#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int arraySize;
int heapSize;
int auxSize;
int casos = 0;
class heapBinary {
int cases;
int id;
int parentof(int pos) { return floor((pos - 1) / 2); }
int leftChild(int pos) { return 2 * pos + 1; }
int rightChild(int pos) { return 2 * pos + 2; }
void heapBuild(int aux[]) {
int lastnonLeaf = floor(heapSize / 2) - 1;
for (int i = lastnonLeaf; i >= 0; i--)
this->bubbleDown(i, aux);
heapBinary() {}
void swap(int pos1, int pos2,
int aux[]) { // pos1 is the node to be swapped, pos2 is the last
// node, or maybe other node
aux[this[pos1].id] = pos2;
aux[this[pos2].id] = pos1;
heapBinary heapTemp = this[pos1];
this[pos1] = this[pos2];
this[pos2] = heapTemp;
int bubbleDown(int pos, int aux[]) {
int rChild = this->rightChild(pos);
int lChild = this->leftChild(pos);
int parent = pos;
int trigger = 0;
if (lChild < heapSize) {
if ((this[lChild].cases > this[parent].cases) ||
((this[lChild].cases == this[parent].cases) &&
(this[lChild].id > this[parent].id))) {
parent = lChild;
trigger = 1;
if (rChild < heapSize) {
if ((this[rChild].cases > this[parent].cases) ||
((this[rChild].cases == this[parent].cases) &&
(this[rChild].id > this[parent].id))) {
parent = rChild;
trigger = 1;
if (trigger) {
this->swap(pos, parent, aux);
return this->bubbleDown(parent, aux);
return 1; // useless
void bubbleUp(int pos, int aux[]) {
int position2 = pos;
heapBinary c1;
heapBinary c2;
while (position2 = this->parentof(position2),
(pos > 0) && (this[pos].cases >= this[position2].cases)) {
c1 = this[pos];
c2 = this[position2];
if (((c1.cases == c2.cases) && (c1.id > c2.id)) ||
(c1.cases > c2.cases)) {
this->swap(pos, position2, aux);
pos = position2;
void heapInsert(int newid, int newcases, int aux[]) {
this[heapSize].cases = newcases;
this[heapSize].id = newid;
casos += newcases;
this->bubbleUp(heapSize, aux);
void heapExtract(int pos, int aux[]) { // pos is the node to be swapped
casos -= this[pos].cases;
this[pos].cases = -1;
this->swap(pos, heapSize - 1, aux); // pos swaps with last node
this->bubbleDown(pos, aux);
void duplicate(heapBinary **add, int **arr) {
arraySize *= 2;
int *newArray = new int[arraySize];
heapBinary *heap2 = new heapBinary[arraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < auxSize; i++) {
heap2[i] = *((add[0] + i));
newArray[i] = *((arr[0] + i));
delete[] * add;
delete[] * arr;
*add = heap2;
*arr = newArray;
int main() {
std::string choice;
std::string param1;
std::string param2;
int N;
std::cin >> N;
arraySize = auxSize = N;
heapSize = N;
int *auxArray = new int[N];
heapBinary *hospitais = new heapBinary[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
std::cin >> hospitais[i].cases;
hospitais[i].id = i;
auxArray[i] = i;
casos += hospitais[i].cases;
while (std::cin >> choice, choice != "END", std::cin >> param1) {
if (choice == "NEW") {
std::cin >> param2;
if (auxSize == arraySize)
duplicate(&hospitais, &auxArray);
auxArray[auxSize] = heapSize;
hospitais->heapInsert(std::stoi(param1), std::stoi(param2), auxArray);
std::cout << std::to_string(hospitais[0].id) << " "
<< std::to_string(hospitais[0].cases) << std::endl;
} else if (choice == "DEL") {
int indexH = auxArray[std::stoi(param1)];
hospitais->heapExtract(indexH, auxArray);
std::cout << std::to_string(hospitais[0].id) << " "
<< std::to_string(hospitais[0].cases) << std::endl;
} else if (choice == "IN") {
std::cin >> param2;
int indexH = auxArray[stoi(param1)];
hospitais[indexH].cases += stoi(param2);
casos += stoi(param2);
hospitais->bubbleUp(indexH, auxArray);
std::cout << std::to_string(hospitais[auxArray[stoi(param1)]].cases)
<< std::endl;
} else if (choice == "OUT") {
std::cin >> param2;
int indexH = auxArray[stoi(param1)];
hospitais[indexH].cases -= stoi(param2);
casos -= stoi(param2);
hospitais->bubbleDown(indexH, auxArray);
std::cout << std::to_string(hospitais[auxArray[stoi(param1)]].cases)
<< std::endl;
} else if (choice == "PAY") {
int resources = stoi(param1);
int howMany = 0;
while ((resources-- > 0) && (hospitais[0].cases > 0)) {
hospitais[0].cases -= 1;
casos -= 1;
hospitais->bubbleDown(0, auxArray);
std::cout << std::to_string(howMany) << std::endl;
delete[] hospitais;
delete[] auxArray;
std::cout << std::to_string(casos) << std::endl;