; previous = previous-> link()){ if (n != nullptr){ current = (n -> data()); } else{ list_insert(previous, newterm); return; } if (current.i > i){ list_insert(previous, newterm); return; } else if (current.i == i){ n->set_data(newterm); // change data of term to set c return; } n = n->link(); } std::cout << "nothing happened in the for loop error\n" ; } void lpoly::operator = (const lpoly & source){ list_clear(_head_ptr); _head_ptr = new node(); for (int i = 0; i <= source.degree(); i++){ if (source[i]!=0) set(i,source[i]); } } void lpoly::operator += (const lpoly &p){ for (int i = 0; i <= std::max(p.degree(),degree()); i++){ coeff_type newcoeff = p[i] + (*this)[i]; set(i, newcoeff); } } void lpoly::operator -= (const lpoly & p){ for (int i = 0; i <= std::max(p.degree(),degree()); i++){ coeff_type newcoeff =(*this)[i] - p[i]; set(i, newcoeff); } } void lpoly::operator *= (const lpoly &p){ *this = *this * p; } void lpoly::operator /= (const lpoly & p){ } void lpoly::negate(){ for (node * n = _head_ptr; n!= nullptr; n = n-> link()){ term newterm = term(-n->data().c, n->data().i); n->set_data(newterm); } } //NONMEMBER AND OVERLOADED + L std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & is, lpoly & p){ lpoly::coeff_type coeff; lpoly::size_type i; std::string line; std::getline(is,line); std::stringstream linestream(line); while (linestream >> coeff >> i){ p.set(i,coeff + p[i]); } return is; } std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, const lpoly & p){ if (p.degree() == -1){ os << "zero poly"; return os; } p.print(); return os; } bool operator ==(const lpoly &a, const lpoly &b){ if (a.degree()!=b.degree()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < a.degree(); i++){ if (a[i]!=b[i]) return false; } return true; } lpoly operator +(const lpoly & a, const lpoly & b){ lpoly res = lpoly(a); res+=b; return res; } lpoly operator -(const lpoly & a, const lpoly & b){ lpoly res = lpoly(a); res-=b; return res; } lpoly operator -(const lpoly & p){ lpoly res = lpoly(p); res.negate(); return res; } lpoly operator *(const lpoly & a, const lpoly & b){ lpoly res = lpoly(); if (a.degree() == -1 || b.degree() == -1) return res; for (int i = 0; i <= a.degree(); i++){ for (int j = 0; j <= b.degree(); j++){ lpoly::coeff_type coeff = lpoly::coeff_type(); coeff = a[i] * b[j]; lpoly::size_type x = 0; x = i + j; res.set(x, res[x] + coeff); } } return res; }
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