a year ago
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void SECCAuthorizationSetup::process_message(void* message) { char buffer[1024]; int clientfd = getClientFd(); std::cout << "SECCAuthorizationSetup " << clientfd << std::endl; ResponseCode responseCode; std::vector<AuthEnum> AuthorizationServices; PnCAuthSetupResParams PnC_ASResAuthorizationMode; EIMAuthSetupResParams EIM_ASResAuthorizationMode; //received_req.Header.SessionID AuthorizationSetupRes auth_setup_res("SessionID",20 ,responseCode.OK,AuthorizationServices,true,PnC_ASResAuthorizationMode,EIM_ASResAuthorizationMode); nlohmann::json k ; k["SessionID"] = auth_setup_res.Header.SessionID; k["Timestamp"] = auth_setup_res.Header.Timestamp; k["ResponseCode"] = responseCode.OK; k["PnCAuthSetupResParams"] = true; k["EIMAuthSetupResParams"] = true; std::string serialized_data = k.dump(); EVCCAuthorizationSetup evccAuthorizationSetup(nullptr,3,clientfd); std::cout << "while1" << std::endl; evccAuthorizationSetup.process_message(nullptr); std::thread sendThread([&]{ while(true) { int bytes_sent = send_data_server(clientfd, serialized_data.c_str()); if(bytes_sent == -1) { std::cerr << "Send error: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; }else{ std::cout << "Sent bytes: " << bytes_sent << " to clientfd: " << clientfd << std::endl; } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); //// 可以根據需要調整發送頻率 } } ); if(sendThread.joinable()) { std::cout << "Thread created successfully" << std::endl; }else{ std::cerr << "Failed to create thread!" << std::endl; } sendThread.detach(); std::cout << "while2" << std::endl; // while(true) // { // int received_bytes = receive_data_server(clientfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // int sock_fd; // std::cout << "11111111112" << endl; // if(received_bytes > 0) // { // buffer[received_bytes] = '\0'; // nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(buffer); // AuthorizationSetupReq received_req(j["SessionID"].get<std::string>(), j["Timestamp"].get<int>()); // received_req.Header.SessionID = j["SessionID"]; // received_req.Header.Timestamp = j["Timestamp"]; // sock_fd = j["Sockfd"]; // std::cout << "Received from client: " << received_req.Header.SessionID << std::endl; // std::cout << "Received from client: " << received_req.Header.Timestamp << std::endl; // std::cout << "Received from client: sock_fd " << sock_fd << std::endl; // //-------- // break; // }else{ // std::cerr << "Error receiving data" << std::endl; // break; // } // std::cout << "while0" << std::endl; // } };