4-bits ripple_carry_adder
3 years ago
1.1 kB
module ripple_carry_adder (in0, in1, out, cout,s_overflow,u_overflow); // declare input signals input [3:0] in0; input [3:0] in1; // declare output signals output [3:0] out; output cout; output s_overflow; output u_overflow; // here is your design wire [3:0] in0; wire [3:0] in1; wire c1, c2, c3, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9; wire [3:0] out; wire cout, s_overflow, u_overflow; xor xor1(out[0], in0[0], in1[0]); and and1(c1, in0[0], in1[0]); xor xor2(w1, in0[1], in1[1]); and and2(w2, w1, c1); and and3(w3, in0[1], in1[1]); xor xor3(out[1], w1, c1); or or1(c2, w2, w3); xor xor4(w4, in0[2], in1[2]); and and4(w5, w4, c2); and and5(w6, in0[2], in1[2]); xor xor5(out[2], w4, c2); or or2(c3, w5, w6); xor xor6(w7, in0[3], in1[3]); and and6(w8, w7, c3); and and7(w9, in0[3], in1[3]); xor xor7(out[3], w7, c3); or or3(cout, w8, w9); xor (s_overflow, cout, c3); or or4(u_overflow, w8, w9); endmodule
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