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Sub HighlightAndCountFillerWords() Dim FillerWords As Variant Dim WordCount As Object Dim i As Integer Dim WordToFind As String Dim ColorIndex As Long Dim WordDict As Object Dim FoundCount As Integer Dim Msg As String Dim Word As String Dim AllWords() As String Dim TotalWords As Object Dim CurrentWord As String ' Define the list of filler words FillerWords = Array("like", "um", "uh", "basically", "actually", "you know", "sort of", "kind of", "literally") ' Initialize dictionary for filler words count Set WordDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' Initialize dictionary for all words count Set TotalWords = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' Loop through the list of filler words For i = LBound(FillerWords) To UBound(FillerWords) WordToFind = FillerWords(i) ' Set different colors based on the index Select Case i Case 0: ColorIndex = wdYellow Case 1: ColorIndex = wdTurquoise Case 2: ColorIndex = wdPink Case 3: ColorIndex = wdBrightGreen Case 4: ColorIndex = wdGray25 Case 5: ColorIndex = wdBlue Case 6: ColorIndex = wdRed Case 7: ColorIndex = wdTeal Case 8: ColorIndex = wdViolet End Select ' Count and highlight the filler word FoundCount = 0 With ActiveDocument.Content.Find .Text = WordToFind .Replacement.Text = "" .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Format = True .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = True .Replacement.Highlight = True .Replacement.HighlightColorIndex = ColorIndex Do While .Execute(Replace:=wdReplaceNone) = True FoundCount = FoundCount + 1 Loop End With ' Store the count of each filler word If FoundCount > 0 Then WordDict(WordToFind) = FoundCount End If Next i ' Count all words in the document AllWords = Split(ActiveDocument.Content.Text, " ") For i = LBound(AllWords) To UBound(AllWords) CurrentWord = Trim(LCase(AllWords(i))) ' Remove punctuation from the word CurrentWord = Replace(CurrentWord, ".", "") CurrentWord = Replace(CurrentWord, ",", "") CurrentWord = Replace(CurrentWord, ";", "") CurrentWord = Replace(CurrentWord, ":", "") CurrentWord = Replace(CurrentWord, "?", "") CurrentWord = Replace(CurrentWord, "!", "") ' Count the occurrences of each word If Len(CurrentWord) > 0 Then If TotalWords.Exists(CurrentWord) Then TotalWords(CurrentWord) = TotalWords(CurrentWord) + 1 Else TotalWords.Add CurrentWord, 1 End If End If Next i ' Build the result message for filler words Msg = "Filler Words Count:" & vbCrLf For Each Word In WordDict.Keys Msg = Msg & Word & ": " & WordDict(Word) & vbCrLf Next Word ' Build the result message for most common words Msg = Msg & vbCrLf & "Most Common Words:" & vbCrLf Dim MostCommonWords As Variant MostCommonWords = SortDictionaryByValue(TotalWords) For i = LBound(MostCommonWords) To UBound(MostCommonWords) If i > 9 Then Exit For ' Show top 10 most common words Msg = Msg & MostCommonWords(i)(0) & ": " & MostCommonWords(i)(1) & vbCrLf Next i ' Show the result message MsgBox Msg End Sub ' Function to sort dictionary by value and return as array Function SortDictionaryByValue(dict As Object) As Variant Dim key As Variant Dim tempArr() As Variant Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim tempVal As Variant ' Convert dictionary to an array of key-value pairs ReDim tempArr(0 To dict.Count - 1, 0 To 1) i = 0 For Each key In dict.Keys tempArr(i, 0) = key tempArr(i, 1) = dict(key) i = i + 1 Next key ' Sort the array by value (descending) For i = LBound(tempArr, 1) To UBound(tempArr, 1) - 1 For j = i + 1 To UBound(tempArr, 1) If tempArr(i, 1) < tempArr(j, 1) Then tempVal = tempArr(i, 0) tempArr(i, 0) = tempArr(j, 0) tempArr(j, 0) = tempVal tempVal = tempArr(i, 1) tempArr(i, 1) = tempArr(j, 1) tempArr(j, 1) = tempVal End If Next j Next i SortDictionaryByValue = tempArr End Function
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