Shell Finder
Uses found exploits to request a shell on a router.//Initialization. This is dedicated to finding a shell on a router using v1.0.0 kernel. //The next few lines dictate the target. This needs to target a router that has v1.0.0 //of The params[0] is the first thing typed after executing the program. //example "hackrouter". In that example, the IP address is 'params[0]' if params.len != 1 or params[0] == "-h" or params[0] == "--help" then exit("<b>Usage: "+program_path.split("/")[-1]+" [ip_address]</b>") //This is a library loader. This is always needed when using exploits. metaxploit = include_lib("/lib/") if not metaxploit then metaxploit = include_lib(current_path + "/") end if if not metaxploit then exit("Error: Can't find metaxploit library in the /lib path or the current folder") //The net_use command is very important. This is the main command that lets you dump the router's //library file so that it can be exploited. It opens a net connection to the target, as defined by //address, which is params[0]. address = params[0] net_session = metaxploit.net_use( address ) if not net_session then exit("Error: can't connect to net session") //The dump_lib command is important for dumping the router's library. Since we are attacking //a router, there's no need for a port, since port 0 defaults to Any other type //of exploit with an other service will require a port. Mostly libKernel = net_session.dump_lib libName = "" print("Searching " + libName +" ...") if not libKernel then exit("Error: " + libName + " not found.") //lanIp = user_input("Enter a LAN address: ") //This line is for optional exploits that do not use a shell. //Disabled for now //Scan results are here. These results can be edited to use your current exploits in your own game. //Use scanlib and simple scripts to find the typeof object returned from each exploit. This is a //good first step to learning the language of the scripts. The ojects you're looking to replace in //this script with your own values is the memory address and key. So for "result1", you would replace //"0x18F4B352" with a memory address in YOUR game and "moffsetitlebackgroupbloc" with the key value from //YOUR game. Comment out any extra results, or make more entries if your libraries have more. result1 = libKernel.overflow("0x18F4B352", "moffsetitlebackgroupbloc", params[0]) if typeof(result1) == "shell" then shell1 = 1 else shell1 = 0 end if result2 = libKernel.overflow("0x18F4B352", "updatebytebuttoncolor", params[0]) if typeof(result2) == "shell" then shell2 = 1 else shell2 = 0 end if result3 = libKernel.overflow("0x18F4B352", "telistintlinenums", params[0]) if typeof(result3) == "shell" then shell3 = 1 else shell3 = 0 end if result4 = libKernel.overflow("0x330F9D6", "lengthsbuild_t", params[0]) if typeof(result4) == "shell" then shell4 = 1 else shell4 = 0 end if result5 = libKernel.overflow("0x330F9D6", "sicontsr", params[0]) if typeof(result5) == "shell" then shell5 = 1 else shell5 = 0 end if //This is an easy way to get the typeof objects in the exploits in your own //scripts. I've included them here for reference. Since we're only looking //for shell access, other types of exploits are ignored in this script. print("RESULT 1 ACCESS: " + typeof(result1)) print("RESULT 2 ACCESS: " + typeof(result2)) print("RESULT 3 ACCESS: " + typeof(result3)) print("RESULT 4 ACCESS: " + typeof(result4)) print("RESULT 5 ACCESS: " + typeof(result5)) //The following sections are simple conditional loops that allow the user to choose //whether or not they use a particular exploit's shell access. The basic rules for //these are: If the exploit typeof is "shell", a switch is turned to 1. If the switch //greater than 0, it prompts the user to connect to the router via that particular //exploit's shell. If the user chooses "n" (for "No"), the loop is broken and it //continues to the next one. If the user chooses "y" (for "Yes), the shell is launched. //Result 1 Management while shell1 > 0 print("RESULT 1 has shell access.") connectshell1 = user_input("Connect to RESULT 1 shell? (y/n)") if connectshell1 == "n" then break end if if connectshell1 == "y" then print("Accessing Shell..") result1.start_terminal else break end if end while //Result 2 Management while shell2 > 0 print("RESULT 2 has shell access.") connectshell2 = user_input("Connect to RESULT 2 shell? (y/n)") if connectshell2 == "n" then break end if if connectshell2 == "y" then print("Accessing Shell..") result2.start_terminal else break end if end while //Result 3 Management while shell3 > 0 print("RESULT 3 has shell access.") connectshell3 = user_input("Connect to RESULT 3 shell? (y/n)") if connectshell3 == "n" then break end if if connectshell3 == "y" then print("Accessing Shell..") result3.start_terminal else break end if end while //Result 4 Management while shell4 > 0 print("RESULT 4 has shell access.") connectshell4 = user_input("Connect to RESULT 4 shell? (y/n)") if connectshell4 == "n" then break end if if connectshell4 == "y" then print("Accessing Shell..") result4.start_terminal else break end if end while //Result 5 Management while shell5 > 0 print("RESULT 5 has shell access.") connectshell5 = user_input("Connect to RESULT 5 shell? (y/n)") if connectshell5 == "n" then break end if if connectshell5 == "y" then print("Accessing Shell..") result5.start_terminal else break end if end while print("EXITING...") //Crypto library is loaded as a failsafe, although it may not be needed for //all types of exploits. Usually, shell access does not require it, but it's //added just in case. cryptools = include_lib("/lib/") if not cryptools then cryptools = include_lib(current_path + "/") end if if not cryptools then exit("Error: Can't find library in the /lib path or the current folder")
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