import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
class ShapePrinter extends Frame {
private String shape;
private int size;
private Color color;
private int xPosition;
private int yPosition;
public ShapePrinter(String shape, int size, Color color) {
this.shape = shape;
this.size = size;
this.color = color;
this.xPosition = 100; // Initial X position
this.yPosition = 100; // Initial Y position
setTitle("Shape Printer");
setSize(400, 400);
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
int mouseX = e.getX();
int mouseY = e.getY();
if (isInsideShape(mouseX, mouseY)) {
// Change the shape's position and color
private boolean isInsideShape(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
// Check if the mouse click is inside the shape
if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("circle")) {
int centerX = xPosition + size * 5;
int centerY = yPosition + size * 5;
int distance = (int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(centerX - mouseX, 2) + Math.pow(centerY - mouseY, 2));
return distance <= size * 5;
} else if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("square")) {
return mouseX >= xPosition && mouseX <= xPosition + size * 10 &&
mouseY >= yPosition && mouseY <= yPosition + size * 10;
} else if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("triangle")) {
// Implement triangle click detection if needed
return false;
private void shiftShape() {
// Shift the shape to a new position
xPosition += 20; // You can adjust the shift amount as needed
yPosition += 20; // You can adjust the shift amount as needed
private void changeColor() {
// Change the shape's color
if (color == Color.RED) {
color = Color.BLUE;
} else {
color = Color.RED;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("circle")) {
g.fillOval(xPosition, yPosition, size * 10, size * 10);
} else if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("square")) {
g.fillRect(xPosition, yPosition, size * 10, size * 10);
} else if (shape.equalsIgnoreCase("triangle")) {
// Implement triangle drawing if needed
} else {
g.drawString("Unknown shape", 150, 200);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String shape = "square"; //("circle", "square", "triangle")
int size = 5;
Color color = Color.RED;
ShapePrinter shapePrinter = new ShapePrinter(shape, size, color);