import random; matriz =[[" "," "," "," "," "],[" "," "," "," "," "],[" "," "," "," "," "],[" "," "," "," "," "],[" "," "," "," "," "]] def print_matriz(): print("------------------"); aux = str(""); i = 0; while(i < len(matriz)): j = 0; while(j < len(matriz)): aux = aux + str(matriz[i][j]) + "\t"; j = j + 1; i = i + 1; print(aux); aux = ""; print("------------------"); def numbers(): print("you have to choose the minimun and maximum for filling up a square"); aux2 = False; while(aux2 == False): aux = False; aux1 = False; while(aux == False): min = input("which number do you want to be the minimum? "); try: int(min); min = int(min); aux = True; except: print("a number please"); while(aux1 == False): max = input("which number do you want to be the maximum? "); try: int(max); max = int(max); aux1 = True; except: print("a number please"); if(max - min < 0): print("maximum must be bigger than minimum"); aux2 = False; else: aux2 = True; place_numbers(min,max); biggest_recursive(auxialiary,0,1,0); print("the column/s with biggest addition is/are: ") print_result(0); def place_numbers(min,max): i = 0; while(i < len(matriz)): j = 0; while(j < len(matriz)): matriz[i][j] = random.randint(min,max); j = j + 1; print_matriz(); addition(count) i = i + 1; auxialiary = [0,0,0,0,0]; count = 0; def addition(i,j=0): addition_recursive(i,j); biggest_recursive(auxialiary,0,1,0); if(i < 4): print("until now the biggest column/s is/are:"); print_result(0); def addition_recursive(i,j): global auxialiary; global count; if(j == len(matriz)): count = count + 1; return; try: if(j == 0): auxialiary[0] = auxialiary[0] + matriz[i][j]; elif(j == 1): auxialiary[1] = auxialiary[1] + matriz[i][j]; elif(j == 2): auxialiary[2] = auxialiary[2] + matriz[i][j]; elif(j == 3): auxialiary[3] = auxialiary[3] + matriz[i][j]; elif(j == 4): auxialiary[4] = auxialiary[4] + matriz[i][j]; addition_recursive(i, j + 1); except: return; auxialiary1 = ["","","","",""]; def biggest_recursive(array, position, comparable, counter): global auxialiary1; if(position + comparable == len(array)): return; if(array[position] < array[position + comparable]): auxialiary1 = ["","","","",""]; auxialiary1[0] = str(position + comparable); biggest_recursive(array, position + comparable, 1, 1); elif(array[position] > array[position + comparable]): if(counter == 0): auxialiary1 = ["","","","",""]; auxialiary1[0] = str(position); biggest_recursive(array, position, comparable + 1, 1); else: if(counter == 0): auxialiary1[0] = str(position); counter = counter + 1 auxialiary1[counter] = str(position + comparable); biggest_recursive(array, position, comparable + 1, counter + 1); def print_result(position): if(position == len(auxialiary1)): return; try: int(auxialiary1[position]); print(int(auxialiary1[position]) + 1); print_result(position + 1); except: return; numbers();
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