a month ago
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<?php // [location_selector] — Initiate selected location details or location search interface in the website header add_shortcode('location_selector', 'fsm_location_selector'); function fsm_location_selector() { // Start output buffering ob_start(); // Generate a unique identifier for this instance $instance_id = uniqid('location-selector-'); // Check if cookies are set if (isset($_COOKIE['first_result_web_address']) && isset($_COOKIE['first_result_title']) && isset($_COOKIE['first_result_phone'])) { // Sanitize phone number for the href attribute $sanitized_phone = preg_replace('/[^+\d]/', '', $_COOKIE['first_result_phone']); ?> <div class="header-location-selector" data-instance="<?php echo esc_attr($instance_id); ?>"> <p class="company-info"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($_COOKIE['first_result_web_address']); ?>"> <?php echo esc_html($_COOKIE['first_result_title']); ?> </a> </p> <p class="owner-phone-number"> <a href="tel:<?php echo esc_attr($sanitized_phone); ?>"> <?php echo esc_html($_COOKIE['first_result_phone']); ?> </a> </p> <a href="#" class="toggle-location-selector">Choose Another Location</a> <div class="professional-location-search et_pb_module et_pb_text et_pb_text_0 et_pb_text_align_left et_pb_bg_layout_light"> <div class="et_pb_text_inner"> <div class="location-search-wrapper"> <div class="search-form-wrapper" style="display:none;"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[facetwp facet="nav_proximity_facet"]'); ?> <br /> <a class="fwp-proximity-submit">Search</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else { // If cookies are not set, display the search form ?> <div class="header-location-selector" data-instance="<?php echo esc_attr($instance_id); ?>"> <p>Find a Blue Moon Location Near You!</p> <a href="#" class="toggle-location-selector">Search Locations</a> <div class="professional-location-search et_pb_module et_pb_text et_pb_text_0 et_pb_text_align_left et_pb_bg_layout_light"> <div class="et_pb_text_inner"> <div class="location-search-wrapper"> <div class="search-form-wrapper" style="display:none;"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[facetwp facet="nav_proximity_facet"]'); ?> <br /> <a class="fwp-proximity-submit">Search</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> (function($) { // Function to initialize location selector functionality function initLocationSelector(instance) { const $container = $(`.header-location-selector[data-instance="${instance}"]`); const $toggle = $container.find('.toggle-location-selector'); const $searchForm = $container.find('.search-form-wrapper'); const $submitBtn = $container.find('.fwp-proximity-submit'); // Toggle search form visibility $toggle.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $searchForm.slideToggle(); }); // Handle search submission $submitBtn.on('click', function() { if (typeof FWP !== 'undefined') { FWP.refresh(); } }); // Disable auto-refresh for proximity facet $(document).on('facetwp-loaded', function() { if (typeof FWP !== 'undefined' && typeof FWP.facets['proximity'] !== 'undefined') { FWP.hooks.addFilter('facetwp/refresh/proximity', function() { return false; }); } }); } // Initialize this instance initLocationSelector('<?php echo $instance_id; ?>'); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } // Return the content return ob_get_clean(); }
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