3 years ago
933 B
// ECHODE AUTO MINING // // Remeber to set organizer hotbags to packhorses // // Organizer target should be any pile of iron ore in backpack // if weight >= 590 // When packhorse is encumbered, change this to next organizer hotbag (your next packhorse) // organizer 1 overhead 'Ore Organized!' 2598 else endif dclicktype 'pickaxe' wait 150 if insysmsg "shadow iron" overhead "[Shadow]" 2406 endif if insysmsg "dull copper" overhead "[Dull Copper]" 2419 endif if insysmsg "Copper" overhead "[Copper]" 2413 endif if insysmsg "Bronze" overhead "[Bronze]" 2418 endif if insysmsg "golden" overhead "[Gold]" 2213 endif if insysmsg "agapite" overhead "[Agapite]" 2425 endif if insysmsg "verite" overhead "[Verite]" 2207 endif if insysmsg "valorite" overhead "[Valorite]" endif loop // Thanks for using =) Updates coming soon //
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