2 years ago
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import string import time import random attempts = 0 pass_to_guess_len = 0 pass_dictionaries = [] curr_progress_percent = 0 max_attempts_num = 0 def print_progress(): print("Current progress: {}%. Checked {:,} of {:,}".format(curr_progress_percent, attempts, max_attempts_num)) def shuffle(array): random.shuffle(array) return array def init_pass_dictionaries(password): global pass_dictionaries special_chars = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "&", "*", "-", "_", "^"] valid_chars = list(string.digits) + special_chars + list(string.ascii_lowercase) + list(string.ascii_uppercase) if not all([char in valid_chars for char in password]): print("Unsupported characters in password found. Only ASCII letters, digits and next special characters are supported: \n{}".format(special_chars)) quit(1) for i in range(len(password)): curr_dict = [] if i == 0: curr_dict = shuffle(list(string.ascii_uppercase)) + shuffle(list(string.ascii_lowercase) + list(string.digits) + special_chars) elif i == len(password) - 1: curr_dict = shuffle(list(string.digits) + special_chars) + shuffle(list(string.ascii_lowercase) + list(string.ascii_uppercase)) else: curr_dict = shuffle(list(string.ascii_lowercase) + special_chars + list(string.digits) + list(string.ascii_uppercase)) if not all([char in string.digits for char in password]): curr_dict = [x for x in curr_dict if x not in string.digits] if not all([char in special_chars for char in password]): curr_dict = [x for x in curr_dict if x not in special_chars] pass_dictionaries.append(curr_dict) def calculate_max_attempt_num(pass_to_guess, alphabet_size): result = 0 for i in range(0, len(pass_to_guess)): result = result + pow(alphabet_size, i + 1) return result def find_pass_match(pass_to_guess, current_pass): global attempts global pass_to_guess_len global curr_progress_percent current_pass_len = len(current_pass) if current_pass_len == pass_to_guess_len: return False for char_to_try in pass_dictionaries[current_pass_len]: attempts += 1 curr_progress = int(attempts / max_attempts_num * 100) if curr_progress != curr_progress_percent: curr_progress_percent = curr_progress print_progress() pass_to_try = current_pass + char_to_try if pass_to_try == pass_to_guess: return True else: pass_to_try_matches = find_pass_match(pass_to_guess, pass_to_try) if pass_to_try_matches: return True return False password = input("Please enter your password: \n") pass_to_guess_len = len(password) init_pass_dictionaries(password) max_attempts_num = calculate_max_attempt_num(password, len(pass_dictionaries[0])) print("Max number of attempts: {:,}".format(max_attempts_num)) print_progress() start_time = time.time() match_found = find_pass_match(password, "") end_time = time.time() if match_found: time_took_sec = end_time - start_time attempts_per_sec = attempts / time_took_sec if time_took_sec != 0 else float('inf') print("Found match in {:,} attempts, took {:.2f} seconds ({:,.0f} attempts per second)".format(attempts, time_took_sec, attempts_per_sec))