add_action('marketking_dashboard_head', function(){ $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $is_uk = false; $has_vat = false; // get whether current vendor is UK or not $vendor_country = get_user_meta($user_id, 'billing_country', true); if ($vendor_country == 'GB'){ $is_uk = true; } // get whether vendor has VAT number $vat_number = get_user_meta($user_id, 'marketking_field_5300', true); if (!empty($vat_number)){ $has_vat = true; } // UK VAT: force taxable + VAT rates if ($is_uk && $has_vat){ // default taxable ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ jQuery('#_tax_status').val('taxable').trigger('change'); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#_tax_status').val('taxable').trigger('change'); }, 350); } </script> <?php } // UK No VAT: force taxable + non-VAT rates if ($is_uk && $has_vat){ // default taxable ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ jQuery('#_tax_status').val('taxable').trigger('change'); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#_tax_status').val('taxable').trigger('change'); }, 350); } </script> <?php } ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var originalSaveButton = $('#marketking_save_product_button'); var taxStatusField = $('select[name="_tax_status"]'); var taxClassField = $('select[name="_tax_class"]'); // Clone the original button without copying event listeners and insert it after the original var clonedSaveButton = originalSaveButton.clone(false).removeAttr('id'); originalSaveButton.after(clonedSaveButton); // Hide the original button originalSaveButton.hide(); // Add click event to the cloned button clonedSaveButton.on('click', function(event){ var taxStatusValue = taxStatusField.val(); var taxClassValue = taxClassField.val(); console.log('Tax Status Value:', taxStatusValue); console.log('Tax Class Value:', taxClassValue); if(taxStatusValue !== 'taxable') { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action alert('Tax status must be set to "Taxable" before saving. Ensure you Tax Class is selected correctly (UK VAT Registered / non UK VAT Registered)'); } else if (taxClassValue.toLowerCase() === 'standard') { event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default action alert('Tax class cannot be "Standard" when tax status is "Taxable".'); } else { // Trigger click on the original button originalSaveButton.trigger('click'); } }); }); </script> <?php });
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