5 months ago
4.2 kB
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void display(); int main() { char a[10], ad[10], label[10], opcode[10], operand[10], symbol[10]; int start, diff, i, address, add, len, actual_len, finaddr, prevaddr, j = 0; char mnemonic[15][15] = {"LDA", "STA", "LDCH", "STCH"}; char code[15][15] = {"33", "44", "53", "57"}; FILE *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4; fp1 = fopen("output.txt", "w"); fp2 = fopen("symtab.txt", "r"); fp3 = fopen("intermediate.txt", "r"); fp4 = fopen("objcode.txt", "w"); fscanf(fp3, "%s\t%s\t%s", label, opcode, operand); while (strcmp(opcode, "END") != 0) { prevaddr = address; fscanf(fp3, "%d%s%s%s", &address, label, opcode, operand); } finaddr = address; fclose(fp3); fp3 = fopen("intermediate.txt", "r"); fscanf(fp3, "\t%s\t%s\t%s", label, opcode, operand); if (strcmp(opcode, "START") == 0) { fprintf(fp1, "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", label, opcode, operand); fprintf(fp4, "H^%s^00%s^00%d\n", label, operand, finaddr); fscanf(fp3, "%d%s%s%s", &address, label, opcode, operand); start = address; diff = prevaddr - start; fprintf(fp4, "T^00%d^%d", address, diff); } while (strcmp(opcode, "END") != 0) { if (strcmp(opcode, "BYTE") == 0) { fprintf(fp1, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", address, label, opcode, operand); len = strlen(operand); actual_len = len - 3; fprintf(fp4, "^"); for (i = 2; i < (actual_len + 2); i++) { sprintf(ad, "%X", operand[i]); // Changed to sprintf fprintf(fp1, "%s", ad); fprintf(fp4, "%s", ad); } fprintf(fp1, "\n"); } else if (strcmp(opcode, "WORD") == 0) { len = strlen(operand); sprintf(a, "%05d", atoi(operand)); // Changed to sprintf fprintf(fp1, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", address, label, opcode, operand, a); fprintf(fp4, "^%s", a); } else if ((strcmp(opcode, "RESB") == 0) || (strcmp(opcode, "RESW") == 0)) { fprintf(fp1, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", address, label, opcode, operand); } else { while (strcmp(opcode, mnemonic[j]) != 0) j++; if (strcmp(operand, "COPY") == 0) fprintf(fp1, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s0000\n", address, label, opcode, operand, code[j]); else { rewind(fp2); fscanf(fp2, "%s%d", symbol, &add); while (strcmp(operand, symbol) != 0) fscanf(fp2, "%s%d", symbol, &add); fprintf(fp1, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s%d\n", address, label, opcode, operand, code[j], add); fprintf(fp4, "^%s%d", code[j], add); } } fscanf(fp3, "%d%s%s%s", &address, label, opcode, operand); } fprintf(fp1, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", address, label, opcode, operand); fprintf(fp4, "\nE^00%d", start); fclose(fp4); fclose(fp3); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp1); display(); return 0; } void display() { char ch; FILE *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4; printf("\nIntermediate file is converted into object code"); printf("\n\nThe contents of Intermediate file:\n\n"); fp3 = fopen("intermediate.txt", "r"); ch = fgetc(fp3); while (ch != EOF) { printf("%c", ch); ch = fgetc(fp3); } fclose(fp3); printf("\n\nThe contents of Symbol Table:\n\n"); fp2 = fopen("symtab.txt", "r"); ch = fgetc(fp2); while (ch != EOF) { printf("%c", ch); ch = fgetc(fp2); } fclose(fp2); printf("\n\nThe contents of Output file:\n\n"); fp1 = fopen("output.txt", "r"); ch = fgetc(fp1); while (ch != EOF) { printf("%c", ch); ch = fgetc(fp1); } fclose(fp1); printf("\n\nThe contents of Object code file:\n\n"); fp4 = fopen("objcode.txt", "r"); ch = fgetc(fp4); while (ch != EOF) { printf("%c", ch); ch = fgetc(fp4); } fclose(fp4); }
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