(function () { "use strict"; /** * Pauses all currently playing videos on the page. */ function pauseAllPlayingVideo() { $('body video').each(function () { if (!$(this).get(0).paused && $(this).get(0).controls) { $(this).get(0).pause(); } }); } /** * Pauses all videos except the currently playing one. * @param {string} currentVideoId - ID of the currently playing video. */ function pauseAllOtherPlayingVideo(currentVideoId) { $('body video').each(function () { if (!$(this).get(0).paused && $(this).get(0).controls && this.id !== currentVideoId) { $(this).get(0).pause(); } }); } /** * Initializes Slick carousels and attaches appropriate event listeners. */ function initializeCarousels() { $('div[class^="featuredcontent-"]').each(function () { const $carousel = $(this); let fccId = ''; let arrayList = this.classList; // Extract unique ID for the carousel Array.prototype.forEach.call(arrayList, function (name) { if (name.match(/\d+$/)) { const fccIdClass = name.match(/\d+$/); fccId = fccIdClass.input.split("responsiveImage_").length > 0 ? fccIdClass.input.split("responsiveImage_")[1] : ''; } }); // Initialize Slick Carousel $carousel.slick({ infinite: false, slidesToShow: $carousel.attr("layout"), slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: true, fade: true, cssEase: 'linear', prevArrow: $('.featuredcontent-responsiveImage_' + fccId + '__arrow-prev'), nextArrow: $('.featuredcontent-responsiveImage_' + fccId + '__arrow-next'), responsive: [ { breakpoint: 767, settings: { slidesToShow: $carousel.attr("layout"), slidesToScroll: 1, } } ] }).on('setPosition', function (event, slick) { // Adjust slide height based on viewport width const w = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; if (w > 850) { slick.$slides.height('558px'); } else if (w > 769 && w <= 850) { slick.$slides.height('600px'); } else if (w > 600 && w <= 769) { slick.$slides.height('475px'); } else if (w > 500 && w <= 600) { slick.$slides.height('415px'); } else { slick.$slides.height('383px'); } }).on('afterChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide) { // Handle arrow states for last slide const totalSlides = slick.slideCount; const $nextArrow = $carousel.siblings(".featuredcontent__arrow-next"); if (currentSlide === totalSlides - 1) { $nextArrow.addClass('slick-disabled'); $nextArrow.prev().addClass('last'); } else { $nextArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled'); $nextArrow.prev().removeClass('last'); } }); }); } /** * Initializes video controls and event listeners. */ function initializeVideoControls() { $('div[class^="fc__video-"]').each(function () { const videoWrapper = $(this)[0]; const video = $(this).find('video')[0]; if (videoWrapper && video && videoWrapper.contains(video)) { $('.featuredcontent__video').addClass('has-media-controls-hidden'); $('.featuredcontent__video-overlay-play-button').on('click', function () { const currentVideo = $(this).prev().find('.featuredcontent__video:visible'); $(this).prev().find('.darken-overlay').hide(); $(this).addClass('is-hidden'); pauseAllPlayingVideo(); currentVideo.trigger('play'); currentVideo.get(0).addEventListener('play', () => { pauseAllOtherPlayingVideo(currentVideo.get(0).id); }); currentVideo.removeClass('has-media-controls-hidden'); currentVideo.attr('controls', 'controls'); }); } }); } /** * Main function to run on document ready. */ function onDocumentReady() { initializeCarousels(); initializeVideoControls(); } // Run the script once the document is ready if (document.readyState !== "loading") { onDocumentReady(); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDocumentReady); } })();
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