a year ago
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using UnityEngine; using HutongGames.PlayMaker; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TcgEngine; namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions { [ActionCategory(ActionCategory.ScriptControl)] [Tooltip("Set custom coins value in UserData and save.")] public class SetCustomCoinsValue : FsmStateAction { [RequiredField] [Tooltip("The value of coins to set.")] public FsmInt coinsAmount; private bool userDataLoaded = false; public override async void OnEnter() { // Load UserData asynchronously if not already loaded if (!userDataLoaded) { await LoadUserDataAsync(); } if (Authenticator.Get().UserData != null) { // Get the UserData from the Authenticator UserData userData = Authenticator.Get().UserData; // Set the custom coins amount in UserData userData.coins = coinsAmount.Value; // Save the updated UserData asynchronously bool saveResult = await Authenticator.Get().SaveUserData(); // You can handle the result here if needed if (saveResult) { Debug.Log("UserData saved successfully."); } else { Debug.LogWarning("UserData failed to save."); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("UserData not available. Make sure you are logged in."); } // Exit the action Finish(); } private async Task LoadUserDataAsync() { // Load UserData asynchronously await Authenticator.Get().LoadUserData(); // Mark UserData as loaded userDataLoaded = true; } } }