
a month ago
3.4 kB
import os
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd

# Set the database path
os.environ['SQLITE_DB_PATH'] = r'/c01/home/lidtd3o/APP_K/app_db_new.db'

def fetch_relevant_data(program_ids):
    Fetch relevant data for all program IDs in a single query.
    conn = sqlite3.connect(os.getenv('SQLITE_DB_PATH'))
    program_ids_tuple = tuple(program_ids)
    # Prepare the SQL query
    query = f"""
        WHERE PROGRAM_NAME IN ({','.join(['?'] * len(program_ids_tuple))})
    # Fetch data and close the connection
    data = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, params=program_ids_tuple)
    return data

def get_child_parent_mapping(df, data):
    Map children and parents using the pre-fetched data.
    # Create a mapping for quick lookup
    parent_child_map = {}
    for _, row in data.iterrows():
        program = row['PROGRAM_NAME']
        var_name = row['VARIABLE_NAME']
        var_parent = row['VARIABLE_PARENT']

        if program not in parent_child_map:
            parent_child_map[program] = {}
        parent_child_map[program][var_name] = var_parent

    def process_row(row):
        Process each row to extract child and parent.
        program = row['pgm_name']
        var_name = row['target_value']

        if not pd.notna(var_name):  # Skip empty or NaN values
            return None, None

        # Handle variables with ' OF ' directly
        if ' OF ' in var_name:
            parts = [part.strip() for part in var_name.split(' OF ')]
            return parts[0], parts[1]

        # Look up in parent-child map
        mapping = parent_child_map.get(program, {})
        parent = mapping.get(var_name, None)
        child = next((key for key, value in mapping.items() if value == var_name), None)

        return child, parent

    # Apply the process_row function to the DataFrame
    results = df.apply(process_row, axis=1)
    df[['child', 'parent']] = pd.DataFrame(results.tolist(), index=df.index)
    return df

def batch_process(df, batch_size=10000):
    Process the DataFrame in batches for efficiency.
    # Fetch unique program IDs
    program_ids = df['pgm_name'].unique()
    # Fetch all relevant data for these program IDs
    data = fetch_relevant_data(program_ids)

    # Process data in batches
    batches = [df[i:i+batch_size] for i in range(0, len(df), batch_size)]
    results = []

    for batch in batches:
        processed_batch = get_child_parent_mapping(batch, data)

    # Combine all batches into a single DataFrame
    final_df = pd.concat(results, ignore_index=True)
    return final_df

# Example Usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load your large dataset (replace this with your actual file or data source)
    df = pd.read_csv('your_large_file.csv')  # Replace with your dataset

    # Process the data in batches
    final_df = batch_process(df, batch_size=10000)

    # Save the processed results with all columns
    final_df.to_csv('processed_output_with_all_columns.csv', index=False)
    print("Batch processing completed. Results saved to 'processed_output_with_all_columns.csv'.")
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