import math def Check(a,b,c): if a+b>c and a+c>b and b+c>a: if a*a==b*b+c*c or b*b==a*a+c*c or c*c==a*a+b*b: return True return False list = [] if __name__ == '__main__': while(True): x = float(input()) y = float(input()) z = float(input()) if (Check(x,y,z) and x<=50 and y<=50 and z<=50 and max(x,y,z)<=50): list.append([x,y,z]) print("Nhap 0 stop/ 1 de tiep tuc") a = int(input()) if a == 0: break list = tuple(list) for i in range(0,len(list)): print(list[i])