8 months ago
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import {View, Text, KeyboardAvoidingView, TextInput, ActivityIndicator, TouchableOpacity, StyleSheet, Alert} from "react-native"; import React, {useState} from "react"; import {useNavigation} from "@react-navigation/native"; import auth, {firebase} from "@react-native-firebase/auth"; import {FIREBASE_APP} from "../FirebaseConfig"; import * as SecureStore from "expo-secure-store"; import * as LocalAuthentication from "expo-local-authentication"; import {initiatePhoneNumberVerification, linkPhoneNumberToAccount} from "../helperFunctions/AuthenticationFunctions"; import {collection, doc, getFirestore, setDoc} from "firebase/firestore"; import {NativeStackNavigationProp} from "@react-navigation/native-stack"; import {EditorParams} from "../App"; import {getValueFor, save} from "../helperFunctions/StorageFunctions"; import {PhoneAuthProvider} from "firebase/auth"; interface PageThreeProps { route: any; } export default function PhoneNumberVerification({route}: PageThreeProps): JSX.Element { const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [verificationCode, setVerificationCode] = useState(""); const [confirmation, setConfirmation] = useState(""); const {email, phone, password} = route.params; const user = auth().currentUser; const db = getFirestore(FIREBASE_APP); const navigation = useNavigation<NativeStackNavigationProp<EditorParams>>(); const handleAlert = async (decision: String) => { if (decision == "YES") { const result = await LocalAuthentication.authenticateAsync({ promptMessage: "Authenticate with Face ID", disableDeviceFallback: false, }); if (result.success) { const opt_into_face_auth = {answer: "YES"}; save("opt_into_face_auth", opt_into_face_auth); save("UserKey", {user: email, password: password}); const isFirstTimeOpened = await SecureStore.getItemAsync("firstTimeOpened"); if (isFirstTimeOpened) { await SecureStore.setItemAsync("firstTimeOpened", "false"); } } } else { // Saving as no before show OS system prompt will allow them to enable this in the future easily. const opt_into_face_auth = {answer: "NO"}; save("opt_into_face_auth", opt_into_face_auth); } }; const allowFaceID = async () => { try { let returnValue = await getValueFor("opt_into_face_auth"); if (returnValue == null) { Alert.alert('Do you want to allow "pudo" to use Face ID?', "Use Face ID to authenticate on pudo", [ {text: "NO", onPress: () => handleAlert("NO")}, {text: "YES", onPress: () => handleAlert("YES")}, ]); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error during authentication:", error); } }; const handleCodeConfirmation = async () => { setLoading(true); try { await linkPhoneNumberToAccount(user, confirmation, verificationCode); // Storing users credentials in firestore under given UID const userDocRef = doc(collection(db, "users"), user?.uid); const userCredentials = {email, phone}; await setDoc(userDocRef, userCredentials); await allowFaceID(); navigation.navigate("Dashboard"); } catch (error) { setLoading(false); console.log(`Error confirming verification code: ${error}`); } finally { setLoading(false); } }; const sendVerificaitonCode = async () => { setLoading(true); try { // Handle the verify phone button press const phoneAuth = await firebase.auth().verifyPhoneNumber(phone); const verificationId = phoneAuth.verificationId; alert("Verification code sent"); setConfirmation(verificationId); } catch (error) { console.log(error); Alert.alert("Error Sending Verification Code"); } finally { setLoading(false); } }; return ( <View style={styles.container}> <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding"> <TextInput value={verificationCode} style={styles.input} placeholder="Verification code" autoCapitalize="none" onChangeText={(text) => setVerificationCode(text)} /> {loading ? ( <ActivityIndicator size="large" color="#0000f" /> ) : ( <View style={styles.ButtonContainer}> <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleCodeConfirmation} style={styles.signUpButton} disabled={loading}> <Text>Next</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <TouchableOpacity onPress={sendVerificaitonCode} style={styles.signUpButton} disabled={loading}> <Text>Send Verification</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> )} </KeyboardAvoidingView> </View> ); }
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