a year ago
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--[[ Requires modules to be loaded and adds them to a table Required at runtime by server/client bootstrappers ]] local Players = game:GetService("Players") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") _G.MemTrack = { Groups = {}, Add = function(self, groupName, object) local group = self.Groups[groupName] if not group then group = { Size = 0, Objects = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }) } self.Groups[groupName] = group end group.Size += 1 group.Objects[group.Size] = object return object end, CountObjectsAsync = function(self) if not self.Counting then task.spawn(function() self.Counting = true local result = {} local nextYield = os.clock() + 0.2e-3 local function throttle() if os.clock() >= nextYield then task.wait() nextYield = os.clock() + 0.2e-3 end end for groupName,group in pairs(self.Groups) do for index = group.Size, 1, -1 do if not group.Objects[index] then group.Objects[index] = group.Objects[group.Size] group.Objects[group.Size] = nil group.Size -= 1 end throttle() end result[groupName] = group.Size throttle() end self.LastCount = result self.Counting = false end) end while self.Counting do task.wait() end return self.LastCount end, } local Global = { IsClient = RunService:IsClient(), IsServer = RunService:IsServer(), RNG = Random.new() } local InitList = {} --[[ Iterate through modules and initialize them and add to Global ]] local IsServer = game:GetService("RunService"):IsServer() local function loadModules(root) for i,module in root:GetChildren() do if module:IsA("Folder") then loadModules(module) end if not module:IsA("ModuleScript") then continue end local requiredModule = require(module) if type(requiredModule) ~= "table" and type(requiredModule) ~= "function" then continue end local skipLoad = module:GetAttribute("SkipLoad") if not skipLoad then InitList[module.Name] = requiredModule end if typeof(requiredModule) == "table" then requiredModule._skipLoad = skipLoad end Global[module.Name] = requiredModule end end function Global:TriggerInit() for moduleName,module in InitList do if type(module) ~= "table" then continue end if module.Init and typeof(module.Init) == "function" then module:Init() end end --[[ Start ensures safety(other modules are initialized at this point)]] for moduleName,module in InitList do if type(module) ~= "table" then continue end if moduleName == "ClientPlayerData" then continue -- We start this manually in the loading gate end if module.Start and typeof(module.Start) == "function" then module:Start() end end self:AfterStart() end function Global:AfterStart() for i,module in Global do if typeof(module) ~= "table" then continue end if module._skipLoad then continue end --[[ Module updates ]] for i,tab in module do if typeof(tab) ~= "table" then continue end local label = tab.UpdateLabel if label and tab.fn then local fn = tab.fn Global:BindToHeartbeat(label,tab.Priority or Global.EventPriority.Default,function(dt) fn(module,dt) end) end end -- end end task.defer(function() print("Loading modules...") loadModules(ReplicatedStorage.SharedModules) --[[ Some commonly used things ]] Global.FrameDelta = Global.Mathf.FrameDelta Global.FrameDeltaAlpha = function(n,dt) return math.clamp(Global.FrameDelta((1/60) / n,dt),0,1) end -- if IsServer then loadModules(game.ServerStorage.ServerModules) else Global.Mouse = Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() Global.Player = Players.LocalPlayer loadModules(ReplicatedStorage.ClientModules) end loadModules(game.ReplicatedFirst.Modules) -- print("Modules loaded") --[[ Init sharedvalues ]] if Global.IsServer then Global.SharedValues = {} else Global.SharedValues = Global.Network:InvokeServer("GetSharedValues") end if Global.IsServer then local sharedValues = Global.SharedValues Global.Network:BindFunctions({ GetSharedValues = function(player) if player:GetAttribute("GotSharedValues") then return end player:SetAttribute("GotSharedValues", true) return sharedValues end, }) end -- for i,v in pairs(Global.GameEvents) do Global[i] = v end if RunService:IsServer() then Global:TriggerInit() end Global.IsLoaded = true end) return Global