import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
CITY_DATA = { 'chicago': 'chicago.csv',
'new york city': 'new_york_city.csv',
'washington': 'washington.csv' }
chosen_cities = ['Chicago', 'New York', 'Washington']
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'All']
days_of_the_week = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday','All']
def get_filters():
Asks user to specify a city, month, and day to analyze.
(str) city - name of the city to analyze
(str) month - name of the month to filter by, or "all" to apply no month filter
(str) day - name of the day of week to filter by, or "all" to apply no day filter
print('Hello! Let\'s explore some US bikeshare data!')
# get user input for city (chicago, new york city, washington). HINT: Use a while loop to handle invalid inputs
while True:
city = input('Which city do you want to explore? Chicago, New York or Washington?').title()
if city in chosen_cities:
print ("Great Choice! You have selected {} Let's continue!".format(city))
# print(city) #debug print - delete after program is working
# print(chosen_cities) #debug print - delete after program is working
print('Wrong input, please write Chicago, New York or Washington!')
# TO DO: get user input for month (all, january, february, ... , june)
while True:
month = input('Which month do you select? January, February, March, April, May, June or all?').title()
if month in months:
print ("Great Choice! You have selected {} Let's continue!".format(month))
# print(months)- wich months do we have
print('Wrong input, please write either January, February, March, April, May, June or all')
# TO DO: get user input for day of week (all, monday, tuesday, ... sunday)
while True:
day = input('Which day of the week do you select? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ,Sunday or all?').title()
if day in days_of_the_week:
print ("Great Choice! You have selected {} Let's continue!".format(day))
# print(months)- wich months do we have
print('Wrong input, please write either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ,Sunday or all')
return city, month, day;