a year ago
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local BLOCK = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} local WEDGE = {0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7} local CORNER_WEDGE = {0, 1, 4, 5, 6} -- Class local ViewportModelClass = {} ViewportModelClass.__index = ViewportModelClass ViewportModelClass.ClassName = "ViewportModel" -- Private local function getIndices(part) if part:IsA("WedgePart") then return WEDGE elseif part:IsA("CornerWedgePart") then return CORNER_WEDGE end return BLOCK end local function getCorners(cf, size2, indices) local corners = {} for j, i in pairs(indices) do corners[j] = cf * (size2 * Vector3.new( 2 * (math.floor(i / 4) % 2) - 1, 2 * (math.floor(i / 2) % 2) - 1, 2 * (i % 2) - 1 )) end return corners end local function getModelPointCloud(model) local points = {} for _, part in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then local indices = getIndices(part) local corners = getCorners(part.CFrame, part.Size / 2, indices) for _, wp in pairs(corners) do table.insert(points, wp) end end end return points end local function viewProjectionEdgeHits(cloud, axis, depth, tanFov2) local max, min = -math.huge, math.huge for _, lp in pairs(cloud) do local distance = depth - lp.Z local halfSpan = tanFov2 * distance local a = lp[axis] + halfSpan local b = lp[axis] - halfSpan max = math.max(max, a, b) min = math.min(min, a, b) end return max, min end -- Public Constructors function ViewportModelClass.new(camera) local self = setmetatable({}, ViewportModelClass) self.Model = nil self.Camera = camera self._points = {} self._modelCFrame = CFrame.new() self._modelSize = Vector3.new() self._modelRadius = 0 self._viewport = {} self:Calibrate() return self end -- Public Methods -- Used to set the model that is being focused on -- should be used for new models and/or a change in the current model -- e.g. parts added/removed from the model or the model cframe changed function ViewportModelClass:SetModel(model) self.Model = model local cf, size = model:GetBoundingBox() self._points = getModelPointCloud(model) self._modelCFrame = cf self._modelSize = size self._modelRadius = size.Magnitude / 2 end -- Should be called when something about the viewport frame / camera changes -- e.g. the frame size or the camera field of view function ViewportModelClass:Calibrate() local viewport = {} local size = workspace.Camera.ViewportSize viewport.aspect = size.X / size.Y viewport.yFov2 = math.rad(self.Camera.FieldOfView / 2) viewport.tanyFov2 = math.tan(viewport.yFov2) viewport.xFov2 = math.atan(viewport.tanyFov2 * viewport.aspect) viewport.tanxFov2 = math.tan(viewport.xFov2) viewport.cFov2 = math.atan(viewport.tanyFov2 * math.min(1, viewport.aspect)) viewport.sincFov2 = math.sin(viewport.cFov2) self._viewport = viewport end -- returns a fixed distance that is guarnteed to encapsulate the full model -- this is useful for when you want to rotate freely around an object w/o expensive calculations -- focus position can be used to set the origin of where the camera's looking -- otherwise the model's center is assumed function ViewportModelClass:GetFitDistance(focusPosition) local displacement = focusPosition and (focusPosition - self._modelCFrame.Position).Magnitude or 0 local radius = self._modelRadius + displacement return radius / self._viewport.sincFov2 end -- returns the optimal camera cframe that would be needed to best fit -- the model in the viewport frame at the given orientation. -- keep in mind this functions best when the model's point-cloud is correct -- as such models that rely heavily on meshesh, csg, etc will only return an accurate -- result as their point cloud function ViewportModelClass:GetMinimumFitCFrame(orientation) if not self.Model then return CFrame.new() end local rotation = orientation - orientation.Position local rInverse = rotation:Inverse() local wcloud = self._points local cloud = {rInverse * wcloud[1]} local furthest = cloud[1].Z for i = 2, #wcloud do local lp = rInverse * wcloud[i] furthest = math.min(furthest, lp.Z) cloud[i] = lp end local hMax, hMin = viewProjectionEdgeHits(cloud, "X", furthest, self._viewport.tanxFov2) local vMax, vMin = viewProjectionEdgeHits(cloud, "Y", furthest, self._viewport.tanyFov2) local distance = math.max( ((hMax - hMin) / 2) / self._viewport.tanxFov2, ((vMax - vMin) / 2) / self._viewport.tanyFov2 ) return orientation * CFrame.new( (hMax + hMin) / 2, (vMax + vMin) / 2, furthest + distance ) end local selected = game.Selection:Get()[1] local viewportModel = ViewportModelClass.new(workspace.CurrentCamera) viewportModel:SetModel(selected) workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = viewportModel:GetMinimumFitCFrame(CFrame.new())