a year ago
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CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mdm.codelco_average_time_complete_cataloging(organization integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, creation_user uuid DEFAULT NULL::uuid) RETURNS SETOF mdm.codelco_step_log LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ declare query text := ''; begin IF organization IS NOT NULL then query := 'select CAST((DATE_PART(''day'', tb.integrated_action_date::timestamp - tb.creation_action_date::timestamp) * 24 + DATE_PART(''hour'', tb.integrated_action_date::timestamp - tb.creation_action_date::timestamp)) as int4) as id, workflow_id, material_creation_id, action_id ,action_date ,end_action ,user_id , before_step , actual_step ,rejection_reason_id ,"comment" from ( select *,(select action_date from mdm.codelco_step_log cs where cs.material_creation_id = csl.material_creation_id and cs.action_id = 25 limit 1 ) as "creation_action_date", csl.action_date as "integrated_action_date" from mdm.codelco_step_log csl inner join mdm.codelco_material_creation cmc on cmc.id = csl.material_creation_id where action_id in (28) and organization_division_id =' || organization || ' ) as tb where tb.creation_action_date is not null;'; ELSE query := 'select CAST((DATE_PART(''day'', tb.integrated_action_date::timestamp - tb.creation_action_date::timestamp) * 24 + DATE_PART(''hour'', tb.integrated_action_date::timestamp - tb.creation_action_date::timestamp)) as int4) as id, workflow_id, material_creation_id, action_id ,action_date ,end_action ,user_id , before_step , actual_step ,rejection_reason_id ,"comment" from ( select *,(select action_date from mdm.codelco_step_log cs where cs.material_creation_id = csl.material_creation_id and cs.action_id = 25 limit 1 ) as "creation_action_date", csl.action_date as "integrated_action_date" from mdm.codelco_step_log csl inner join mdm.codelco_material_creation cmc on cmc.id = csl.material_creation_id where action_id in (28)) as tb where tb.creation_action_date is not null;'; END IF; RETURN QUERY EXECUTE query; END; $function$