a year ago
161 kB
// //@version=5 indicator("OT_Algo_Toolkit", shorttitle = "OT_Toolkit_1", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500, max_bars_back = 500, max_polylines_count = 100) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ //Boolean set //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ s_BOS = 0 s_CHoCH = 1 i_BOS = 2 i_CHoCH = 3 i_pp_CHoCH = 4 green_candle = 5 red_candle = 6 s_CHoCHP = 7 i_CHoCHP = 8 boolean = array.from( false , false , false , false , false , false , false , false , false ) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ // User inputs //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ show_swing_ms = input.string ("All" , "Swing " , inline = "1", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , options = ["All", "CHoCH", "CHoCH+", "BOS", "None"]) show_internal_ms = input.string ("All" , "Internal " , inline = "2", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , options = ["All", "CHoCH", "CHoCH+", "BOS", "None"]) internal_r_lookback = input.int (5 , "" , inline = "2", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , minval = 2) swing_r_lookback = input.int (50 , "" , inline = "1", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , minval = 2) ms_mode = input.string ("Manual" , "Market Structure Mode" , inline = "a", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , tooltip = "[Manual] Use selected lenght\n[Dynamic] Use automatic lenght" ,options = ["Manual", "Dynamic"]) show_mtf_str = input.bool (true , "MTF Scanner" , inline = "9", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , tooltip = "Display Multi-Timeframe Market Structure Trend Directions. Green = Bullish. Red = Bearish") show_eql = input.bool (false , "Show EQH/EQL" , inline = "6", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE") plotcandle_bool = input.bool (false , "Plotcandle" , inline = "3", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , tooltip = "Displays a cleaner colored candlestick chart in place of the default candles. (requires hiding the current ticker candles)") barcolor_bool = input.bool (false , "Bar Color" , inline = "4", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE" , tooltip = "Color the candle bodies according to market strucutre trend") i_ms_up_BOS = input.color (#089981 , "" , inline = "2", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE") i_ms_dn_BOS = input.color (#f23645 , "" , inline = "2", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE") s_ms_up_BOS = input.color (#089981 , "" , inline = "1", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE") s_ms_dn_BOS = input.color (#f23645 , "" , inline = "1", group = "MARKET STRUCTURE") lvl_daily = input.bool (false , "Day " , inline = "1", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") lvl_weekly = input.bool (false , "Week " , inline = "2", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") lvl_monthly = input.bool (false , "Month" , inline = "3", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") lvl_yearly = input.bool (false , "Year " , inline = "4", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") css_d = input.color (color.blue , "" , inline = "1", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") css_w = input.color (color.blue , "" , inline = "2", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") css_m = input.color (color.blue , "" , inline = "3", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") css_y = input.color (color.blue , "" , inline = "4", group = "HIGHS & LOWS MTF") s_d = input.string ('⎯⎯⎯' , '' , inline = '1', group = 'HIGHS & LOWS MTF' , options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····']) s_w = input.string ('⎯⎯⎯' , '' , inline = '2', group = 'HIGHS & LOWS MTF' , options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····']) s_m = input.string ('⎯⎯⎯' , '' , inline = '3', group = 'HIGHS & LOWS MTF' , options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····']) s_y = input.string ('⎯⎯⎯' , '' , inline = '4', group = 'HIGHS & LOWS MTF' , options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····']) ob_show = input.bool (true , "Show Last " , inline = "1", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Display volumetric order blocks on the chart \n\n[Input] Ammount of volumetric order blocks to show") ob_num = input.int (5 , "" , inline = "1", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Orderblocks number", minval = 1, maxval = 10) ob_metrics_show = input.bool (true , "Internal Buy/Sell Activity" , inline = "2", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Display volume metrics that have formed the orderblock") css_metric_up = input.color (color.new(#089981, 50) , " " , inline = "2", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS") css_metric_dn = input.color (color.new(#f23645 , 50) , "" , inline = "2", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS") ob_swings = input.bool (false , "Swing Order Blocks" , inline = "a", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Display swing volumetric order blocks") css_swing_up = input.color (color.new(color.gray , 90) , " " , inline = "a", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS") css_swing_dn = input.color (color.new(color.silver, 90) , "" , inline = "a", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS") ob_filter = input.string ("None" , "Filtering " , inline = "d", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Filter out volumetric order blocks by BOS/CHoCH/CHoCH+", options = ["None", "BOS", "CHoCH", "CHoCH+"]) ob_mitigation = input.string ("Absolute" , "Mitigation " , inline = "4", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Trigger to remove volumetric order blocks", options = ["Absolute", "Middle"]) ob_pos = input.string ("Precise" , "Positioning " , inline = "k", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Position of the Order Block\n[Full] Cover the whole candle\n[Middle] Cover half candle\n[Accurate] Adjust to volatility\n[Precise] Same as Accurate but more precise", options = ["Full", "Middle", "Accurate", "Precise"]) use_grayscale = input.bool (false , "Grayscale" , inline = "6", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Use gray as basic order blocks color") use_show_metric = input.bool (true , "Show Metrics" , inline = "7", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Show volume associated with the orderblock and his relevance") use_middle_line = input.bool (true , "Show Middle-Line" , inline = "8", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Show mid-line order blocks") use_overlap = input.bool (true , "Hide Overlap" , inline = "9", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "Hide overlapping order blocks") use_overlap_method = input.string ("Previous" , "Overlap Method " , inline = "Z", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS" , tooltip = "[Recent] Preserve the most recent volumetric order blocks\n\n[Previous] Preserve the previous volumetric order blocks", options = ["Recent", "Previous"]) ob_bull_css = input.color (color.new(#089981 , 90) , "" , inline = "1", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS") ob_bear_css = input.color (color.new(#f23645 , 90) , "" , inline = "1", group = "VOLUMETRIC ORDER BLOCKS") show_acc_dist_zone = input.bool (false , "" , inline = "1", group = "Accumulation And Distribution") zone_mode = input.string ("Fast" , "" , inline = "1", group = "Accumulation And Distribution" , tooltip = "[Fast] Find small zone pattern formation\n[Slow] Find bigger zone pattern formation" ,options = ["Slow", "Fast"]) acc_css = input.color (color.new(#089981 , 60) , "" , inline = "1", group = "Accumulation And Distribution") dist_css = input.color (color.new(#f23645 , 60) , "" , inline = "1", group = "Accumulation And Distribution") show_lbl = input.bool (false , "Show swing point" , inline = "1", group = "High and Low" , tooltip = "Display swing point") show_mtb = input.bool (false , "Show High/Low/Equilibrium" , inline = "2", group = "High and Low" , tooltip = "Display Strong/Weak High And Low and Equilibrium") toplvl = input.color (color.red , "Premium Zone " , inline = "3", group = "High and Low") midlvl = input.color (color.gray , "Equilibrium Zone" , inline = "4", group = "High and Low") btmlvl = input.color (#089981 , "Discount Zone " , inline = "5", group = "High and Low") fvg_enable = input.bool (false , " " , inline = "1", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP" , tooltip = "Display fair value gap") what_fvg = input.string ("FVG" , "" , inline = "1", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP" , tooltip = "Display fair value gap", options = ["FVG", "VI", "OG"]) fvg_num = input.int (5 , "Show Last " , inline = "1a", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP" , tooltip = "Number of fvg to show") fvg_upcss = input.color (color.new(#089981, 80) , "" , inline = "1", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP") fvg_dncss = input.color (color.new(color.red , 80) , "" , inline = "1", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP") fvg_extend = input.int (10 , "Extend FVG" , inline = "2", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP" , tooltip = "Extend the display of the FVG.") fvg_src = input.string ("Close" , "Mitigation " , inline = "3", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP" , tooltip = "[Close] Use the close of the body as trigger\n\n[Wick] Use the extreme point of the body as trigger", options = ["Close", "Wick"]) fvg_tf = input.timeframe ("" , "Timeframe " , inline = "4", group = "FAIR VALUE GAP" , tooltip = "Timeframe of the fair value gap") t = color.t (ob_bull_css) invcol = color.new (color.white , 100) //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - UDT } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type bar float o = open float c = close float h = high float l = low float v = volume int n = bar_index int t = time type Zphl line top line bottom label top_label label bottom_label bool stopcross bool sbottomcross bool itopcross bool ibottomcross string txtup string txtdn float topy float bottomy float topx float bottomx float tup float tdn int tupx int tdnx float itopy float itopx float ibottomy float ibottomx float uV float dV type FVG box [] box line[] ln bool bull float top float btm int left int right type ms float[] p int [] n float[] l type msDraw int n float p color css string txt bool bull type obC float[] top float[] btm int [] left float[] avg float[] dV float[] cV int [] wM int [] blVP int [] brVP int [] dir float[] h float[] l int [] n type obD box [] ob box [] eOB box [] blB box [] brB line[] mL type zone chart.point points float p int c int t type hqlzone box pbx box ebx box lbx label plb label elb label lbl type ehl float pt int t float pb int b type pattern string found = "None" bool isfound = false int period = 0 bool bull = false type alerts bool chochswing = false bool chochplusswing = false bool swingbos = false bool chochplus = false bool choch = false bool bos = false bool equal = false bool ob = false bool swingob = false bool zone = false bool fvg = false bool obtouch = false //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - End } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - General Setup } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} bar b = bar.new() var pattern p = pattern.new() alerts blalert = alerts.new() alerts bralert = alerts.new() if p.isfound p.period += 1 if p.period == 50 p.period := 0 p.found := "None" p.isfound := false p.bull := na switch b.c > b.o => boolean.set(green_candle, true) b.c < b.o => boolean.set(red_candle , true) f_zscore(src, lookback) => (src - ta.sma(src, lookback)) / ta.stdev(src, lookback) var int iLen = internal_r_lookback var int sLen = swing_r_lookback vv = f_zscore(((close - close[iLen]) / close[iLen]) * 100,iLen) if ms_mode == "Dynamic" switch vv >= 1.5 or vv <= -1.5 => iLen := 10 vv >= 1.6 or vv <= -1.6 => iLen := 9 vv >= 1.7 or vv <= -1.7 => iLen := 8 vv >= 1.8 or vv <= -1.8 => iLen := 7 vv >= 1.9 or vv <= -1.9 => iLen := 6 vv >= 2.0 or vv <= -2.0 => iLen := 5 => iLen var msline = array.new<line>(0) iH = ta.pivothigh(high, iLen, iLen) sH = ta.pivothigh(high, sLen, sLen) iL = ta.pivotlow (low , iLen, iLen) sL = ta.pivotlow (low , sLen, sLen) //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - End } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - ARRAYS } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} hl () => [high, low] [pdh, pdl] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid , 'D' , hl() , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) [pwh, pwl] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid , 'W' , hl() , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) [pmh, pml] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid , 'M' , hl() , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) [pyh, pyl] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid , '12M', hl() , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) lstyle(style) => out = switch style '⎯⎯⎯' => line.style_solid '----' => line.style_dashed '····' => line.style_dotted mtfphl(h, l ,tf ,css, pdhl_style) => var line hl = line.new( na , na , na , na , xloc = xloc.bar_time , color = css , style = lstyle(pdhl_style) ) var line ll = line.new( na , na , na , na , xloc = xloc.bar_time , color = css , style = lstyle(pdhl_style) ) var label lbl = label.new( na , na , xloc = xloc.bar_time , text = str.format('P{0}L', tf) , color = invcol , textcolor = css , size = size.small , style = label.style_label_left ) var label hlb = label.new( na , na , xloc = xloc.bar_time , text = str.format('P{0}H', tf) , color = invcol , textcolor = css , size = size.small , style = label.style_label_left ) hy = ta.valuewhen(h != h[1] , h , 1) hx = ta.valuewhen(h == high , time , 1) ly = ta.valuewhen(l != l[1] , l , 1) lx = ta.valuewhen(l == low , time , 1) if barstate.islast extension = time + (time - time[1]) * 50 line.set_xy1(hl , hx , hy) line.set_xy2(hl , extension , hy) label.set_xy(hlb, extension , hy) line.set_xy1(ll , lx , ly) line.set_xy2(ll , extension , ly) label.set_xy(lbl, extension , ly) if lvl_daily mtfphl(pdh , pdl , 'D' , css_d, s_d) if lvl_weekly mtfphl(pwh , pwl , 'W' , css_w, s_w) if lvl_monthly mtfphl(pmh , pml, 'M' , css_m, s_m) if lvl_yearly mtfphl(pyh , pyl , '12M', css_y, s_y) //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - End } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - Market Structure } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} method darkcss(color css, float factor, bool bull) => blue = color.b(css) * (1 - factor) red = color.r(css) * (1 - factor) green = color.g(css) * (1 - factor) color.rgb(red, green, blue, 0) method f_line(msDraw d, size, style) => var line id = na var label lbl = na id := line.new( d.n , d.p , b.n , d.p , color = d.css , width = 1 , style = style ) if msline.size() >= 250 line.delete(msline.shift()) msline.push(id) lbl := label.new( int(math.avg(d.n, b.n)) , d.p , d.txt , color = invcol , textcolor = d.css , style = d.bull ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up , size = size , text_font_family = font.family_monospace ) structure(bool mtf) => msDraw drw = na bool isdrw = false bool isdrwS = false var color css = na var color icss = na var int itrend = 0 var int trend = 0 bool bull_ob = false bool bear_ob = false bool s_bull_ob = false bool s_bear_ob = false n = bar_index var ms up = ms.new( array.new<float>() , array.new< int >() , array.new<float>() ) var ms dn = ms.new( array.new<float>() , array.new< int >() , array.new<float>() ) var ms sup = ms.new( array.new<float>() , array.new< int >() , array.new<float>() ) var ms sdn = ms.new( array.new<float>() , array.new< int >() , array.new<float>() ) switch show_swing_ms "All" => boolean.set(s_BOS , true ), boolean.set(s_CHoCH, true ) , boolean.set(s_CHoCHP, true ) "CHoCH" => boolean.set(s_BOS , false), boolean.set(s_CHoCH, true ) , boolean.set(s_CHoCHP, false ) "CHoCH+" => boolean.set(s_BOS , false), boolean.set(s_CHoCH, false) , boolean.set(s_CHoCHP, true ) "BOS" => boolean.set(s_BOS , true ), boolean.set(s_CHoCH, false) , boolean.set(s_CHoCHP, false ) "None" => boolean.set(s_BOS , false), boolean.set(s_CHoCH, false) , boolean.set(s_CHoCHP, false ) => na switch show_internal_ms "All" => boolean.set(i_BOS, true ), boolean.set(i_CHoCH, true ), boolean.set(i_CHoCHP, true ) "CHoCH" => boolean.set(i_BOS, false), boolean.set(i_CHoCH, true ), boolean.set(i_CHoCHP, false) "CHoCH+" => boolean.set(i_BOS, false), boolean.set(i_CHoCH, false ), boolean.set(i_CHoCHP, true ) "BOS" => boolean.set(i_BOS, true ), boolean.set(i_CHoCH, false ), boolean.set(i_CHoCHP, false) "None" => boolean.set(i_BOS, false), boolean.set(i_CHoCH, false ), boolean.set(i_CHoCHP, false) => na switch iH => up.p.unshift(b.h[iLen]) up.l.unshift(b.h[iLen]) up.n.unshift(n [iLen]) iL => dn.p.unshift(b.l[iLen]) dn.l.unshift(b.l[iLen]) dn.n.unshift(n [iLen]) sL => sdn.p.unshift(b.l[sLen]) sdn.l.unshift(b.l[sLen]) sdn.n.unshift(n [sLen]) sH => sup.p.unshift(b.h[sLen]) sup.l.unshift(b.h[sLen]) sup.n.unshift(n [sLen]) // INTERNAL BULLISH STRUCTURE if up.p.size() > 0 and dn.l.size() > 1 if ta.crossover(b.c, up.p.first()) bool CHoCH = na string txt = na if itrend < 0 CHoCH := true switch not CHoCH => txt := "BOS" css := i_ms_up_BOS blalert.bos := true if boolean.get(i_BOS) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrw := true drw := msDraw.new( up.n.first() , up.p.first() , i_ms_up_BOS , txt , true ) CHoCH => dn.l.first() > dn.l.get(1) ? blalert.chochplus : blalert.choch txt := dn.l.first() > dn.l.get(1) ? "CHoCH+" : "CHoCH" css := i_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(0.25, true) if (dn.l.first() > dn.l.get(1) ? boolean.get(i_CHoCHP) : boolean.get(i_CHoCH)) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrw := true drw := msDraw.new( up.n.first() , up.p.first() , i_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(0.25, true) , txt , true ) if mtf == false switch ob_filter == "None" => bull_ob := true ob_filter == "BOS" and txt == "BOS" => bull_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH" and txt == "CHoCH" => bull_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH+" and txt == "CHoCH+" => bull_ob := true itrend := 1 up.n.clear() up.p.clear() // INTERNAL BEARISH STRUCTURE if dn.p.size() > 0 and up.l.size() > 1 if ta.crossunder(b.c, dn.p.first()) bool CHoCH = na string txt = na if itrend > 0 CHoCH := true switch not CHoCH => bralert.bos := true txt := "BOS" css := i_ms_dn_BOS if boolean.get(i_BOS) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrw := true drw := msDraw.new( dn.n.first() , dn.p.first() , i_ms_dn_BOS , txt , false ) CHoCH => if up.l.first() < up.l.get(1) bralert.chochplus := true else bralert.choch := true txt := up.l.first() < up.l.get(1) ? "CHoCH+" : "CHoCH" css := i_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) if (up.l.first() < up.l.get(1) ? boolean.get(i_CHoCHP) : boolean.get(i_CHoCH)) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrw := true drw := msDraw.new( dn.n.first() , dn.p.first() , i_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) , txt , false ) if mtf == false switch ob_filter == "None" => bear_ob := true ob_filter == "BOS" and txt == "BOS" => bear_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH" and txt == "CHoCH" => bear_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH+" and txt == "CHoCH+" => bear_ob := true itrend := -1 dn.n.clear() dn.p.clear() // SWING BULLISH STRUCTURE if sup.p.size() > 0 and sdn.l.size() > 1 if ta.crossover(b.c, sup.p.first()) bool CHoCH = na string txt = na if trend < 0 CHoCH := true switch not CHoCH => blalert.swingbos := true txt := "BOS" icss := s_ms_up_BOS if boolean.get(s_BOS) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrwS := true drw := msDraw.new( sup.n.first() , sup.p.first() , s_ms_up_BOS , txt , true ) CHoCH => if sdn.l.first() > sdn.l.get(1) blalert.chochplusswing := true else blalert.chochswing := true txt := sdn.l.first() > sdn.l.get(1) ? "CHoCH+" : "CHoCH" icss := s_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(0.25, true) if (sdn.l.first() > sdn.l.get(1) ? boolean.get(s_CHoCHP) : boolean.get(s_CHoCH)) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrwS := true drw := msDraw.new( sup.n.first() , sup.p.first() , s_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(0.25, true) , txt , true ) if mtf == false switch ob_filter == "None" => s_bull_ob := true ob_filter == "BOS" and txt == "BOS" => s_bull_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH" and txt == "CHoCH" => s_bull_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH+" and txt == "CHoCH+" => s_bull_ob := true trend := 1 sup.n.clear() sup.p.clear() // SWING BEARISH STRUCTURE if sdn.p.size() > 0 and sup.l.size() > 1 if ta.crossunder(b.c, sdn.p.first()) bool CHoCH = na string txt = na if trend > 0 CHoCH := true switch not CHoCH => bralert.swingbos := true txt := "BOS" icss := s_ms_dn_BOS if boolean.get(s_BOS) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrwS := true drw := msDraw.new( sdn.n.first() , sdn.p.first() , s_ms_dn_BOS , txt , false ) CHoCH => if sup.l.first() < sup.l.get(1) bralert.chochplusswing := true else bralert.chochswing := true txt := sup.l.first() < sup.l.get(1) ? "CHoCH+" : "CHoCH" icss := s_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) if (sup.l.first() < sup.l.get(1) ? boolean.get(s_CHoCHP) : boolean.get(s_CHoCH)) and mtf == false and na(drw) isdrwS := true drw := msDraw.new( sdn.n.first() , sdn.p.first() , s_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) , txt , false ) if mtf == false switch ob_filter == "None" => s_bear_ob := true ob_filter == "BOS" and txt == "BOS" => s_bear_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH" and txt == "CHoCH" => s_bear_ob := true ob_filter == "CHoCH+" and txt == "CHoCH+" => s_bear_ob := true trend := -1 sdn.n.clear() sdn.p.clear() [css, bear_ob, bull_ob, itrend, drw, isdrw, s_bear_ob, s_bull_ob, trend, icss, isdrwS] [css, bear_ob, bull_ob, itrend, drw, isdrw, s_bear_ob, s_bull_ob, trend, icss, isdrwS] = structure(false) if isdrw f_line(drw, size.small, line.style_dashed) if isdrwS f_line(drw, size.small, line.style_solid) [_, _, _, itrend15, _, _, _, _, _, _, _] = request.security("", "15" , structure(true)) [_, _, _, itrend1H, _, _, _, _, _, _, _] = request.security("", "60" , structure(true)) [_, _, _, itrend4H, _, _, _, _, _, _, _] = request.security("", "240" , structure(true)) [_, _, _, itrend1D, _, _, _, _, _, _, _] = request.security("", "1440" , structure(true)) if show_mtf_str var tab = table.new(position = position.top_right, columns = 10, rows = 10, bgcolor = na, frame_color = color.rgb(54, 58, 69, 0), frame_width = 1, border_color = color.rgb(54, 58, 69, 100), border_width = 1) table.cell(tab, 0, 1, text = "15" , text_color = color.silver, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace, width = 2) table.cell(tab, 0, 2, text = "1H" , text_color = color.silver, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace, width = 2) table.cell(tab, 0, 3, text = "4H" , text_color = color.silver, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace, width = 2) table.cell(tab, 0, 4, text = "1D" , text_color = color.silver, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace, width = 2) table.cell(tab, 1, 1, text = itrend15 == 1 ? "BULLISH" : itrend15 == -1 ? "BEARISH" : na , text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, text_color = itrend15 == 1 ? i_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(-0.25, true) : itrend15 == -1 ? i_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) : color.gray, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) table.cell(tab, 1, 2, text = itrend1H == 1 ? "BULLISH" : itrend1H == -1 ? "BEARISH" : na , text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, text_color = itrend1H == 1 ? i_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(-0.25, true) : itrend1H == -1 ? i_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) : color.gray, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) table.cell(tab, 1, 3, text = itrend4H == 1 ? "BULLISH" : itrend4H == -1 ? "BEARISH" : na , text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, text_color = itrend4H == 1 ? i_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(-0.25, true) : itrend4H == -1 ? i_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) : color.gray, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) table.cell(tab, 1, 4, text = itrend1D == 1 ? "BULLISH" : itrend1D == -1 ? "BEARISH" : na , text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, text_color = itrend1D == 1 ? i_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(-0.25, true) : itrend1D == -1 ? i_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) : color.gray, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) table.cell(tab, 0, 5, text = "Detected Pattern", text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, text_color = color.silver, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) table.cell(tab, 0, 6, text = p.found, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal, text_color = na(p.bull) ? color.white : p.bull ? i_ms_up_BOS.darkcss(-0.25, true) : p.bull == false ? i_ms_dn_BOS.darkcss(0.25, false) : na, bgcolor = chart.bg_color, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) table.merge_cells(tab, 0, 5, 1, 5) table.merge_cells(tab, 0, 6, 1, 6) //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - End } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - Strong/Weak High/Low And Equilibrium } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} var phl = Zphl.new( na , na , label.new(na , na , color = invcol , textcolor = i_ms_dn_BOS , style = label.style_label_down , size = size.tiny , text = "") , label.new(na , na , color = invcol , textcolor = i_ms_up_BOS , style = label.style_label_up , size = size.tiny , text = "") , true , true , true , true , "" , "" , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , high , low , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , na , na ) zhl(len)=> upper = ta.highest(len) lower = ta.lowest(len) var float out = 0 out := b.h[len] > upper ? 0 : b.l[len] < lower ? 1 : out[1] top = out == 0 and out[1] != 0 ? b.h[len] : 0 btm = out == 1 and out[1] != 1 ? b.l[len] : 0 [top, btm] [top , btm ] = zhl(sLen) [itop, ibtm] = zhl(iLen) upphl(trend) => var label lbl = label.new( na , na , color = invcol , textcolor = toplvl , style = label.style_label_down , size = size.small ) if top phl.stopcross := true phl.txtup := top > phl.topy ? "HH" : "HL" if show_lbl topl = label.new( b.n - swing_r_lookback , top , phl.txtup , color = invcol , textcolor = toplvl , style = label.style_label_down , size = size.small ) line.delete(phl.top[1]) phl.top := line.new( b.n - sLen , top , b.n , top , color = toplvl) phl.topy := top phl.topx := b.n - sLen phl.tup := top phl.tupx := b.n - sLen if itop phl.itopcross := true phl.itopy := itop phl.itopx := b.n - iLen phl.tup := math.max(high, phl.tup) phl.tupx := phl.tup == high ? b.n : phl.tupx phl.uV := phl.tup != phl.tup[1] ? b.v : phl.uV if barstate.islast line.set_xy1( phl.top , phl.tupx , phl.tup ) line.set_xy2( phl.top , b.n + 50 , phl.tup ) label.set_x( lbl , b.n + 50 ) label.set_y( lbl , phl.tup ) dist = math.abs(phl.uV / (phl.uV + phl.dV)) * 100 label.set_text (lbl, trend < 0 ? "Strong High | " + str.tostring(phl.uV, format.volume) + " (" + str.tostring(math.round(dist,0)) + "%)" : "Weak High | " + str.tostring(phl.uV, format.volume) + " (" + str.tostring(math.round(dist,0)) + "%)") dnphl(trend) => var label lbl = label.new( na , na , color = invcol , textcolor = btmlvl , style = label.style_label_up , size = size.small ) if btm phl.sbottomcross := true phl.txtdn := btm > phl.bottomy ? "LH" : "LL" if show_lbl btml = label.new( b.n - swing_r_lookback , btm, phl.txtdn , color = invcol , textcolor = btmlvl , style = label.style_label_up , size = size.small ) line.delete(phl.bottom[1]) phl.bottom := line.new( b.n - sLen , btm , b.n , btm , color = btmlvl ) phl.bottomy := btm phl.bottomx := b.n - sLen phl.tdn := btm phl.tdnx := b.n - sLen if ibtm phl.ibottomcross := true phl.ibottomy := ibtm phl.ibottomx := b.n - iLen phl.tdn := math.min(low, phl.tdn) phl.tdnx := phl.tdn == low ? b.n : phl.tdnx phl.dV := phl.tdn != phl.tdn[1] ? b.v : phl.dV if barstate.islast line.set_xy1( phl.bottom , phl.tdnx , phl.tdn ) line.set_xy2( phl.bottom , b.n + 50 , phl.tdn ) label.set_x( lbl , b.n + 50 ) label.set_y( lbl , phl.tdn ) dist = math.abs(phl.dV / (phl.uV + phl.dV)) * 100 label.set_text (lbl, trend > 0 ? "Strong Low | " + str.tostring(phl.dV, format.volume) + " (" + str.tostring(math.round(dist,0)) + "%)" : "Weak Low | " + str.tostring(phl.uV, format.volume) + " (" + str.tostring(math.round(dist,0)) + "%)") midphl() => avg = math.avg(phl.bottom.get_y2(), phl.top.get_y2()) var line l = line.new( y1 = avg , y2 = avg , x1 = b.n - sLen , x2 = b.n + 50 , color = midlvl , style = line.style_solid ) var label lbl = label.new( x = b.n + 50 , y = avg , text = "Equilibrium" , style = label.style_label_left , color = invcol , textcolor = midlvl , size = size.small ) if barstate.islast more = (phl.bottom.get_x1() + phl.bottom.get_x2()) > (phl.top.get_x1() + phl.top.get_x2()) ? phl.top.get_x1() : phl.bottom.get_x1() line.set_xy1(l , more , avg) line.set_xy2(l , b.n + 50, avg) label.set_x (lbl , b.n + 50 ) label.set_y (lbl , avg ) dist = math.abs((l.get_y2() - close) / close) * 100 label.set_text (lbl, "Equilibrium (" + str.tostring(math.round(dist,0)) + "%)") hqlzone() => if barstate.islast var hqlzone dZone = hqlzone.new( box.new( na , na , na , na , bgcolor = color.new(toplvl, 70) , border_color = na ) , box.new( na , na , na , na , bgcolor = color.new(midlvl, 70) , border_color = na ) , box.new( na , na , na , na , bgcolor = color.new(btmlvl, 70) , border_color = na ) , label.new(na, na, text = "Premium" , color = invcol, textcolor = toplvl, style = label.style_label_down, size = size.small) , label.new(na, na, text = "Equilibrium", color = invcol, textcolor = midlvl, style = label.style_label_left, size = size.small) , label.new(na, na, text = "Discount" , color = invcol, textcolor = btmlvl, style = label.style_label_up , size = size.small) ) dZone.pbx.set_lefttop(int(math.max(phl.topx, phl.bottomx)) , phl.tup) dZone.pbx.set_rightbottom(b.n + 50 , 0.95 * phl.tup + 0.05 * phl.tdn) dZone.ebx.set_lefttop(int(math.max(phl.topx, phl.bottomx)), 0.525 * phl.tup + 0.475 * phl.tdn) dZone.ebx.set_rightbottom(b.n + 50 , 0.525 * phl.tdn + 0.475 * phl.tup) dZone.lbx.set_lefttop(int(math.max(phl.topx, phl.bottomx)), 0.95 * phl.tdn + 0.05 * phl.tup) dZone.lbx.set_rightbottom(b.n + 50 , phl.tdn) dZone.plb.set_xy( int(math.avg(math.max(phl.topx, phl.bottomx), int(b.n + 50))) , phl.tup) dZone.elb.set_xy( int(b.n + 50) , math.avg(phl.tup, phl.tdn)) dZone.lbl.set_xy( int(math.avg(math.max(phl.topx, phl.bottomx), int(b.n + 50))) , phl.tdn) if show_mtb upphl (trend) dnphl (trend) hqlzone() //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - End } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - Volumetric Order Block } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} method eB(box[] b, bool ext, color css, bool swing) => b.unshift( box.new( na , na , na , na , xloc = xloc.bar_time , text_font_family = font.family_monospace , extend = ext ? extend.right : extend.none , border_color = swing ? color.new(css, 0) : color.new(color.white,100) , bgcolor = css , border_width = 1 ) ) method eL(line[] l, bool ext, bool solid, color css) => l.unshift( line.new( na , na , na , na , width = 1 , color = css , xloc = xloc.bar_time , extend = ext ? extend.right : extend.none , style = solid ? line.style_solid : line.style_dashed ) ) method drawVOB(bool cdn, bool bull, color css, int loc, bool swing) => [cC, oO, hH, lL, vV] = request.security( syminfo.tickerid , "" , [ close , open , high , low , volume ] , lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_off ) var obC obj = obC.new( array.new<float>() , array.new<float>() , array.new< int >() , array.new<float>() , array.new<float>() , array.new<float>() , array.new< int >() , array.new< int >() , array.new< int >() , array.new< int >() , array.new<float>() , array.new<float>() , array.new< int >() ) var obD draw = obD.new( array.new<box >() , array.new<box >() , array.new<box >() , array.new<box >() , array.new<line>() ) if barstate.isfirst for i = 0 to ob_num - 1 draw.mL .eL(false, false, use_grayscale ? color.new(color.gray, 0) : color.new(css,0)) draw.ob .eB(false, use_grayscale ? color.new(color.gray, 90) : css, swing) draw.blB.eB(false, css_metric_up , swing) draw.brB.eB(false, css_metric_dn , swing) draw.eOB.eB(true , use_grayscale ? color.new(color.gray, 90) : css, swing) float pos = ob_pos == "Full" ? (bull ? high : low) : ob_pos == "Middle" ? ohlc4 : ob_pos == "Accurate" ? hl2 : hl2 if cdn obj.h.clear() obj.l.clear() obj.n.clear() for i = 0 to math.abs((loc - b.n)) - 1 obj.h.push(hH[i]) obj.l.push(lL[i]) obj.n.push(b.t[i]) // obj.h.reverse() // obj.l.reverse() int iU = obj.l.indexof(obj.l.min()) + 1 int iD = obj.h.indexof(obj.h.max()) + 1 obj.dir.unshift( bull ? (b.c[iU] > b.o[iU] ? 1 : -1) : (b.c[iD] > b.o[iD] ? 1 : -1) ) obj.top.unshift( bull ? pos[iU] : obj.h.max() ) obj.btm.unshift( bull ? obj.l.min() : pos[iD] ) obj.left.unshift( bull ? obj.n.get(obj.l.indexof(obj.l.min())) : obj.n.get(obj.h.indexof(obj.h.max())) ) obj.avg.unshift( math.avg(obj.top.first(), obj.btm.first()) ) obj.cV.unshift( bull ? b.v[iU] : b.v[iD] ) if ob_pos == "Precise" switch bull true => if obj.avg.get(0) < (b.c[iU] < b.o[iU] ? b.c[iU] : b.o[iU]) and obj.top.get(0) > hlcc4[iU] obj.top.set(0, obj.avg.get(0)) obj.avg.set(0, math.avg(obj.top.first(), obj.btm.first())) false => if obj.avg.get(0) > (b.c[iU] < b.o[iU] ? b.o[iD] : b.c[iD]) and obj.btm.get(0) < hlcc4[iD] obj.btm.set(0, obj.avg.get(0)) obj.avg.set(0, math.avg(obj.top.first(), obj.btm.first())) obj.blVP.unshift ( 0 ) obj.brVP.unshift ( 0 ) obj.wM .unshift ( 1 ) if use_overlap int rmP = use_overlap_method == "Recent" ? 1 : 0 if obj.avg.size() > 1 if bull ? obj.btm.first() < obj.top.get(1) : obj.top.first() > obj.btm.get(1) obj.wM .remove(rmP) obj.cV .remove(rmP) obj.dir .remove(rmP) obj.top .remove(rmP) obj.avg .remove(rmP) obj.btm .remove(rmP) obj.left .remove(rmP) obj.blVP .remove(rmP) obj.brVP .remove(rmP) if barstate.isconfirmed for x = 0 to ob_num - 1 tg = switch ob_mitigation "Middle" => obj.avg "Absolute" => bull ? obj.btm : obj.top for [idx, pt] in tg if (bull ? cC < pt : cC > pt) obj.wM .remove(idx) obj.cV .remove(idx) obj.dir .remove(idx) obj.top .remove(idx) obj.avg .remove(idx) obj.btm .remove(idx) obj.left .remove(idx) obj.blVP .remove(idx) obj.brVP .remove(idx) if barstate.islast if obj.avg.size() > 0 // Alert if bull ? ta.crossunder(low , obj.top.get(0)) : ta.crossover (high, obj.btm.get(0)) switch bull true => blalert.obtouch := true false => bralert.obtouch := true float tV = 0 obj.dV.clear() seq = math.min(ob_num - 1, obj.avg.size() - 1) for j = 0 to seq tV += obj.cV.get(j) if j == seq for y = 0 to seq obj.dV.unshift( math.floor( (obj.cV.get(y) / tV) * 100) ) obj.dV.reverse() for i = 0 to math.min(ob_num - 1, obj.avg.size() - 1) dmL = draw.mL .get(i) dOB = draw.ob .get(i) dblB = draw.blB.get(i) dbrB = draw.brB.get(i) deOB = draw.eOB.get(i) dOB.set_lefttop (obj.left .get(i) , obj.top.get(i)) deOB.set_lefttop (b.t , obj.top.get(i)) dOB.set_rightbottom (b.t , obj.btm.get(i)) deOB.set_rightbottom(b.t + (b.t - b.t[1]) * 100 , obj.btm.get(i)) if use_middle_line dmL.set_xy1(obj.left.get(i), obj.avg.get(i)) dmL.set_xy2(b.t , obj.avg.get(i)) if ob_metrics_show dblB.set_lefttop (obj.left.get(i), obj.top.get(i)) dbrB.set_lefttop (obj.left.get(i), obj.avg.get(i)) dblB.set_rightbottom(obj.left.get(i), obj.avg.get(i)) dbrB.set_rightbottom(obj.left.get(i), obj.btm.get(i)) rpBL = dblB.get_right() rpBR = dbrB.get_right() dbrB.set_right(rpBR + (b.t - b.t[1]) * obj.brVP.get(i)) dblB.set_right(rpBL + (b.t - b.t[1]) * obj.blVP.get(i)) if use_show_metric txt = switch obj.cV.get(i) >= 1000000000 => str.tostring(math.round(obj.cV.get(i) / 1000000000,3)) + "B" obj.cV.get(i) >= 1000000 => str.tostring(math.round(obj.cV.get(i) / 1000000,3)) + "M" obj.cV.get(i) >= 1000 => str.tostring(math.round(obj.cV.get(i) / 1000,3)) + "K" obj.cV.get(i) < 1000 => str.tostring(math.round(obj.cV.get(i))) deOB.set_text( str.tostring( txt + " (" + str.tostring(obj.dV.get(i)) + "%)") ) deOB.set_text_size (size.auto) deOB.set_text_halign(text.align_left) deOB.set_text_color (use_grayscale ? color.silver : color.new(css, 0)) if ob_metrics_show and barstate.isconfirmed if obj.wM.size() > 0 for i = 0 to obj.avg.size() - 1 switch obj.dir.get(i) 1 => switch obj.wM.get(i) 1 => obj.blVP.set(i, obj.blVP.get(i) + 1), obj.wM.set(i, 2) 2 => obj.blVP.set(i, obj.blVP.get(i) + 1), obj.wM.set(i, 3) 3 => obj.brVP.set(i, obj.brVP.get(i) + 1), obj.wM.set(i, 1) -1 => switch obj.wM.get(i) 1 => obj.brVP.set(i, obj.brVP.get(i) + 1), obj.wM.set(i, 2) 2 => obj.brVP.set(i, obj.brVP.get(i) + 1), obj.wM.set(i, 3) 3 => obj.blVP.set(i, obj.blVP.get(i) + 1), obj.wM.set(i, 1) var hN = array.new<int>(1, b.n) var lN = array.new<int>(1, b.n) var hS = array.new<int>(1, b.n) var lS = array.new<int>(1, b.n) if iH hN.pop() hN.unshift(int(b.n[iLen])) if iL lN.pop() lN.unshift(int(b.n[iLen])) if sH hS.pop() hS.unshift(int(b.n[sLen])) if sL lS.pop() lS.unshift(int(b.n[sLen])) if ob_show bull_ob.drawVOB(true , ob_bull_css, hN.first(), false) bear_ob.drawVOB(false, ob_bear_css, lN.first(), false) if ob_swings s_bull_ob.drawVOB(true , css_swing_up, hS.first(), true) s_bear_ob.drawVOB(false, css_swing_dn, lS.first(), true) if bull_ob blalert.ob := true if bear_ob bralert.ob := true if s_bull_ob blalert.swingob := true if s_bear_ob blalert.swingob := true //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - End } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - FVG | VI | OG } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} ghl() => request.security(syminfo.tickerid, fvg_tf, [high[2], low[2], close[1], open[1]]) tfG() => request.security(syminfo.tickerid, fvg_tf, [open, high, low, close]) cG(bool bull) => [h, l, c, o] = ghl() [go, gh, gl, gc] = tfG() var FVG draw = FVG.new( array.new<box>() , array.new<line>() ) var FVG[] cords = array.new<FVG>() float pup = na float pdn = na bool cdn = na int pos = 2 cc = timeframe.change(fvg_tf) if barstate.isfirst for i = 0 to fvg_num - 1 draw.box.unshift(box.new (na, na, na, na, border_color = color.new(color.white, 100), xloc = xloc.bar_time)) draw.ln.unshift (line.new(na, na, na, na, xloc = xloc.bar_time, width = 1, style = line.style_solid)) switch what_fvg "FVG" => pup := bull ? gl : l pdn := bull ? h : gh cdn := bull ? gl > h and cc : gh < l and cc pos := 2 "VI" => pup := bull ? (gc > go ? go : gc) : (gc[1] > go[1] ? go[1] : gc[1]) pdn := bull ? (gc[1] > go[1] ? gc[1] : go[1]) : (gc > go ? gc : go) cdn := bull ? go > gc[1] and gh[1] > gl and gc > gc[1] and go > go[1] and gh[1] < math.min(gc, go) and cc : go < gc[1] and gl[1] < gh and gc < gc[1] and go < go[1] and gl[1] > math.max(gc, go) and cc pos := 1 "OG" => pup := bull ? b.l : gl[1] pdn := bull ? gh[1] : gh cdn := bull ? gl > gh[1] and cc : gh < gl[1] and cc pos := 1 if not na(cdn[1]) and cdn[1] cords.unshift( FVG.new( na , na , bull ? true : false , pup[1] , pdn[1] , b.t - (b.t - b.t[1]) * pos + 1 , b.t + (b.t - b.t[1]) * fvg_extend + 1) ) if bull blalert.fvg := true else bralert.fvg := true if barstate.isconfirmed for [idx, obj] in cords if obj.bull ? b.c < obj.btm : b.c > obj.top cords.remove(idx) if barstate.islast if cords.size() > 0 for i = math.min(fvg_num - 1, cords.size() - 1) to 0 gbx = draw.box.get(i) gln = draw.ln.get(i) gcd = cords.get(i) gtop = gcd.top gbtm = gcd.btm left = gcd.left right = gcd.right gbx.set_lefttop(left, gtop) gbx.set_rightbottom(right, gbtm) gbx.set_bgcolor(gcd.bull ? fvg_upcss : fvg_dncss) gln.set_xy1(left, math.avg(gbx.get_top(), gbx.get_bottom())) gln.set_xy2(right, math.avg(gbx.get_top(), gbx.get_bottom())) gln.set_color(gcd.bull ? fvg_upcss : fvg_dncss) if fvg_enable cG(true ) cG(false) //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - END } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - Accumulation And Distribution } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} drawZone(int len) => var zone[] z = array.new<zone>() if iH z.unshift( zone.new( chart.point.from_time( time[len] , high [len] ) , high [len] , 1 , time[len] ) ) if iL z.unshift( zone.new( chart.point.from_time( time[len] , low [len] ) , low [len] , -1 , time[len] ) ) if z.size() > 1 if z.get(0).c == z.get(1).c z.clear() switch zone_mode == "Slow" => if z.size() > 5 if z.get(0).c == -1 and z.get(1).c == 1 and z.get(2).c == -1 and z.get(3).c == 1 and z.get(4).c == -1 and z.get(5).c == 1 if z.get(0).p > z.get(2).p and z.get(2).p > z.get(4).p if z.get(1).p < z.get(3).p and z.get(3).p < z.get(5).p blalert.zone := true box.new(top = z.get(5).p, bottom = z.get(4).p, left = z.get(5).t, right = z.get(0).t, bgcolor = acc_css, border_color = color.new(color.white, 100), xloc = xloc.bar_time) slice = array.new<chart.point>() for i = 0 to 5 slice.unshift(z.get(i).points) polyline.new(slice, xloc = xloc.bar_time, line_color = color.new(acc_css, 0), line_width = 2) p.found := "Accumulation Zone" p.bull := true p.isfound := true p.period := 0 z.clear() if z.size() > 5 if z.get(0).c == 1 and z.get(1).c == -1 and z.get(2).c == 1 and z.get(3).c == -1 and z.get(4).c == 1 and z.get(5).c == -1 if z.get(0).p < z.get(2).p and z.get(2).p < z.get(4).p if z.get(1).p > z.get(3).p and z.get(3).p > z.get(5).p bralert.zone := true box.new(top = z.get(5).p, bottom = z.get(4).p, left = z.get(5).t, right = z.get(0).t, bgcolor = dist_css, border_color = color.new(color.white, 100), xloc = xloc.bar_time) slice = array.new<chart.point>() for i = 0 to 5 slice.unshift(z.get(i).points) polyline.new(slice, xloc = xloc.bar_time, line_color = color.new(dist_css, 0), line_width = 2) p.found := "Distribution Zone" p.bull := false p.isfound := true p.period := 0 z.clear() zone_mode == "Fast" => if z.size() > 3 if z.get(0).c == -1 and z.get(1).c == 1 and z.get(2).c == -1 and z.get(3).c == 1 if z.get(0).p > z.get(2).p if z.get(1).p < z.get(3).p blalert.zone := true box.new(top = z.get(3).p, bottom = z.get(2).p, left = z.get(3).t, right = z.get(0).t, bgcolor = acc_css, border_color = color.new(color.white, 100), xloc = xloc.bar_time) slice = array.new<chart.point>() for i = 0 to 3 slice.unshift(z.get(i).points) polyline.new(slice, xloc = xloc.bar_time, line_color = color.new(acc_css, 0), line_width = 2) p.found := "Accumulation Zone" p.bull := true p.isfound := true p.period := 0 z.clear() if z.size() > 3 if z.get(0).c == 1 and z.get(1).c == -1 and z.get(2).c == 1 and z.get(3).c == -1 if z.get(0).p < z.get(2).p if z.get(1).p > z.get(3).p bralert.zone := true box.new(top = z.get(2).p, bottom = z.get(3).p, left = z.get(3).t, right = z.get(0).t, bgcolor = dist_css, border_color = color.new(color.white, 100), xloc = xloc.bar_time) slice = array.new<chart.point>() for i = 0 to 3 slice.unshift(z.get(i).points) polyline.new(slice, xloc = xloc.bar_time, line_color = color.new(dist_css, 0), line_width = 2) p.found := "Distribution Zone" p.bull := false p.isfound := true p.period := 0 z.clear() if show_acc_dist_zone drawZone(iLen) //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - END } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - EQH / EQL } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} dEHL() => var ehl w = ehl.new(0, 0, 0, 0) top = ta.pivothigh(high, 1, 1) btm = ta.pivotlow(low , 1, 1) atr = ta.atr(200) switch top => mx = math.max(top, w.pt) mn = math.min(top, w.pt) switch mx < mn + atr * 0.1 => var aZ = array.new<line>() var aL = array.new<label>() if aZ.size() > 50 aZ.pop().delete() aL.pop().delete() aZ.unshift(line.new(w.t, w.pt, b.n - 1, top, color = i_ms_dn_BOS, style = line.style_dotted)) aL.unshift(label.new(int(math.avg(b.n - 1, w.t)), top, "EQH", color = invcol, textcolor = i_ms_dn_BOS, style = label.style_label_down, size = size.tiny)) bralert.equal := true w.pt := top w.t := b.n - 1 btm => mx = math.max(btm, w.pb) mn = math.min(btm, w.pb) switch mn > mx - atr * 0.1 => var aZ = array.new<line>() var aL = array.new<label>() if aZ.size() > 50 aZ.pop().delete() aL.pop().delete() aZ.unshift(line.new(w.b, w.pb, b.n - 1, btm, color = i_ms_up_BOS, style = line.style_dotted)) aL.unshift(label.new(int(math.avg(b.n - 1, w.b)), btm, "EQL", color = invcol, textcolor = i_ms_up_BOS, style = label.style_label_up, size = size.tiny)) blalert.equal := true w.pb := btm w.b := b.n - 1 if show_eql dEHL() //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - End } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - Plotting And Coloring } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} p_css = css b_css = css w_css = css p_css := plotcandle_bool ? (css) : na b_css := barcolor_bool ? (css) : na w_css := plotcandle_bool ? color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 50) : na plotcandle(open,high,low,close , color = p_css , wickcolor = w_css , bordercolor = p_css , editable = false) barcolor(b_css, editable = false) //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{ - END } //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} alertcondition(blalert.bos , "Bullish BOS", "Bullish BOS") alertcondition(blalert.choch , "Bullish CHOCH", "Bullish CHOCH") alertcondition(blalert.chochplus , "Bullish CHOCH+", "Bullish CHOCH+") alertcondition(blalert.chochplusswing, "Bullish Swing CHOCH+", "Bullish Swing CHOCH+") alertcondition(blalert.chochswing , "Bullish Swing CHOCH", "Bullish CHOCH") alertcondition(blalert.swingbos , "Bullish Swing BOS", "Bullish Swing BOS") alertcondition(blalert.equal , "EQL", "EQL") alertcondition(blalert.fvg , "Bullish FVG", "Bullish FVG") alertcondition(blalert.ob , "Bullish Order Block", "Bullish Order Block") alertcondition(blalert.swingob , "Bullish Swing Order Block", "Bullish Swing Order Block") alertcondition(blalert.zone , "Accumulation Zone", "Accumulation Zone") alertcondition(blalert.obtouch , "Candle Entering in a Bullish Order Block", "Candle Entering in a Bullish Order Block") alertcondition(bralert.bos , "Bearish BOS", "Bearish BOS") alertcondition(bralert.choch , "Bearish CHOCH", "Bearish CHOCH") alertcondition(bralert.chochplus , "Bearish CHOCH+", "Bearish CHOCH+") alertcondition(bralert.chochplusswing, "Bearish Swing CHOCH+", "Bearish Swing CHOCH+") alertcondition(bralert.chochswing , "Bearish Swing CHOCH", "Bearish CHOCH") alertcondition(bralert.swingbos , "Bearish Swing BOS", "Bearish Swing BOS") alertcondition(bralert.equal , "EQH", "EQH") alertcondition(bralert.fvg , "Bearish FVG", "Bearish FVG") alertcondition(bralert.ob , "Bearish Order Block", "Bearish Order Block") alertcondition(bralert.swingob , "Bearish Swing Order Block", "Bearish Swing Order Block") alertcondition(bralert.zone , "Distribution Zone", "Distribution Zone") alertcondition(bralert.obtouch , "Candle Entering in a Bearish Order Block", "Candle Entering in a Bearish Order Block") if barstate.isfirst var table errorBox = table.new(position.bottom_right, 1, 1, bgcolor = color.new(#363a45, 100)) table.cell(errorBox, 0, 0, "© Stratify", text_color = color.gray, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.normal) // # ============================[Liquidity]============================ # gr_fts = "FEATURES" liquidity = input(false, "Liquidity", inline = "4", group = gr_fts) htfTF = input.timeframe("", "", inline = "4", tooltip = "Shows areas of market liquidity", group = gr_fts) trendline = input(true, "Trend Lines", inline = "2", group = gr_fts) trendlilenght = input.int(50, "", inline = "2", step = 1, minval = 2, tooltip = "Enables automatic drawing of trend lines", group = gr_fts) // Get Components mitiOptions = "Remove" displayStyle_liq = "Boxes" hh = close ll = close timediff=(time[1]-time[101])/100 atr_liq = ta.atr(300) float thold_liq = atr_liq * (2.5 / 10) // Functions tf_multi(tf) => ts = timeframe.in_seconds("") htfs = timeframe.in_seconds(tf) htfs/ts display_limit_line(_array) => if array.size(_array) > 6/2 a = array.shift(_array) line.delete(a) display_limit_box(_array) => if array.size(_array) > 6/2 a = array.shift(_array) box.delete(a) remove_mitigated_lines(_array, _hl) => m = false if array.size(_array) > 0 for i = array.size(_array) - 1 to 0 by 1 l = array.get(_array, i) if _hl == "High" and hh > line.get_y1(l) array.remove(_array, i) if mitiOptions == "Show" line.new(line.get_x1(l),line.get_y1(l),time,line.get_y1(l), xloc=xloc.bar_time, color = color.new(#f23645,50), style=line.style_solid, width = 2) line.delete(l) m := true if _hl == "Low" and ll < line.get_y1(l) array.remove(_array, i) if mitiOptions == "Show" line.new(line.get_x1(l),line.get_y1(l),time,line.get_y1(l), xloc=xloc.bar_time, color = color.new(#089981,50), style=line.style_solid, width = 2) line.delete(l) m := true display_limit_line(_array) m remove_mitigated_boxes(_array, _hl) => m = false if array.size(_array) > 0 for i = array.size(_array) - 1 to 0 by 1 l = array.get(_array, i) if _hl == "High" and hh > box.get_top(l) array.remove(_array, i) if mitiOptions == "Show" box.new(box.get_left(l),box.get_top(l),time,box.get_bottom(l), xloc=xloc.bar_time, bgcolor = color.new(#f23645, 90), border_color = color.new( #f23645, 90), border_style = line.style_solid) box.delete(l) m := true if _hl == "Low" and ll < box.get_top(l) array.remove(_array, i) if mitiOptions == "Show" box.new(box.get_left(l),box.get_top(l),time,box.get_bottom(l), xloc=xloc.bar_time, bgcolor = color.new(#089981, 90), border_color = color.new(#089981, 90), border_style = line.style_solid) box.delete(l) m := true display_limit_box(_array) m extend_line_to_current(lineArray) => if array.size(lineArray) > 0 for i = array.size(lineArray) - 1 to 0 by 1 l = array.get(lineArray, i) timeExt = timenow + ((timediff)*30) line.set_x2(l, timeExt) extend_box_to_current(boxArray) => if array.size(boxArray) > 0 for i = array.size(boxArray) - 1 to 0 by 1 b = array.get(boxArray, i) timeExt = timenow + ((timediff)*30) box.set_right(b, timeExt) // ---------------------------------------------------- // Higher TimeFrame // ---------------------------------------------------- // Varibles // Lines var highLineArrayHTF = array.new_line() var lowLineArrayHTF = array.new_line() // Boxes var highBoxArrayHTF = array.new_box() var lowBoxArrayHTF = array.new_box() // Get HTF [_time, _open, _high, _low, _close] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htfTF, [time, open, high, low, close]) // Pivots pivotHighHTF = ta.pivothigh(_high, 8*tf_multi(htfTF), 8+tf_multi(htfTF)) pivotLowHTF = ta.pivotlow(_low, 8*tf_multi(htfTF), 8+tf_multi(htfTF)) if liquidity timeExt = time+((time[1]-time[2])*10) dis = 8+tf_multi(htfTF) if pivotHighHTF if displayStyle_liq == "Lines" array.push(highLineArrayHTF, line.new(_time[dis],_high[dis],_time[+1],_high[dis],color = color.new(#f23645,50), style=line.style_solid, xloc=xloc.bar_time, extend=extend.none, width = 2)) else y1 = _high[dis]-thold_liq//math.max(_open[dis], _close[dis]) array.push(highBoxArrayHTF, box.new(_time[dis],_high[dis],_time[+1],y1,bgcolor = color.new(#f23645,50) , border_color=color.new(#f23645,90), xloc=xloc.bar_time, border_style = line.style_solid, extend=extend.none, border_width = 2,text="$",text_halign = text.align_center,text_color = color.white,text_size = size.small)) if pivotLowHTF if displayStyle_liq == "Lines" array.push(lowLineArrayHTF, line.new(_time[dis],_low[dis],_time[+1],_low[dis],color = color.new(#089981,50), style=line.style_solid, xloc=xloc.bar_time, extend=extend.none, width = 2)) else y1 = _low[dis]+thold_liq//math.min(_open[dis], _close[dis]) array.push(lowBoxArrayHTF, box.new(_time[dis],_low[dis],_time[+1],y1,bgcolor = color.new(#089981,50), border_color=color.new(#089981,90), xloc=xloc.bar_time, border_style = line.style_solid, extend=extend.none, border_width = 2,text="$",text_halign = text.align_center,text_color = color.white,text_size = size.small)) // ---------------------------------------------------- // Run Functions // ---------------------------------------------------- highLineAlertHTF = remove_mitigated_lines(highLineArrayHTF, "High") lowLineAlertHTF = remove_mitigated_lines(lowLineArrayHTF, "Low") highBoxAlertHTF = remove_mitigated_boxes(highBoxArrayHTF, "High") lowBoxAlertHTF = remove_mitigated_boxes(lowBoxArrayHTF, "Low") extend_line_to_current(highLineArrayHTF) extend_line_to_current(lowLineArrayHTF) extend_box_to_current(highBoxArrayHTF) extend_box_to_current(lowBoxArrayHTF) // # ============================[Trend Lines]============================ # //Downtrendline var int phx1 = na var float phslope = na var float phy1 = na var float upper = na var float plotH = na var bool isOnH = false //Uptrendline var int plx1 = na var float plslope = na var float ply1 = na var float lower = na var float plotL = na var bool isOnL = false var line testLine = line.new(na, na, na, na, color=color.new(color.blue, 100)) //Calculations n = bar_index source = close ph = ta.pivothigh(trendlilenght, trendlilenght) pl = ta.pivotlow(trendlilenght, trendlilenght) bg = chart.bg_color fg = chart.fg_color bars = 500 , height = bars / 3 Xaxis = math.min(math.max(1, n), bars) Yaxis = ta.highest(Xaxis) - ta.lowest(Xaxis) srcBl = source srcBr = source //Function calculate_slope(x1, x2, y1, y2) => diffX = x2 - x1, diffY = y2 - y1 diffY_to_Yaxis = Yaxis / diffY normalised_slope = (height / diffY_to_Yaxis) / diffX slope = diffY / diffX angle = math.round(math.atan(normalised_slope) * 180 / math.pi, 2) [normalised_slope, slope, angle] //Execution if trendline if not na(ph) if ph < phy1 [normalised_slope, slope, angle] = calculate_slope(phx1, n - trendlilenght, phy1, ph) testLine.set_xy1(phx1, phy1), testLine.set_xy2(n, ph + slope * trendlilenght) src = source, max_bars_back(src, 2000) isOnH := false broken = false if math.abs(angle) > 0.1 and math.abs(angle) < 90 for i = trendlilenght to n - plx1 if src[i] > testLine.get_price(n - i) broken := true break if not broken phslope := slope isOnH := true upper := ph + slope * trendlilenght line.new(phx1, phy1, n, ph + slope * trendlilenght, color=color.green, style=line.style_dotted) phy1 := ph phx1 := n - trendlilenght upper += phslope plotH := not na(ph) and ta.change(phslope) ? na : srcBl[1] > upper[1] ? na : upper bs_H = ta.barssince(na(plotH)) if not na(pl) if pl > ply1 [normalised_slope, slope, angle] = calculate_slope(plx1, n - trendlilenght, ply1, pl) testLine.set_xy1(plx1, ply1), testLine.set_xy2(n, pl + slope * trendlilenght) src = source, max_bars_back(src, 2000) isOnL := false broken = false if angle > 0.1 and angle < 90 for i = trendlilenght to n - plx1 if src[i] < testLine.get_price(n - i) broken := true break if not broken plslope := slope isOnL := true lower := pl + slope * trendlilenght line.new(plx1, ply1, n, pl + slope * trendlilenght, color=color.red, style=line.style_dotted) ply1 := pl plx1 := n - trendlilenght lower += plslope plotL := not na(pl) and ta.change(plslope) ? na : srcBr[1] < lower[1] ? na : lower bs_L = ta.barssince(na(plotL)) // New Golden Fibonacci /// // Pre-DEFINE // //--------------------------------------------------- var COLOR_TRANSP = color.new(#ffffff,100) var COLOR_BLACK = color.new(#000000,0) //--------------------------------------------------- var basicgr = "🧊 PunkAlgo Smart Fibonacci" var fb_tooltip = "\nDepth ; The minimum number of bars that will be taken into account when calculating the indicator.\n\nDeviation ; a multiplier that affects how much the price should deviate from the previous pivot in order for the bar to become a new pivot.\n" // INPUT fb_depth = input.int (10 ,minval=1,maxval=20 ,title = "How Far " ,inline='FBR1' ,group=basicgr) fb_dev_ratio = input.float (3.0 ,minval=1,step=0.5 ,title = "Wave Size " ,inline='FBR2' ,group=basicgr ,tooltip=fb_tooltip) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb_dev_threshold = (ta.atr(20)/close) * 100 * fb_dev_ratio //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb236=input(false,"236 ",inline='fbl' ,group=basicgr) fb382=input(true ,"382 ",inline='fbl' ,group=basicgr) fb500=input(true ,"500 ",inline='fbl' ,group=basicgr) fb618=input(true ,"618 ",inline='fbl' ,group=basicgr) fb786=input(false,"786 ",inline='fbl' ,group=basicgr) fb886=input(false,"886" ,inline='fbl' ,group=basicgr) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- view_gr = '🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵' draw_pmark_c = input.color (color.new(#ffffff,0) ,"" ,inline='pmark' ,group=view_gr) draw_pmark = input.bool (false ,'◯ Pivot Point' ,inline='pmark' ,group=view_gr) draw_tline_c = input.color (color.new(#ffffff,0) ,"" ,inline='tline' ,group=view_gr) draw_tline = input.bool (false ,'-- Trend Line' ,inline='tline' ,group=view_gr) fb_guide_color = input.color (color.new(#ffff00,0) ,title = "" ,inline='retlg' ,group=view_gr ) fb_guide_draw = input.bool (false ,'▮ Retracement Meter ' ,inline='retlg' ,group=view_gr) fb_color5 = input.color (color.new(#2157f3,0) ,title = "1.0 Level" ,inline='color1' ,group=view_gr ) fb_color4 = input.color (color.new(#f23645,0) ,title = "0.0 Level" ,inline='color1' ,group=view_gr ) fb_color3 = input.color (color.new(#b39ddb,0) ,title = "0.5 Level" ,inline='color1' ,group=view_gr ) fb_color2 = input.color (color.new(#ffa726,0) ,title = "Scheme" ,inline='color1' ,group=view_gr ) fb_color1 = input.color (color.new(#b2b5be,0) ,title = "" ,inline='color1' ,group=view_gr ) fb_label_position = input.int (23 ,title = "Ruller position (X-axis Offset)" ,inline='position' ,group=view_gr ) draw_simplelabel = input.bool (false ,' Extended Info. (Price, Delta Rate)' ,inline='' ,group=view_gr) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [k_volume,k_open,k_close,k_high,k_low,k_hlc3,k_hlcc4,k_ohlc4,k_hl2,k_close_mintick,k_trtrue,k_atr14,k_atr14_mintick,k_rsipvt14] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid ,'', [volume,open,close,high,low,hlc3,hlcc4,ohlc4,hl2,str.tostring(close,format.mintick),ta.tr(true),ta.atr(14),str.tostring(ta.atr(14),format.mintick),ta.rsi(ta.pvt,14)] ) // // Background // // // Fibonacci Retracement - Logic Performance Tuned & Re-Designed Fresh-Drawing, Automatic Line on/off // // pre-define -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var line fb_lineLast = na var label fb_label_start_last = na var label fb_label_end_last = na var int fb_iLast = 0 var int fb_iPrev = 0 var float fb_pLast = 0 var fb_isHighLast = false // otherwise the last pivot is a low pivot // pivot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- high_none = ta.highest(high,fb_depth) > nz(high[fb_depth/2]) fb_iH = high_none ? int(na) : bar_index[fb_depth/2] fb_pH = high_none ? float(na) : nz(high[fb_depth/2]) low_none = ta.lowest (low ,fb_depth) < nz(low [fb_depth/2]) fb_iL = low_none ? int(na) : bar_index[fb_depth/2] fb_pL = low_none ? float(na) : nz(low [fb_depth/2]) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- calc_dev(_base_price, _price) => 100 * (_price - _base_price) / _price //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pivotFound(dev, isHigh, index, price) => if fb_isHighLast == isHigh and not na(fb_lineLast) // same direction if fb_isHighLast ? price > fb_pLast : price < fb_pLast line.set_xy2(fb_lineLast, index, price) label.set_xy(fb_label_end_last, index, price) [fb_lineLast, fb_isHighLast,fb_label_start_last,fb_label_end_last] else [line(na), bool(na), label(na), label(na)] else // reverse the direction (or create the very first line) if math.abs(dev) > fb_dev_threshold // price move is significant id_fb_line = line.new(fb_iLast, fb_pLast, index, price, color=color.new(draw_tline_c,draw_tline?0:100), width=1, style=line.style_dashed) // ------ FBR start -> end ; slopped line id_fb_label_start = label.new(fb_iLast, fb_pLast ,color=COLOR_TRANSP, size=size.huge ,style=label.style_label_center, textcolor=color.new(draw_pmark_c,draw_pmark?0:100) ,text= '◯' ) id_fb_label_end = label.new(index , price ,color=COLOR_TRANSP, size=size.huge ,style=label.style_label_center, textcolor=color.new(draw_pmark_c,draw_pmark?0:100) ,text= '◯' ) [id_fb_line, isHigh, id_fb_label_start, id_fb_label_end] else [line(na), bool(na),label(na),label(na)] //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb_new_line = false if not na(fb_iH) fb_dev = calc_dev(fb_pLast, fb_pH) [fb_id, fb_isHigh, fb_la_s_id, fb_la_e_id] = pivotFound(fb_dev, true, fb_iH, fb_pH) if not na(fb_id) if fb_id != fb_lineLast line.delete (fb_lineLast) label.delete(fb_label_start_last) label.delete(fb_label_end_last) fb_new_line := true fb_lineLast := fb_id fb_label_start_last := fb_la_s_id fb_label_end_last := fb_la_e_id fb_isHighLast := fb_isHigh fb_iPrev := fb_iLast fb_iLast := fb_iH fb_pLast := fb_pH else if not na(fb_iL) fb_dev = calc_dev(fb_pLast, fb_pL) [fb_id, fb_isHigh, fb_la_s_id, fb_la_e_id] = pivotFound(fb_dev, false, fb_iL, fb_pL) if not na(fb_id) if fb_id != fb_lineLast line.delete (fb_lineLast) label.delete(fb_label_start_last) label.delete(fb_label_end_last) fb_new_line := true fb_lineLast := fb_id fb_label_start_last := fb_la_s_id fb_label_end_last := fb_la_e_id fb_isHighLast := fb_isHigh fb_iPrev := fb_iLast fb_iLast := fb_iL fb_pLast := fb_pL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb_retracement (_show, _fib_level, _col ,_switch) => _price = fb_pLast + ((line.get_y1(fb_lineLast)-fb_pLast))* _fib_level _fbfb_id_line_show = false _position = bar_index - line.get_x2(fb_lineLast) _fbr_max_highest = math.max( ta.highest(high, nz(math.max(1,_position),1)) , fb_pLast) _fbr_min_lowest = math.min( ta.lowest (low , nz(math.max(1,_position),1)) , fb_pLast) _fbr_max = fb_pLast < close ? _fbr_max_highest : fb_pLast > close ? _fbr_min_lowest : fb_pLast _fbr_line_max = fb_pLast < _price? _fbr_max_highest : fb_pLast > _price ? _fbr_min_lowest : fb_pLast _fbfb_id_line_show := fb_pLast < _price and _price-(k_atr14/4) <= _fbr_line_max ? true : fb_pLast > _price and _price+(k_atr14/4) >= _fbr_line_max ? true : false if _switch =='auto' and not na(fb_lineLast) fbfb_id_auto = line.new(line.get_x2(fb_lineLast) ,_price ,bar_index + 6 ,_price ,style=line.style_dashed, color=color.new(_col,_fbfb_id_line_show?30:100) , width=1, extend=extend.none) fbfb_id_ext_auto = line.new(bar_index+fb_label_position-4,_price ,bar_index+fb_label_position+1 ,_price ,color=color.new(_col,0), width=1, extend=extend.none) fb_label_auto = label.new(x=bar_index+fb_label_position+1 ,y=_price, text=str.tostring(_fib_level,"0.000")+(draw_simplelabel ? (' ' + str.tostring(_price, format.mintick) + ' ' + str.tostring(((_price - fb_pLast)/fb_pLast)*100,format.percent )):''),textcolor=color.new(_col,40) ,style=label.style_label_left ,textalign=text.align_left , color=#00000000, size=size.small) line.delete(fbfb_id_auto[1] ) line.delete(fbfb_id_ext_auto[1] ) label.delete(fb_label_auto[1] ) if not _show line.delete(fbfb_id_auto ) line.delete(fbfb_id_ext_auto ) label.delete(fb_label_auto ) if _show and _switch =='' var fbfb_id = line.new(fb_iLast, _price, bar_index, _price, color=color.new(_col,0) , width=1, extend=extend.none ,style=line.style_dashed ) //--- FBR | line = start to now var fbfb_id_ext = line.new(fb_iLast, _price, bar_index, _price, color=color.new(_col,0) , width=1, extend=extend.none) //--- FBR | line = now to label position var fb_label = label.new(x=bar_index ,y=_price, text='' ,textcolor=COLOR_TRANSP ,style=label.style_label_left ,textalign=text.align_left , color=#00000000, size=size.small) if not na(fb_lineLast) line.set_xy1 (fbfb_id ,_fib_level==1.0? line.get_x1(fb_lineLast):line.get_x2(fb_lineLast), _price) line.set_xy2 (fbfb_id ,_fib_level==1.0 or _fib_level==0.0? bar_index + fb_label_position-4 : bar_index + 6 , _price) line.set_color(fbfb_id ,color.new(_col, _fib_level==0.0?0:_fib_level==1.0?0:_fbfb_id_line_show ? 30 : 100)) // line.set_style(fbfb_id ,_fib_level==0.0 or _fib_level==1.0 ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- line.set_xy1 (fbfb_id_ext ,bar_index+fb_label_position-4 ,_price) line.set_xy2 (fbfb_id_ext ,bar_index+fb_label_position+1 ,_price) line.set_width (fbfb_id_ext ,1) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- label.set_xy (fb_label ,bar_index+fb_label_position+1 ,_price) label.set_text (fb_label ,str.tostring(_fib_level,"0.000")+(draw_simplelabel ? ' ' + str.tostring(_price, format.mintick) + ' ' + str.tostring(((_price - fb_pLast)/fb_pLast)*100,format.percent ):'')) // label.set_tooltip (fb_label ,str.tostring(((_price - fb_pLast)/fb_pLast)*100,format.percent )) label.set_textcolor (fb_label ,color.new(_col,30)) if _fib_level == 1.0 and fb_guide_draw == true var fbfb_box_max = box.new (bar_index, close ,bar_index, fb_pLast, border_color=color.new(fb_guide_color,80) ,border_width=1, bgcolor=color.new(fb_guide_color,90) ) var fbfb_line_max = line.new (bar_index, close ,bar_index, fb_pLast, color=fb_guide_color ,width=2) var fbfb_line_min = line.new (bar_index, close ,bar_index, fb_pLast, color=fb_guide_color ,width=2) var fbfb_box_ext = box.new (bar_index, close ,bar_index, fb_pLast, border_color=color.new(fb_guide_color,80) ,border_width=0, bgcolor=color.new(fb_guide_color,70) ) var fbfb_line_ext = line.new (bar_index, close ,bar_index, fb_pLast, color=fb_guide_color ,width=3) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- box.set_lefttop (fbfb_box_max ,bar_index+fb_label_position-3 ,_fbr_max_highest) box.set_rightbottom (fbfb_box_max ,bar_index+fb_label_position-0 ,_fbr_min_lowest) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- line.set_xy1 (fbfb_line_max ,bar_index+fb_label_position-3 ,_fbr_max_highest) line.set_xy2 (fbfb_line_max ,bar_index+fb_label_position-0 ,_fbr_max_highest) line.set_xy1 (fbfb_line_min ,bar_index+fb_label_position-3 ,_fbr_min_lowest) line.set_xy2 (fbfb_line_min ,bar_index+fb_label_position-0 ,_fbr_min_lowest) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- box.set_lefttop (fbfb_box_ext ,bar_index+fb_label_position-3 ,close) box.set_rightbottom (fbfb_box_ext ,bar_index+fb_label_position-1 ,fb_pLast) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- line.set_xy1 (fbfb_line_ext ,bar_index+fb_label_position-3 ,close) line.set_xy2 (fbfb_line_ext ,bar_index+fb_label_position-1 ,close) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb_new = fb_pLast[1] != fb_pLast or fb_new_line or fb_iLast[1] != fb_iLast //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb_over_1618 = false fb_over_1 = false fb_over_0786 = false fb_under_0 = false fb_under_0382 = false fb_under_0618 = false fb_under_m1 = false //------------------------- fb_height = line.get_y1(fb_lineLast) - fb_pLast fb_k_low_cr = ta.lowest (k_low,2) fb_k_high_cr = ta.highest(k_high,2) fb_over_1618 := (fb_height < 0 and fb_k_low_cr < (fb_height * 1.618) + fb_pLast ) or (fb_height > 0 and fb_k_high_cr > (fb_height * 1.618) + fb_pLast ) fb_over_1 := (fb_height < 0 and fb_k_low_cr < line.get_y1(fb_lineLast) ) or (fb_height > 0 and fb_k_high_cr > line.get_y1(fb_lineLast) ) fb_over_0786 := (fb_height < 0 and fb_k_low_cr < (fb_height * 0.786) + fb_pLast ) or (fb_height > 0 and fb_k_high_cr > (fb_height * 0.786) + fb_pLast ) fb_under_0 := (fb_height < 0 and fb_k_low_cr > fb_pLast ) or (fb_height > 0 and fb_k_high_cr < fb_pLast ) // fb_under_0382 := (fb_height < 0 and fb_k_low_cr > (fb_height *-0.382) + fb_pLast ) or (fb_height > 0 and fb_k_high_cr < (fb_height *-0.382) + fb_pLast ) fb_under_0618 := (fb_height < 0 and fb_k_low_cr > (fb_height *-0.618) + fb_pLast ) or (fb_height > 0 and fb_k_high_cr < (fb_height *-0.618) + fb_pLast ) fb_under_m1 := (fb_height < 0 and fb_k_low_cr > (fb_height *-1 ) + fb_pLast ) or (fb_height > 0 and fb_k_high_cr < (fb_height *-1 ) + fb_pLast ) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb_retracement (fb_under_m1 ,-1.618 ,fb_color1 ,'auto') fb_retracement (fb_under_0618 ,-1.000 ,fb_color1 ,'auto') fb_retracement (fb_under_0382 ,-0.618 ,fb_color1 ,'auto') // fb_retracement (fb_under_0 ,-0.382 ,fb_color1 ,'auto') // fb_retracement (true ,-0.236 ,fb_color1 ,'auto') fb_retracement (true , 0.000 ,fb_color4 ,'' ) // fb_retracement (fb236 , 0.236 ,fb_color1 ,'' ) // fb_retracement (fb382 , 0.382 ,fb_color2 ,'' ) fb_retracement (fb500 , 0.500 ,fb_color3 ,'' ) fb_retracement (fb618 , 0.618 ,fb_color2 ,'' ) fb_retracement (fb786 , 0.786 ,fb_color1 ,'' ) // fb_retracement (fb886 , 0.886 ,fb_color1 ,'' ) fb_retracement (true , 1.000 ,fb_color5 ,'' ) // fb_retracement (fb_over_0786 , 1.272 ,fb_color1 ,'auto') fb_retracement (fb_over_1 , 1.618 ,fb_color2 ,'auto') fb_retracement (fb_over_1618 , 2.618 ,fb_color2 ,'auto') import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/utils/1 as ut import Trendoscope/ohlc/1 as o import Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1 as wr import Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2 as zg import Trendoscope/abstractchartpatterns/5 as p import Trendoscope/basechartpatterns/6 as bp openSource = input.source(open, '', inline='cs', group='Source', display = display.none) highSource = input.source(high, '', inline='cs', group='Source', display = display.none) lowSource = input.source(low, '', inline='cs', group='Source', display = display.none) closeSource = input.source(close, '', inline='cs', group='Source', display = display.none, tooltip = 'Source on which the zigzag and pattern calculation is done') useZigzag1 = input.bool(true, '', group = 'Zigzag', inline='z1', display = display.none) zigzagLength1 = input.int(8, step=5, minval=1, title='', group='Zigzag', inline='z1', display=display.none) depth1 = input.int(55, "", step=25, maxval=500, group='Zigzag', inline='z1', display=display.none, tooltip = 'Enable and set Length and Dept of Zigzag 1') useZigzag2 = input.bool(false, '', group = 'Zigzag', inline='z2', display = display.none) zigzagLength2 = input.int(13, step=5, minval=1, title='', group='Zigzag', inline='z2', display=display.none) depth2 = input.int(34, "", step=25, maxval=500, group='Zigzag', inline='z2', display=display.none, tooltip = 'Enable and set Length and Dept of Zigzag 2') useZigzag3 = input.bool(false, '', group = 'Zigzag', inline='z3', display = display.none) zigzagLength3 = input.int(21, step=5, minval=1, title='', group='Zigzag', inline='z3', display=display.none) depth3 = input.int(21, "", step=25, maxval=500, group='Zigzag', inline='z3', display=display.none, tooltip = 'Enable and set Length and Dept of Zigzag 3') useZigzag4 = input.bool(false, '', group = 'Zigzag', inline='z4', display = display.none) zigzagLength4 = input.int(34, step=5, minval=1, title='', group='Zigzag', inline='z4', display=display.none) depth4 = input.int(13, "", step=25, maxval=500, group='Zigzag', inline='z4', display=display.none, tooltip = 'Enable and set Length and Dept of Zigzag 4') numberOfPivots = input.int(5, "Number of Pivots", [5, 6], 'Number of pivots used for pattern identification.', group='Scanning', display = display.none) errorThresold = input.float(20.0, 'Error Threshold', 0.0, 100, 5, 'Error Threshold for trend line validation', group='Scanning', display = display.none) flatThreshold = input.float(20.0, 'Flat Threshold', 0.0, 30, 5, 'Ratio threshold to identify the slope of trend lines', group='Scanning', display = display.none) lastPivotDirection = input.string('both', 'Last Pivot Direction', ['up', 'down', 'both', 'custom'], 'Filter pattern based on the last pivot direction. '+ 'This option is useful while backtesting individual patterns. When custom is selected, then the individual pattern last pivot direction setting is used', group='Scanning', display=display.none) checkBarRatio = input.bool(true, 'Verify Bar Ratio ', 'Along with checking the price, also verify if the bars are proportionately placed.', group='Scanning', inline = 'br', display = display.none) barRatioLimit = input.float(0.382, '', group='Scanning', display = display.none, inline='br') avoidOverlap = input.bool(true, 'Avoid Overlap', group='Scanning', inline='a', display = display.none) repaint = input.bool(false, 'Repaint', 'Avoid Overlap - Will not consider the pattern if it starts before the end of an existing pattern\n\n'+ 'Repaint - Uses real time bars to search for patterns. If unselected, then only use confirmed bars.', group='Scanning', inline='a', display = display.none) allowChannels = input.bool(true, 'Channels', group='Pattern Groups - Geometric Shapes', display = display.none, inline='g') allowWedges = input.bool(true, 'Wedge', group='Pattern Groups - Geometric Shapes', display = display.none, inline='g') allowTriangles = input.bool(true, 'Triangle', group='Pattern Groups - Geometric Shapes', display = display.none, inline='g', tooltip = 'Channels - Trend Lines are parralel to each other creating equidistance price channels'+ '\n\t- Ascending Channel\n\t- Descending Channel\n\t- Ranging Channel'+ '\n\nWedges - Trend lines are either converging or diverging from each other and both the trend lines are moving in the same direction'+ '\n\t- Rising Wedge (Expanding)\n\t- Rising Wedge (Contracting)\n\t- Falling Wedge (Expanding)\n\t- Falling Wedge (Contracting)'+ '\n\nTriangles - Trend lines are either converging or diverging from each other and both trend lines are moving in different directions'+ '\n\t- Converging Triangle\n\t- Diverging Triangle\n\t- Ascending Triangle (Contracting)\n\t- Ascending Triangle (Expanding)\n\t- Descending Triangle(Contracting)\n\t- Descending Triangle(Expanding)') allowRisingPatterns = input.bool(true, 'Rising', group='Pattern Groups - Direction', display = display.none, inline = 'd') allowFallingPatterns = input.bool(true, 'Falling', group='Pattern Groups - Direction', display = display.none, inline = 'd') allowNonDirectionalPatterns = input.bool(true, 'Flat/Bi-Directional', group='Pattern Groups - Direction', display = display.none, inline = 'd', tooltip = 'Rising - Either both trend lines are moving up or one trend line is flat and the other one is moving up.'+ '\n\t- Ascending Channel\n\t- Rising Wedge (Expanding)\n\t- Rising Wedge (Contracting)\n\t- Ascending Triangle (Expanding)\n\t- Ascending Triangle (Contracting)'+ '\n\nFalling - Either both trend lines are moving down or one trend line is flat and the other one is moving down.'+ '\n\t- Descending Channel\n\t- Falling Wedge (Expanding)\n\t- Falling Wedge (Contracting)\n\t- Descending Triangle (Expanding)\n\t- Descending Triangle (Contracting)'+ '\n\nFlat/Bi-Directional - Trend Lines move in different directions or both flat.'+ '\n\t- Ranging Channel\n\t- Converging Triangle\n\t- Diverging Triangle') allowExpandingPatterns = input.bool(true, 'Expanding', group='Pattern Groups - Formation Dynamics', display = display.none, inline = 'f') allowContractingPatterns = input.bool(true, 'Contracting', group='Pattern Groups - Formation Dynamics', display = display.none, inline='f') allowParallelChannels = input.bool(true, 'Parallel', group = 'Pattern Groups - Formation Dynamics', display = display.none, inline = 'f', tooltip = 'Expanding - Trend Lines are diverging from each other.'+ '\n\t- Rising Wedge (Expanding)\n\t- Falling Wedge (Expanding)\n\t- Ascending Triangle (Expanding)\n\t- Descending Triangle (Expanding)\n\t- Diverging Triangle'+ '\n\nContracting - Trend Lines are converging towards each other.'+ '\n\t- Rising Wedge (Contracting)\n\t- Falling Wedge (Contracting)\n\t- Ascending Triangle (Contracting)\n\t- Descending Triangle (Contracting)\n\t- Converging Triangle'+ '\n\nParallel - Trend Lines are almost parallel to each other.'+ '\n\t- Ascending Channel\n\t- Descending Channel\n\t- Ranging Channel') allowUptrendChannel = input.bool(true, 'Ascending ', group = 'Price Channels', inline='uc', display = display.none) upTrendChannelLastPivotDirection = input.string('both', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='uc', group='Price Channels', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Ascending Channel and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowDowntrendChannel = input.bool(true, 'Descending', group = 'Price Channels', inline='dc', display = display.none) downTrendChannelLastPivotDirection = input.string('both', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='dc', group='Price Channels', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Descending Channel and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowRangingChannel = input.bool(true, 'Ranging ', group = 'Price Channels', inline='rc', display = display.none) rangingChannelLastPivotDirection = input.string('both', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='rc', group='Price Channels', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Ranging Channel and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowRisingWedgeExpanding = input.bool(true, 'Rising ', inline='rwe', group = 'Expanding Wedges', display = display.none) risingWedgeExpandingLastPivotDirection = input.string('down', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='rwe', group='Expanding Wedges', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Rising Wedge (Expanding) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowFallingWedgeExpanding = input.bool(true, 'Falling ', inline='fwe', group = 'Expanding Wedges', display = display.none) fallingWedgeExpandingLastPivotDirection = input.string('up', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='fwe', group='Expanding Wedges', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Falling Wedge (Expanding) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowRisingWedgeContracting = input.bool(true, 'Rising ', inline='rwc', group = 'Contracting Wedges', display = display.none) risingWedgeContractingLastPivotDirection = input.string('down', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='rwc', group='Contracting Wedges', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Rising Wedge (Contracting) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowFallingWedgeContracting = input.bool(true, 'Falling ', inline='fwc', group = 'Contracting Wedges', display = display.none) fallingWedgeContractingLastPivotDirection = input.string('up', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='fwc', group='Contracting Wedges', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Falling Wedge (Contracting) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowRisingTriangleExpanding = input.bool(true, 'Ascending ', inline='rte', group = 'Expanding Triangles', display = display.none) risingTriangleExpandingLastPivotDirection = input.string('up', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='rte', group='Expanding Triangles', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Ascending Triangle (Expanding) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowFallingTriangleExpanding = input.bool(true, 'Descending', inline='fte', group = 'Expanding Triangles', display = display.none) fallingTriangleExpandingLastPivotDirection = input.string('down', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='fte', group='Expanding Triangles', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Descending Triangle (Expanding) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowExpandingTriangle = input.bool(true, 'Diverging ', inline='dt', group = 'Expanding Triangles', display = display.none) divergineTriangleLastPivotDirection = input.string('both', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='dt', group='Expanding Triangles', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Diverging Triangle and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowRisingTriangleConverging= input.bool(true, 'Ascending ', inline='rtc', group = 'Contracting Triangles', display = display.none) risingTriangleContractingLastPivotDirection = input.string('up', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='rtc', group='Contracting Triangles', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Ascending Triangle (Contracting) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowFallingTriangleConverging = input.bool(true, 'Descending', inline='ftc', group = 'Contracting Triangles', display = display.none) fallingTriangleContractingLastPivotDirection = input.string('down', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='ftc', group='Contracting Triangles', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Descending Triangle (Contracting) and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowConvergingTriangle = input.bool(true, 'Converging ', inline='ct', group = 'Contracting Triangles', display = display.none) convergingTriangleLastPivotDirection = input.string('both', '', ['up', 'down', 'both'], inline='ct', group='Contracting Triangles', display = display.none, tooltip='Enable Converging Triangle and select the last pivot direction filter. Last pivot direction will only be used if the Generic Last Pivot Direction parameter is set to Custom') allowedPatterns = array.from( false, allowUptrendChannel and allowRisingPatterns and allowParallelChannels and allowChannels, allowDowntrendChannel and allowFallingPatterns and allowParallelChannels and allowChannels, allowRangingChannel and allowNonDirectionalPatterns and allowParallelChannels and allowChannels, allowRisingWedgeExpanding and allowRisingPatterns and allowExpandingPatterns and allowWedges, allowFallingWedgeExpanding and allowFallingPatterns and allowExpandingPatterns and allowWedges, allowExpandingTriangle and allowNonDirectionalPatterns and allowExpandingPatterns and allowTriangles, allowRisingTriangleExpanding and allowRisingPatterns and allowExpandingPatterns and allowTriangles, allowFallingTriangleExpanding and allowFallingPatterns and allowExpandingPatterns and allowTriangles, allowRisingWedgeContracting and allowRisingPatterns and allowContractingPatterns and allowWedges, allowFallingWedgeContracting and allowFallingPatterns and allowContractingPatterns and allowWedges, allowConvergingTriangle and allowNonDirectionalPatterns and allowContractingPatterns and allowTriangles, allowFallingTriangleConverging and allowFallingPatterns and allowContractingPatterns and allowTriangles, allowRisingTriangleConverging and allowRisingPatterns and allowContractingPatterns and allowTriangles ) getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection)=>lastPivotDirection == 'up'? 1 : lastPivotDirection == 'down'? -1 : 0 allowedLastPivotDirections = array.from( 0, lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(upTrendChannelLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(downTrendChannelLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(rangingChannelLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(risingWedgeExpandingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(fallingWedgeExpandingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(divergineTriangleLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(risingTriangleExpandingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(fallingTriangleExpandingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(risingWedgeContractingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(fallingWedgeContractingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(convergingTriangleLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(fallingTriangleContractingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection), lastPivotDirection == 'custom'? getLastPivotDirectionInt(risingTriangleContractingLastPivotDirection) : getLastPivotDirectionInt(lastPivotDirection) ) theme = input.string('Dark', title='Theme', options=['Light', 'Dark'], group='Display', inline='pc', tooltip='Chart theme settings. Line and label colors are generted based on the theme settings. If dark theme is selected, '+ 'lighter colors are used and if light theme is selected, darker colors are used.\n\n'+ 'Pattern Line width - to be used for drawing pattern lines', display=display.none) patternLineWidth = input.int(2, '', minval=1, inline='pc', group = 'Display', display = display.none) showPatternLabel = input.bool(true, 'Pattern Label', inline='pl1', group = 'Display', display = display.none) patternLabelSize = input.string(size.normal, '', [size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], inline='pl1', group = 'Display', display = display.none, tooltip = 'Option to display Pattern Label and select the size') showPivotLabels = input.bool(true, 'Pivot Labels ', inline='pl2', group = 'Display', display = display.none, tooltip = 'Option to display pivot labels and select the size') pivotLabelSize = input.string(size.normal, '', [size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], inline='pl2', group = 'Display', display = display.none) showZigzag = input.bool(true, 'Zigzag', inline='z', group = 'Display', display = display.none) zigzagColor = input.color(color.blue, '', inline='z', group = 'Display', display = display.none, tooltip = 'Option to display zigzag within pattern and the default zigzag line color') deleteOldPatterns = input.bool(true, 'Max Patterns', inline='do', group = 'Display', display = display.none) maxPatterns = input.int(20, '', minval=1, step=5, inline = 'do', group = 'Display', display = display.none, tooltip = 'If selected, only last N patterns will be preserved on the chart.') errorRatio = errorThresold/100 flatRatio = flatThreshold/100 showLabel = true offset = 0 type Scanner bool enabled string ticker string timeframe p.ScanProperties sProperties p.DrawingProperties dProperties array<p.Pattern> patterns array<zg.Zigzag> zigzags method getZigzagAndPattern(Scanner this, int length, int depth, array<o.OHLC> ohlcArray, int offset=0)=> var zg.Zigzag zigzag = zg.Zigzag.new(length, depth, 0) var map<int, int> lastDBar = map.new<int, int>() zigzag.calculate(array.from(highSource, lowSource)) var validPatterns = 0 mlzigzag = zigzag if(zigzag.flags.newPivot) while(mlzigzag.zigzagPivots.size() >= 6+offset) lastBar = mlzigzag.zigzagPivots.first().point.index lastDir = int(math.sign(mlzigzag.zigzagPivots.first().dir)) if(lastDBar.contains(mlzigzag.level)? lastDBar.get(mlzigzag.level) < lastBar : true) lastDBar.put(mlzigzag.level, lastBar) [valid, currentPattern] = mlzigzag.find(this.sProperties, this.dProperties, this.patterns, ohlcArray) if(valid) validPatterns+=1 currentPattern.draw() this.patterns.push(currentPattern, maxPatterns) alert('New Pattern Alert') else break mlzigzag := mlzigzag.nextlevel() true method scan(Scanner this)=> var array<o.OHLC> ohlcArray = array.new<o.OHLC>() var array<p.Pattern> patterns = array.new<p.Pattern>() ohlcArray.push(o.OHLC.new(openSource, highSource, lowSource, closeSource)) if(useZigzag1) this.getZigzagAndPattern(zigzagLength1, depth1, ohlcArray) if(useZigzag2) this.getZigzagAndPattern(zigzagLength2, depth2, ohlcArray) if(useZigzag3) this.getZigzagAndPattern(zigzagLength3, depth3, ohlcArray) if(useZigzag4) this.getZigzagAndPattern(zigzagLength4, depth4, ohlcArray) var scanner = Scanner.new(true, "", "", p.ScanProperties.new(offset, numberOfPivots, errorRatio, flatRatio, checkBarRatio, barRatioLimit, avoidOverlap, allowedPatterns=allowedPatterns, allowedLastPivotDirections= allowedLastPivotDirections, themeColors = ut.getColors(theme)), p.DrawingProperties.new(patternLineWidth, showZigzag, 1, zigzagColor, showPatternLabel, patternLabelSize, showPivotLabels, pivotLabelSize, deleteOnPop = deleteOldPatterns), array.new<p.Pattern>()) if(barstate.isconfirmed or repaint) scanner.scan() // Get user input sensitivity = input.float(5.5, "Sensitivity (0.5 - 12)", 0.5, 12, step=0.05, group = 'Settings') ShowSmartTrail = input.bool(true, 'Smart Trail ', inline = 'overlayLine1', group = 'Settings') maj = input(true, title='TP Points', inline = 'overlayLine1', group = 'Settings') show_ha = input.bool(false, 'Trend Tracker', inline = 'overlayLine2', group = 'Settings') usePsar = input.bool(false, 'PSAR', inline = 'overlayLine3', group = 'Settings') Show_rangefilter = input.bool(true, 'Range Filter', inline = 'overlayLine4', group = 'Settings') // Functions supertrend(_src, factor, atrLen) => atrat = ta.atr(atrLen) upperBand = _src + factor * atrat lowerBand = _src - factor * atrat prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1]) prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1]) lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close[1] < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close[1] > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand int direction = na float superTrend = na prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1] if na(atrat[1]) direction := 1 else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand direction := close > upperBand ? -1 : 1 else direction := close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1 superTrend := direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand [superTrend, direction] // Get Components ocAvg = math.avg(open, close) ema1 = ta.ema(high, 9) ema2 = ta.ema(high, 12) ema3 = ta.ema(high, 15) ema4 = ta.ema(high, 18) sma1 = ta.sma(close, 5) sma2 = ta.sma(close, 6) sma3 = ta.sma(close, 7) sma4 = ta.sma(close, 8) sma5 = ta.sma(close, 9) sma6 = ta.sma(close, 10) sma7 = ta.sma(close, 11) sma8 = ta.sma(close, 12) sma9 = ta.sma(close, 13) sma10 = ta.sma(close, 14) sma11 = ta.sma(close, 15) sma12 = ta.sma(close, 16) sma13 = ta.sma(close, 17) sma14 = ta.sma(close, 18) sma15 = ta.sma(close, 19) sma16 = ta.sma(close, 20) psar = ta.sar(0.02, 0.02, 0.2) [supertrend, direction] = supertrend(close, sensitivity, 11) barsL = 10 barsR = 10 pivotHigh = fixnan(ta.pivothigh(barsL, barsR)[1]) pivotLow = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(barsL, barsR)[1]) // Colors green = #04994b, green2 = #15c02a red = #b4060d, red2 = #ff0002 p5 = plot(ocAvg, "", na, editable=false) p6 = plot(psar, "PSAR", usePsar ? (psar < ocAvg ? green : red) : na, 1, plot.style_circles, editable=false) fill(p5, p6, usePsar ? (psar < ocAvg ? color.new(green, 90) : color.new(red, 90)) : na, editable=false) y1 = low - (ta.atr(30) * 2) y2 = high + (ta.atr(30) * 2) bull = ta.crossover(close, supertrend) and close >= sma9 bear = ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) and close <= sma9 buy = bull ? label.new(bar_index, y1, "▲", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #04994b, label.style_label_up, color.white, size.normal) : na sell = bear ? label.new(bar_index, y2, "▼", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #b4060d, label.style_label_down, color.white, size.normal) : na // Strong TP Points // maj_qual = 13 maj_len = 40 min_qual = 5 min_len = 5 min = false selll = 0.0 buyy = 0.0 lele(qual, len) => bindex = 0.0 sindex = 0.0 bindex := nz(bindex[1], 0) sindex := nz(sindex[1], 0) ret = 0 if close > close[4] bindex += 1 bindex if close < close[4] sindex += 1 sindex if bindex > qual and close < open and high >= ta.highest(high, len) bindex := 0 ret := -1 ret if sindex > qual and close > open and low <= ta.lowest(low, len) sindex := 0 ret := 1 ret return_1 = ret return_1 major = lele(maj_qual, maj_len) minor = lele(min_qual, min_len) if minor == -1 and min == true selll := 1 selll if major == -1 and maj == true selll := 2 selll if major == -1 and maj == true and minor == -1 and min == true selll := 3 selll if minor == 1 and min == true buyy := 1 buyy if major == 1 and maj == true buyy := 2 buyy if major == 1 and maj == true and minor == 1 and min == true buyy := 3 buyy plotshape(selll == 2, style=shape.xcross, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#354996, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0), offset=0) plotshape(buyy == 2, style=shape.xcross, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(#354996, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0), offset=0) // Ha Market Bias // tf(_res, _exp, gaps_on) => gaps_on == 0 ? request.security(syminfo.tickerid, _res, _exp) : gaps_on == true ? request.security(syminfo.tickerid, _res, _exp, barmerge.gaps_on, barmerge.lookahead_off) : request.security(syminfo.tickerid, _res, _exp, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_off) ha_htf = '' ha_len = 100 ha_len2 = 100 // Calculations { o = ta.ema(open, ha_len) c = ta.ema(close, ha_len) h = ta.ema(high, ha_len) l = ta.ema(low, ha_len) haclose = tf(ha_htf, (o + h + l + c) / 4, 0) xhaopen = tf(ha_htf, (o + c) / 2, 0) haopen = na(xhaopen[1]) ? (o + c) / 2 : (xhaopen[1] + haclose[1]) / 2 hahigh = math.max(h, math.max(haopen, haclose)) halow = math.min(l, math.min(haopen, haclose)) o2 = tf(ha_htf, ta.ema(haopen, ha_len2), 0) c2 = tf(ha_htf, ta.ema(haclose, ha_len2), 0) h2 = tf(ha_htf, ta.ema(hahigh, ha_len2), 0) l2 = tf(ha_htf, ta.ema(halow, ha_len2), 0) ha_avg = (h2 + l2) / 2 // } // Oscillator { osc_len = 7 osc_bias = 100 *(c2 - o2) osc_smooth = ta.ema(osc_bias, osc_len) sigcolor = (osc_bias > 0) and (osc_bias >= osc_smooth) ? color.new(color.lime, 35) : (osc_bias > 0) and (osc_bias < osc_smooth) ? color.new(color.lime, 75) : (osc_bias < 0) and (osc_bias <= osc_smooth) ? color.new(color.red, 35) : (osc_bias < 0) and (osc_bias > osc_smooth) ? color.new(color.red, 75) : na // } // Plots { p_h = plot(h2, "Bias High", color=color(na), display=display.none, editable=false) p_l = plot(l2, "Bias Low", color=color(na), display=display.none, editable=false) p_avg = plot(ha_avg, "Bias Avergae", color=color(na), display=display.none, editable=false) fill(p_l, p_h, show_ha ? sigcolor : na) col = o2 > c2 ? color.red : color.lime // } // Range Filter DW //---------------------Range Filter---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Conditional Sampling EMA Function Cond_EMA(x, cond, n) => var val = array.new_float(0) var ema_val = array.new_float(1) if cond array.push(val, x) if array.size(val) > 1 array.remove(val, 0) if na(array.get(ema_val, 0)) array.fill(ema_val, array.get(val, 0)) array.set(ema_val, 0, (array.get(val, 0) - array.get(ema_val, 0)) * (2 / (n + 1)) + array.get(ema_val, 0)) EMA = array.get(ema_val, 0) EMA //Conditional Sampling SMA Function Cond_SMA(x, cond, n) => var vals = array.new_float(0) if cond array.push(vals, x) if array.size(vals) > n array.remove(vals, 0) SMA = array.avg(vals) SMA //Standard Deviation Function Stdev(x, n) => math.sqrt(Cond_SMA(math.pow(x, 2), 1, n) - math.pow(Cond_SMA(x, 1, n), 2)) //Range Size Function rng_size(x, scale, qty, n) => ATR = Cond_EMA(ta.tr(true), 1, n) AC = Cond_EMA(math.abs(x - x[1]), 1, n) SD = Stdev(x, n) rng_size = scale == 'Pips' ? qty * 0.0001 : scale == 'Points' ? qty * syminfo.pointvalue : scale == '% of Price' ? close * qty / 100 : scale == 'ATR' ? qty * ATR : scale == 'Average Change' ? qty * AC : scale == 'Standard Deviation' ? qty * SD : scale == 'Ticks' ? qty * syminfo.mintick : qty rng_size //Two Type Range Filter Function rng_filt(h, l, rng_, n, type, smooth, sn, av_rf, av_n) => rng_smooth = Cond_EMA(rng_, 1, sn) r = smooth ? rng_smooth : rng_ var rfilt = array.new_float(2, (h + l) / 2) array.set(rfilt, 1, array.get(rfilt, 0)) if type == 'Type 1' if h - r > array.get(rfilt, 1) array.set(rfilt, 0, h - r) if l + r < array.get(rfilt, 1) array.set(rfilt, 0, l + r) if type == 'Type 2' if h >= array.get(rfilt, 1) + r array.set(rfilt, 0, array.get(rfilt, 1) + math.floor(math.abs(h - array.get(rfilt, 1)) / r) * r) if l <= array.get(rfilt, 1) - r array.set(rfilt, 0, array.get(rfilt, 1) - math.floor(math.abs(l - array.get(rfilt, 1)) / r) * r) rng_filt1 = array.get(rfilt, 0) hi_band1 = rng_filt1 + r lo_band1 = rng_filt1 - r rng_filt2 = Cond_EMA(rng_filt1, rng_filt1 != rng_filt1[1], av_n) hi_band2 = Cond_EMA(hi_band1, rng_filt1 != rng_filt1[1], av_n) lo_band2 = Cond_EMA(lo_band1, rng_filt1 != rng_filt1[1], av_n) rng_filt = av_rf ? rng_filt2 : rng_filt1 hi_band = av_rf ? hi_band2 : hi_band1 lo_band = av_rf ? lo_band2 : lo_band1 [hi_band, lo_band, rng_filt] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Inputs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Filter Type f_type = 'Type 2' //Movement Source mov_src = 'Close' //Range Size Inputs rng_qty = 2.618 rng_scale = 'Average Change' //Range Period rng_per = 14 //Range Smoothing Inputs smooth_range = true smooth_per = 27 //Filter Value Averaging Inputs av_vals = false av_samples = 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Definitions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //High And Low Values h_val = mov_src == 'Wicks' ? high : close l_val = mov_src == 'Wicks' ? low : close //Range Filter Values [h_band, l_band, filt] = rng_filt(h_val, l_val, rng_size((h_val + l_val) / 2, rng_scale, rng_qty, rng_per), rng_per, f_type, smooth_range, smooth_per, av_vals, av_samples) //Direction Conditions var fdir = 0.0 fdir := filt > filt[1] ? 1 : filt < filt[1] ? -1 : fdir upward = fdir == 1 ? 1 : 0 downward = fdir == -1 ? 1 : 0 //Colors filt_color = upward ? #36db7f : downward ? #be130f : #cccccc //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Outputs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Filter Plot filt_plot = plot(Show_rangefilter ? filt : na, color=filt_color, linewidth=3, title='Filter', transp=0) //Bar Color //External Trend Output plot(fdir, editable=false, display=display.none, title='External Output - Trend Signal', transp=100) // Smart Trail trailType = input.string('modified', 'Trailtype', options=['modified', 'unmodified']) ATRPeriod = input(13, 'ATR Period') ATRFactor = input(4, 'ATR Factor') smoothing = input(8, 'Smoothing') norm_o = request.security(ticker.new(syminfo.prefix, syminfo.ticker), timeframe.period, open) norm_h = request.security(ticker.new(syminfo.prefix, syminfo.ticker), timeframe.period, high) norm_l = request.security(ticker.new(syminfo.prefix, syminfo.ticker), timeframe.period, low) norm_c = request.security(ticker.new(syminfo.prefix, syminfo.ticker), timeframe.period, close) //} //////// FUNCTIONS ////////////// //{ // Wilders ma // Wild_ma(_src, _malength) => _wild = 0.0 _wild := nz(_wild[1]) + (_src - nz(_wild[1])) / _malength _wild /////////// TRUE RANGE CALCULATIONS ///////////////// HiLo = math.min(norm_h - norm_l, 1.5 * nz(ta.sma(norm_h - norm_l, ATRPeriod))) HRef = norm_l <= norm_h[1] ? norm_h - norm_c[1] : norm_h - norm_c[1] - 0.5 * (norm_l - norm_h[1]) LRef = norm_h >= norm_l[1] ? norm_c[1] - norm_l : norm_c[1] - norm_l - 0.5 * (norm_l[1] - norm_h) trueRange = trailType == 'modified' ? math.max(HiLo, HRef, LRef) : math.max(norm_h - norm_l, math.abs(norm_h - norm_c[1]), math.abs(norm_l - norm_c[1])) //} /////////// TRADE LOGIC //////////////////////// //{ loss = ATRFactor * Wild_ma(trueRange, ATRPeriod) Up = norm_c - loss Dn = norm_c + loss TrendUp = Up TrendDown = Dn Trend = 1 TrendUp := norm_c[1] > TrendUp[1] ? math.max(Up, TrendUp[1]) : Up TrendDown := norm_c[1] < TrendDown[1] ? math.min(Dn, TrendDown[1]) : Dn Trend := norm_c > TrendDown[1] ? 1 : norm_c < TrendUp[1] ? -1 : nz(Trend[1], 1) trail = Trend == 1 ? TrendUp : TrendDown ex = 0.0 ex := ta.crossover(Trend, 0) ? norm_h : ta.crossunder(Trend, 0) ? norm_l : Trend == 1 ? math.max(ex[1], norm_h) : Trend == -1 ? math.min(ex[1], norm_l) : ex[1] //} // //////// PLOT TP and SL ///////////// ////// FIBONACCI LEVELS /////////// //{ state = Trend == 1 ? 'long' : 'short' fib1Level = 61.8 fib2Level = 78.6 fib3Level = 88.6 f1 = ex + (trail - ex) * fib1Level / 100 f2 = ex + (trail - ex) * fib2Level / 100 f3 = ex + (trail - ex) * fib3Level / 100 l100 = trail + 0 fill(plot(ShowSmartTrail ? (ta.sma(trail, smoothing)) : na, 'Trailingstop', style=plot.style_line, color=Trend == 1 ? color.new(#2157f9, 0) : Trend == -1 ? color.new(#ff1100, 0) : na), plot( ShowSmartTrail ? (ta.sma(f2, smoothing)) : na, 'Fib 2', style=plot.style_line, display=display.none), color=state == 'long' ? color.new(#2157f9, 80) : state == 'short' ? color.new(#ff1100, 80) : na) //} // Candle Coloring // Input fastLength = input(title="Fast Length", defval=12) slowLength = input(title="Slow Length", defval=26) srrrc = input(title="Source", defval=close) signalLength = input.int(title="Signal Smoothing", minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9) // Data reference [macd, signal, hist] = ta.macd(srrrc, fastLength, slowLength, signalLength) // 4 level of green greenHigh = #05df09 greenMidHigh = #05df09 greenMidLow = #388E3C greenLow = #5f3a97 // Yellow yellowLow = #5f3a97 // 4 level of red redHigh = #ea0402 redMidHigh = #ea0402 redMidLow = #cc0402 redLow = #5f3a97 // Default color candleBody = yellowLow // Ranging trend if hist > 0 if hist > hist[1] and hist[1] > 0 candleBody := greenLow if hist < 0 if hist < hist[1] and hist[1] < 0 candleBody := redLow // Bullish trend if macd > 0 and hist > 0 candleBody := greenMidLow if hist > hist[1] and macd[1] > 0 and hist[1] > 0 candleBody := greenMidHigh if hist > hist[2] and macd[2] > 0 and hist[2] > 0 candleBody := greenHigh // Bearish trend if macd < 0 and hist < 0 candleBody := redMidLow if hist < hist[1] and macd[1] < 0 and hist[1] < 0 candleBody := redMidHigh if hist < hist[2] and macd[2] < 0 and hist[2] < 0 candleBody := redHigh barcolor(candleBody) // Include suggestion by Shaheen204
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