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currentPage: Tracks the current page number. questionsPerPage: Sets the number of questions per page (5). currentQuestions: Computes the questions to display based on the current page. Pagination Controls: "Previous" and "Next" buttons allow navigation and are disabled on the first or last page.user_3824920
16 days ago
674 B
@track questions = []; @track currentPage = 1; // Current page questionsPerPage = 5; // Number of questions per page get currentQuestions() { const start = (this.currentPage - 1) * this.questionsPerPage; const end = start + this.questionsPerPage; return this.questions.slice(start, end); } get isFirstPage() { return this.currentPage === 1; } get isLastPage() { return this.currentPage * this.questionsPerPage >= this.questions.length; } previousPage() { if (this.currentPage > 1) { this.currentPage--; } } nextPage() { if (!this.isLastPage) { this.currentPage++; } }
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