a month ago
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document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); const redirectUri = urlParams.get('redirect_uri'); const cleanRedirectUri = (typeof DOMPurify === 'function') ? DOMPurify.sanitize(redirectUri) : null; const backBtn = document.getElementById('back-btn'); const trigger = document.getElementById('tech-details-trigger'); const clientId = getClientId(); const oktaLanguage = getCookie('okta_user_lang'); let language = 'en'; let setConfig; // Set the config to use. if (loginConfig?.merchants?.indexOf(clientId) > -1) { // Merchant setConfig = 'merchantConfig'; } else if (clientId && loginConfig) { // Customer setConfig = 'customerConfig'; } // Set the language in use. If not set in Okta or the browser, use English. language = oktaLanguage ? oktaLanguage : navigator.languages[0].split('-')[0]; if (!loginConfig?.[setConfig]?.[language]) { language = 'en'; } // Set the help link on the login page. document.getElementById('help-link').setAttribute('href', loginConfig?.[setConfig]?.[language].helpLink); // Set the text and link for the Back button. if (cleanRedirectUri && backBtn) { backBtn.innerText = 'Go to Login Page'; backBtn.setAttribute('href', cleanRedirectUri); } // Toggle open and closed the Technical Details section on click. if (trigger) { trigger.addEventListener('click', e => { trigger.classList.toggle('open'); document.getElementById('tech-details-section').classList.toggle('open'); }, false); } });
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