a year ago
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/* Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such: Trie* obj = new Trie(); obj->insert(word); bool check2 = obj->search(word); bool check3 = obj->startsWith(prefix); */ class trienode{ public: char data; trienode* children[26]; // an array of trienodes bool isterminal; trienode(char ch){ data=ch; for(int i=0;i<26;i++){ children[i]=NULL; } isterminal=false; } }; class Trie { public: trienode* root; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ Trie() { root= new trienode('\0'); } /** Inserts a word into the trie. */ void insertdriver(trienode* root, string str) { if(str.length()==0){ //base case root->isterminal=true; return; } trienode* child; int index=str[0]-'a'; if(root->children[index]!=NULL){ // this character already exists in the children of root .. proceed child=root->children[index]; }else{ child =new trienode(str[0]); // this character isnt present in children of root. create it and then root->children[index]=child; // proceed } insertdriver(child,str.substr(1)); //recursion } void insert(string word) { insertdriver(root,word); } /** Returns if the word is in the trie. */ bool searchdriver(trienode* root,string str){ if(str.length()==0) return root->isterminal; int index=str[0]-'a'; if(root->children[index]==NULL) return false; return searchdriver(root->children[index],str.substr(1)); } bool search(string word) { return searchdriver(root,word); } /** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */ bool presdriver(trienode* root,string str){ if(str.length()==0) return true; int index=str[0]-'a'; if(root->children[index]==NULL) return false; return presdriver(root->children[index],str.substr(1)); } bool startsWith(string prefix) { return presdriver(root,prefix); } };